@InfamousAnimal- After about ¹/² hr. I have to either cut it off & recharge it, or keep it plugged in & charging to keep on listening to my ‘bango’! I’ve never been able to use the radio/scan with any results! I would still buy another, but I missed out this time. What meh should do is buy enough for everyone & what they don’t sell can go to Morning Save. In other words, MEH’S BUSINESS MODEL SUCKS AS IN, IT IS FRESH FERTILIZER!! Please, Don’t ask me to say some Fn thing & then whine about me using my Free Speech right to say what I want.That said, your Business Model SUCKS! WHY? Because you’re screw-ing us out of the item + you are screwing Yourself out of profit & isn’t that the bottom line of Any & Aaalll Business Models?
@narfcake-“but it’s back Today”? Today is 24 hrs long, but only 5-10 Hrs when it’s all about You! Even Walmart has a better Business Model than that! How So? If an item is ‘hotter’ than anticipated they order, ergo, restock their item Why? Again, Customer Sevice/Satisfaction & YOUR PROFIT!!
@gustador And that’s all I could find.
Although I’ve heard of this brand before (seen it sold in low-price stores such as Big Lots), but this particular model seems to have been swallowed up by an informational black hole; No reviews, no manuals, simply no information that I could readily find online. Good luck getting QFX to honor the warranty. I’ll pass.
@gustador@Kerig3-talking about ‘informational Black Fn Hole’! I didn’t know there was a Warrenty, and, no, I don’t read what meh posts about any warrenty! Never Ever & Never Ever will. Why? Because second hand Warrenties are merely Hear-say! They (meh) hears what the Seller (QFX) says & that’s as far as that entire matter goes. That said, this product should last a very long time because (Mine) it’s just a speaker, nothing more!!
@Kerig3@gustador I bought one of these the last time they sold them a few months back. Pretty decent in terms of loudness, okayish sound quality, A little difficult to tune the radio to a station, as there is no readout to tell you what number you tuned to, but works best as a bluetooth speaker for a phone or something. Not terribly difficult to get it to pair or re-pair to other devices, and some folks probably would like the LED lights inside that change colors. I guess it is fairly worth it for 9 bucks, if you are a member and shipping is free, otherwise, it is about the same quality as a $10 boombox from Walmart, so better to sign up for membership if you want one, and buy at least one other thing this month to offset the shipping cost.
Got one last time; it was meh at $14. So OK I guess at $9. Tuning radio to any particular station is a guessing game. Led lights are irrelevant, IMHO.
I’m going to pop for a couple more. Nice to have a spare in the workshop and keep one in my ride with the tools.
@djslack Thanks, but no mention is made anywhere else that you can turn it off and no other mention of a microphone as stated in the write-up’s line before that:
And that speaker isn’t a bluetooth party speaker? With a microphone
input and flashing LED lights?
Something doesn’t add up, but I think the write-up is speaking about a general “Bluetooth party speaker” and not this particular speaker.
Maybe the OP of this thread can weigh-in? @phendrick
@phendrick Your comment made it to the “highlights” at the top of the thread. I had to read it twice because I thought you said you had to poop for a couple more. Gave us too much info there buddy.
@phendrick- are they Spare when you use them all. If you buy three tv sets & thy’re all used, then a forth in the closet, or one never used would be a spare. Maybe, I’m wrong, but I’m just saying!
@cengland0@djslack@Kerig3@phendrick In theory at least, any bluetooth speaker has a mike input, if you simply purchase a bluetooth mike… Its not technically bad advertising, as long as you aren’t the type to get angry when the fine print says “microphone not included”
@smerk85 Uh, I don’t know about that. Can you pair a bluetooth microphone to a bluetooth speaker? What are the steps you go through to do that? Put them both in discovery mode and they suddenly pair to each other automatically? I don’t think so but you can always prove me wrong if you know of a way that I don’t currently understand.
@cengland0 good point. If they both had the same pairing code, maybe. Also, you could probably find a karaoke app for your phone that would make your phone the Mike for the speaker, but that’s just a guess.
@hchavers- I Love My IRK T-shirt! Why? Unlike Nurfcake, he doesn’t respond to my BS because he can stand the heat & knows it’s just that. Why do I think Nurf is an employee of meh; because he said ‘we’ in a fuckin meh explanation!!¡
@Shakabookoo The $49 listed on that page is MSPR per unit; it doesn’t actually state how much the pack of 10 costs (wholesale). I am not agreeing that they are worth $49, though…
@cengland0 Thanks! Judging by the specs, with a little surgery this may work for converting an ancient 11" low-impedance mono speaker to bluetooth. Cheaper than buying an amp, power supply and bluetooth modules. And if it doesn’t work out, I get a cheesy looking BT Party speaker for $9!
