Bamboo rayon is just microfiber anyway: the rayon process covers it all down to carbon & then turns that into a synthetic fabric. The fact that it started with bamboo doesn’t matter once it’s turned into rayon. Meh.
@jayost Correct. It vould have just as easily started out as sawmill chips from pristine Brazilian rainforest, but “bamboo” gets the eco-warriors all frothy over plastic sheets because its “organic”.
I like how the “similar” product link on Amazon literally calls out this product as inferior. “Other sheets that claim to be bamboo have more microfiber and cotton than actual bamboo.” and “Where other sheets have only 40% Viscose or Rayon derived from bamboo, our sheets are 100% viscose derived from bamboo […] most other sellers mix theirs with polyester or microfiber which is 90% cheaper than bamboo.”
@ravenblack Yep. Meh defines similar* very loosely, with too much loosey-goosey leeway. Here it means kinda-sorta-like Amazon’s but definitely not the same or comparable. Apples and oranges.
@hchavers i.e. “Hi, welcome to my house; don’t plan to spend more than a night or two,” hahahaha! (Actually, only family stays here, and rarely for more than one night!)
@cbl_wv@hchavers If my guests would prefer nicer accommodations than I provide for free, they are more than welcome to stay in a hotel or airbnb that suits them.
@hchavers How does she feel about plastic toothbrushes she puts inside her mouth or the plastic toilet seat she sits on every day?
Does she know about the human trafficking and slavery rampant in the cotton industry that she supports buy buying cotton products? Or the jobs lost from peopke like her not buying American-made plastics?
Sounds like a bunch of situational morality hooey. You have my condolences.
Microfiber = polyester-feeling. Slimy, snags, non-absorbent, ew. And if the years have taught us anything, every single time a synthetic fiber product is described as “thermal [whatever]” or “wicking” it’s a massive smelly lie. Every single time.
@haydesigner Holy shit, it’s paused…??? (Not even gonna check your claim, it seems too awful to contemplate.) [Edit, holy hell, you’re right - they’ve sold 370 sets of these things already???]
Jeez, guys, “bamboo” = “rayon,” plus the rest is poly… these are “I hate you” guest room sheets. Even at $20 for a king set, this is pretty pitiful (and I even bought a set for the guest bedroom, hahahaha!) But I hate all my family, so it’s fine.
@xterraguy There are no requirements on what raw materials went into their plastic Rayon sheets. It could be recycled cardboard, sawmill waste, or fresh cut virgin Brazillian rainforest trees, or straight up conflict-sourced oil. Bamboo is a reasonable ecologically friendly source for cellulose among other, worse alternatives.
That said, this stuff the sheets are made of, Rayon, is still 100% plastic - a man-made fiber from cellulose (long-chain hydrocarbons), aka “wood”. They’re just pimping where they get their wood from to sound “natural”.
@mike808 I don’t think there are ANY bamboo sheets that aren’t made of a rayon produced from bamboo.
I have a set of sheets from which are 100% bamboo rayon. Pretty pricey but feel fantastic. Absolutely worth it.
@xterraguy All Rayon is 100% plastic and not distinguishable from its cellulose source. Any more than you can tell which cow a lb of hamburger came from. There is no difference between “Bamboo” Rayon and “North Brent Crude” Rayon.
That’s the whole reason the FTC banned companies from saying Rayon fabrics were “bamboo”, implying they were a naturally occurring fiber. So they slightly changed it to say “Bamboo” sourced Rayon. Much like “cholesterol-free vegetable oil” or “gluten-free beef”.
@mike808@xterraguy I agree with you on the bamboo but def not the cow. That’s a whole different thing that I might never pay for but it’s still a thing
If you don’t mind sleeping on rubbery-feeling sheets I guess these are OK for what they cost. I ordered 2 sets the last time they were offered. Used a set for a week. Never opened the second set, never used the first set again.
So do these have ACTUAL Bamboo in them? Not bamboo processed into rayon.
Rayon: “Rayon is a manufactured fiber made from regenerated cellulose fiber.” So either these are Rayon/Microfiber and thereby FULLY synthetic or not. Calling something “rayon Bamboo” is like saying “All natural artificial colors and flavors”. Fairly BS.
