I got these in my bag of crap errrr fuko thingy. They seem nice but I hope they figured out a better way to package them. I cleaned them and put them back in to storage as I cant have nice things atm.
I just came from my sister's wedding, on my birthday, I'm hammered, and still not drunk enough to have an interest buying these! Come on meh step it up. These repeats getting old
@KDemo The Donald paid people to attend his rally. It is reasonable to assume that he pays astroturfers to flood message boards. You will note that @andy55912 has never posted here before, and will likely never post again.
Hey if I wanted to waste my time with politics, I would turn on fox news. I stayed up tonight to get cool stuff for a cheap price, not to hear about political propaganda!!!
@one_two3456 Red wine requires oxygen in order to reach the best flavor. Red wine glasses are wider to allow this to occur more easily. White wine glasses are more narrow because white wine does not require that infusion of oxygen (it doesn't hurt but it doesn't help as much as with the reds).
@one_two3456 "Red wine glasses and White wine glasses differ in shape and size, driven by the types of wine they are intended to hold. Typically Red wine glasses will be a bit taller and have a larger bowl than White wine glasses. In general Reds are bigger and bolder wines so they require a larger glass to allow all those aromas and flavors to emerge. "But do I need both types?" While you can certainly get by with one set of glasses, if you expect to drink a number of different varietals you may find that the glassware is holding back your experience, particularly if you opt to drink Red wine out of a smaller White wine glass. Does that mean you won't enjoy your wine? Most definitely not. While the various shapes and sizes can be overwhelming, a proper varietal-glass pairing can make a tremendous difference." - wineenthusiast
Nothing more dumb (even more dumb than Trump) than taking a e-commerce site and turning into political commentary when trying to sell stuff. You just alienated about 40% of your potential customers. But, of course, Meh. But, let's at least get the facts correct: I don't like Trump any more than anyone else. But, Trump didn't call Mexicans "rapists and drug runners." He said that some (key word some) "illegal boarder crossers" (not just any Mexican) do rape and run drugs. And they do...and they ARE illegal and they don't belong here...no more than you belong in Mexico illegally (see what they do to YOU if they find you there illegally...enjoy that prison cell in Mexico for a few years, eh.) Don't like it, then change the laws. But, don't get all high and mighty and act like you are better than Trump and that Trump did something unforgivable. He simply spoke to what millions of American already feel...he just said it his Trump way. Doesn't make him wrong, though. ...and don't act like you were just joking, because you weren't: You wrote 5 paragraphs about the guy. ...seems you are fixated on him.
@kbaum17 If you plan to decipher Trump's actual quote for us, at the very least get what he said right! TRUMP; "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."
@kbaum17 You are right on, Trump say's some kooky shit but , he say's ALOT of smart truthful stuff too. If you can't hear that, maybe your one of the intolerant ones. I can't say he should president, but I think sometimes he brings up some good points.
@stoopkid I hate The Apprentice....but Trump right about the fact that the illegal people coming to the USA are not the best any particular country has to offer. They don't belong here. Period. They are illegal here...stealing jobs. Period. No other way to say it. It is illegal. You should own up to that fact.
@kbaum17 They always fixate on everything. That's kinda the point. You don't seem to know exactly what Trump said, but whatever. I just want to point out that in Texas, where Meh and I reside, nearly half the population is hispanic, mostly of Mexican descent. Trumps statement was not only racist (and it was) but it was also an attack on our family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.
@kbaum17 You clearly don't share a border with Mexico. Our state, Texas, as well as others, relies on Mexican immigrants. We pay for them to come here because nobody else will take the jobs. You can say "period" all you want, that doesn't make a fact. They are usually not illegal, not stealing jobs, and they do belong here. The issue isn't that he thinks he is "tough on borders." The problem is that he made racist and untrue comments.
@Kerig3 Well I'd like to think that there aren't millions of knuckle draggers in the US, but unfortunately, far too often, we find out they do exist. Of course, Hate Media™ (Limbaugh/Fox News/etc) keeps churning out more and more, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
@haydesigner I hear you! Personally I think those numbers are actually larger than I would care to think about. And as you said, they are growing due to the hateful, fear-mongering propoganda disguised as 'news'. :'(
@varriform Well, you don't know what an illegal is then. Glad you promote people breaking the law. Nothing racist (nothing at all) about what Trump said. You don't even know what "Mexican" is. that is like saying people who don't like Americans are racists. Huh??!! yeah, that's right, Mexico has lots of different ethnicities.
