Bite me to all meh employees and owners. All in the spirit of your general bad attitude.
1Is anyone having a problem with the shipping and mailing address requirements. Some of us live in places that do not get regular mail delivery. We do have post office, where they allow us a po box. The postal service has the same bad attitude that meh employees and owners have. So they should understand that we don't all live in the big suck city. We get packages at our address but it is not the same as our mailing address. Our mailing address is a PO BOX!!! with a zip code. The order form will not accept. Wth. It's not all that complicated. Any body know how to get this past the gerbils that run meh?
- 17 comments, 36 replies
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Although now that you've gone out of your way to insult them, I srsly hope they just tell you to go fuck yourself. If they don't, I will -
Go fuck yourself.
Does everyone you interact with have this same bad attitude? Maybe there's a common denominator.
Sorry I can't be more helpful with the shipping, although with a request like that I'm not sure who will be. Feel free to use the space below to try again, and have the merriest of Christmases.
@djslack Reminds me of Justified. "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." -Raylan Givens.
You are not Pavlov. You are his dog
@Bkmack that's ruff
@Bkmack That rings a bell.
@2many2no Bingo! Oops, that's a different dog or maybe it's a Mehniac.
@Bkmack Perhaps. And just maybe, you are Pavlov, spanking the dog.
@Barney @Bingo's dog's name is Farmer.
@lisaviolet Don't confuse me with the facts, I'm trying to bake a thousand cookies.
You could try going here and sending your request for help: If you do, try really hard to not word your request like an asshole for best results.
I'm sorry I took the time to use the forum. I read some of the posts and thought it was fun and s bit weird. So " in the spirit" of the whole meh thing I was a bit rude in my request. I did not tell anybody to fuck themselves. That is the territory of the sad ones who use the internet to say things they would never have the balls to say in person. Whatever sad bullying you have experienced I feel for your pain. That's still not an excuse to be a coward. Later Dude.
@Bkmack Eh, we've been burned before by people coming out of nowhere and raging at the staff. Stick around a bit and have fun, but realize we're pretty protective of the staff here. Welcome!
@Bkmack I liked the gerbil comment. Welcome.

@Bkmack You probably have a legitimate request, but given the tone (not exactly friendly, and not so over the top it's mostly obvious what's happening), the demanding nature of your post, and the insults leveled at the staff (even people you've never interacted with), you're not getting the presumption of a joke or anything other than a seemingly bitter person who popped out of nowhere with a rant.
If you're serious, send a nicely-worded request to support, apologize here, and let this thread die.
@Bkmack You can email me at and we'll figure out a time when I can get to Arkansas and say it to your one toothed ugly face.
Such a shame when first cousins marry and have children . . .

@Bkmack In the spirit of helpfulness, generally one doesn't lead with "Bite me". In response to something, well sure. Merry Christmas!
@Bkmack yes, the forums are a bit wacky and fake rudeness is tolerated quite well. however, this was your first post so no one really knows anything about you prior to this. because of that, you came off as a true asshole and not a funny one. establish yourself first as a decent person and THEN bring out the faux rage. trust me, it works. i get away with telling these asshats to fuck off and they still seem to like me.
@Pavlov You misspelled "Kentucky".
@jsimsace Good one! BTW, K State is going to win.
Dear @Bkmack,
Really very sorry to hear you're having trouble with your address. I'd be more than happy to help you out here in the forum (or you can submit a support request to
One of the advantages we have using FedEx SmartPost for most orders is that we're able to ship to PO boxes. "Our mailing address is a PO BOX!!! with a zip code" shouldn't be a problem. Do you have an error message or a screenshot I can look into?
CTG (Chief Technology Gerbil)
@shawn - @snapster needs to print the new title on your business cards . . . and give you a raise, because diplomacy.
@shawn I like gerbils.

@shawn I hope you're not this kind of Gerbil...
@Barney Iffin' you like gerbils, then I'm fixin' ta blow your mind, Baby!
Purple Gerbil!

