At Walmart a couple of years ago a very expensive luxury car (I don’t remember anymore which kind) also took up 3 spots. As I was leaving I saw a couple of cars parking to block that car in (parking lot was really full). I didn’t stick around to see the outcome of that as around here we are the murder capital in the nation (per capita).
@macromeh They are measuring murders per 100,000 I believe. We pretty much have one or more people murdered every day. Four were today if I recall the news that just ended (not paying that much attention).
Chicago is the most populous city in Illinois and the third largest in the U.S. as it houses close to three million people. It also has one of the biggest metropolitan economies in the U.S., and one of the largest business districts as well. However, Chicago often gets flak for high levels of crime, and perhaps it’s unsurprising that it ranks first on our list in terms of murders as well.
@macromeh@PhysAssist@werehatrack There is a difference between most number of murders (that will mean bigger cities, on average, will have more) and number per 100,000 people which tells you the rate. Where I live, unfortunately takes the rate prize. Many larger cities will have far more simply because there are more people.
@Kidsandliz@macromeh@PhysAssist@werehatrack well I knew enough by the title of the site it wasn’t going to. But the yahoo article linked off to some BS for the final 5 so. I figured it was equivalent.
Not defending Chicago… And I like it out here in the sticks.
@Kidsandliz@macromeh@PhysAssist@unksol@werehatrack I just finished binging season 8 of “Grantchester” on PBS. That place must hold the worldwide per capita record! They have quite the body count for a small English village.
In the past, I may or may not have parked really really close to folks who ignored the parking lines back when I drove an early Saturn (with its dent resistant panels).
I also may or may not have waited around just to watch a grown person have climb through the passenger side of their vehicle to get into the driver’s seat.
@narfcake maybe ok with a plastic cart. Id be worried about causing actual damage, and rich assholes are very litigious. And well. Assholes. And you’re tampering with their car.
Not really an issue anywhere I’ve ever parked. At college wed just ticket them.
One time at home we did see someone’s ride correctly parked toward the back of the lot at a store, like they just didn’t want anyone near it. We just correctly parked in the next spot cause we thought it would be funny. We can park out cool car way out here too
@macromeh@narfcake but you know some Chad/Karenwould go storming back in demanding to see security footage and blah blah blah… Deep breath… Blah blah blah blah.
Except for those scratches and dings caused by the shopping cart[s]- particularly likely to occur on windier days.
Otherwise, if someone did that to my car, I’d prolly appreciate the buffer provided by them, and removing them wouldn’t be any problem because I always have a sharp instrument as part of my EDC [several of which I bought from Meh in the much-lamented [by me at least] past days of them selling lots of knives]. I love my Kershaw knives, although at least one of the pocket clips has failed to survive said every-day-carry…
@macromeh@narfcake@PhysAssist@unksol I have two tools that are EDC for me; a folding utility knife (sharpening is irrelevant, blades are cheap) and a 14500-powered pocket flashlight that’s around 150 lumens. I find that I use those two more than enough to justify their space in my pocket, or in my belt pack or purse when I’m out and about.
N.B.; the lock-back on the utility knife has been modified to make it a balk instead of a lock; it folds cleanly with one hand, without the need to ever place an appendage in the edge’s path.
If I were to carry a utility knife. Probably one of the craftsman right when sears was going down 10 years ago. It’s a nice size. It’s only function is too open/close. It does take two hands to close but… I like a backstrap lock if you’re being… Aggressive
No, the 2 Kershaws that I typically alternate between as my EDC are the ones with a swing out carabiner clip and an auxiliary blade- the green one has a saw blade and the black one has a rope [or seat belt] cutter.
I also got some nice knives from Skallywag Tactical. But the retail prices of their knives are too spendy for my cheapskate self, but they almost always have a bunch on clearance in their blemished or scratch and dent list, which are very much more reasonable, and TBH, I haven’t found any blemishes, scratches, or dents on the ones I bought from there.
I particularly like my Sailor Assisted Folder in Silver.
Another site where I shop for the more agricultural and/or heavy duty blades is Baryonyx Knife and Tool Co. here:
where they often have a decently discounted selection in their “Grade B” section, although it’s pretty limited right at this moment.
They also have a nice variety of billhooks, machetes, axes, and even scythes, which can be useful for gardening and clearing brush/weeds, and since we live in the woods and need to keep the banks of our pond clear to limit the herons ability to stalk our koi, we have several various bladed tools for these purposes.
They also have a YouTube channel demonstrating the uses and sharpening of a bunch of tools.
I do have some utility knives, but they’re usually in the various tool bags and boxes associated with their most frequent type of usage- i.e., plumbing, electrical, utility.
@macromeh@narfcake@PhysAssist that’s where that is along with some Milwaukee fast backs in the electrical stuff. The Kershaw is just a light/cheap/thin one I kinda like.
Thanks for the links. Now about those speakerdocks…
@narfcake@PhysAssist@unksol I have several Kershaw folders. Two of them I found - one stuck in a fence post in the backyard of a rental house after the tenant moved out; the other on the side of a logging road as I was hiking in the woods. Both are in good shape - the first of the found knives is my favorite and my EDC.
@narfcake@PhysAssist@unksol Probably one of the tenant’s friends. She (a 20-something widow/mother) was nice and a fairly good tenant, but I think she sometimes hung with a loser crowd.
I found a pair of diagonal cutters while walking home one day while I was walking home from HS.
They were a bit rusted, but some lube and wire brushing made them serviceable.
Otherwise, I haven’t found much useful through the years, not counting my ongoing salvage operations [dumpster diving, rescuing things left out to the road for the bin men], which I will doubtfully ever stop.
The results of the above-mentioned salvage operation mainly resemble a hoarder’s mess- a lot of the dumpster diving I used to do was at the hospitals where I worked, and there I found all manner of building materials, electronics equipment, lumber, hardware, and now as I anticipate retirement, I’m looking for metal objects [bed frames, etc.] to use as raw materials for welding practice…
I’m thinking of picking up welding to make some
extra $ once my medical career is over…
@PhysAssist and I find that interesting. That’s all. My dumpster diving I think the best I got was a table and a stack of mdf shelves. But I didnt actually try
@narfcake@PhysAssist@unksol We used to own/manage an apartment 4-plex. Many of the tenants were low-income/on assistance. It was surprising what some people left behind when they moved out. Furniture/kitchen ware/clothes/etc. If we had contact info, we would try to get it to the owner, else most of it went to charity resale outfits or the dump. Occasionally we found something that was worth keeping.
