Can you please sell replacement Meh tumbler lids?
2Seriously, just like a cheap $3 pack of ten replacement lids would be amazing. Those things wear out so badly. The tumblers themselves last a ton longer. They just stop looking as good. But their lids go fast. It would be good if we could just slap on a new lid and have it back to proper function, then recycle the old one.
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Seriously, that’s prob not in the biz model, tho I dunno for sure. Try Amazon/EBay/Alibaba/Walmart.
All the Meh tumblers use the same lids.
You mean the Meh-branded ones? Meh has sold lots of diff tumblers and the like.
@f00l I’m referring to the type from the April 1 DIY fuko.
Lids for products like these aren’t typically made available for separate purchase on even the imprinter wholesale level, never mind a step down from there where Meh is buying them from.
Here’s the thing you seek:
@djslack $4.19 for ONE?! Might as well just get a whole new tumbler! So much for being green, assholes!
@Dizavid You’re welcome. Maybe you could try some of that sweet talk on their customer service team; they might give you a deal.
@djslack Was saying they’re assholes, not you.
@Dizavid My apologies, it was late. They probably aren’t wild about their product being sold at Meh’s prices.
@djslack Yeah, but what could they do without a MAP Policy?
I would, but I’m busy and the market is too small.
@Dizavid You said “please”. Geez, there might be hope for you yet. In the meantime, “Where’s my heart meds?”.