sohmageek went on a bit of a rant said

Well today marks the end of a 9 month run. 9 months seems to be a theme for me... 3 jobs ago I was working at carters/Oshkosh which I worked there for 9 months (funny also that I worked there for only 9 months... For those that don't get the irony yet. It's a baby store.)
I then transitioned to my most lucrative job yet. However my personal life, and health suffered. I worked at AT&T. Selling cell phones was fun well the technology. The looming if you don't make your sales goals 3 months in a row being auto-shitcanned not so great. Also being one of the top preformers in the store, yet 0% of the store hitting the sales goal... Stressful. No it wasn't worth the money. 9 months again. Fiancé almost left me due to long hours, weight went up due to stress from personal matters and not having a freaking personal life. Also grabbing fast food. (I think I gained like 30-40 lbs in the 9 month period.)
Fast forward to today. 9 month packages from meh rolling in combo. Broken officially today. Yes it's my own damn fault. I fell asleep (not feeling well today.) but I don't know if I would have purchased more of those damn things anyway. They are awesome. But I've got a baby who has his first birthday. $28 isn't much but it's another toy or two. I know he's going to be spoiled by grandparents and great grandparents. But I want to spoil my first born for his first birthday too! :)

So I do have a package in transit to meh. I could always say something in transit to or from meh... But alas. The incoming package combo is broken. The mailroom guys at work thank you for the sellout.

Sohma didn't buy the item today and broke a 9 month streak of items being in transit or ordered since jan 1.