System of a Down Comforter DOES NOT want these sheets and asks that Meh stop twisting their name like a wrung-out pillowcase in order to sell their cheap product.
Exactly. It’s happening more often at Meh lately. I don’t know if they’re trying to be deceitful or if they’re just being lazy when looking for comparisons.
I found much more similar sheet set on Amazon for $25.99 for a Queen set. By more similar I mean 40% bamboo, 60% microfiber.
I may still buy these but I’d appreciate a more honest comparison.
Oy, these really are crap, and bamboo is NOT ecological. Processing it into usable cloth requires FAR more chemical steps than cotton. Sheets of this calibre are suitable only for kids at school, people you hate, or hanging yourself in a maximum security Federal prison…
@MrNews Go join Antifa maybe you will find someone that cares. I aint sleepin on this crap its for guests just kidding please dont set up camp in front of my house!
@RiotDemon logged out and back in again… Support page still gives me an error. (Anyone else getting errors?) I will try from different device when I get home.
@OnionSoup@RiotDemon try to access the page while logged out, it’s working for me that way…you’ll just need to manually enter your email address on the form.
Pleasantly surprised! These sheets are thin but insulative. At first I was like crap! These jokers aren’t going to be very good quality. My goodness. I no longer use my comforter. They aren’t hot. They just provide the perfect amount of warmth no matter the temperature in my room. I’ve bought Egyptian cotton sheets and they never did that. I’d highly recommend.
My only gripe is that the "Aqua Blue,"isn’t very aqua this go round. More of a light blue, with no hints of green, and looks a totally different shade/color than the set I bought previously.
@jsh139 I am now convinced that mine are being delivered by a very old man with a backpack…
Last update:
“Tracking History
September 3, 2019, 8:43 pm
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Shipping Partner: NEWGISTICS
Your item departed a shipping partner facility at 8:43 pm on September 3, 2019 in GRAPEVINE, TX 76051. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.”
@jimeezlady It will likely go to Indiana and then back to you. I live SE of Dallas and my stuff still takes the scenic route through IN, takes a vacation there, and then finally heads back south again.
Got mine yesterday. Washed and put them on the bed last night. Impressions:
The Silver is way lighter than the pictures. I was expecting a light grey, but these look more like a dingy white.
They’re quite soft, but in that “thin material” way more than a quality sateen or high thread count base cotton.
I tucked them as far as I could under each corner, but there’s a fair amount of loose material/bunching on my queen T&N foam mattress.
I’ll use them for a few more days and maybe wash them in warm to try to deal with the bunching, but I don’t see these supplanting my sateen set in the summer, and I’m definitely not using them over flannel in the winter.
What’s in the Box?
1x Flat Sheet
1x Fitted Sheet
2x Pillowcases (Twin set includes 1x Pillowcase)
Price Comparison
$34.97 - $50.99 (for similar) at Amazon
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, July 21st - Monday, July 27th
Holy sheet!
I bought a set
Still nothing for California King
@hafner I stopped crying and juts buy the king sized ones for my Cal King mattress. Somehow we make it work.
@hafner It’s the first thing I check before reading any of the copy … are there Cal King? And the answer is always NO.
@hafner @kungfuqua @jayman007 And still nothing for my heart-shaped mattress. Phooey.
40% bamboo is a no. 100% would be a yes.
The amazon comparison claims to be 100% bamboo, but the description says 60% microfiber. which are we getting here?
@dominusprinceps $35 - $51 (for similar) at Amazon
Wondering if these are dog-proof (even before I saw the last picture). Anyone buying these from before can answer?
@phendrick My dog sleeps in bed with me, and they seem fine.
@phendrick my dog does as well.
They’re so good…I think I’m gonna sheet myself…
Rayon bamboo? = petrochemical
Every micro fiber sheet I’ve bought won’t hold shape and bunches up.
The organic cotton ones I really like.
I need new sheets. I basically just use one set until they rip, and the current set ripped.
/image jagged-ablaze-gravy

@Dizavid Damn, the order number even brought up a useful infographic!
