CAH Holiday Bullshit Puzzle
6So apparently there will be a puzzle this year. With some sort of fabulous prize for whomever solves it first.
Thought we could start a thread here and give it a go.
Currently, the only thing up is:
We've hidden a really hard puzzle in this year's Holiday Bullshit. There's an enormous prize for the person or group who helps solve it. If you'd like to help, check out our mysterious puzzle site.
- 26 comments, 74 replies
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May or may not be helpful but here is the summary of the info from the survey this year
@Bingo "People who value patriotism long to share the warm embrace of a goat" - yesterday says it all. My extra fuku box, my new status...good Lord, it's almost scary....
@lisaviolet I'm a compassion-valuing dolphin-fucker. Er, um, potential, theoretical dolphin fucker. Congrats, btw, on your new status. :-)
@lisaviolet 3 cheers for the red, white and ewe
@joelmw Backatcha...
Also, I did view the source code for the puzzle page as it stands now and didn't find anything hidden in the code
Did y'all receive anything yet? I'm not aware that I have. We did just get back in town and we do ignore a lot of mail, so, yaknow, I might have missed it.
@joelmw i didn't get anything yet
@joelmw I read that as yak now. So. Here's a yak. NOW.
@joelmw @Mavyn also have not received anything yak, i mean yet
@unoriginal26 @Mavyn FWIW, those yaks look way cuter than goats. And wise somehow. Goats are just horny. Or so I've heard. Plus, I like that "yak" is a synonym for "hurl." I think we should start a whole "Yak Now" thing. As long as it doesn't require actual effort.
@joelmw @unoriginal26 @Mavyn Oh, and I blame @lisaviolet.
@joelmw Fancy yak.
@joelmw @Mavyn
@Mavyn @joelmw
@unoriginal26 @joelmw Yak NOW riding.
@Mavyn @joelmw
@unoriginal26 @joelmw
@lisaviolet Am I right @joelmw @Mavyn
@unoriginal26 @Mavyn I think we should make this a thing. This is a crappy meme, but, hey, it was already out there.
@unoriginal26 @unoriginal26 @Mavyn
@unoriginal26 @unoriginal26 @Mavyn
@joelmw @unoriginal26 @unoriginal26 @Mavyn Alright, damnit, I have work to do--I mean, besides catching up on meh. You kids have a beautiful afternoon/evening.
@joelmw @Mavyn always fun! Oh yeah, @Bingo we are sorry for thread yakin! I'm sure we'll yak tomorrow!
I have not received anything yet. To be honest, I forgot I picked this up for the wife as a Christmas present.
Speaking of bullshit, did anyone buy the literal poop they sold on black friday? I did not.
@Twiminy Ha. I didn't even know they offered it.
@Twiminy I was tempted, but I couldn't do
@Twiminy I did just on the off chance there was some secret card or something with it. It hasn't arrived yet. Worst case scenario, I have an awesome prank gift for a friend.
@Saffer49 It's very likely poop. Enjoy your poop!
@Twiminy I'm sure it is poop, but I bought it thinking they might have hid a card in the lining of the box or something like they did with the Bigger Blacker Box.
@Twiminy make sure that you inspect it closely as it may contain clues to the puzzle... :)
While working together is a great idea, the CAH peeps actually watch and participate in the subreddit, which is where they decided the winners last year. Keeping an eye out and working on it over there would be prudent.
@Thumperchick interesting. Any idea what they won last year?
@Trailmix Money and booze and books and such. Here's the solution to last year's puzzle
@Twiminy Holy crap. That's intense.
@Twiminy Months to solve! Yikes
I picked this up for my wife. i did not get in on the "literal poop" they sold, but a friend did.
@curtise Is that all you got in day one, also AWESOME letter graphics.
@rileyper I got the letter and two custom CAH cards that are too personal to post! Very exciting!
@curtise Baby Arms?
@nadroj No - I wish! I love the Baby Arms! I don't want to go into any further detail because I know there are other participants who haven't received their packages and I want them to be as surprised as I was!
@curtise aren't you still in Canada right now? If so, how did you get yours before I got mine? I live in NY. Damn RDH's, you get EVERYTHING faster!
@Thumperchick I was as shocked as you!
@curtise We got ours. I've admonished the wife not to throw anything away. I like that we got a black question card (multiples of fun) and not just the whitey.
I love purple.
I haven't received mine yet... hopefully tomorrow!
Got my first letter today. Saving them all up for my son for a Christmas stocking surprise so I didn't open it.
@sassymango Um, hello, it's a ten days or whatever of KWANZAA stocking surprise!
@curtise I can't wait for him to get them & I so hope they send coal again!
@sassymango I hope your son is old. Day 2 is inappropriate stickers.
@djugurba yes, he's 24. I appreciate the heads up though, I'll make sure he opens them after my 89 yr old dad leaves! haha
I just received day 2 today...still no day 1 so I am going to keep this aside until I get #1.