Once we found a box of family photos. We did not have contact info for the former tenant, but I knew where her parents lived so I left the box on their doorstep (no one home). Weird though.
That was very nice of you…
My really hardcore-dumpster-diving friend often got a lot of really good finds from the dumpsters at the local state college at the end of the spring semester, after/ass the college students were leaving for home, including over a full year’s supply of [various mixed] laundry detergent[s], clothing, text [and other] books, electronics, and furniture.
He had coveralls, boots, and gloves, all dedicated to diving.
I’ve never been that committed or gung ho about it as he is though…
@macromeh@PhysAssist well when people have to move and don’t have the vehicle to do it, the place to store it, or a place to sell it… There’s a reason moving sales are a thing.
I’ve managed to hold on to most stuff that’s not literally garbage. For some reason there’s a hamster aquarium in the garage that hasn’t been used for… 18 years? But I’ve definitely acquired more “stuff”. If I had to move some things would have to go.
Although come to think of it the people I bought the house from just left some junk I had to deal with. Not a metric ton but. Come on people. Then some stuff they wanted back which sure I’m happy to give you. After they already delayed moving out after closing.
Then there was the “herb grinder” and some associated things they left in a kitchen drawer which. I was less than thrilled with considering the legality of… I’m sure it was just home grown dried basil or something… Right?
@narfcake@unksol I often park away from other cars to keep my car from getting all dinged up. One time, I came out of the store and someone had parked next to me, driver’s side to driver’s side. I was a little creeped out; I consume true crime media, so my first thought was that they were up to something nefarious. Nothing happened, but I didn’t see the humor of it.
@lisagd@narfcake well for us it was just a little bit dumb teenager, and a little bit, it would be funny because they thought it was necessary to park their nice car WAY WAY back here to keep away from us peasants. But no one was around, we didn’t park door to door, just parked normally.
Our expected result was just they would come out and be annoyed to see a normal car next to theirs, with no one around, or wed be gone before they were.
Where we lived was an extremely low crime area. Like. No one would have thought anything about it. Granted this was what before the real modern true crime wave.
And even those are aggregated and made to show it like it’s common and crime is going up. Which it’s not.
I take your point though. And that particular scenario would be weird because you have been set up to walk between them. In the back of the lot. That would make me cautious too.
Oh no, that was my ex. That insisted on parking his 1979 camero like that. At least he also parked on the last row of the parking lot. Since he was in constant fear of getting dust on the damn thing
@f00l I don’t have have a problem with that in anyway, shape or form. You value your car, aren’t taking up multiple spaces, and were willing to hike into the store.
I might park my beater in the next spot. With plenty of clearance. And hike in too
@f00l@unksol I’ve never understood why able-bodied people have such a need to park as close as possible, except maybe if it’s super bad weather. I’ll park as far away as I have to to get a spot with shade, usually; and when that’s not a concern I try to find spaces that are on the end where someone can’t park too close to me. I don’t even have a new or fancy car.
@f00l@Kyeh@unksol Around here ALL shady spots no matter where they are in the parking lot are taken. Even if a close one is open. Of course 107 degrees encourages that behavior.
@f00l It also adds steps to their daily walking, which is the main reason why I used to do that- before my knees went bad…
Now that I have had 1 knee replaced [twice 2nd to an infection], and the other knee is heading that way, I park a lot closer whenever possible, and avoid stairs as well…
/giphy knee replacement
@f00l@Kidsandliz@Kyeh well. There is of course of you have a mass of passengers… Small kids etc. Although I still think unpacking that mess away from other cars and getting organized before walking in might be better.
Or I have no problem dropping you off at the entrance if it can be done in a timely fashion without blocking traffic.
@f00l@Kidsandliz@unksol I have a handicapped tag in my glove compartment for when I drive my mother somewhere, but sometimes I drop her off at the door and go park some distance away just to have shade.
…and at least here in NYS, the 'capped tags and spots are designated for handicapped drivers, not the passenger [technically anyway].
But since SWMBO more often than not needs my assistance to walk to where she can get a cart to lean on, so if I were not handicapped appropriate, I’d prolly park there for that reason anyway using her placard.
@f00l@Kyeh@PhysAssist@unksol In this state and several others I have lived in they can get a hang tag even if they don’t drive. I’d suspect under ADA they could get one in any state. Now getting a license plate for the car if they don’t drive that I don’t know, but I’d suspect not since many times the driver wouldn’t have them in the car and they’d have a hang tag for when they needed it.
@f00l@Kyeh@PhysAssist@unksol On private property (eg store parking lots) usually the police don’t issue tickets unless there are serious complaints as typically that is not their “domain” for traffic tickets, etc. I just last week learned that the hard way in a grocery store parking lot when I was hit and the other person didn’t have insurance. It is a civil matter. Sigh.
@f00l@Kidsandliz@Kyeh@PhysAssist there is a difference between private property and private property open to the general public. A store would be the later and in most states it’s enforceable.
Granted no cop is going to check that. It takes something like calling in “I saw a car full of teenagers get out” and probably repeat offenders.
Which I did actually see one time when I used to work security. But I just made them move or I would get them ticketed. “This is my aunt’s so I can pArk here” not how it works bro. Use your legs
@f00l@Kidsandliz@Kyeh@PhysAssist@unksol I had a handicap tag for a while after I injured my foot. I sometimes got some withering looks when I’d pull into a handicap spot right up front in my bright red Porsche. Then I’d hang the tag on the mirror and hobble off on my crutches.
I think most MD’s/healthcare providers would sign for one under an umbrella of providing compassionate care, but I’m not at all sure what the laws say about it.
If one of my patients asked me for one in that circumstance, I’d sure sign the forms.
Mom has two hang tags from the state, one for her car, one for mine. Never got placards/plates since it really wasn’t germane. In fact, I will usually try to park in close but not in a marked spot since she is actually capable of making the trek most days and the exercise is good for her.
OTOH, her insurance got dropped when they found out she didn’t have a license any more. When I called to see if I could insure in as the primary driver AAA said no. Ended up transferring the title to my name to avoid a bunch of paperwork BS.
I am currently planning to use the one in my car for me if I need to go anywhere where it would be beneficial until I get off this walker in a few weeks.
