Be a Trybaby Not a Crybaby, Meh

chr thought this was worth mentioning said

Buck up, meh. Nice sob story, but I'll have none of it. You know what my great great great great grandpa (He was sort of just ok, but apparently having lived several generations ago thrusts greatness upon you.) said when Gertrude, his beloved wife, left him, his son cried nonstop until he became the first documented life-long hiccupper all because he was injured in battle after his first girlfriend slept with the town's blacksmith--that was the battle--and my great great great great grandpa prematurely threw out that batch of deep-fried ham-wrapped penicillin because "really, what's the point, I don't know what the people want anymore"?

You know what HE said after all of that, meh?

Do you? Or are you still crying and finding it difficult to read?

Well, my great great great great gradfather said, well, absolutely nothing because none of that happened. BUT THE POINT STILL STANDS! No sob fests.

Be a trybaby, not a crybaby meh, be a trybaby.