[BETA] Alexa - Ask {unofficial} meh stalker what is for sale

lichme went on a bit of a rant said

A couple of days ago I got back from a trip out of country, and when I came home, there was a couple of echo dots I ordered on prime day waiting to be opened (cause @dave mentioned they were cool). I hooked them up, played around for a bit, and decided I needed to make a skill.

Fast forward to now, meh stalker is now pending certification approval, and hopefully will be available publicly in the next couple of days.

You will be able to issue commands like:
Alexa, ask meh stalker what is for sale
Alexa, ask meh stalker what was for sale on June 4th
Alexa, ask meh stalker for the current poll
Alexa, ask meh stalker when the last fuku was sold
Alexa, ask meh stalker what went wrong
Alexa, ask meh stalker for help

Known issues:
When asking for historical sales info, the invocation “meh stalker” seems to get mistranslated when specifying a year. Not sure why, but I’ll look into it. Workaround: say “Alexa, open/launch meh stalker and ask what was for sale on June 4th, 2015”

I was also looking at displaying a product image on the Alexa Card, however there are some CORS requirements for the image, one of which is that there cannot be an expiration set. Doing some testing, I don’t think meh (cloudinary) currently meets these requirements, and I don’t feel like re-hosting the images to try and work around it.

If you are interested in trying it out before it is certified, I can add you to the BETA program, which will make the skill available and allow you to test new features before they are launched.

Anybody interested can email lichme@mehstalker.com with the subject “Beta Request” and I’ll get you added ASAP.

If there is a (practical) feature you would like to see, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

I’ll update this posting once I get certified and the skill becomes publicly available.