Thought for a minute there, things where getting better product wise with the niece items over the last few days. I guess not , back to SPEAKERS, again what next POWER PACKS.
Interesting, had I realized Meh auto-converted home turf hyperlinks (that first “image” was actually the hyperlink to the morningsave deal page… but not clickable???) to images, I wouldn’t have bothered to screen capture and upload the second image.
Does anyone happen to know if there is an external antenna jack? Usually, the ability of the FM radio to pull in a station on one of these is crap without an antenna modification.
@Brasssong The manual does not mention anything about that ability and it doesn’t appear to have a port for it either.
As someone who has sold thousands of radios in a former career, I can say it’s rare to have an external antenna port on a portable radio (not saying there aren’t any). Usually those inputs are reserved for stationary radios like a home stereo or receiver.
A little trivia: Some of the portable radios that used headphones, used the headphone cable as an antenna.
@cengland0 The only “radios” that I’ve seen these days with antenna inputs are decent weather-alert radios…for obvious reasons.
Plus, I’m old enough to remember portable radios and it was sometimes mentioned in their user manuals under “Troubleshooting; How to get better radio reception”, otherwise I wouldn’t have known that bit of trivia.
@cengland0 I’m aware that a lot of portables use the headphone jack as an antenna, performance for them is usually not great and I’m looking to add a cheap rod antenna to this once it arrives. I will check out the FM chip to see which pin is the antenna connection and hopefully, it will be a simple mod. Some of these have a simple foil panel inside that acts as an antenna or a length of wire. I’m just looking to improve the performance. I am aware I can stream iHart radio or Pandora. But for me, that is not really radio. I don’t want to have to carry multiple devices just to check the local news or weather. I’m wondering if the control panel offers a way to save preset stations or only scans up/down the dial.
I bought one of these last time around to set in the kitchen to listen to my Ben Shapiro podcast while I cook. The sound quality is great and it paired easily with my iPad. That being said, the “mode” button broke the first time I pushed it. Thankfully hubby is handy and disassembled the unit, repaired the button, and reassembled it with no parts left over!!! BTW, the radio doesn’t work worth a crap. I just stream iHeart radio to the speaker when I want to listen to the radio.
I was placing order for $9 radio Bluetooth in red and was about to push pay when my info came up and it stopped. I want this item but there’s no phone number to call you
@CeliaMoses There is a membership program that gives you shipping for $5 a month if you think you might want to buy more than one thing a month. But these are sold out.
@connorbush Sweet jesus, are these lights seriously not an optional feature? I would not have bought this if the product description had warned “FLASHING LIGHTS ARE MANDATORY”
Your not going to find a better speaker for 9 bucks period , the sound is very loud for 5 watts if that’s what you want and i mean very loud bass is ok at best but combine the FM radio and the blue tooth, flashing lights, SD slot wow what a friggen deal and for my money it’s the deal of the year so far, I agree the lights are annoying but its for my grand kids so that’s ok, also, attractive package fast delivery , 1 year warranty.Grab it next time and very glad i grabbed 2.Very well done team Meh ty very,very much .
received yesterday. Sound is pretty decent. question - anyone figure out how to tune the freaking radio? I can use the scan button, but don’t know how to say “stop” when I want it to?
The LED has a microcontroller integrated into it, but you can easily disconnect those wires. I’m thinking I’ll mount a switch to the outside so I can turn party mode on and off. Haven’t gotten the Bluetooth to connect yet. Pretty sure 1200W is a lie…
What’s in the Box?
1x Speaker
1x USB charging cable
Price Comparison
$49.99 List
1 Year QFX
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Tempting…But ONLY because I buy more BT speakers than I need thanks to Meh.
@Stallion So is flooring it on the Interstate
@yakkoTDI What does this link to this YT channel have to do with today’s product?
@Kerig3 @yakkoTDI Phil needs a dentist?
@Kerig3 Nothing that I know of. What rumours have you heard?
@yakkoTDI Then why did you post this? Spam? Trolling? Some obscure reference that I’m not getting???