@haydesigner Haha. Someone had to drop the "racist" term. Thank you. And, thank Meh.com...good job. Crazy people always gotta call someone racists the moment they something that is negative. A hispanic (or any ethnicity) kills someone (and they do, btw, sometimes..just like all ethnicities, yo!) If a person says "That hispanic person killed someone." The reaction: "OMG. He is a racist for saying that." Please. Racist??? Saying that people come to the USA illegally and that someone of them kill, rape, and bring drugs? What planet are you on, dude??!!! It happens all to often and you folks in Texas know better!
@kbaum17 Would you prefer prejudice or intolerance or bigoted (American usage of word)? I agree that would be more clear. But what he said is absolutely false. It does play in to peoples fears and provides fuel for racist (yes, racist) and bigoted prefudice opinions people hold. It was absolutely prejudice, meaning it was a prejudgment "forming an opinion before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case" (wikipedia). It was a perfect example of prejudice.
@kbaum17 Agreed. The irony is that as unqualified Trump may be to be President, he still is 1,000 fold more qualified than the current inept, dividing, clueless DOLT currently disgracing the office and screwing up this country. meh wants politics so there it is. Dumba$$ mistake on their part. Now watch your sales plummet you fools.
Loved your site before today, even if I do not like Donald, I am for free speech, and you have the right to ban him from your site because of it, but your customers then have same said right to ban you from their commerce as well. Very sad when politics comes to sites like this, and if you say it was not political, that is lame as he is a presidential candidate, not a very good one, but still he is one, and you made it about something he said once he declared, that is political, so that is as lame as his hair.
@Kerig3 Total troll. Complete and total troll. You don't even know what a "fact"s, dude. Give it a rest. I don't need Google to know what the guy said (it has been all over the news and internet for days, dude.) Get a life.
Stay out of politics. There are plenty of junk dealers on the internet and nobody needs you. You people are in Texas, so you should have a clue that illegal immigration is a serious problem.
@haydesigner Haydesigner, give it a rest. You are a troll. I guess I am being one too. But, YES, Meh.com is trying to make a political statement. They are saying they dont stand with the politics of Donald Trump. They are jumping on the bandwagon and can't see past the truth of what the man said. He said the truth (albeit in a non-polite manner); but, he spoke the truth. Not a single thing he said was factually wrong. He left out some facts, but what he said was technically correct. You don't want to agree with him, that is plain dumb because it means you don't want to know the truth. You want things to be a certain way. But, the world is not that way. So you hate anyone who reminds you of that FACT.
@haydesigner Agreed! I didn't feel the need to further "troll" once kbaum17 reveiled his true colors and worldview. It was actually quite sad how he outed himself by using whathe learned from Fox News, which is if you speak louder and interrupt all opposition then, in their small minds, they [i]must[/i] be on the right. Fornutaletly history will prove them wrong.
Write up is Brilliant! I feel so much safer now that that moronic megalomaniac won't be coming around. (And you brought out some unfamiliar names in the forum tonight, great job!)
While I'm amused at the people attempting to defend Trump because his remarks happen to reinforce their worldview, this was a fairly an uninspired writeup (a celebrity jerk says dumb stuff but this time there are consequences, ha-ha).
@trisk But you must admit that the audience changes when said celebrity jerk decides to run for the highest public office of the land. Personally I think Trump will drop out before he has to file his financials with the FEC within 30 days of his announcement. That will be the true test of whether he's serious of just pulling another celebrity jerk publicity stunt!
Got these last time. Pretty good. One did break from like a 2 foot fall to a counter, so they're not un-breakable. I'd buy again. Definitely recommend.
@haydesigner Social Media Enhancement Companies do automated searches to see if someone mentions their customer's name on sites with some way to comment. Then they create a raft of accounts and start astroturfing. They like us to think that there are lots of supporters for their paying customer. It kind of falls flat, because we can easily see that most of the pro-Donald messages were posted from accounts that never posted before.
@hamjudo… ah, thank you for that insight. I was genuinely kind of sad that there were so many, err, less than enlightened Meh members. I'll stop feeding the paid trolls now.
@hamjudo well there are 60,000+ visits to the site nearly everyday. I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't comment. I, do not practice that dicipline. lol
please keep making your shitty racist customers feel bad about their shitty opinions in your write-ups, meh. we probably need some whine glasses to collect the tears of "millions of Americans" in here.
