August 2020 Meh-rathon Birthday's
8So far there are 3 of us who’s birthday’s are falling on this August Mehrathon. There’s @mebisping @rtjhnstn and myself. Anyone else celebrating their birthday trying to capture an IRK?
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No, mine is 2 days from now.
Leo power! 
Right on! Not knowing how long this Meh-rathon will go on, I’ll just say Happy Pre-Birthday for now.
@Enigma Thanks, and I hope you all get IRKs for your birthdays!

Thank you so much. I hope you get an IRK as well. I think Meh should do something each month for people having birthdays. Maybe offer something like a birthday month drawing for those who have birthdays during that month. Giveaway a special IRK or something like that.
Happy birthday! Mine is the 23:)
Happy Birthday! Mine was August 14th.
Happy Birthday!!! Mine is the 22nd
@dznylvr Mine too!
Mine was 9 days ago and I was able to score an IRK on the 1st offering!
@bluebeatpete Awesome and Happy Belated Birthday to you!
I too have a day of birth…but it is not today or this month
@riceatusc Well Happy upcoming or belated Birthday

Mine was the 10th…woohoo
Has anyone ever obtained a IRK, I think of them as Unicorns?
Today is my day, I can just feel it.
Mines on the 28th… WOOT…WOOT
I still wont catch that regret!!
mine was the 18th. so of course they started the mehrathon on the 19th to screw me over! fuckers!
@carl669 Happy Belated Birthday. If you were in the midwest it actually started on your birthday. Not to worry I was having a beer for you then

Happy B DAY. Mine was the 6th
I claimed the 13th!
I was also birthed today!!! Super angry that I was so busy at work that I just saw the Mehrathon now (while sitting in the parking lot at Red Robin picking up my bday burger while eating my bday cookie sandwich from a local bakery).
C’mon IRK!!
But I am fucking bummed that I don’t get to share my fucking bday with @carl669
@j2 i’m bummed out too! now i’m reduced to sharing my birthday with Edward Norton, Christian Slater, and Denis Leary.
@carl669 those are great birthday sharers. I have a duo of Trekkies - Gene Roddenberry and Jonathan Frakes!
@carl669 @j2 Also Robert Redford. I also share a birthday with these people.
Mine was the 5th. Gimme stuff!!!
What about those of us that were hatched? Such discrimination…
@eeterrific That counts.
Mine is the 26…the day “we” celebrate winning the right to vote…" it" will be 100, and me…70…uuuughgghh