I used to live that show, I went to turn it on (tv) a few years ago and it was the new version which sucked. Then I wanted to stream it but it’s on one of few streaming services I don’t have. I’d watch it if I could.
@Kyeh seawater I hear helps with buoyancy (places like the Dead Sea, which has a higher salt content, makes the water more viscous and pushes you up more)
@pakopako I always wanted to see if you really can float well in the Great Salt Lake. But then the one time I was there it didn’t seem like a very nice place to swim.
@mycya4me My standards require that the water has to be clean enough or saline enough to be unable to support certain parasitic unicellular pests. Basically, that leaves out nearly every freshwater body in North America.
@mycya4me@werehatrack I haven’t been to the boundary waters but I really wanted to. Had a whole route mapped out. Bought stuff to go. Back when I wasn’t a lead and could take 2 weeks. Bought her a camera.
Turned out she… Was not a good person. Completely unrelated to this.
Still there are tons of lakes across the US and they are mostly good.
@Kyeh@mycya4me@werehatrack oh I intend to. But if you’re going to actually cover some ground your have to get a permit. Plan your campsites. Be in shape enough to portage. I was planning using one of the 15 foot 2 person aluminum canoes so I can portage that myself but we’d have to go back and get our packs. When your carrying enough for two weeks. That takes a partner.
I guess I could get a kayak and just look around. But it would not be the route I planned
@unksol@werehatrack I have meet a number of Females like that, many times they are major league damaged by a previous “boyfriend” Those type of boys need to be FIXED! They are VERY toxic!
@mycya4me IDK why but the “Females” bit of that rubs me slightly the wrong way.
In my opinion she was extremely manipulative and I was a sucker. But it absolutely goes both ways. So feels weird to specify gender on what is just a bad/wasted relationship. Nevermind confirmation bias. IDK. We can all get fucked up in one way or another and we can all impact other people.
@PooltoyWolf these were my navigation maps from like 2008, cat kicked them out of the closet yesterday then someone peed on the envelope. Sigh.
I wanted to put in near the bottom in Minnesota, skirt the Canadian border for a lot of it, cut back down and get out at a different point. But again. I was thinking a couple miles a day, hitting a bunch of shortish portages through lakes coming back down.
No idea if Hegman lake is in there, there are so many. And there are so many put in points to just go on a lake.
I never drew a line on it, the obvious one on the charts is just lining up the Canadian border.
I think I have the top one in the wrong spot. It’s been a very long time but I folded them back up, and you know folding maps. Maybe later
@PooltoyWolf way off. Been a while. But go in at moose lake, up to the border then back down through the boundry water. The maps are perfect. If you remember how to align them lol.
@heartny It’s not much of a swimming spot, more of a chilling-in-warm-water spot. They do have swim-up bars with big bowls of the silicate goop from the lagoon that you can use as a face mask, which is very nice
In my own backyard (or rather the pool in the yard).
Can skinnydip whenever I want without being arrested… and let me come out and say it… I love swimming naked!
Also, it’s nice swimming in the evening being deep in the woods with all the fireflies flashing overhead, and the bats fluttering by, and the dragonflies dashing about. (dragonflies out during the day, but we seem to get even more at dusk- they go higher though).
Also, nothing beats watching a meteor shower than from your own backyard, floating on your back… shame trees block the horizon in each direction so can only see a sliver of the sky.
Anywhere Fenris is with me!
The cement pond
/image money bin
(doesn’t seem to be working)/giphy Scrooge McDuck’s diving
was giving me gray squares. I would have accepted/preferred any of these:(interesting that he’s always diving toward the left…)
@xobzoo just cause I genuinely like Ducktails.
@unksol @xobzoo
I used to live that show, I went to turn it on (tv) a few years ago and it was the new version which sucked. Then I wanted to stream it but it’s on one of few streaming services I don’t have. I’d watch it if I could.
@Star2236 @xobzoo I also like the new version
No where, since I don’t know how to swim.
@kittykat9180 just swing your limbs in a coordinated manner. Vs randomly in a panic. That’s most of it.
Not actually sure if you’ve never been in a lake or… Just not good at it? The whole diving in thing. Not a fan personally.
@unksol, I know how to not drown. If you want me to swim from one point to another, expect it to take about 7 times longer than a normal person.
@kittykat9180 @unksol but the BIG Question is, What is a Normal person?
@kittykat9180 @mycya4me I think not drowning and being able to change locations qualifies as “swimming” in general.
Not sure there is a speed qualification or what mine would be lol
@kittykat9180 @mycya4me @unksol
I think you may be asking that question in the wrong place.
@kittykat9180 @macromeh @unksol
In warm shallow seawater, like the Mediterranean off the coast of Spain.