@thismyusername Made by some of the good people Trump was referring to. Don't know why you are replyng to my post which was fact checking the Budweiser reference? Maybe you meant to reply to sjk3's post which would have made more sense (Though I don't know the validity of the "Dear Leader Trump sez if it ain't Murican, it's crap" which I highly doubt is a direct quote).
@jatow So say Obama is giving a 'political speech' and he shits his pants. In the middle of his speech, he says 'oh man, I just shit my pants.' Is pants-shitting now a political issue? When we all laugh about the shits in his pants, would it be 'agenda innuendo?' Entering politics makes you more of a public figure. If you say stupid shit, suddenly more people are going to hear it and comment on it. But there's another layer here — Meh is actually commenting on all of the companies who are bailing on Trump because of all the stupid shit he's now very publicly saying. Bit of a double-edged sword, having to open yourself fully up to such scrutiny. The joke here really was that meh does not and never would have any ties to Trump anyway. It's so silly and implausible, that preemptively shutting that shit down is pretty damned funny, IMO. Read it again?
@iggy71 if you have to add "TARD" to the end of a word to make your opponent seem inept, it tends to backfire. Especially when you follow every comment they make with, "HEY LOOK! I'm saying that thing... AGAIN!" If you're going to go all political sides on this, do it with some facts and a little less name calling.
@iggy71 Let's be clear. The term "libTARD" is a bastardized slang version of "liberal retard" which is a pathetic and vile insult. To call using a term like that "official slang" simply shows your prejudice, ignorance, and blind sheep status. The lack of facts, again, show that you are simply here to rile people up and use insults to make yourself feel better. Label me however you choose, I'm sure it's comforting to you.
I'm not a Donald Trump fan and I doubt that I would vote for him. However, unless you've had your head in the sand for the past several years, you'll find what he said to be factually correct, and it is pretty much evidenced by the number of "illegal aliens" (oh, so sorry, I meant "undocumented workers" (gotta be politically correct so as not to offend) are incarcerated (in prison), not to mention those who are awaiting deportation. I dare any U.S. citizen to try to sneak across the border into Mexico, or any other country for that matter, and see what happens when you're caught. "Illegal" by any other name is "illegal" (as in "criminal.") You don't have to be prejudiced to see truth clearly, so I suggest you open your eyes so that you can see the facts.
Official break-resistant testing:
Unofficial break-resistant testing:
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day Bormioli Rocco
Estimated Delivery: 7/14 - 7/16
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
6x Red Wine Glasses
6x White Wine Glasses
6x Cooler Glasses
Price Comparison
A toast!
18 Glasses
3 Styles
Retail box
“Fun shot” image from Gage Skidmore used under Creative Commons License
Price Check
$89.99 at Amazon (third party) for complete set
$33.88 at Amazon for cooler glasses
$37.98 at Amazon for white wine glasses
$39.60 at Amazon for red wine glasses
$28.75 at Amazon for 4 red wine glasses with 14 reviews
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Wednesday, May 11 - Monday, May 16
I got these in my bag of crap errrr fuko thingy. They seem nice but I hope they figured out a better way to package them. I cleaned them and put them back in to storage as I cant have nice things atm.
I just came from my sister's wedding, on my birthday, I'm hammered, and still not drunk enough to have an interest buying these! Come on meh step it up. These repeats getting old
@bruinscbr Agreed
Vote trump.
@liammc - LOL
@liammc FTS
@liammc He's already a pro in foreign relations, no?
@haydesigner As a plus he's also a job creator! http://www.rickey.org/donald-trump-caught-hired-actors-to-attend-campaign-rally-for-50-for-3-hours/282129/
OMG, I seriously thought this was a joke. Never believed anyone could support those comments. Scary.
@KDemo The Donald paid people to attend his rally. It is reasonable to assume that he pays astroturfers to flood message boards. You will note that @andy55912 has never posted here before, and will likely never post again.
@hamjudo - Let's hope.
Look, it needs to be said. No one needs to see any more of Fuckface Von Clownstick's face. And I am so serious. Disappointing. Nauseating even.
tempting. a great price at $2 a glass, but I've already got a set of reidels.
The hover-and-zoom function is nice, except when hovering over a picture of the Donald. No one needs to see that.
Bought the coolers last time no biggy there ok look to be worth a dollar or two each ..