I have no problem dropping you off at the entrance if it can be done in a timely fashion without blocking traffic.
I don’t mind that; what annoys the hell out of me is when the driver sits there with the engine running while their passenger shops. There’s no reason they can’t park, watch for the person to come out, then drive back up to the entrance to pick them up. It’s usually some older man driving his wife in their gas guzzler. I practice my dirty looks on them as I walk by.
@f00l@Kidsandliz@Kyeh@PhysAssist@unksol I may be wrong, but I think under the ADA, police, etc. can’t ask for proof that you’re eligible to use the hang tag when you park. Obviously, getting the tag requires a doctor’s approval, but I think that’s where needing proof ends.
@f00l@PhysAssist I had shoulder surgery in June, complete with the sling/cushion combo below. It threw my gait and balance off, so I indulged myself and used the spaces reserved for physical therapy patients when I had PT. Now that the sling is off, I park farther away, but my right knee is bone on bone, so I don’t park in the boonies like I used to.
They would always b*tch that they weren’t parked because the fire lanes are painted no parking, and they would say they weren’t parking, they would move if there was a fire.
“Sir what gear is your transmission in?” "Sir Indiana law is no stopping, standing, or parking in a fire lane. Please move your vehicle, theres a space right there where you can see the door. " “No this is not a pickup zone”
Regarding the tag, no they would never do that. At best they could check if the person assigned to the tag was present. If a car load of male teenagers who are fully functional spill out of their crippled aunts car without her. Or use her placard without her. Driver is moving or getting a ticket. Other people need that space.
A few times someone forgot to hang it and we paged for them. Don’t think anyone ever got ticketed for that. People forget
@f00l@lisagd@PhysAssist right. You could probably get a tag. Cops don’t verify/aren’t qualified to tell if it’s needed. Just who it belongs to and if they are using it n
@f00l@Kidsandliz@Kyeh@lisagd not sure did, did I miss something? Never been a cop, and that’s like asking if you get a ticket for no registration. You basically just reply to the ticket with proof and it goes away.
There are a lot of times people would go up to customer service and complain and I’d go check the car and… Look I see the placard on the seat or the side pocket. Etc. Etc. Ok we can page to check but if you have no evidence… You can call the police and create a complaint. This is all I have. Etc
I once pulled into a lot that was full, except one “space” (there were maybe 10 spaces total)… everyone was parked out of line, which was probably just a waterfall effect. By the time I left the store, all the other customers had left, leaving my lonely car looking like the jerk parking stupidly. And someone put one of those fake “a$$hole parking” tickets on my window.
This morning I nearly got hit by a school bus that turned without using turn signals or looking. Fortunately my brakes worked just fine.
@ticklescratch idk that this is a bmw problem. More a training/teaching problem. Or maybe it’s just me. You are turning/changing lanes. Use your signal. I don’t even think about it.
I once did it with a coworker going down an irrigation lane in a cornfield… Why are you doing that. Idk. Force of habit
@Kyeh@ticklescratch@unksol Exactly. I always say, just cuz you don’t see anyone around, doesn’t mean they’re not there, waiting to pop out of nowhere, usually right into your blind spot. It’s like, where the hell did they come from?!
@ircon96@Kyeh@ticklescratch I guess I don’t even understand why anyone being around is an input to the decision. I just do it. It’s a law to signal your turn/lane change and it just… happens automatically whenever I’m doing it.
@ircon96@Kyeh@ticklescratch@unksol That school bus made 8 turns/lane changes (including the one where she nearly hit me) where we were driving on the same roads without using her turn signal. I called the school system and reported her.
I once saw on the highway in Missouri an electronic sign that said,
@ircon96@Kyeh@ticklescratch@unksol My wife even uses the turn signal when pulling out of our driveway onto the (rural, low traffic) road. I always just smile when I see that.
@ircon96@Kyeh@macromeh@ticklescratch@unksol Turn signals, yield & stop signs and even red lights, they are virtually all ignored now when there’s no visible traffic enforcement nearby. The sense of entitlement is running rampant in all aspects of our lives here in the US and I would guess to some measurable degree in many other countries as well.
@ircon96@Kyeh@macromeh@ticklescratch I 100% do because I remember making eye contact with my passenger mirror pulling out of the drive yesterday. And the 25 year old expedition has turn signals built into the mirror glass.
Also your wife is correct. If you are turning indicate the direction.
@ircon96@Kyeh@ticklescratch@unksol She probably is. It just strikes me as funny to do so going from our driveway onto the low-traffic country road with no one but me to see it.
Not sure what you mean re: 90-deg traffic- most [even relatively modern] cars and trucks have side-marker lights to help signalling in all [horizontal] panes…
I signal everywhere, for all maneuvers, just in case, but also by force of habit.
The only thing that cranks me up more than someone pulling out right in front of me and making me nearly have to stop to avoid them, is people not signalling before making turns or lane changes, especially if they’re already braking to a near stop…
@PhysAssist if your coming from the left and I’m turning right or going straight there’s nothing indicating that on the left side of my car for you to see. At a right angle/pulling out/crossing you just expect them to not be an asshole and time things correctly.
At a right angle/pulling out/crossing you just expect them to not be an asshole and time things correctly.
That will get you killed on a motorcycle.
I am also a ‘if I turn I signal’ person. If you grind it into your muscle memory, you will not forget to do it when it is important.
Seatbelts are the same. First thing I do getting into the car, last thing getting out. Guess those lessons during high school over 50 yrs ago really stuck with me.
I actually bought a dashcam for the 16 y/o grandson so he will have some documentation if shit goes wrong while he is driving (as a new driver).
@chienfou@Kidsandliz@PhysAssist@ticklescratch@unksol I kind of try to maintain the belief that everyone else out there driving is a brain-dead idiot who’s looking at their phone, just because chances are that a lot of them are.
Logical. To me when on the road it’s just a car. But stop signs/lights/passing… It’s a much thinner vehicle. Even when I adjust my mirrors as best I can there is a split second I can’t see one
Assuming people will do the dumbest thing possible and being pleasantly surprised works a lot better than assuming they are alert and competent and being unpleasantly surprised.
Not that we would know since we can only speak English.
Q: What do you call someone that speaks several languages?
A: Polyglot
Q: What do you call someone that speaks three languages?
A: Trilingual
Q: What do you call someone that speaks two luanguages?