@Kyeh seawater I hear helps with buoyancy (places like the Dead Sea, which has a higher salt content, makes the water more viscous and pushes you up more)
@pakopako I always wanted to see if you really can float well in the Great Salt Lake. But then the one time I was there it didn’t seem like a very nice place to swim.
The Mediterranean off of Monaco.
For sperm it’s anywhere it can…
/giphy homer sperm
@sicc574 Hopefully, it’s not in the shallow end of the gene pool.
@sicc574 For more on that, here’s a new film:
I just say ALL of the above, but depending on where I am & how I feel (that is other than with my fingers!) at that time & Place.
@mycya4me My standards require that the water has to be clean enough or saline enough to be unable to support certain parasitic unicellular pests. Basically, that leaves out nearly every freshwater body in North America.
@mycya4me @werehatrack IDK why but that makes me sad. Have you seen the boundary waters?
@mycya4me @unksol Never been there.
@unksol @werehatrack Me either! I have been to the beach, Atlantic ocean, many pools & once the Dead Sea in Israel.
@mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack So did you float in the Dead Sea? Was it really easy because of the high salinity?
@mycya4me @werehatrack I haven’t been to the boundary waters but I really wanted to. Had a whole route mapped out. Bought stuff to go. Back when I wasn’t a lead and could take 2 weeks. Bought her a camera.
Turned out she… Was not a good person. Completely unrelated to this.
Still there are tons of lakes across the US and they are mostly good.
@mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack You could still go …
@Kyeh @mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack The Boundary Waters are beautiful. Mom and I canoed there in 2008, Hegman Lake.
@Kyeh @mycya4me @werehatrack oh I intend to. But if you’re going to actually cover some ground your have to get a permit. Plan your campsites. Be in shape enough to portage. I was planning using one of the 15 foot 2 person aluminum canoes so I can portage that myself but we’d have to go back and get our packs. When your carrying enough for two weeks. That takes a partner.
I guess I could get a kayak and just look around. But it would not be the route I planned
@Kyeh @unksol @werehatrack Yep, You can’t sink. you just float, you can also rotate. It is FUN! you should try it sometime!
@unksol @werehatrack I have meet a number of Females like that, many times they are major league damaged by a previous “boyfriend” Those type of boys need to be FIXED! They are VERY toxic!
@mycya4me @unksol @werehatrack
Can’t sink! I do want to try that sometime - it sounds really cool!
@mycya4me IDK why but the “Females” bit of that rubs me slightly the wrong way.
In my opinion she was extremely manipulative and I was a sucker. But it absolutely goes both ways. So feels weird to specify gender on what is just a bad/wasted relationship. Nevermind confirmation bias. IDK. We can all get fucked up in one way or another and we can all impact other people.
Trust is precious
@PooltoyWolf these were my navigation maps from like 2008, cat kicked them out of the closet yesterday then someone peed on the envelope. Sigh.
I wanted to put in near the bottom in Minnesota, skirt the Canadian border for a lot of it, cut back down and get out at a different point. But again. I was thinking a couple miles a day, hitting a bunch of shortish portages through lakes coming back down.
No idea if Hegman lake is in there, there are so many. And there are so many put in points to just go on a lake.
I never drew a line on it, the obvious one on the charts is just lining up the Canadian border.
I think I have the top one in the wrong spot. It’s been a very long time but I folded them back up, and you know folding maps. Maybe later
@PooltoyWolf way off. Been a while. But go in at moose lake, up to the border then back down through the boundry water. The maps are perfect. If you remember how to align them lol.
@mycya4me oh. This is why
/youtube compilation ferengi saying female.
Not saying that’s what you meant. Bit of a nerd and no one says “Female” like that lol
@PooltoyWolf top should still go one grid left and one down. IDK why the Canadian maps have so much less detail. Blag
@unksol Maybe I am a bit ferengi! hehehe
So ladies are NOT ladies… with their bad morals Mostly messed up buy the last few Males they were with.
An adults-only swimming pool with a swim-up bar, please!
I’ve heard the Blue Lagoon is a nice place to swim. As long as the volcano doesn’t erupt.
@heartny It’s not much of a swimming spot, more of a chilling-in-warm-water spot. They do have swim-up bars with big bowls of the silicate goop from the lagoon that you can use as a face mask, which is very nice
@heartny I flipping loved it there!! Want to go back soon-ish.
In water.
(seemed obvious enough )
/showme swimming in a pool table
In my own backyard (or rather the pool in the yard).
Can skinnydip whenever I want without being arrested… and let me come out and say it… I love swimming naked!
Also, it’s nice swimming in the evening being deep in the woods with all the fireflies flashing overhead, and the bats fluttering by, and the dragonflies dashing about. (dragonflies out during the day, but we seem to get even more at dusk- they go higher though).
Also, nothing beats watching a meteor shower than from your own backyard, floating on your back… shame trees block the horizon in each direction so can only see a sliver of the sky.