@Dizavid I think we have very different definitions of useful.
Bamboo rayon is just microfiber anyway: the rayon process covers it all down to carbon & then turns that into a synthetic fabric. The fact that it started with bamboo doesn’t matter once it’s turned into rayon. Meh.
@jayost Correct. It vould have just as easily started out as sawmill chips from pristine Brazilian rainforest, but “bamboo” gets the eco-warriors all frothy over plastic sheets because its “organic”.
@jayost @mike808 yeah, chemistry is funny that way… It still bugs me that organic has lost its real meaning. Sevin powder is an organic compound…
Wasted day of Mehness :,(
I like how the “similar” product link on Amazon literally calls out this product as inferior. “Other sheets that claim to be bamboo have more microfiber and cotton than actual bamboo.” and “Where other sheets have only 40% Viscose or Rayon derived from bamboo, our sheets are 100% viscose derived from bamboo […] most other sellers mix theirs with polyester or microfiber which is 90% cheaper than bamboo.”
@ravenblack Yep. Meh defines similar* very loosely, with too much loosey-goosey leeway. Here it means kinda-sorta-like Amazon’s but definitely not the same or comparable. Apples and oranges.
Under $20 for a second set of sheets for the (rarely-used) guest bedroom = Win!! Sheesh, not a Meh!
@cbl_wv Meh sheets; telling the guest that you are welcome to stay, if you can stand the sheets.
@hchavers i.e. “Hi, welcome to my house; don’t plan to spend more than a night or two,” hahahaha! (Actually, only family stays here, and rarely for more than one night!)
@cbl_wv @hchavers If my guests would prefer nicer accommodations than I provide for free, they are more than welcome to stay in a hotel or airbnb that suits them.
don’t buy polyester sheets. spring for cotton.
My wife is into a health craze, and any fabric man made is not allowed to touch her. I often wear polyester. Is that bad of me?
@hchavers How does she feel about plastic toothbrushes she puts inside her mouth or the plastic toilet seat she sits on every day?
Does she know about the human trafficking and slavery rampant in the cotton industry that she supports buy buying cotton products? Or the jobs lost from peopke like her not buying American-made plastics?
Sounds like a bunch of situational morality hooey. You have my condolences.
@hchavers Mike808 is right. You’ve got bigger problems than whether to wear polyester.
/giphy unhappy-wry-spy

Microfiber = polyester-feeling. Slimy, snags, non-absorbent, ew. And if the years have taught us anything, every single time a synthetic fiber product is described as “thermal [whatever]” or “wicking” it’s a massive smelly lie. Every single time.
@jespensc Polyesterslime is great for winter camping. You need it against the skin, and it does pull the sweat away.
Cotton feels warmer, but is awful for this. The warmth you feel is really the sweat. Sweat can kill.
Otherwise, yeah, it sucks.
Been awhile since I’ve seen a deal paused here…
@haydesigner Holy shit, it’s paused…??? (Not even gonna check your claim, it seems too awful to contemplate.) [Edit, holy hell, you’re right - they’ve sold 370 sets of these things already???]

Jeez, guys, “bamboo” = “rayon,” plus the rest is poly… these are “I hate you” guest room sheets. Even at $20 for a king set, this is pretty pitiful (and I even bought a set for the guest bedroom, hahahaha!) But I hate all my family, so it’s fine.
But the model number!! TH15-5H33T-JU5T-G0T-R34L
Shouldn’t be allowed to call them bamboo sheets if they’re not 100% bamboo. I love my genuine bamboo sheets.
@xterraguy There are no requirements on what raw materials went into their plastic Rayon sheets. It could be recycled cardboard, sawmill waste, or fresh cut virgin Brazillian rainforest trees, or straight up conflict-sourced oil. Bamboo is a reasonable ecologically friendly source for cellulose among other, worse alternatives.
That said, this stuff the sheets are made of, Rayon, is still 100% plastic - a man-made fiber from cellulose (long-chain hydrocarbons), aka “wood”. They’re just pimping where they get their wood from to sound “natural”.
