Aladdin makes a 128-oz insulated mug, and in the screen printing trade it’s known as “The Urinator”. That’s 16 cups. So supposedly it would take two af them plus another 10 cups to do the deed except that since the LD50 for water consumed at one time is about a gallon and a half, it would presumably not be possible for the typical adult to consume that much coffee.
So it looks like the coffee limit of 41 was not sourced very well. Her is a better comparison that seems to be more legit. It compares the LD50 for water, coffee, and alcohol. So it’s a three-way!
So that means 6 of your 24 fl oz Tevis cups would hit Coffee LD50 (for a 75kg, or 150lb person or just shy of 12 stone). A full 128 fl oz “Urinator” mug of coffee would hit LD50.
That’s also under the Water LD50 of 6L
The alchohol LD50 will take 13 shots of 80 proof Tequila. Again, for a 75kg/150 lb male.
@ELJAY Now that is some computational chicanery right there.
And you’re right, 240ml is 1 US Cup. (Cuz 'Murica!)
Which makes the of the claim’s practicality way off.
Even if it was an order of magnitude off, a 24ml “cup” is still smaller than an espresso, which they say it is based on. That doesn’t make sense either.
I kind of love this? Such a good idea for a picnic.
I need to make myself one of these.
That’s pretty snacktacular.
Saw it on Twitter the other day. Thought it was great!!!
For those who can compartmentalize their hunger.
The best thing is that this company makes various sizes of boxes. I got a smaller one that would be perfect for work.
I like but I’m going to have worm or bait on my hands… Hopefully fish.
Everything except the olives… They scare the fish away.
Looks like 'Muricans have bastardized a Bento Box.
Too much work. Too complicated.
Has to be refrigerated.
Behold, the EDC SnackTactackle Box
Perfect for watching everyone’s favorite Christmas movie, Die Hard.
@mike808 die hard scares the fish
@mike808 @unksol Come out to the coast, we’ll have some laughs.
@blaineg @mike808 I think this coast are due to move you might be headed my way regardless
@mike808 @unksol Lex Luthor’s beachfront property in Nevada is finally going to pay off?
@blaineg @mike808 lex luthor?
George Straight
/youtube I’ve got some beach front property
@mike808 @unksol Yes, Lex Luthor. Have you forgotten the classics?
Nah. This is a real snactackle box, for those serious about snacks:

@rockblossom that’s a I bought a boat box not a I’m going to the lake box
@unksol Around here, it’s a tailgate-party-in-the-stadium-parking lot-box.
Needs more cheese for all those crackers.

@rockblossom well now you aren’t even fishing
@unksol Might depend on where you are while fishing.

Ummmm cheese
@rockblossom @Star2236 I meant the stadium parking lot. It’s hard to fish on pavement.
I guess ice is coming.
Depends on the size of the potholes.

@rockblossom @unksol That looks like the potholes around here. Somewhere a while back I posted one that was being used as a hot tub.
@Kidsandliz @rockblossom @unksol I literally thought of you K&L when I saw this
@Kidsandliz @rockblossom @tinamarie1974 @unksol
Me too.
Wrong kind of snacks.

@2many2no They are complimentary snacks. You need some solids to keep the liquids from leaking out every opening.
@yakkoTDI Never exceed the posted limit…
/youtube can’t drive 55
@2many2no @yakkoTDI
Speaking of limits, scientists have recently found that consuming 42 cups of coffee is fatal.
So the limit is 41.

/image the more you know
@2many2no @mike808 Define cup?
/ me looks at 24 Tervis ful of coffee
@2many2no @yakkoTDI
A “cup” is defined as 8 fluid ounces. So your Tevis (or “knock-off Bubba/Yeti cup”) is 24 fl oz which is 3 cups.
So your limit is 13 and 2/3 using your “24 fl oz Tevis cup-like container of coffee beverage liquid substance”.
@2many2no @mike808 @yakkoTDI And the limit on Red Lobster cheese biscuts is 412.
@2many2no @blaineg @mike808 @yakkoTDI Maybe they gave him a wafer-thin mint!
@2many2no @mike808 @yakkoTDI
Aladdin makes a 128-oz insulated mug, and in the screen printing trade it’s known as “The Urinator”. That’s 16 cups. So supposedly it would take two af them plus another 10 cups to do the deed except that since the LD50 for water consumed at one time is about a gallon and a half, it would presumably not be possible for the typical adult to consume that much coffee.
@2many2no @werehatrack @yakkoTDI

So it looks like the coffee limit of 41 was not sourced very well. Her is a better comparison that seems to be more legit. It compares the LD50 for water, coffee, and alcohol. So it’s a three-way!
@2many2no @werehatrack @yakkoTDI
That 118 x 240ml coffe cups is 2832 mL, or almost 96 fl oz or 3 quarts.
So that means 6 of your 24 fl oz Tevis cups would hit Coffee LD50 (for a 75kg, or 150lb person or just shy of 12 stone). A full 128 fl oz “Urinator” mug of coffee would hit LD50.
That’s also under the Water LD50 of 6L
The alchohol LD50 will take 13 shots of 80 proof Tequila. Again, for a 75kg/150 lb male.
@2many2no @mike808 @werehatrack It is Tervis not Tevis. They are one of the great things about Florida.
@2many2no @werehatrack @yakkoTDI

Sorry, but you’ve got your math wrong:
118 x 240 ml = 28,320 ml or 28.3 liters.
Which inexplicably is 4.5 times the (6 liter) LD50 of water??!!!
(I guess that coffee is better for you than water!)
Anyway, converting to ounces:
Multiplying 28.3L x 33.5 (ounces/liter) = 948 ounces (or if you prefer, 7.4 gallons)
And if we divide that by the (24 ounce)
volume of the Tervis cup we get:
948/24 = 39.5.
That’s 39 and a half Tervis cups full to reach the LD50…
PS: I realize that they are using each 240ml cup of coffee as a representation of its approx. 100 mg caffeine dose.
You’d drown long before you downed 7 gallons of coffee!
(It’s just that the graphic doesn’t explain that…)
@ELJAY Now that is some computational chicanery right there.
And you’re right, 240ml is 1 US Cup. (Cuz 'Murica!)
Which makes the of the claim’s practicality way off.
Even if it was an order of magnitude off, a 24ml “cup” is still smaller than an espresso, which they say it is based on. That doesn’t make sense either.
So yeah, it’s a puzzler.
OMG. Thai is radical.