800 mAh is a pretty small battery
@InfamousAnimal- After about ¹/² hr. I have to either cut it off & recharge it, or keep it plugged in & charging to keep on listening to my ‘bango’! I’ve never been able to use the radio/scan with any results! I would still buy another, but I missed out this time. What meh should do is buy enough for everyone & what they don’t sell can go to Morning Save. In other words, MEH’S BUSINESS MODEL SUCKS AS IN, IT IS FRESH FERTILIZER!! Please, Don’t ask me to say some Fn thing & then whine about me using my Free Speech right to say what I want.That said, your Business Model SUCKS! WHY? Because you’re screw-ing us out of the item + you are screwing Yourself out of profit & isn’t that the bottom line of Any & Aaalll Business Models?
@decoratedwarvet Ah, but that did happen. It was $14 meh, then $15 at Morningsave, an it’s back here today to clear our what didn’t sell out before.
@narfcake-“but it’s back Today”? Today is 24 hrs long, but only 5-10 Hrs when it’s all about You! Even Walmart has a better Business Model than that! How So? If an item is ‘hotter’ than anticipated they order, ergo, restock their item Why? Again, Customer Sevice/Satisfaction & YOUR PROFIT!!
@decoratedwarvet When the items in context are closeouts, there is no restocking.
Also: https://meh.com/forum/topics/why-sellouts-are-our-goal
/giphy sensible chuckle

@stinks- But the Percocet was!! LOL!
I’m in For 2 great gifts for the grandkids
A hard-to-watch video showing how big it is, but that’s about all it shows.
@Kerig3 thanks for the link and you’re right, no details but the speaker size.
The battery for this has a very small capacity
@gustador And that’s all I could find.
Although I’ve heard of this brand before (seen it sold in low-price stores such as Big Lots), but this particular model seems to have been swallowed up by an informational black hole; No reviews, no manuals, simply no information that I could readily find online. Good luck getting QFX to honor the warranty. I’ll pass.
@gustador @Kerig3-talking about ‘informational Black Fn Hole’! I didn’t know there was a Warrenty, and, no, I don’t read what meh posts about any warrenty! Never Ever & Never Ever will. Why? Because second hand Warrenties are merely Hear-say! They (meh) hears what the Seller (QFX) says & that’s as far as that entire matter goes. That said, this product should last a very long time because (Mine) it’s just a speaker, nothing more!!
@Kerig3 @gustador I bought one of these the last time they sold them a few months back. Pretty decent in terms of loudness, okayish sound quality, A little difficult to tune the radio to a station, as there is no readout to tell you what number you tuned to, but works best as a bluetooth speaker for a phone or something. Not terribly difficult to get it to pair or re-pair to other devices, and some folks probably would like the LED lights inside that change colors. I guess it is fairly worth it for 9 bucks, if you are a member and shipping is free, otherwise, it is about the same quality as a $10 boombox from Walmart, so better to sign up for membership if you want one, and buy at least one other thing this month to offset the shipping cost.
Got one last time; it was meh at $14. So OK I guess at $9. Tuning radio to any particular station is a guessing game. Led lights are irrelevant, IMHO.
I’m going to pop for a couple more. Nice to have a spare in the workshop and keep one in my ride with the tools.
@phendrick can you set the light to a constant color?
@caffeine_dude does off count?
@caffeine_dude @phendrick Or turn the light off?
@Kerig3 the write-up seems to say you can:
@djslack Thanks, but no mention is made anywhere else that you can turn it off and no other mention of a microphone as stated in the write-up’s line before that:
Something doesn’t add up, but I think the write-up is speaking about a general “Bluetooth party speaker” and not this particular speaker.
Maybe the OP of this thread can weigh-in?
@djslack @phendrick Answered in the user manual link below (thanks @cengland0), no mention of ability to turn the light off & no mic input (not sure why you would need a mic anyway):
http://qfxusa.com/Pdf/PBX-2 english manual.pdf
How long does the battery last?
@creativecstasy @phendrick I ran mine for about 6 hours at work and the battery still had juice
@creativecstasy Unfortunately for that particular spec you’ll have to spend a bit more on a better BT speaker.
@phendrick Your comment made it to the “highlights” at the top of the thread. I had to read it twice because I thought you said you had to poop for a couple more. Gave us too much info there buddy.
@djslack @Kerig3 off is not a single color.
@phendrick- are they Spare when you use them all. If you buy three tv sets & thy’re all used, then a forth in the closet, or one never used would be a spare. Maybe, I’m wrong, but I’m just saying!