A: Bilingual
Q: What do you call someone that speaks only one language?
A: American
Well, I learned some Polish from my mother’s family when I was young, but nobody around me in North Texas spoke it (my mother, for whatever reason, didn’t try to teach me more at home), so I now know about 4 words only (I could probably borrow some money…).
I took two years of Latin in high school. I could translate Caesar. Never regretted learning it, since it was the basis for so much English language, law, and also other (Romance) languages. But didn’t speak it past then. Now I only know common phrases (that lawyers love so much but have trouble getting them right) and that people on these forums like to throw around (shouldn’t that be “fora”?). Of course, also ran into it in anatomy books and biology, but I did’t go that direction.
I also took two years of Spanish there. But that Spanish was formal and taught by a senora from Spain. It didn’t go over too well with the local Tex-Mex kids. (I did get good at their cuss words, though.) So that is mostly gone now.
In college, I took two years of Russian and learned it well enough to get A’s. But again, outside of that, no one to practice with (except my Polish mother could understand it spoken, though not written). So that is now gone by me.
I do speak fairly fluent “math”; does that count? (I’ve heard it called a “foreign language” so many times).
But people around here don’t seem to like to converse in it either.
In sum, use it, or lose it. (Many people here do use a version of English a lot but seem to have lost much of the finer points, anyway.)
I never laugh at any ESL person’s broken English (unless they inadvertently managed to tell a joke). I always figure their English is better than my ______, whatever is their first language.
@phendrick One of the stark differences between the ESL people in Houston vs Miami is that where the ones here will happily try to work with you to establish understanding (as long as you show willing as well), the attitude in Miami tended to be “Oh, you don’t understand my minigun-rapid Cuban Spanish? Well, that’s just too bad for you.”
@chienfou@lisagd@phendrick@unksol I’m generally with you, but when a very tired international student exclaims, “I pooped!” it’s pretty hard not to laugh.
@chienfou@Limewater@lisagd@phendrick eh. It’s funnier when it’s your English teacher. I want to say it was 8th grade English. And doing that thing where they make you stand up and read out loud.
Kid finishes a paragraph and our, I’m guessing mid to late 20’s English teacher, just goes. “Alright let’s give Joseph a breast.” Then immediately turns bright red. “No. I meant. Break. Rest.”
@chienfou@Limewater@phendrick@unksol My ex-boyfriend isn’t a native English speaker. One day, he was looking at a recipe and asked “What are poopy seeds?” I burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it; it caught me off guard. (I did apologize after I told him what poppy seeds are.)
Did I read two different articles than you did? Seems to me that both of them said that you could get false positive codeine results…
@chienfou Yes, you will very likely produce a false positive for codeine after consuming baked goods containing typical amounts of poppy seeds, as has been verified by multiple studies. As a result, the test for codeine ought to be considered non-dispositive for codeine abuse, but the panic-state authorities whose goal is to incarcerate or at least harass as many people as possible are adamant that they will continue to insist that you must prove that you had an excuse rather than them having the burden of proof that their flawed test actually demonstrated something actionable.
At Walmart a couple of years ago a very expensive luxury car (I don’t remember anymore which kind) also took up 3 spots. As I was leaving I saw a couple of cars parking to block that car in (parking lot was really full).
I didn’t stick around to see the outcome of that as around here we are the murder capital in the nation (per capita).
That must compound pretty quickly, since every murder increments the numerator and decrements the denominator.
@macromeh They are measuring murders per 100,000 I believe. We pretty much have one or more people murdered every day. Four were today if I recall the news that just ended (not paying that much attention).
@Kidsandliz @macromeh As of February 2023, the murder rate where kidsandliz resides was 87,8/100K, topping even the 64.54 rate for St Louis, MO.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @werehatrack
which led to this:
which took 5 clicks forward to get to this:
Murders in 2023: 166
Chicago is the most populous city in Illinois and the third largest in the U.S. as it houses close to three million people. It also has one of the biggest metropolitan economies in the U.S., and one of the largest business districts as well. However, Chicago often gets flak for high levels of crime, and perhaps it’s unsurprising that it ranks first on our list in terms of murders as well.
/giphy It’s murder living in the city…

@macromeh @PhysAssist @werehatrack There is a difference between most number of murders (that will mean bigger cities, on average, will have more) and number per 100,000 people which tells you the rate. Where I live, unfortunately takes the rate prize. Many larger cities will have far more simply because there are more people.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @PhysAssist @werehatrack
Chicago has always been near the bottom of the top 10. It’s def not number 1. Maybe by volume but not rate
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @unksol @werehatrack Not arguing because you’re correct, but I did note that your source didn’t list its sources.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @PhysAssist @werehatrack well I knew enough by the title of the site it wasn’t going to. But the yahoo article linked off to some BS for the final 5 so. I figured it was equivalent.
Not defending Chicago… And I like it out here in the sticks.
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @PhysAssist @unksol @werehatrack I just finished binging season 8 of “Grantchester” on PBS. That place must hold the worldwide per capita record! They have quite the body count for a small English village.

@ircon96 @macromeh @PhysAssist @unksol That is certainly true. Murder she wrote would be another one.
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @macromeh @PhysAssist @unksol That and the Inspector Morse series, which took place in Oxford.
@ircon96 @Kidsandliz @lisagd @macromeh @PhysAssist @unksol And Midsomer Murders. How is anyone left alive?
In the past, I may or may not have parked really really close to folks who ignored the parking lines back when I drove an early Saturn (with its dent resistant panels).
I also may or may not have waited around just to watch a grown person have climb through the passenger side of their vehicle to get into the driver’s seat.
@narfcake Also a fun benefit of driving a beater
@narfcake Then there’s this…
@narfcake apparently the vigilantes these days zip tie carts to the car. Which… Is more questionable than just parking close.

@narfcake maybe ok with a plastic cart. Id be worried about causing actual damage, and rich assholes are very litigious. And well. Assholes. And you’re tampering with their car.
Not really an issue anywhere I’ve ever parked. At college wed just ticket them.
One time at home we did see someone’s ride correctly parked toward the back of the lot at a store, like they just didn’t want anyone near it. We just correctly parked in the next spot cause we thought it would be funny. We can park out cool car way out here too
@narfcake @unksol Seems like the plastic cart would just protect the side of the poorly parked car from door dings/paint scratches.