I approve of this message about that awful toupee and the asshat under it.
@armchair I imagine he does his own comb-over:
Hey if I wanted to waste my time with politics, I would turn on fox news. I stayed up tonight to get cool stuff for a cheap price, not to hear about political propaganda!!!
@natekimh exactly
@natekimh did you read the write up? Trump is a part of pop culture. I only read references to the man/brand, no political agenda/alignments.
@one_two3456 Bah, you don't have to actually read anything in order to label it as propaganda.
@haydesigner True. No rebuttal.
Why is there a difference between the white and red wine glasses?
@one_two3456 Red wine requires oxygen in order to reach the best flavor. Red wine glasses are wider to allow this to occur more easily. White wine glasses are more narrow because white wine does not require that infusion of oxygen (it doesn't hurt but it doesn't help as much as with the reds).
@one_two3456 "Red wine glasses and White wine glasses differ in shape and size, driven by the types of wine they are intended to hold. Typically Red wine glasses will be a bit taller and have a larger bowl than White wine glasses. In general Reds are bigger and bolder wines so they require a larger glass to allow all those aromas and flavors to emerge. "But do I need both types?" While you can certainly get by with one set of glasses, if you expect to drink a number of different varietals you may find that the glassware is holding back your experience, particularly if you opt to drink Red wine out of a smaller White wine glass. Does that mean you won't enjoy your wine? Most definitely not. While the various shapes and sizes can be overwhelming, a proper varietal-glass pairing can make a tremendous difference."
- wineenthusiast
@mfladd can't you just use the immersion blender sold previously to get all those aromas and flavors to emerge?
@mfladd Thanks! I had an inkling it was about 'breathing.' Also kudos, on answering my questions as they popped in my head. :-)
@nadroj Hah, just the levity this thread needs!
for trump alone- meh....
No champagne flute? pfft!
No "Baby-armed Donald"? MEH!
Something something rape something drugs something Mexicans. Wine? Yes please. No on these glasses.
Nothing more dumb (even more dumb than Trump) than taking a e-commerce site and turning into political commentary when trying to sell stuff. You just alienated about 40% of your potential customers. But, of course, Meh. But, let's at least get the facts correct: I don't like Trump any more than anyone else. But, Trump didn't call Mexicans "rapists and drug runners." He said that some (key word some) "illegal boarder crossers" (not just any Mexican) do rape and run drugs. And they do...and they ARE illegal and they don't belong here...no more than you belong in Mexico illegally (see what they do to YOU if they find you there illegally...enjoy that prison cell in Mexico for a few years, eh.) Don't like it, then change the laws. But, don't get all high and mighty and act like you are better than Trump and that Trump did something unforgivable. He simply spoke to what millions of American already feel...he just said it his Trump way. Doesn't make him wrong, though. ...and don't act like you were just joking, because you weren't: You wrote 5 paragraphs about the guy. ...seems you are fixated on him.
@kbaum17 Actually Meh only alienated about 13% of those 40%, or in Donald-numbers a YOOOGE amount.
@kbaum17 http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/wp/2015/07/02/surprise-donald-trump-is-wrong-about-immigrants-and-crime/
@kbaum17 If you plan to decipher Trump's actual quote for us, at the very least get what he said right! TRUMP; "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."
@kbaum17 I found the one guy that liked The Apprentice.
@Kerig3 their rapists, not they are. meaning that mexico is sending its unwanted our way. Not that everyone is a rapist, ugh.
@kbaum17 You are right on, Trump say's some kooky shit but , he say's ALOT of smart truthful stuff too. If you can't hear that, maybe your one of the intolerant ones. I can't say he should president, but I think sometimes he brings up some good points.
@tnk4god OhForChrist'sSake, Mexico, the country, is NOT deliberately sending any of their citizens here illegally.
@Kerig3 Way to take the quote and only take the parts that you fit your needs. You left out the bigging and the end.
@kbaum17 "Bigging"???
@stoopkid I hate The Apprentice....but Trump right about the fact that the illegal people coming to the USA are not the best any particular country has to offer. They don't belong here. Period. They are illegal here...stealing jobs. Period. No other way to say it. It is illegal. You should own up to that fact.
@kbaum17 They always fixate on everything. That's kinda the point. You don't seem to know exactly what Trump said, but whatever. I just want to point out that in Texas, where Meh and I reside, nearly half the population is hispanic, mostly of Mexican descent. Trumps statement was not only racist (and it was) but it was also an attack on our family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.
