back by popular 11


well not really…but a couple people thought they missed this…so I’m here for the few…

Since last we spoke…I took an evening off to go see the new Emma (Thursday), play Bunco (Friday), entertain in-laws I like (Saturday), lost sleep (Sunday), had to go to bed early due to an upset tot who wanted to sleep in mommy’s bed (Monday), cleaning my desk trying to find irs stuff - still missing (Tuesday) and here today I have theater tickets tonight (Wednesday)…so lets break it down…

I loved Emma…I love most Austen in general…love the books - mostly via audio books…this was a fantastic rendition…in fact I was breifly inspired to want to figure out how to recreate a necklace that Emma wore towards the end of the movie…although I have to actually remember this when next at some crafty store…I want to go see this movie again so that will hopefully remind me…

So Friday I went to play Bunco…its a monthly group that I managed to work my way into via an acquaintance…and now I wont go away (and you can’t make me)…although I also dragged in a few friends and acquaintances so that if they do decide to cut us young ones…well we’ll just go start our own group…I say this because in the past I used to go play pokeno w/ a group of my mom’s friends…but got cut because they decided to be snotty like that…eventually they cut my mom out of the group as well as a few other people…I didnt like these people to begin with…they were super stuck up and condesending…so quite frankly they could just go their own way…on the other hand playing pokeno was fun…I should really see if I can get a group together here to do that…

Saturday in-laws that I like…its mostly my SO’s step family…I love them…my SIL has a daughter a few months older than mine…and they love to see each other whenever we can get together…right now I try to make a point of once a month…but they live 2 hours away…so I’ve gotten us to where we can go on Saturday and leave on Sunday when we go out there…but they only come for the day when they visit…our house isn’t handicap accessible which is part of the problem…they came in late on Saturday…it was so cute to see my daughter jumping up and down at the door hollering for her cousin…she was a tad excited to see her you could say…they had a good afternoon playing, snacking, tearing up the house…they both have a problem with sharing…and by the end of the evening…mine was past her bedtime and super tired…and super cranky…

Sunday I took my daughter to a giant mall to let her run around a bit…malls before the shops open are great to let kids just run without too much traffic…after that she took a good nap then went to meet my brother at mcDs so she could play more and I could visit w/my brother…he’s a chef and is looking for a new job…and is considering moving back home and opening up his own place…its kinda a toss up right now…I’m also kinda looking for something else…just not sure if I want to stay here…or move to Austin…or North Carolina…ideally I’d like to find something in Waco so that we stay close to family here…esp my daughter’s cousin’s family…I just can’t find anything in Waco…and my recruiters tell me that there is nothing there…ugh…

Monday…back to the grind…in the dark…on the plus side for the next two weeks there is staggered spring breaks here so traffic is a bit better…not much though…had a super cranky tired kid in the morning because like me…she didn’t want to get up…I get it…its tired time…and the evening was worse because I was trying to put her down while it was light out…problem is she has to get up early with me…sooo…bedtime is a real thing…well she wasn’t going down and was fussing and kept crying that she wanted to sleep in my bed…so i finally gave in…my SO is working nights 1/2 the week so there was room in the bed…it was fine til about 3am when she moved to sleep on top of me…so it was rough after that…luckily last night she slept in her own bed…we both slept better…tonight she’ll have a family friend watching her and should…fingers crossed…be fine in her own bed…seriously hoping that was a one-off…

so that’s been my week…your personal glimpse into my life…the abridged version…now go wash your hands and don’t touch anything…