@lichme there is a missing day in your list. July 4th is gone. I discovered it when I tried to find the Schick Hydro 5 razors and your search didn’t come up with anything.
@sohmageek That’s because it wasn’t listed in the hidden json feed that exists for appsclusive deals. I noticed it too. Honestly, I’m surprised that any of them from the app worked. They have to be handled differently on wootstalker and be purchased directly via the wantone.woot.com page. You may have noticed that the app ones jumped directly to the buy it now page (or Vestibule) instead of the add to cart button. I could do this for all of them to save users some time, however the downfall is that you can only buy the item directly doing it this way, and anything else that may be in your cart doesn’t get purchased, which may affect shipping costs, so I avoid doing it just in case.
@lichme your site doesn’t work. I clicked on the fuku but it didn’t give me anything. So you need to mail me a box full of random stuff to make up for it. I’ll be sitting next the mailbox
@cengland0 Fixed, thanks for letting me know.
@lichme Thank you. Confirmed working now.
@lichme That’s fast support for a “free” site! Kudos.
by the way, thanks again, @lichme. (didn’t get a fuko, had to console myself with a BOC.)
@walarney No problem, good luck on your future fuko endeavors.
@lichme hey the last app boc never showed up in your stalker site… just wanted to give a heads up
@sohmageek That’s because it wasn’t listed in the hidden json feed that exists for appsclusive deals. I noticed it too. Honestly, I’m surprised that any of them from the app worked. They have to be handled differently on wootstalker and be purchased directly via the wantone.woot.com page. You may have noticed that the app ones jumped directly to the buy it now page (or Vestibule) instead of the add to cart button. I could do this for all of them to save users some time, however the downfall is that you can only buy the item directly doing it this way, and anything else that may be in your cart doesn’t get purchased, which may affect shipping costs, so I avoid doing it just in case.
TLDR: I know.
@lichme thanks! Your site is a great help!
(also their site wasn’t making me happy not just crap other issues… I guess drinking didn’t help either) 
@lichme your site doesn’t work. I clicked on the fuku but it didn’t give me anything. So you need to mail me a box full of random stuff to make up for it. I’ll be sitting next the mailbox
/giphy totally serious

@capguncowboy You were blacklisted - working as intended