Still waiting on anything... hopefully something comes soon. Maybe this will be a year of some truly mediocre people coming together and triumphing over the CAH puzzle. Or maybe aforementioned mediocre people will belch loudly and watch in fascination as other, much more motivated people scurry to and fro trying to solve the puzzle.
I'm down for either.
Yay, mine arrived!
Day 2 arrived today...anyone want spoilers?
@Mavyn No! I haven't even gotten day 1 :(
@Thumperchick Duly noted.!
@Mavyn I'm still waiting for my first one too, but I would like to collaborate on the puzzle. Would be nice if we could discuss it in a private room away from the prying eyes of the non-meh internet population.
@hallmike Are...are you hitting on me? Private rooms, prying...It sounds so cheap motel-like. ;)
@hallmike Innuence aside, I'm content to wait. There wasn't anything related to the puzzle, or at least, nothing obvious, so no reason to burst balloons.
@Mavyn I got my Day 2 as well. Without spoiling anything, I don't know about you but I can safely say I will never use most of the "gift" but they were pretty funny nonetheless.
@Mavyn I will admit that I have had a crush on several of your posts. ;)
@PanicSwitch I'll take some pics for instagram, but...yeah, don't think they'll be used most places. Used to embarrass the heck out of the eldest child, perhaps. @hallmike'll make me blush!
@Mavyn @hallmike
@JonT Or else someone loses an ear?
@PanicSwitch Yeah it's just like one of last year's gifts, I'll probably never ever play "Clusterfuck" with anybody
@Mavyn Days 1 - 3 showed up today. :)
Got my day 1 today. I think it's awesome! I wonder if people are getting different things? Mine will definitely get used.
Hmm I feel some first clues coming on... My first card came from a different city / permit number than the one posted above... I'm also very intrigued by this G2-L133-10 sequence above my mailing address. Is anyone else's sequence the same? different?
@heli0s only have day one so far, but my sequence is G2-L136-350
@heli0s The sequence is on your cards too, right? I assume it's some sort of customer code to make sure no one is sent anyone else's info.
@heli0s Did everyone notice the pile of baby arms on the table? It must be special for us. I expect to see envelopes featuring Georgia Red and purple really soon.
@mossygreen Yep same sequence on both cards. I also noticed this when looking over a lamp. When opened up its a bit more clear. Is this just some printing marker for the envelopes or something more?
@heli0s Interesting....
@hamjudo I love purple.
@Barney And we love you. Note: If you make any more of that show, try to include stuff for parents and grandparents, like Sesame Street does. I had no trouble watching Sesame Street with my kids. Your show, not so much.
My envelope #s are: day 1 is 343, 2 is 262, 3 is 1122211, 4 is 1212211
Also keep in mind the color of each number inside the envelope...just a thought.
@studerc Yes, I haven't dismantled my envelopes yet.
@Thumperchick Mine are the same numbers. This has got to be something important... When you enter anything in the first box on it spits back an image that also has a corresponding number. Day 1 (343) shows the Kill Bill Vol. 1 cover with an image number 295. Day 2 (262) shows a pic of Donald Glover with an image number 363. Day 3 (1122211) gives me a pic of a famous "Boat Dock Windermere Lake, England" sunset photo with an image number 126. Day 4 (1212211) gives me a photo of Bradley Cooper with an image number 128.
My daughter got the first 2 packages and was thrilled. My wife tells me that if I brought them to my in-laws for Christmas, my sister in law would throw me out of the house. If only it were really that easy to get away from the fundamentalists.
Hey all, here's the link for r/holidaybullshit, the sub reddit for the CAH puzzle. Looks like they've got a jump on some stuff.
@Thumperchick woah, i think this puzzle might be out of my league
And definitely check out the rules and stuff at! They have added more elements of the puzzle, as well as picture clues for when you enter in puzzle answers.
My wife was kind enough to open the envelopes from days 1-3 and toss them, while mixing up the cards/stickers for me. That, and I don't seem to receive these until a few days after everyone else. I guess I won't be of much help for the first three days.
@capguncowboy If you've already receiving day 3, you're getting them faster than I am. I just got days 1 and 2.
got day 3 shipment today...and i've misplaced day 2...
I have day 4. Or 2day 2's...I need to get them all in one room.
Following along the reddit threads (which is kinda hard for a non-reddit user) I found this post about day 1:
Type in "DON'T PANIC" and if you open the image in a new window it is "343.jpg" which matches the day 1 numbers in the envelope.
@TaRDy forget that...this is way above my paygrade.
Puzzle was SOLVED!
Wow that was fast
Jesus God that makes my brain hurt just reading it
@Bingo Seriously. I made to about page 22 then realized it basically made no sense to continue.
@Bingo I wish I was an unemployed college student without any friends so I could have spent all day every day during December trying to solve it. But I'm only 2 of those things :)