ChadP thought this was worth mentioning said

Cake! Everybody loves cake! Ok, not everyone. I prefer a delicious cookie cake, but why am I still talking about this we have better things to do wow I’m still going and I wonder if I can gracefully transition into something else at this point we’ll never know right cake.

It’s time for The Great Meh Birthday Cake Bakeoff!

Here’s how it works:

Bake a cake to celebrate Meh’s birthday.

Send us a photo of the finished product. Describe the type of cake that it is and what you used to make it. Buttercream filled you say? Well, that’s great. Let us know how it tastes. Share it with your friends and family.

We’ve got prizes for Best In Show, Best Decoration, Worst Decoration, plus a number of other things we’re looking for that we aren’t going to advertise. Just think Meh and Cake. We’ve got lots of prizes here.

We’ll give you until Friday to send in photos of your cake, but we do have daily bonuses and prizes planned out. So don’t wait.