@cengland0 @djslack @Kerig3 @phendrick In theory at least, any bluetooth speaker has a mike input, if you simply purchase a bluetooth mike… Its not technically bad advertising, as long as you aren’t the type to get angry when the fine print says “microphone not included”
@smerk85 Uh, I don’t know about that. Can you pair a bluetooth microphone to a bluetooth speaker? What are the steps you go through to do that? Put them both in discovery mode and they suddenly pair to each other automatically? I don’t think so but you can always prove me wrong if you know of a way that I don’t currently understand.
@cengland0 @smerk85 Somebody needs to start a Topic about that.
@smerk85 @therealjrn Good idea. If only there was a button you could use to start that topic.
@cengland0 @smerk85 I’m surprised Meh doesn’t make it easier to start Topics!
@cengland0 @smerk85 I have a bluetooth receiver i attatched to my tv and paired to my bluetooth head phones so it is possible .
@cengland0 good point. If they both had the same pairing code, maybe. Also, you could probably find a karaoke app for your phone that would make your phone the Mike for the speaker, but that’s just a guess.
IRK is back. We missed these weird things when you were gone. Was End Game worth the wait?
@hchavers- I Love My IRK T-shirt! Why? Unlike Nurfcake, he doesn’t respond to my BS because he can stand the heat & knows it’s just that. Why do I think Nurf is an employee of meh; because he said ‘we’ in a fuckin meh explanation!!¡
@decoratedwarvet You’re up early today!
@decoratedwarvet @nArfcake doesn’t work for meh. Volunteer.
@decoratedwarvet @narfcake @RiotDemon Nu-uh, nobody would be so crazy to volunteer.
@therealjrn I have no idea what you mean.
If you follow the price comparison link, you see that it’s $49 for a pack of 10… just sayin…
@Shakabookoo I think that’s the price-per-unit cost and they’re sold in cases of 10. Just sayin’…
@Shakabookoo The $49 listed on that page is MSPR per unit; it doesn’t actually state how much the pack of 10 costs (wholesale). I am not agreeing that they are worth $49, though…
Here is the user manual link in pdf.
http://qfxusa.com/Pdf/PBX-2 english manual.pdf
@cengland0 Thank you!
@cengland0 Thanks! Judging by the specs, with a little surgery this may work for converting an ancient 11" low-impedance mono speaker to bluetooth. Cheaper than buying an amp, power supply and bluetooth modules. And if it doesn’t work out, I get a cheesy looking BT Party speaker for $9!
Thanks for the link! Posting screen shots for the Pdf impaired or motivationally impaired…

@surfeit Which is good, because cutting and pasting in iOS was a fall.
Please note above this product is “fully fun” as opposed to partially fun.

@surfeit I like the line, “I believe will bring you new feeling.”
@cengland0 @surfeit Chinglish in its purest form.
Also micro SD slot. Though that would be a total pain other than random music of the card with no screen to view for selection. ok
@chienfou You can say that again!
No AM radio? Sigh… I was hoping. In an emergency, I’d like to be able to get both AM and FM. Maybe next time…
@Tadlem43 I bought this off amazon for 18 bucks…works great…https://amzn.to/2PzZcBj
@Tadlem43 I find it weird when a device only offers one radio band, it always looks like an oversight.
@Kerig3 @Tadlem43 but then the risk would be this wonderful device would never make it to Meh!
@fastharrydotcom @Tadlem43 Excellent! “A Protable Must-have Emergency. Slove the pressing need of weather forecast for you.” Curiouser and curiouser…
@Kerig3 @Tadlem43 FM receiver circuits are easily added; AM requires more components, so it’s often omitted to cut manufacturing costs.
@fastharrydotcom Thanks! I’ll check it out!
@Kerig3 Oh… I didn’t know that. Thanks for the explanation.
Thought for a minute there, things where getting better product wise with the niece items over the last few days. I guess not , back to SPEAKERS, again what next POWER PACKS.
Smells, Like a fart in the shower.
My teeth are already thoroughly azure, yet I keep buying stuff like this. Damn you!
So if you’re over eager to order one during the Deal pause or think it might be at risk of a sellout, hop over to sister Morningsave (and pay $15)…
Interesting, had I realized Meh auto-converted home turf hyperlinks (that first “image” was actually the hyperlink to the morningsave deal page… but not clickable???) to images, I wouldn’t have bothered to screen capture and upload the second image.
Does anyone happen to know if there is an external antenna jack? Usually, the ability of the FM radio to pull in a station on one of these is crap without an antenna modification.
@Brasssong The manual does not mention anything about that ability and it doesn’t appear to have a port for it either.
As someone who has sold thousands of radios in a former career, I can say it’s rare to have an external antenna port on a portable radio (not saying there aren’t any). Usually those inputs are reserved for stationary radios like a home stereo or receiver.