@kbaum17 You clearly don't share a border with Mexico. Our state, Texas, as well as others, relies on Mexican immigrants. We pay for them to come here because nobody else will take the jobs. You can say "period" all you want, that doesn't make a fact. They are usually not illegal, not stealing jobs, and they do belong here. The issue isn't that he thinks he is "tough on borders." The problem is that he made racist and untrue comments.
@varriform So middle-eastern potentially terrorists are, in fact, mexican rapists? Got it.
@kbaum17 OK genius, here's a transcript of his speech, scroll down to his quotes about illegal immigrants and tell me where I cherry-picked what he actually said: https://historymusings.wordpress.com/2015/06/16/full-text-campaign-buzz-2016-june-16-2015-donald-trumps-presidential-announcement-speech-transcript/
And those "millions" are racist for it. Just like you. Whether you want to admit it or not.
Hopefully someday you will realize why.
> @kbaum17: "He simply spoke to what millions of American already feel”
@haydesigner kbaum17's "millions" of Americans out of a country a 330 million people is still a minority, thank god!
@Kerig3 Well I'd like to think that there aren't millions of knuckle draggers in the US, but unfortunately, far too often, we find out they do exist. Of course, Hate Media™ (Limbaugh/Fox News/etc) keeps churning out more and more, so maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
@haydesigner I hear you! Personally I think those numbers are actually larger than I would care to think about. And as you said, they are growing due to the hateful, fear-mongering propoganda disguised as 'news'. :'(
@varriform Well, you don't know what an illegal is then. Glad you promote people breaking the law. Nothing racist (nothing at all) about what Trump said. You don't even know what "Mexican" is. that is like saying people who don't like Americans are racists. Huh??!! yeah, that's right, Mexico has lots of different ethnicities.
@haydesigner Haha. Someone had to drop the "racist" term. Thank you. And, thank Meh.com...good job. Crazy people always gotta call someone racists the moment they something that is negative. A hispanic (or any ethnicity) kills someone (and they do, btw, sometimes..just like all ethnicities, yo!) If a person says "That hispanic person killed someone." The reaction: "OMG. He is a racist for saying that." Please. Racist??? Saying that people come to the USA illegally and that someone of them kill, rape, and bring drugs? What planet are you on, dude??!!! It happens all to often and you folks in Texas know better!
@Kerig3 You cherry picked. He said "And I assume some of them are good people"...or something like that. and more. You cherry picked. Get over it.
@kbaum17 Would you prefer prejudice or intolerance or bigoted (American usage of word)? I agree that would be more clear. But what he said is absolutely false. It does play in to peoples fears and provides fuel for racist (yes, racist) and bigoted prefudice opinions people hold. It was absolutely prejudice, meaning it was a prejudgment "forming an opinion before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case" (wikipedia). It was a perfect example of prejudice.
@kbaum17 Agreed. The irony is that as unqualified Trump may be to be President, he still is 1,000 fold more qualified than the current inept, dividing, clueless DOLT currently disgracing the office and screwing up this country. meh wants politics so there it is. Dumba$$ mistake on their part. Now watch your sales plummet you fools.
@iggy71: "libTARD rag"
Grow up, please.
Please do not bring politics to the writeups on this site.
donated to Trump campaign?
@ojohn What, exactly, is political about the write-up? Seriously, what?
@username Donations? I thought The Donald was "Super-rich", even after 4 bankruptcies.
@Kerig3 Hey, if The Donald says he is a Billionaire, then The Donald IS a Billionaire.
FYI, the glasses are transparent, unlike The Donald...he's an unnatural shade of orange.
Loved your site before today, even if I do not like Donald, I am for free speech, and you have the right to ban him from your site because of it, but your customers then have same said right to ban you from their commerce as well. Very sad when politics comes to sites like this, and if you say it was not political, that is lame as he is a presidential candidate, not a very good one, but still he is one, and you made it about something he said once he declared, that is political, so that is as lame as his hair.
@tnk4god Don't let the door hit you on the way out. Bye!
@Kerig3 Kerig3 is a troll.
@tnk4god… ummm, don't know how to tell you this, but there is nothing political in the write-up. Perhaps you should read it before getting outraged?