@ruouttaurmind Now you got me wondering if my wifes hair dye is safe to use on a gerbil....
@MrGlass probably not - but they do make pet safe hair dye.
@ruouttaurmind Aw, isn't he cute. I've seen the pix of the purple squirrel. Apparently, or at least they think, the little guy ate something that turned him purple. In either case, "I'd rather see than be one". But I'Il make an exception for purple goats. :)
Whew! Thanks for the gentle words. I'm still wondering how it went nuclear so fast.
In my weird world bite me is a gentle rebuke in context meant in fun. Like having to call yourself a dummy for forgetting your password. The whole attitude at Meh is refreshing. I tried to join in. Obviously I have not mastered the genre. Believe it or not my spell check inserted gerbil for my misspelled employees. It sounded funny so I left it.
A couple of my fellow forumites mildly chastised me and some had a meltdown. I cop to bad judgement. I'm letting this go now I don't need it to go further. Thank you for your kind and un meh like response ( just kidding )
Yes to your question. When I enter my mailing address (separate from my shipping address) it indicates my mailing address is unacceptable.
@Bkmack It was a weird insult that was trying to be funny but fell flat. No big deal. Anyway...
Looks to me like your bank or credit card issuer is giving us a failed verification response when we ask about your address. I'm also seeing some invalid security code attempts, but I think that's just you trying a few different things.
I've changed some things on your account so give it another shot to see if you can score one of these Cheerson CX-10 Mini Quadcopters.
@Bkmack @shawn It has also spawned the Chief Technology Gerbil, which I am sure will live on in the Meh zeitgeist for quite some time.
@MrGlass @shawn - So, when will you get your new gerbil badge?

@KDemo @shawn
@Bkmack We also just get US mail at a box.
To keep the Post Office, FedEx, and UPS all happy, we use the street address followed by the PO Box for all packages.
The key is the billing address on your credit card has to match the mailing address for the transaction to verify.
@Bkmack - i think it's pronounced "nu-cu-lar"
@Bkmack don't worry man we all bought our sarcasm detectors at meh, so they are off quite a bit. ;)
Whoa, I take a nap and @Shawn turns into a gerbil AND bites people?

That's why I'm going to hire someone to repeatedly poke you to keep you from dozing.
@FroodyFrog It's too late! She currently resides inside me and likes to poke me every time I get comfortable. Come to think of it, this might be why I passed out sitting up on the couch tonight! She must not have realized I was actually sleeping, so she didn't do her job. You should dock her pay.
@Thumperchick Why do you think we all run away when he comes in town?
Just a thought that might not work with all USPS PO Boxes...
I have one for my business. It comes with a street mailing address. Free, no extra charge, just had to ask for it. (And of course fill out another form.)
It happens to be the street address of the Post Office building with a different zip code (the one for the surrounding community rather than the Post Office building itself). At the end of the address line for the street they ask us to put "#1234" where 1234 is our PO box number.
I can receive USPS, FedEx, and UPS shipments there. (Free, no extra charge)
One of the few things I like about the USPS.
And that USPS PO Box is dramatically cheaper than the UPS Store "PO" Box I previously maintained. Number two thing I like about the USPS.
@Bkmack It's hard to get the accent just right when you're new here. Ask @Froodyfrog.
@Bkmack - I checked my Meh shipping address. It's just my PO box and city, state, zip. (I also don't get USPS street delivery.) My credit card billing address is a different PO box, different city, different state, different zip. That works with Meh. So double-check what you entered, and then email support if there's still a problem.
My street address fails address-checkers that use the USPS database (duh), so I have small problems with newegg, and I can't use provantage. I don't really know why companies that ship via UPS or Fedex use a USPS address checker...
Since Barb runs the local post office, and she knows everyone in the village, we don't have to get the USPS address exactly right for that to work. For random shippers such as amazon (for example), I use an address of
83 Bridge Road (<-- that's my street address)
Number 82 (<-- that's my PO box number)
city, st, zip
The shippers seem to deal with that ok.
Note, Meh gerbils and employees may have a mediocre or meh attitude, but they don't have a bad attitude. Some mehmbers come off like { insert arbitrary nationality } uncles. Meh.
@Bkmack I think what everyone failed to mention above was that they responded in the same tone as your original post. Don't take anything personal on here. If you stick around, you can yell at the next person that posts something similar to you to get your revenge.
one of us
one of us
^ This.
I think all of this negativity has distracted us from what is important here. Clearly, this is @tardy's fault
@MrGlass agreed. I support blaming this on anyone. Who's not me.