On Art
13Honestly, art has been a part of my mediocre life since childhood. I currently take art, I want to choose a career in animation (Fancy art), and I draw. I draw in pen (Black) and on paper (White). I draw scary things. One of my classmates said that “The purpose of your art is to mentaly scar people.” and I said “Okay, so?”. I would draw furry art if I knew how to draw furries. But I dont, so I draw scary stuff. Over and over, trying to perfect my craft. If any of you are artists, you would understand how frustrating it can be sometimes.
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Honestly, as someone with not a single artistic bone [or nerve or ligament] in my body, I can very much understand what frustration trying to create ANYthing at all can be.
Good luck with your chosen career path! [and welcome to Meh!]
@PhysAssist Thanks : )
@PhysAssist I can SO relate to your flavor of artistic frustration. But you forgot to apologize for their frustration being your fault. J’accuse!
@ircon96 @Wollyhop
Mea culpa!
An artist creates what they are inspired to create. Not necessarily what anyone else wants to see. I think it’s likely if you follow your own path, remain true to yourself and your personal inspiration you will find success.
@januarymick Just remember that “success” isn’t always money. Joy and satisfaction may be all you get for a long time, but (ultimately) those are worth more than money.
(Assuming you can still buy food and pay rent and stuff.)
@januarymick @Block Blast Game Keep in mind that “success” isn’t always financial. For a long time, you might just experience happiness and contentment, but in the end, such things are more valuable than money.
@cliffordnichol Did you run @xobzoo’s comment through ChatGPT to reword it? That comes in handy when writing term papers & such, so you don’t get dinged for plagiarism. I’m old enough that i used to have to do that the OG way–in my brain!
@cliffordnichol @ircon96 @januarymick @xobzoo
Money IS nice though.
But there’s a fine line between learning how to art as a job with stress, and being given the luxury to grow at your own pace.
Webcomic “Questionable Content” has been going on for ages with the artist learning proportions and storytelling as they went along, but after so long, their following of regular donors has allowed them to take it on full time (but also after so long, it’s more like a retiree making a great novel; their biggest financial hardships are behind them and now just need finances to regularly pay bills and see a doctor).
I usually draw in pen, (Gel pens, to be exact.) so I know that you can’t screw up. Honestly, my biggest inspiration (For now) is the art of Stephen Gammell, the guy who drew the pictures to the Scary Stories to tell in the Dark book series.
I make bad Resin art. I recently was given a wood burner… So now I wood burn badly… And I have a 3D printer on order that I plan to make my 3D models on my computer into bad 3D printed art.
I’m not much of an artist but I have fun.
I’ve painted several concrete statues too… That I did ok with.
Still waiting for meh to get their arse in gear and offer Badger statues for sale.
@OnionSoup Soon to be followed by Stature Badges.

Furries mentioned
(It me, and since we just sold undies here…)
@PooltoyWolf Nice art!
Art can take many forms. I believe almost everyone can achieve some level of self-gratifying artistic endeavor if they find the right medium.
Keep doing what makes you happy. Eventually you will either move into some other style or become satisfied where you are.
EXACTLY! Well said!
I pretty much agree with you, but I’m still looking.
Or, rather, I’ve given up looking until such time as I feel like I can pursue it peacefully and without worry.
(I tend to get frustrated when things don’t become in reality what I imagine for them in my head. I know I just need a lot more practice and/or lowering my expectations, but neither of those comes naturally with my default perfectionism mode. Eventually I’ll work through that and be able to make art I like… or maybe I won’t but it won’t matter. In any case, I’m not stressing about it; I’m trying to be productive in other ways instead.)
I draw and my favorite medium is nothing too fancy, a regular #2 pencil in my white sketchbook. Usually I draw my feelings which ends up in a abstract version of everyday things. Flowers are fun to do too. Just yesterday my niece sent me a picture of her horse and asked me to sketch him. I’m a bit nervous about it just because I feel the pressure to perform is on. My first paying piece of art was horses for the race book at our local Casino/Foxwoods when it first opened 30 plus years ago. Gotta admit that was pretty cool!

I’m going to agree with what was said above, draw for yourself and you’ll do great! And since you are now taking classes, (I assume) you’ll have different assignments for different genres and your horizons will be soon be broadening. Good luck with your schooling and be true to yourself. Wealth isn’t always a monetary thing.
Thanks for all the kind words, everybody!
I need to get back into Draw with Friends (app) or skribbl.io or drawception.com
I used to do a comic strip for my highschool paper.
@pakopako You should do one for Meh.
@Kyeh That would be cool