@mike808 I don’t think there are ANY bamboo sheets that aren’t made of a rayon produced from bamboo.
I have a set of sheets from which are 100% bamboo rayon. Pretty pricey but feel fantastic. Absolutely worth it.
@xterraguy All Rayon is 100% plastic and not distinguishable from its cellulose source. Any more than you can tell which cow a lb of hamburger came from. There is no difference between “Bamboo” Rayon and “North Brent Crude” Rayon.
That’s the whole reason the FTC banned companies from saying Rayon fabrics were “bamboo”, implying they were a naturally occurring fiber. So they slightly changed it to say “Bamboo” sourced Rayon. Much like “cholesterol-free vegetable oil” or “gluten-free beef”.
@mike808 @xterraguy I agree with you on the bamboo but def not the cow. That’s a whole different thing that I might never pay for but it’s still a thing
If you don’t mind sleeping on rubbery-feeling sheets I guess these are OK for what they cost. I ordered 2 sets the last time they were offered. Used a set for a week. Never opened the second set, never used the first set again.
@MikeK1401 I love my rubber sheets! Don’t have to bother getting up in the middle of the night to pee.
@Bumplepimp @MikeK1401
Rubber sheets are also great for sticky, wet, and/or slimy bed fun.
So do these have ACTUAL Bamboo in them? Not bamboo processed into rayon.
Rayon: “Rayon is a manufactured fiber made from regenerated cellulose fiber.” So either these are Rayon/Microfiber and thereby FULLY synthetic or not. Calling something “rayon Bamboo” is like saying “All natural artificial colors and flavors”. Fairly BS.
@outdoorslife 60% Microfiber / 40% Rayon Bamboo
@callow @outdoorslife So…60% bullshit? When did they start making sheets out of that?
@callow @outdoorslife @therealjrn Since …

@outdoorslife I don’t think you can get bamboo sheets that aren’t bamboo rayon.
@outdoorslife so… You want to sleep on a hard wooden grass instead of on a soft fiber? Very confused…
I’ll pop for some of these. When I’m a ghost, I want comfort in my sheets…
I kinda was expecting a KKK picture from you @Bumplepimp. You’re losing your typical “shock value” posting touch.
@therealjrn Expect the unexpected…
System of a Down Comforter DOES NOT want these sheets and asks that Meh stop twisting their name like a wrung-out pillowcase in order to sell their cheap product.
Why would they link to “similar” sheets on amazon that are actually 100% bamboo instead of this 40/60 garbage. Completely misleading. Not honest.
Exactly. It’s happening more often at Meh lately. I don’t know if they’re trying to be deceitful or if they’re just being lazy when looking for comparisons.
I found much more similar sheet set on Amazon for $25.99 for a Queen set. By more similar I mean 40% bamboo, 60% microfiber.
I may still buy these but I’d appreciate a more honest comparison.
So you’re saying it’s Mehs-information.
Tried to buy these twice but got a message saying “too busy, try later.” Kinda bizarre for an online shopping experience.
You know, people, I had a headache before I read all the comments from people who think real (unlike these) bamboo sheets are not made from rayon.
“Oh, but miiiiiine are modal!”
Yes, and modal is a rayon, you cabbage.
RAYON GOOD. (Microfiber bad, so to heck with these sheets. But RAYON GOOD.)
@whogots What makes rayon good?
@outdoorslife @whogots crayon
@mehrk @outdoorslife @whogots
Woulda sprung for the taupe, but they sold out pretty quickly.
/giphy bleary-dopey-shark

Yeah, why not.

/image automatic-resilient-rosemary
/giphy automatic-resilient-rosemary
Rosemary’s Baby huh? Thinking these sheets are going to be cursed.
What, no California King size? This is discrimination towards people with California King beds!
Did I do that right? Complain about stupid stuff? Just making sure.
Also, boooo, no Cali king size.
Oy, these really are crap, and bamboo is NOT ecological. Processing it into usable cloth requires FAR more chemical steps than cotton. Sheets of this calibre are suitable only for kids at school, people you hate, or hanging yourself in a maximum security Federal prison…
@MrNews bullshit. I only hang myself with Egyptian cotton. Savage
@unksol ROFLMAO. I dunno- my wife is knitting a beautiful Peruvian Pima noose right now… not sure why. Uh-oh. …
@MrNews you only get to do it once. At least she wants to see you go out in style?