@macromeh @narfcake but you know some Chad/Karenwould go storming back in demanding to see security footage and blah blah blah… Deep breath… Blah blah blah blah.
@macromeh @narfcake @unksol
Except for those scratches and dings caused by the shopping cart[s]- particularly likely to occur on windier days.
Otherwise, if someone did that to my car, I’d prolly appreciate the buffer provided by them, and removing them wouldn’t be any problem because I always have a sharp instrument as part of my EDC [several of which I bought from Meh in the much-lamented [by me at least] past days of them selling lots of knives]. I love my Kershaw knives, although at least one of the pocket clips has failed to survive said every-day-carry…
@macromeh @narfcake @PhysAssist well. Lol id shrug it off but I also don’t drive a fancy car and it would be a minor thing. And I park correctly.
Ugh must take out knife. So inconvenient. You really got me kids. Shakes fist at bad prank in fake outrage.
I doubt the self entitled people who park the way are so well equipped
@macromeh @narfcake @PhysAssist this one by any chance? I really like that one for EDC and I know I bought two… Idk where the second went

@macromeh @narfcake @PhysAssist @unksol I have two tools that are EDC for me; a folding utility knife (sharpening is irrelevant, blades are cheap) and a 14500-powered pocket flashlight that’s around 150 lumens. I find that I use those two more than enough to justify their space in my pocket, or in my belt pack or purse when I’m out and about.
N.B.; the lock-back on the utility knife has been modified to make it a balk instead of a lock; it folds cleanly with one hand, without the need to ever place an appendage in the edge’s path.
@macromeh @narfcake @PhysAssist @werehatrack I have no issues with folding a liner lock with one hand
If I were to carry a utility knife. Probably one of the craftsman right when sears was going down 10 years ago. It’s a nice size. It’s only function is too open/close. It does take two hands to close but… I like a backstrap lock if you’re being… Aggressive

@macromeh @narfcake @unksol
No, the 2 Kershaws that I typically alternate between as my EDC are the ones with a swing out carabiner clip and an auxiliary blade- the green one has a saw blade and the black one has a rope [or seat belt] cutter.
I also got some nice knives from Skallywag Tactical. But the retail prices of their knives are too spendy for my cheapskate self, but they almost always have a bunch on clearance in their blemished or scratch and dent list, which are very much more reasonable, and TBH, I haven’t found any blemishes, scratches, or dents on the ones I bought from there.
This is their site:
I particularly like my Sailor Assisted Folder in Silver.
Another site where I shop for the more agricultural and/or heavy duty blades is Baryonyx Knife and Tool Co. here:
where they often have a decently discounted selection in their “Grade B” section, although it’s pretty limited right at this moment.
They also have a nice variety of billhooks, machetes, axes, and even scythes, which can be useful for gardening and clearing brush/weeds, and since we live in the woods and need to keep the banks of our pond clear to limit the herons ability to stalk our koi, we have several various bladed tools for these purposes.
They also have a YouTube channel demonstrating the uses and sharpening of a bunch of tools.
@macromeh @narfcake @unksol
I do have some utility knives, but they’re usually in the various tool bags and boxes associated with their most frequent type of usage- i.e., plumbing, electrical, utility.
@macromeh @narfcake @PhysAssist that’s where that is along with some Milwaukee fast backs in the electrical stuff. The Kershaw is just a light/cheap/thin one I kinda like.
Thanks for the links. Now about those speakerdocks…
@narfcake @PhysAssist @unksol I have several Kershaw folders. Two of them I found - one stuck in a fence post in the backyard of a rental house after the tenant moved out; the other on the side of a logging road as I was hiking in the woods. Both are in good shape - the first of the found knives is my favorite and my EDC.
@macromeh @narfcake @PhysAssist who just leaves a knife stuck in a post
@narfcake @PhysAssist @unksol Probably one of the tenant’s friends. She (a 20-something widow/mother) was nice and a fairly good tenant, but I think she sometimes hung with a loser crowd.
@macromeh @narfcake @PhysAssist eh… I have definitely never thrown a knife and hit a tree. But if I did It was a throwing knife and I recovered it.
@macromeh @narfcake @unksol
Still kind of strange, but quite lucky for MacroMeh!
I found a pair of diagonal cutters while walking home one day while I was walking home from HS.
They were a bit rusted, but some lube and wire brushing made them serviceable.
Otherwise, I haven’t found much useful through the years, not counting my ongoing salvage operations [dumpster diving, rescuing things left out to the road for the bin men], which I will doubtfully ever stop.
…or throwing ax or some such…
@narfcake @unksol

@macromeh @narfcake @PhysAssist hmmm has @PhysAssist been goated? I’d be interested in seeing the results of this"salvage operation"
HUH??? and WTF???
The results of the above-mentioned salvage operation mainly resemble a hoarder’s mess- a lot of the dumpster diving I used to do was at the hospitals where I worked, and there I found all manner of building materials, electronics equipment, lumber, hardware, and now as I anticipate retirement, I’m looking for metal objects [bed frames, etc.] to use as raw materials for welding practice…
I’m thinking of picking up welding to make some
extra $ once my medical career is over…
@PhysAssist and I find that interesting. That’s all. My dumpster diving I think the best I got was a table and a stack of mdf shelves. But I didnt actually try
@narfcake @PhysAssist @unksol We used to own/manage an apartment 4-plex. Many of the tenants were low-income/on assistance. It was surprising what some people left behind when they moved out. Furniture/kitchen ware/clothes/etc. If we had contact info, we would try to get it to the owner, else most of it went to charity resale outfits or the dump. Occasionally we found something that was worth keeping.
Once we found a box of family photos. We did not have contact info for the former tenant, but I knew where her parents lived so I left the box on their doorstep (no one home). Weird though.
That was very nice of you…
My really hardcore-dumpster-diving friend often got a lot of really good finds from the dumpsters at the local state college at the end of the spring semester, after/ass the college students were leaving for home, including over a full year’s supply of [various mixed] laundry detergent[s], clothing, text [and other] books, electronics, and furniture.
He had coveralls, boots, and gloves, all dedicated to diving.
I’ve never been that committed or gung ho about it as he is though…
@macromeh @PhysAssist well when people have to move and don’t have the vehicle to do it, the place to store it, or a place to sell it… There’s a reason moving sales are a thing.
