Can puppy pics make you better at your job?


Oh, look, a good excuse to post photos of Tempest and Zephyr!

" A study by Hiroshi Nittono at Hiroshima University found that students were able to focus better on their tasks when they took break to look at cute baby animals. This was noticeably more effective than if they took a break to look at, for instance, a picture of a hot dog.

As Professor Nittono elaborated, looking at cute animals helps with “behavioral carefulness,” or focusing on one thing at a time. So getting lost in a puppy’s eyes can help you turn around and double check that spreadsheet like a boss.

Dr. Simon Moore, a psychologist, notes that cute, silly animal pictures can reduce stress and make us happier. “Don’t underestimate the potential positive power of photos,” he writes. “Even small, silly activities can bring big psychological benefits.”" Barkpost

So purely in the selfless interests of improving your work performance, one cute puppy picture:
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