@MrNews Go join Antifa maybe you will find someone that cares. I aint sleepin on this crap its for guests just kidding please dont set up camp in front of my house!
/giphy wah

i actually needed this, but the king is sold out
/image psychotic-alert-pilsner

/giphy psychotic-alert-pilsner
Why does it take 4 days to put a bag of sheets in a box?
@indyfan31 A box? Who do you think meh is? The Rockefellers?
@indyfan31 while I don’t understand all the ways of meh, I do know at the top of the page, in the specs of every item sold, there is this:
I got sent the wrong size. I ordered/paid for queen but got a full size instead.
Support page, my account and my profile all result in an error when I try opening them.
How do I go about reporting this ? Anyone at meh monitoring this thread still?
@OnionSoup did you try logging out and back in? What about this one directly?
@RiotDemon I haven’t tried logging out but the direct link gives me an error too… I shall try logging out next, scared to because don’t know password…
@RiotDemon logged out and back in again… Support page still gives me an error. (Anyone else getting errors?) I will try from different device when I get home.
@OnionSoup I have sent out a message. Let me know if it works when you get home if they haven’t gotten back to me by then.
I’m not able to access it either.
@OnionSoup @RiotDemon try to access the page while logged out, it’s working for me that way…you’ll just need to manually enter your email address on the form.
@OnionSoup support team is aware there is an issue. Try to send the message while logged out though. They’ll get back to you during the week.
@RiotDemon thank you. I’ll give that a go.
Pleasantly surprised! These sheets are thin but insulative. At first I was like crap! These jokers aren’t going to be very good quality. My goodness. I no longer use my comforter. They aren’t hot. They just provide the perfect amount of warmth no matter the temperature in my room. I’ve bought Egyptian cotton sheets and they never did that. I’d highly recommend.
My only gripe is that the "Aqua Blue,"isn’t very aqua this go round. More of a light blue, with no hints of green, and looks a totally different shade/color than the set I bought previously.
@dagirlgenius Agreed. Not the same color that was in the picture (much, much lighter), but I don’t really care
Still waiting for mine to be shipped
@jsh139 Same here…my order info shows estimated delivery Sept.3-5.
@jimeezlady they must be feverishly weaving them together in a dark room in the back of the warehouse.
@jsh139 I am now convinced that mine are being delivered by a very old man with a backpack…
Last update:
“Tracking History
September 3, 2019, 8:43 pm
Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item
Shipping Partner: NEWGISTICS
Your item departed a shipping partner facility at 8:43 pm on September 3, 2019 in GRAPEVINE, TX 76051. This does not indicate receipt by the USPS or the actual mailing date.”
We live 2 1/2 hours away from Grapevine…
@jimeezlady It will likely go to Indiana and then back to you. I live SE of Dallas and my stuff still takes the scenic route through IN, takes a vacation there, and then finally heads back south again.
@jimeezlady Oh, wow, mine finally shipped, too. Didn’t even realize. They’re in NJ and I’m in PA. So, hopefully I’ll get them tomorrow or Monday.
It’s been long enough that I forgot that I ordered these… anyone receive them yet!?
@prsbirds I got mine a long time ago, but just today got an email telling me they were delivered back in August. Thanks for the update, meh!
Yea, I finally got mine today! Bleh, they’re super thin.
Very thin, but also very soft.
Got mine yesterday. Washed and put them on the bed last night. Impressions:
I’ll use them for a few more days and maybe wash them in warm to try to deal with the bunching, but I don’t see these supplanting my sateen set in the summer, and I’m definitely not using them over flannel in the winter.
Worth a shot for $24, though.
Anyone else still waiting for their delivery of these sheets? Mine said est del of 9-3 to 9-5 and it’s now 9-12. Still says processing…
@Japega I am also still waiting on mine. It’s now almost 9-14, and it’s still processing.
SO VERY SOFT! I want more!!