I’ve managed to hold on to most stuff that’s not literally garbage. For some reason there’s a hamster aquarium in the garage that hasn’t been used for… 18 years? But I’ve definitely acquired more “stuff”. If I had to move some things would have to go.
Although come to think of it the people I bought the house from just left some junk I had to deal with. Not a metric ton but. Come on people. Then some stuff they wanted back which sure I’m happy to give you. After they already delayed moving out after closing.
Then there was the “herb grinder” and some associated things they left in a kitchen drawer which. I was less than thrilled with considering the legality of… I’m sure it was just home grown dried basil or something… Right?
@PhysAssist @unksol
Probably not that dissimilar when you think about it, just another way of putting things together.
@narfcake @unksol I often park away from other cars to keep my car from getting all dinged up. One time, I came out of the store and someone had parked next to me, driver’s side to driver’s side. I was a little creeped out; I consume true crime media, so my first thought was that they were up to something nefarious. Nothing happened, but I didn’t see the humor of it.
@lisagd @narfcake well for us it was just a little bit dumb teenager, and a little bit, it would be funny because they thought it was necessary to park their nice car WAY WAY back here to keep away from us peasants. But no one was around, we didn’t park door to door, just parked normally.
Our expected result was just they would come out and be annoyed to see a normal car next to theirs, with no one around, or wed be gone before they were.
Where we lived was an extremely low crime area. Like. No one would have thought anything about it. Granted this was what before the real modern true crime wave.
And even those are aggregated and made to show it like it’s common and crime is going up. Which it’s not.
I take your point though. And that particular scenario would be weird because you have been set up to walk between them. In the back of the lot. That would make me cautious too.
Oh no, that was my ex. That insisted on parking his 1979 camero like that. At least he also parked on the last row of the parking lot. Since he was in constant fear of getting dust on the damn thing
@ironcheftoni friends dont let friends cars have dust.
@ironcheftoni @unksol Bad friends write on their friend’s cars in the dust, thus scratching the underlying finish…

/giphy wash car
@ironcheftoni @PhysAssist @unksol Ooooh, that’s really harsh. That car needs a little touch-up…
@ironcheftoni @unksol
Unless, they make your car’s dirt a work of art- like these:
I had a few friends who always park in the back of the lot in order to protect their vehicles
For what it’s worth, they’re incredibly polite people, and they parked in very polite ways
@f00l I don’t have have a problem with that in anyway, shape or form. You value your car, aren’t taking up multiple spaces, and were willing to hike into the store.
I might park my beater in the next spot. With plenty of clearance. And hike in too
@f00l @unksol I’ve never understood why able-bodied people have such a need to park as close as possible, except maybe if it’s super bad weather. I’ll park as far away as I have to to get a spot with shade, usually; and when that’s not a concern I try to find spaces that are on the end where someone can’t park too close to me. I don’t even have a new or fancy car.
@f00l @Kyeh people be weird. I would also shade/potential shade hunt. Or pick a drive threw spot. Distance is usually meh.
@f00l @Kyeh @unksol Around here ALL shady spots no matter where they are in the parking lot are taken. Even if a close one is open. Of course 107 degrees encourages that behavior.
@f00l It also adds steps to their daily walking, which is the main reason why I used to do that- before my knees went bad…

Now that I have had 1 knee replaced [twice 2nd to an infection], and the other knee is heading that way, I park a lot closer whenever possible, and avoid stairs as well…
/giphy knee replacement
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh well. There is of course of you have a mass of passengers… Small kids etc. Although I still think unpacking that mess away from other cars and getting organized before walking in might be better.
Or I have no problem dropping you off at the entrance if it can be done in a timely fashion without blocking traffic.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @unksol I have a handicapped tag in my glove compartment for when I drive my mother somewhere, but sometimes I drop her off at the door and go park some distance away just to have shade.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @unksol
…and at least here in NYS, the 'capped tags and spots are designated for handicapped drivers, not the passenger [technically anyway].
But since SWMBO more often than not needs my assistance to walk to where she can get a cart to lean on, so if I were not handicapped appropriate, I’d prolly park there for that reason anyway using her placard.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @PhysAssist @unksol
Oh, that’s difficult - someone who’s unable to drive at all can’t get a tag for their driver?!
@f00l @Kyeh @PhysAssist @unksol In this state and several others I have lived in they can get a hang tag even if they don’t drive. I’d suspect under ADA they could get one in any state. Now getting a license plate for the car if they don’t drive that I don’t know, but I’d suspect not since many times the driver wouldn’t have them in the car and they’d have a hang tag for when they needed it.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist I think the placards are hers. So you’re allowed to use them if she’s with you/you are driving her.
I’m not sure how the cops would verify she was with you without actually contacting you. Which. If you’re parked how are they going to do that…
If it’s in an area where people are abusing them I could see them issuing a ticket and you just have to respond with some doco and it gets dismissed
@f00l @Kyeh @PhysAssist @unksol On private property (eg store parking lots) usually the police don’t issue tickets unless there are serious complaints as typically that is not their “domain” for traffic tickets, etc. I just last week learned that the hard way in a grocery store parking lot when I was hit and the other person didn’t have insurance. It is a civil matter. Sigh.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist there is a difference between private property and private property open to the general public. A store would be the later and in most states it’s enforceable.
Granted no cop is going to check that. It takes something like calling in “I saw a car full of teenagers get out” and probably repeat offenders.
Which I did actually see one time when I used to work security. But I just made them move or I would get them ticketed. “This is my aunt’s so I can pArk here” not how it works bro. Use your legs
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @unksol I had a handicap tag for a while after I injured my foot. I sometimes got some withering looks when I’d pull into a handicap spot right up front in my bright red Porsche. Then I’d hang the tag on the mirror and hobble off on my crutches.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @macromeh @PhysAssist @unksol I still give withering looks at people in bright red Porsches regardless.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @unksol That’s one of the perks of ownership.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @unksol
I think most MD’s/healthcare providers would sign for one under an umbrella of providing compassionate care, but I’m not at all sure what the laws say about it.
If one of my patients asked me for one in that circumstance, I’d sure sign the forms.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @unksol
Mom has two hang tags from the state, one for her car, one for mine. Never got placards/plates since it really wasn’t germane. In fact, I will usually try to park in close but not in a marked spot since she is actually capable of making the trek most days and the exercise is good for her.