A little trivia: Some of the portable radios that used headphones, used the headphone cable as an antenna.
@Brasssong when I want to listen to the radio with mine, I just stream the radio station from iHeart radio on my iPad to the speaker
@cengland0 The only “radios” that I’ve seen these days with antenna inputs are decent weather-alert radios…for obvious reasons.
Plus, I’m old enough to remember portable radios and it was sometimes mentioned in their user manuals under “Troubleshooting; How to get better radio reception”, otherwise I wouldn’t have known that bit of trivia.
@cengland0 I’m aware that a lot of portables use the headphone jack as an antenna, performance for them is usually not great and I’m looking to add a cheap rod antenna to this once it arrives. I will check out the FM chip to see which pin is the antenna connection and hopefully, it will be a simple mod. Some of these have a simple foil panel inside that acts as an antenna or a length of wire. I’m just looking to improve the performance. I am aware I can stream iHart radio or Pandora. But for me, that is not really radio. I don’t want to have to carry multiple devices just to check the local news or weather. I’m wondering if the control panel offers a way to save preset stations or only scans up/down the dial.
@Brasssong Scan only, I believe.
I bought one of these last time around to set in the kitchen to listen to my Ben Shapiro podcast while I cook. The sound quality is great and it paired easily with my iPad. That being said, the “mode” button broke the first time I pushed it. Thankfully hubby is handy and disassembled the unit, repaired the button, and reassembled it with no parts left over!!! BTW, the radio doesn’t work worth a crap. I just stream iHeart radio to the speaker when I want to listen to the radio.
Worst. Photos. Ever.
From user manual: “…I belie ve will bring you New feeling.” Uh-huh.
@MrNews a brand New kind of disappointment
Someone may ask, “really? You need ANOTHER bluetooth speaker?”
What are you, my wife?
There’s a perfectly good catshirt at Mediocritee this week. Why did I bother?!

/giphy martial-amiable-chin
I knew this would be on Meh when I saw them on super clearance at Morningsave.
I was placing order for $9 radio Bluetooth in red and was about to push pay when my info came up and it stopped. I want this item but there’s no phone number to call you
What do I do to get this item for $9 even tho shipping is High?
@CeliaMoses There is a membership program that gives you shipping for $5 a month if you think you might want to buy more than one thing a month. But these are sold out.
Can VIP mems not buy until 4?
/buy --color red
@Euniceandrich It worked! Your order number is: vigorous-questionable-chocolate
/image vigorous questionable chocolate

Also micro SD slot. Though that would be a total pain other than random music off the card with no screen to view for selection.
@chienfou oops… double posted that last one. Thought I had forgotten to actually “say it”.
The last picture has two Irks (three if you count the Irk impersonator).

Anyone know how to turn the lights off?
@connorbush I’d like to know too, they’re very annoying
@connorbush you can unplug the led
@connorbush Sweet jesus, are these lights seriously not an optional feature? I would not have bought this if the product description had warned “FLASHING LIGHTS ARE MANDATORY”
Neither speaker will pair to my iPhone. Pretty worthless.
@pianojohn I wouldn’t call it worthless, your iPhone can still make telephone calls can’t it?
Thought this would have more bass, considering the size. But at least it can play while charging. I’ve really got to stop buying these things though.
slight static sound when i play aux input while charging
. radio seems useless.
Your not going to find a better speaker for 9 bucks period , the sound is very loud for 5 watts if that’s what you want and i mean very loud bass is ok at best but combine the FM radio and the blue tooth, flashing lights, SD slot wow what a friggen deal and for my money it’s the deal of the year so far, I agree the lights are annoying but its for my grand kids so that’s ok, also, attractive package fast delivery , 1 year warranty.Grab it next time and very glad i grabbed 2.Very well done team Meh ty very,very much .
received yesterday. Sound is pretty decent. question - anyone figure out how to tune the freaking radio? I can use the scan button, but don’t know how to say “stop” when I want it to?
@catthegreat I wonder too. Read the great instruction manual several times but it keeps a lot of information top secret
The LED has a microcontroller integrated into it, but you can easily disconnect those wires. I’m thinking I’ll mount a switch to the outside so I can turn party mode on and off. Haven’t gotten the Bluetooth to connect yet. Pretty sure 1200W is a lie…
Bought 2 speakers, first SD slot doesnt work well. Connect bluetooth, sound like radio with weak signal. Build Meterial is cheap.