Be absent minded. Go into a room to get something, forget what that was, go back to try to remember, get distracted and involved in something else; go into another room, forget why, etc. Etc. Etc.
They say Helen of Troy had the face that launched a thousand ships. I have the face that could cause a thousand ships to abruptly weigh anchor and flee at speed.
My wife started wearing a fitness watch a couple of years ago, so she is steps-and-stairs-count-conscious. When watching TV in the basement family room, she will go up two flights to use our master bathroom on the top floor. I’ve gotten into the habit, too. Makes for a nice break to stretch the legs.
Dance Dance Revolution.
Walk the dog – particularly when she insists, like right now. (Barking at me while I am typing this…)
Be a cheapskate about parking; the closer the spot is to where you need to go, the more it’s (usually) going to cost.
Strap the watch to a toddler.
Drink more coffee (yes, walking to and from the coffee machine)
…and then to and from the bathroom.
Eat smaller, more frequent snacks, requiring more trips to the fridge.
Flail the arm with the step counter on around like a mad person.
@riskybryzness “Flail the arm”… is that what the kids are calling it these days?
Be absent minded. Go into a room to get something, forget what that was, go back to try to remember, get distracted and involved in something else; go into another room, forget why, etc. Etc. Etc.
Become a Porch Pirate in your spare time. Skip the meh packages though.
@PocketBrain I love that video. I heard recently that someone glitter bombed Mark Rober. It was another maker as a joke.
Spend an hour or two walking around the same block while periodically looking down at a clipboard with a very concerned look.
Make my daily rounds at my job. I am responsible for nearly 3 full city blocks that my boss owns
Disc golf.
Attach it to the dog’s collar and throw a ball for him.
Look at yourself in a mirror then run in horror from the image!
They say Helen of Troy had the face that launched a thousand ships. I have the face that could cause a thousand ships to abruptly weigh anchor and flee at speed.
@Evansdoor @werehatrack
1 milliHelen = face that launched a single ship
walk my dog and go shopping and stroll the aisles.
@bayportbob if you stroll all the aisles of a Costco - that’s like 3000 steps!
My wife started wearing a fitness watch a couple of years ago, so she is steps-and-stairs-count-conscious. When watching TV in the basement family room, she will go up two flights to use our master bathroom on the top floor. I’ve gotten into the habit, too. Makes for a nice break to stretch the legs.