OTOH, her insurance got dropped when they found out she didn’t have a license any more. When I called to see if I could insure in as the primary driver AAA said no. Ended up transferring the title to my name to avoid a bunch of paperwork BS.
I am currently planning to use the one in my car for me if I need to go anywhere where it would be beneficial until I get off this walker in a few weeks.
@chienfou @f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist that’s sort of weird but I kind of get their point/why transferring the title might be easier
Obviously, I miss something along the way
Why are you using a walker? What happened to you?
had a total hip on Monday…
Ah. Hope your recovery is fast and mostly not too painful.
So far so good…
@chienfou Congrats on joining the ranks of us cyborgs, I hope you heal well and quickly!

/giphy total hip
@chienfou @f00l try out “I got total hip on Monday”
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @unksol
I don’t mind that; what annoys the hell out of me is when the driver sits there with the engine running while their passenger shops. There’s no reason they can’t park, watch for the person to come out, then drive back up to the entrance to pick them up. It’s usually some older man driving his wife in their gas guzzler. I practice my dirty looks on them as I walk by.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @unksol I may be wrong, but I think under the ADA, police, etc. can’t ask for proof that you’re eligible to use the hang tag when you park. Obviously, getting the tag requires a doctor’s approval, but I think that’s where needing proof ends.
@f00l @PhysAssist I had shoulder surgery in June, complete with the sling/cushion combo below. It threw my gait and balance off, so I indulged myself and used the spaces reserved for physical therapy patients when I had PT. Now that the sling is off, I park farther away, but my right knee is bone on bone, so I don’t park in the boonies like I used to.

@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisagd I never let anyone stand at the entrance. I always made the move.
They would always b*tch that they weren’t parked because the fire lanes are painted no parking, and they would say they weren’t parking, they would move if there was a fire.
“Sir what gear is your transmission in?” "Sir Indiana law is no stopping, standing, or parking in a fire lane. Please move your vehicle, theres a space right there where you can see the door. " “No this is not a pickup zone”
Regarding the tag, no they would never do that. At best they could check if the person assigned to the tag was present. If a car load of male teenagers who are fully functional spill out of their crippled aunts car without her. Or use her placard without her. Driver is moving or getting a ticket. Other people need that space.
A few times someone forgot to hang it and we paged for them. Don’t think anyone ever got ticketed for that. People forget
@f00l @lisagd @PhysAssist right. You could probably get a tag. Cops don’t verify/aren’t qualified to tell if it’s needed. Just who it belongs to and if they are using it n
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @unksol Now there you go, being reasonable!
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @lisagd not sure did, did I miss something? Never been a cop, and that’s like asking if you get a ticket for no registration. You basically just reply to the ticket with proof and it goes away.
There are a lot of times people would go up to customer service and complain and I’d go check the car and… Look I see the placard on the seat or the side pocket. Etc. Etc. Ok we can page to check but if you have no evidence… You can call the police and create a complaint. This is all I have. Etc
I once pulled into a lot that was full, except one “space” (there were maybe 10 spaces total)… everyone was parked out of line, which was probably just a waterfall effect. By the time I left the store, all the other customers had left, leaving my lonely car looking like the jerk parking stupidly. And someone put one of those fake “a$$hole parking” tickets on my window.
This morning I nearly got hit by a school bus that turned without using turn signals or looking. Fortunately my brakes worked just fine.
@ticklescratch idk that this is a bmw problem. More a training/teaching problem. Or maybe it’s just me. You are turning/changing lanes. Use your signal. I don’t even think about it.
I once did it with a coworker going down an irrigation lane in a cornfield… Why are you doing that. Idk. Force of habit
@ticklescratch @unksol Good habit to have. I’m the same; I always signal even on an empty road at night.
@Kyeh @ticklescratch @unksol Exactly. I always say, just cuz you don’t see anyone around, doesn’t mean they’re not there, waiting to pop out of nowhere, usually right into your blind spot. It’s like, where the hell did they come from?!
@ircon96 @Kyeh @ticklescratch I guess I don’t even understand why anyone being around is an input to the decision. I just do it. It’s a law to signal your turn/lane change and it just… happens automatically whenever I’m doing it.
@ircon96 @Kyeh @ticklescratch @unksol That school bus made 8 turns/lane changes (including the one where she nearly hit me) where we were driving on the same roads without using her turn signal. I called the school system and reported her.
I once saw on the highway in Missouri an electronic sign that said,
Turn signals
The original
Instant message
@ircon96 @Kyeh @ticklescratch @unksol My wife even uses the turn signal when pulling out of our driveway onto the (rural, low traffic) road. I always just smile when I see that.
@ircon96 @Kyeh @macromeh @ticklescratch @unksol Turn signals, yield & stop signs and even red lights, they are virtually all ignored now when there’s no visible traffic enforcement nearby. The sense of entitlement is running rampant in all aspects of our lives here in the US and I would guess to some measurable degree in many other countries as well.
@ircon96 @Kyeh @macromeh @ticklescratch im not 100% sure if I do it out of the drive. I might. Just because of how ingrained it is.
It’s obviously of limited use to 90 degree traffic.
@ircon96 @Kyeh @macromeh @ticklescratch I 100% do because I remember making eye contact with my passenger mirror pulling out of the drive yesterday. And the 25 year old expedition has turn signals built into the mirror glass.
Also your wife is correct. If you are turning indicate the direction.
@ircon96 @Kyeh @ticklescratch @unksol She probably is. It just strikes me as funny to do so going from our driveway onto the low-traffic country road with no one but me to see it.
Not sure what you mean re: 90-deg traffic- most [even relatively modern] cars and trucks have side-marker lights to help signalling in all [horizontal] panes…
I signal everywhere, for all maneuvers, just in case, but also by force of habit.
The only thing that cranks me up more than someone pulling out right in front of me and making me nearly have to stop to avoid them, is people not signalling before making turns or lane changes, especially if they’re already braking to a near stop…
@PhysAssist if your coming from the left and I’m turning right or going straight there’s nothing indicating that on the left side of my car for you to see. At a right angle/pulling out/crossing you just expect them to not be an asshole and time things correctly.
@Kyeh @ticklescratch @unksol @PhysAssist @Kidsandliz
That will get you killed on a motorcycle.
I am also a ‘if I turn I signal’ person. If you grind it into your muscle memory, you will not forget to do it when it is important.
