Bit of a rant


This isn’t part of my normal October topics. I’m just annoyed, and I feel like ranting about it.

I know I’m probably not in the best mood because I had one of the worst nightmares last night. I actually woke up in tears it was so bad. Then today was supposed to be the fall festival. I ended up not going because it was supposed to pour all day. It ended up not raining until the festival was over, so I could of gone. So I’m annoyed that I didn’t.

Anyway… When I was at a gas station, I overheard this dude asking one of the attendants if they were hiring. He looked like he hadn’t had a good shower in a while. He then started to tell a story about how he quit his job today because he didn’t get a raise. Just wtf, you quit your job after you find another job. My ex used to do that shit and saddle me with all the bills. I just don’t understand the mentality. At least try to find something else before you lose all your income.

Then later I was getting dinner and go to this place that has really good bbq. I need to use the restroom, and when I go to go in, there’s a dude pissing in the toilet, holding onto the wall for dear life. At least lock the damn door if you’re going to piss in the women’s restroom. And for the love of God, don’t piss all over the seat.

I know this shit is stupid, but I really felt like I needed to vent.

The food was fucking delicious though.

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