@chienfou in Peru, it’s lee-ma, here in Ohio, it’s pronounced like the bean. Same as it was on Glee( if you ever watched it)
Ohio also has other…Fun…Hick town pronunciations.
Russia= roo-see
Versailles= ver-sails
Bellefontaine= bell-fountain
And I’m sure I’m forgetting several…
@earlyre never did really get into Glee
around here we have
Lafayette: La-FAY-ette
Jordanville: JER-dan-ville
and families called Taunton pronounced:
TAUNT-on or TAN-non depending on which branch ofthe family tree they may have forked from…
@KDemo Yoko Beano?
@Nate311 OMG!!! You really scare me!!!
@Nate311 He looks like he’s coming out of the bathroom saying, “I feel sooo much better!”
Which one are you?
@f00l @mfladd One of them is a big-ass turkey!
@2many2no I think that’s the one being fisted by Mr Bean…!
@mfladd The first time I saw that episode, I damn near died from laughing…
Can you tell which one is @mfladd?
Btw, which one are you in the photo above? The turkey or the other one?
@f00l took you long enough. Not tellin.
I figured it would take you that long to remember which one you were that day.
can you all believe i have never seen a single episode of either “Mr.Bean”, or “Black Adder”
or “Johnny English” for that matter…
I’m just Atkinson deprived i guess…
when i saw the thread title, all i could think of was this guy:
(Lima, Ohio)
well the edit window is gone, and part of the text is missing… that guy is my City’s Mascot, Beanie. (Lima, Ohio)
@earlyre do you say LIE-ma, or LEE-ma ? I always thought the city name was one and the bean was the other…
@chienfou in Peru, it’s lee-ma, here in Ohio, it’s pronounced like the bean. Same as it was on Glee( if you ever watched it)
Ohio also has other…Fun…Hick town pronunciations.
Russia= roo-see
Versailles= ver-sails
Bellefontaine= bell-fountain
And I’m sure I’m forgetting several…
@earlyre never did really get into Glee
around here we have
Lafayette: La-FAY-ette
Jordanville: JER-dan-ville
and families called Taunton pronounced:
TAUNT-on or TAN-non depending on which branch ofthe family tree they may have forked from…
@chienfou we have a Lafayette as well. Pronounced the same as yours(btw, how else would you pronounce it…)
I almost forgot about one of my favorites , Newark, OH. Pronounced NERK. I even saw tshirts for one of the HS sports teams with that spelling…
Your last example, were I to come across it in the wild, I would have to pronounce tawn-tawn. Like the critters they rode on hoth in ESB
@amy01 obviously someone has some pretty mad photoshop skills (and WAY too much time on their hands!)