@kbaum17 Nope, not a troll, just better than you at fact-checking through Google! ;-)
@Kerig3 Total troll. Complete and total troll. You don't even know what a "fact"s, dude. Give it a rest. I don't need Google to know what the guy said (it has been all over the news and internet for days, dude.) Get a life.
Stay out of politics. There are plenty of junk dealers on the internet and nobody needs you. You people are in Texas, so you should have a clue that illegal immigration is a serious problem.
@Yakuman, the only one making this political is you. (And all the other knee-jerk reactionaries that didn't bother to actually read the write-up.)
@haydesigner Haydesigner, give it a rest. You are a troll. I guess I am being one too. But, YES, Meh.com is trying to make a political statement. They are saying they dont stand with the politics of Donald Trump. They are jumping on the bandwagon and can't see past the truth of what the man said. He said the truth (albeit in a non-polite manner); but, he spoke the truth. Not a single thing he said was factually wrong. He left out some facts, but what he said was technically correct. You don't want to agree with him, that is plain dumb because it means you don't want to know the truth. You want things to be a certain way. But, the world is not that way. So you hate anyone who reminds you of that FACT.
@kbaum17 if any publicity is good publicity maybe meh is supporting Trump.. :|
@kbaum17 Let me guess… your definition of a troll is anyone who disagrees with you?
@haydesigner Agreed! I didn't feel the need to further "troll" once kbaum17 reveiled his true colors and worldview. It was actually quite sad how he outed himself by using whathe learned from Fox News, which is if you speak louder and interrupt all opposition then, in their small minds, they [i]must[/i] be on the right. Fornutaletly history will prove them wrong.
Write up is Brilliant! I feel so much safer now that that moronic megalomaniac won't be coming around.
(And you brought out some unfamiliar names in the forum tonight, great job!)
While I'm amused at the people attempting to defend Trump because his remarks happen to reinforce their worldview, this was a fairly an uninspired writeup (a celebrity jerk says dumb stuff but this time there are consequences, ha-ha).
@triski just want to know what the hell this all has to do with our wine glasses
@trisk But you must admit that the audience changes when said celebrity jerk decides to run for the highest public office of the land. Personally I think Trump will drop out before he has to file his financials with the FEC within 30 days of his announcement. That will be the true test of whether he's serious of just pulling another celebrity jerk publicity stunt!
Love the fact that Mediocrebot got a chance to show off his wine connoisseur skills.
Hey @Teripie, aren't you the one who praised flame wars on the Twistedlisa thread? Enjoy.
@sammydog01 Yea, but not political or religious ones in places they do not belong, like here.
@Teripie Point taken. A quick skim of this thread is all I could handle.
I cannot believe the guy's hair is fucking real!
I am sure many of our mexican friends will be in for three.
Got these last time. Pretty good. One did break from like a 2 foot fall to a counter, so they're not un-breakable. I'd buy again. Definitely recommend.
@vertein Hey, stop talking about the actual product! (*Just a joke, for those that don't get it.)
@pitamuffin my bad. ;)
I have to say, these glasses you guys are peddling make great wedding/house warming presents. Thanks for that.
I could do without all the political rhetoric Meh. Don't push your agenda with your products.
@timbo1437 Yes! Damn that humor agenda!
@Teripie why have so many people not even bothered to actually read the copy before commenting?
@haydesigner So when are you going to actually read it? Didn't stop you from making inept comments.
@haydesigner Social Media Enhancement Companies do automated searches to see if someone mentions their customer's name on sites with some way to comment. Then they create a raft of accounts and start astroturfing. They like us to think that there are lots of supporters for their paying customer. It kind of falls flat, because we can easily see that most of the pro-Donald messages were posted from accounts that never posted before.
@hamjudo… ah, thank you for that insight. I was genuinely kind of sad that there were so many, err, less than enlightened Meh members. I'll stop feeding the paid trolls now.
@hamjudo well there are 60,000+ visits to the site nearly everyday. I'm sure there are plenty of people who don't comment. I, do not practice that dicipline. lol
please keep making your shitty racist customers feel bad about their shitty opinions in your write-ups, meh. we probably need some whine glasses to collect the tears of "millions of Americans" in here.
I shure hope that none of these here glasses were made by eny darn durty Mexi-can't-s! Dear Leader Trump sez if it ain't Murican, it's crap.
Beesides, the only beverage a real Murican drinks from a glass is draft Budweiser.
