@chienfou@mediocrebot@shahnm Until you get to that Escher railing on the left, that is neither a handrail down some steps nor a railing to keep people from stepping off the edge. And that angular splice at bottom center is just sloppy. Mediocrebot needs carpentry lessons along with anatomy and zoology.
In the nascent days of the internet my sister was searching for sporting goods with her teenage son online. Both of them learned the lesson that dicks.com did NOT lead to the sporting goods store site…
@chienfou@PooltoyWolf@TheCO2 It does now, via a redirect. I guess the folks at Dick’s bought the domain name away from the entrepreneurs who had other ideas.
@blaineg@chienfou@PooltoyWolf@TheCO2 Also a porn site at https://www.whitehouse.com for many years. The running joke was that Bill Clinton had had it set up. But of course, he was gone before the WWW took off so not likely to have a bit of truth to it.
Now it’s a weird combination:
@blaineg@chienfou@phendrick@PooltoyWolf I did know whitehouse.com was porn, years ago. I remember people saying, “Don’t go to whitehouse.com. The site is not what you think.” I figured it still was porn. You know a lot of people were disappointed when they learned of the change.
In a calm sea, the deck has much to recommend it. But even running straight along an ideal wind, one must always mind the rigging, particularly on a sloop- or ketch-rigged vessel.
Shuffle it and deal.
Pop a tape in and chill…
Finish him off with a firm right hook…
In your finest garments…
Safely in the skate park, away from crazy drivers, pedestrians, and angry police.
@shahnm You already be me to the other two I could think of off the top of my head.
But cheating a little, I’m reminded of several others I’d forgotten about. (which, in the meantime, you also already got)
In the halls, with boughs and holly…
@shahnm Don’t forget the fas and las.
<@shahnm drops his mic, and walks off-stage…>
/showme the Best way to enjoy a deck
@mediocrebot I disagree.
@mediocrebot @shahnm
At least that one’s plausible with recognizable features!
@chienfou @mediocrebot @shahnm Until you get to that Escher railing on the left, that is neither a handrail down some steps nor a railing to keep people from stepping off the edge. And that angular splice at bottom center is just sloppy. Mediocrebot needs carpentry lessons along with anatomy and zoology.
@mediocrebot @shahnm @werehatrack
I didn’t say pretty… Just plausible
Snoozin’ between those two hammock posts.
@phendrick also with a porch swing and/or hammock chairs.
Watching a tropical island emerge from the horizon of sparkling blue sea, as you enjoy the sea breeze wafting through your hair.
This one sounds the best to me.
@Kyeh @mehcuda67 Two words: Sand flies.
@mehcuda67 @werehatrack
On a boat?
@Kyeh @mehcuda67 Was assuming beach house. Yeah, good use of a boat deck.
Oh, you said deck. Never mind.
@PooltoyWolf Hopes and dreams yet again crushed by that pesky phonics…
@PooltoyWolf 🫢
@PooltoyWolf Deck pics, anyone?
@PooltoyWolf @TheCO2
In the nascent days of the internet my sister was searching for sporting goods with her teenage son online. Both of them learned the lesson that dicks.com did NOT lead to the sporting goods store site…
@chienfou @PooltoyWolf @TheCO2 It does now, via a redirect. I guess the folks at Dick’s bought the domain name away from the entrepreneurs who had other ideas.
@PooltoyWolf @TheCO2 @werehatrack MN
Yeah… That’s why I said DID… as in past tense.
Used to be a ‘legit’ porn site… Not a “squatter”
@chienfou @TheCO2 As of this moment, it does! LOL
@chienfou @PooltoyWolf @TheCO2 For years nasa.com was a porn site. It’s just a blank page now.
You probably want nasa.gov.
@blaineg @chienfou @PooltoyWolf @TheCO2 Also a porn site at https://www.whitehouse.com for many years. The running joke was that Bill Clinton had had it set up. But of course, he was gone before the WWW took off so not likely to have a bit of truth to it.
Now it’s a weird combination:
@blaineg @chienfou @phendrick @PooltoyWolf I did know whitehouse.com was porn, years ago. I remember people saying, “Don’t go to whitehouse.com. The site is not what you think.” I figured it still was porn. You know a lot of people were disappointed when they learned of the change.
Be the first, or it’s gonna hurt.
Rocky… Is that you???
@chienfou @rtjhnstn Looks more like Fat Gus.
@chienfou @rtjhnstn Hokey smokes!
@rtjhnstn @TheCO2
Anybody tagged the SPCA yet?
@chienfou @rtjhnstn @TheCO2 If it’s the same video I saw a few years ago, the flying squirrels land in a bunch of pine trees.
Smoking a brisket!
@capnjb I prefer vaping…
@capnjb If you deck was built from hickory or pecan, it can become part of the process…
In a calm sea, the deck has much to recommend it. But even running straight along an ideal wind, one must always mind the rigging, particularly on a sloop- or ketch-rigged vessel.
@werehatrack Depends on the boat size. The 100 ton ones I worked on there were basically no issues.
I like to play Nintendo games on my steam deck
Watching the boats and tubers go by while reading and enjoying the sun all from the back yard.
/youtube blue collar commedy deck
@unksol That is HILARIOUS. I had never seen that, thanks.