Seatbelts are the same. First thing I do getting into the car, last thing getting out. Guess those lessons during high school over 50 yrs ago really stuck with me.
I actually bought a dashcam for the 16 y/o grandson so he will have some documentation if shit goes wrong while he is driving (as a new driver).
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @ticklescratch well you are responsible when pulling out/crossing traffic. So the people with the right of way expect you to not be suicidal.
Dad taught me to drive and the rules are not that hard. Excluding assholes etc
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @PhysAssist @ticklescratch @unksol I kind of try to maintain the belief that everyone else out there driving is a brain-dead idiot who’s looking at their phone, just because chances are that a lot of them are.
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @ticklescratch probably a better assumption than everyone follows the rules. Defensive driving etc etc
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @ticklescratch @unksol
When I rode a motorcycle I took it for granted I had a giant target on my back and my job was to be sure everyone else on the road couldn’t hit it…
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @ticklescratch
Logical. To me when on the road it’s just a car. But stop signs/lights/passing… It’s a much thinner vehicle. Even when I adjust my mirrors as best I can there is a split second I can’t see one
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @ticklescratch @unksol There’s only two kinds of drivers out there. The legally blind, and the criminally insane.
Assuming people will do the dumbest thing possible and being pleasantly surprised works a lot better than assuming they are alert and competent and being unpleasantly surprised.
@blaineg @chienfou @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @ticklescratch @unksol
There are the drivers like myself, who is both legally blind and criminally insane
/giphy venn diagram

@blaineg @chienfou @f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @ticklescratch and what was your Address again? No reason. Not worried about your self reported behavior at all. Totally fine. With that. …
Today I learned meh thinks /s for sarcasm is a shrug
Also. Until I see you stroking a cat. How am I supposed to take your evil intent seriously?
@blaineg @chienfou @Kyeh @PhysAssist @ticklescratch @unksol And @f00l you drive a tank too. Right?
@blaineg @chienfou @f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @PhysAssist @ticklescratch I mean he has a 100% overlap so must be up to something
Only three spaces? Any self-respecting omega-man parks across six!
@PocketBrain Some Rapid Unplanned Disassembly may be required.
@phendrick I love it! It reminds me of this meme:

@lisagd @phendrick i think we might actually be called “the asshole nation” in some places though.
Not that we would know since we can only speak English. But odds are… Somewhere
@lisagd @phendrick @unksol
Isn’t that the truth.
@phendrick @unksol I wouldn’t be surprised.
@lisagd @phendrick @unksol
Q: What do you call someone that speaks several languages?
A: Polyglot
Q: What do you call someone that speaks three languages?
A: Trilingual
Q: What do you call someone that speaks two luanguages?
A: Bilingual
Q: What do you call someone that speaks only one language?
A: American
@phendrick My favorite Latin statement is Noli nothis permittere te terere
@chienfou @lisagd @unksol
Well, I learned some Polish from my mother’s family when I was young, but nobody around me in North Texas spoke it (my mother, for whatever reason, didn’t try to teach me more at home), so I now know about 4 words only (I could probably borrow some money…).
I took two years of Latin in high school. I could translate Caesar. Never regretted learning it, since it was the basis for so much English language, law, and also other (Romance) languages. But didn’t speak it past then. Now I only know common phrases (that lawyers love so much but have trouble getting them right) and that people on these forums like to throw around (shouldn’t that be “fora”?). Of course, also ran into it in anatomy books and biology, but I did’t go that direction.
I also took two years of Spanish there. But that Spanish was formal and taught by a senora from Spain. It didn’t go over too well with the local Tex-Mex kids. (I did get good at their cuss words, though.) So that is mostly gone now.
In college, I took two years of Russian and learned it well enough to get A’s. But again, outside of that, no one to practice with (except my Polish mother could understand it spoken, though not written). So that is now gone by me.
I do speak fairly fluent “math”; does that count? (I’ve heard it called a “foreign language” so many times).
But people around here don’t seem to like to converse in it either.
In sum, use it, or lose it. (Many people here do use a version of English a lot but seem to have lost much of the finer points, anyway.)
@chienfou @lisagd @unksol
I never laugh at any ESL person’s broken English (unless they inadvertently managed to tell a joke). I always figure their English is better than my ______, whatever is their first language.
@phendrick One of the stark differences between the ESL people in Houston vs Miami is that where the ones here will happily try to work with you to establish understanding (as long as you show willing as well), the attitude in Miami tended to be “Oh, you don’t understand my minigun-rapid Cuban Spanish? Well, that’s just too bad for you.”
@chienfou @lisagd @phendrick @unksol I’m generally with you, but when a very tired international student exclaims, “I pooped!” it’s pretty hard not to laugh.
@chienfou @Limewater @lisagd @phendrick eh. It’s funnier when it’s your English teacher. I want to say it was 8th grade English. And doing that thing where they make you stand up and read out loud.
Kid finishes a paragraph and our, I’m guessing mid to late 20’s English teacher, just goes. “Alright let’s give Joseph a breast.” Then immediately turns bright red. “No. I meant. Break. Rest.”
@chienfou @Limewater @phendrick @unksol My ex-boyfriend isn’t a native English speaker. One day, he was looking at a recipe and asked “What are poopy seeds?” I burst out laughing. I couldn’t help it; it caught me off guard. (I did apologize after I told him what poppy seeds are.)
@Limewater @lisagd @phendrick @unksol
Most all of them in my experience…
@chienfou @Limewater @lisagd @phendrick I mean corn kernels being the uh… Most visible.
Then there’s the whole poppy seed chicken vs you know… Opium… So that’s not at all confusing
@chienfou @Limewater @lisagd @phendrick @unksol because drug tests are,produce a positive test result.
@macromeh So, unsurprisingly, the MRO Handbook continues to set standards that are invalidated by actual research, i.e.
@macromeh @werehatrack
Did I read two different articles than you did? Seems to me that both of them said that you could get false positive codeine results…
@chienfou Yes, you will very likely produce a false positive for codeine after consuming baked goods containing typical amounts of poppy seeds, as has been verified by multiple studies. As a result, the test for codeine ought to be considered non-dispositive for codeine abuse, but the panic-state authorities whose goal is to incarcerate or at least harass as many people as possible are adamant that they will continue to insist that you must prove that you had an excuse rather than them having the burden of proof that their flawed test actually demonstrated something actionable.