@thismyusername Made by some of the good people Trump was referring to. Don't know why you are replyng to my post which was fact checking the Budweiser reference? Maybe you meant to reply to sjk3's post which would have made more sense (Though I don't know the validity of the "Dear Leader Trump sez if it ain't Murican, it's crap" which I highly doubt is a direct quote).
I'd rather the glasses be bundled with a speaker dock than a "Donald Trump".
Leave politics and agenda off your site Meh. Stick to the plan and just sell stuff.
@jatow you need to actually read the copy. There is nothing political in it.
@haydesigner The out-of-context "rapists and drug runners" reference was from a political speech and the agenda innuendo is evident. Read it again.
@jatow So say Obama is giving a 'political speech' and he shits his pants. In the middle of his speech, he says 'oh man, I just shit my pants.' Is pants-shitting now a political issue? When we all laugh about the shits in his pants, would it be 'agenda innuendo?' Entering politics makes you more of a public figure. If you say stupid shit, suddenly more people are going to hear it and comment on it. But there's another layer here — Meh is actually commenting on all of the companies who are bailing on Trump because of all the stupid shit he's now very publicly saying. Bit of a double-edged sword, having to open yourself fully up to such scrutiny. The joke here really was that meh does not and never would have any ties to Trump anyway. It's so silly and implausible, that preemptively shutting that shit down is pretty damned funny, IMO. Read it again?
@iggy71 if you have to add "TARD" to the end of a word to make your opponent seem inept, it tends to backfire. Especially when you follow every comment they make with, "HEY LOOK! I'm saying that thing... AGAIN!"
If you're going to go all political sides on this, do it with some facts and a little less name calling.
@iggy71 Let's be clear. The term "libTARD" is a bastardized slang version of "liberal retard" which is a pathetic and vile insult. To call using a term like that "official slang" simply shows your prejudice, ignorance, and blind sheep status. The lack of facts, again, show that you are simply here to rile people up and use insults to make yourself feel better. Label me however you choose, I'm sure it's comforting to you.
@Thumperchick Blammo, drop that mic!
@JonT - Now it looks like I'm yelling at comments from imaginationland.
@Thumperchick been there, done that :)
@Thumperchick Don't worry, they have pills for that.
I don't drink much wine. Yet. I am afraid this purchase may change that.
@cpierce Congrats on your newfound wine addiction!
I'm not a Donald Trump fan and I doubt that I would vote for him. However, unless you've had your head in the sand for the past several years, you'll find what he said to be factually correct, and it is pretty much evidenced by the number of "illegal aliens" (oh, so sorry, I meant "undocumented workers" (gotta be politically correct so as not to offend) are incarcerated (in prison), not to mention those who are awaiting deportation. I dare any U.S. citizen to try to sneak across the border into Mexico, or any other country for that matter, and see what happens when you're caught. "Illegal" by any other name is "illegal" (as in "criminal.") You don't have to be prejudiced to see truth clearly, so I suggest you open your eyes so that you can see the facts.
@Buckeye1987 why not vote for him if he is "factually correct"?
@Buckeye1987… where does Meh talk about what Trump said? Why are you bringing politics into this?
@Buckeye1987 I snuck across the border to Mexico once and didn't get in trouble. Did get in trouble crossing back into the USA though.
Let's talk about wine glasses.
@Teripie agreed, I have enough conflict and drama in my own life. I just come here to have some fun.
Or try to be :)
Wow, Donald Trump, what's he been up to lately? Haven't seen him on TV in a while.
@awk Just his usual foot in mouth routine.
Whiskey. Ignite the Night
Hey, @Starblind, are you responsible for this?
@KDemo Of course @Starblind is at fault! It's always the goat!
Well, that's one way to get the forum comment count up on a holiday weekend.
@Thumperchick Poor @JonT has to clean up the mess Monday morning after a great holiday weekend.
@dashcloud What's to clean up or are you a proponent of censorship and only want to see meh's political viewpoint?
Here we go again. Round 2, or is it 3, 4? I have lost count. @Starblind, this mayhem is you fault!!!!!!
@mfladd quit feeding it, you just make it stronger ;)
Highballs aren't wine.
I thought about it, but in going to wait for just wine glasses, unbundled.
Let's not give the Don anymore attention, except of course us tapping into the fauxrage against him to sell our product. -Meh
well gosh I just can't help myself by bumping this relic with a wonderful diatribe about Trump supporters