Black to move and win
4Your loyal correspondent found this puzzle on during his daily tactics regimen — whereupon it chuffed him rather deeply in the ‘nads.
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Your loyal correspondent found this puzzle on during his daily tactics regimen — whereupon it chuffed him rather deeply in the ‘nads.
Can’t see it in only one move, but e8-e2 forces e1-f1, then d8-d1… mate??
@jester747 After Re2 Kf1 Rd1+, white can interpose with Qe1 or Ne1.
So…you’re in the ballpark, but not home yet!
Re8-e2 ✓. Ke1-f1.
Re2-d2 ✓. Kf1-(g1 or e1).
Rd2-d1 ✓m8.
@mike808 After Kg1, the bishop at g2 can block
Bishop c4-e2 taking the pawn. It’s all downhill for white after that.
@eonfifty White moving its pawn at f2 would give the king an out, extending things out a bit though.
Ok, how about…
Re8-e2 + Ke1-f1
Re2xc2 + Q x c4
Rd8-d1 ++
I think you got it.
/giphy nerds!
@cinoclav @medz
@Barney @cinoclav
/giphy curds!
Thanks for playing, @mike808, @jester747 and @eonfifty!
Here’s my answers: