Augoat (August 2020 scapegoat blame thread)
14In before goat topics are made all BILLY NILLY.
It’s the first which means it’s out with the month old goat @onionsoup and in with the new @thunderchicken.
Lets start off this blame thread with a goat joke.
What do you call a goat playing the piano?
I’ll also kick off blaming this month by blaming thunderchicken for my allergies. Thanks.
- 34 comments, 156 replies
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@OnionSoup totally did it.
@mediocrebot the hell, I did. Ive been blameless for 72hrs straight.
What do you call a goat playing the piano?
@OnionSoup wears socks with sandals.
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup You say that like it’s a bad thing!
@riskybryzness is spending their Saturday night working. Should someone get the blame for that?
@OnionSoup drew on you with sunscreen while you were asleep.
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup Ooh, someone forgot to tell Mediocrebot that it’s August.
@sammydog01 I blame @OnionSoup for that.
@OnionSoup totally did it.
@sammydog01 Don’t tell the bosses this, but I like working.
My search history and the inevitable sponsored ads I’m going to get based off of these:
What rhymes with goat
Goat with pool noodles on horns
Goat jokes
Goat playing piano
What rhymes with goat
Goat puns
@OnionSoup totally did it.
@riskybryzness soooo, no pool noodles, eh?
scribbles down meh pool noodles
@RiotDemon @riskybryzness Wonder Woman goats???
@riskybryzness That’s what incognito mode is for.
(Granted, it’s years too late for me now. Amazon still thinks I have a cat. I blame the
goatsubsidiary for not knowing the difference between a catshirt and cat,shirt./image catshirtswoot
@OnionSoup wears socks with sandals.
@RiotDemon @riskybryzness @tinamarie1974
Here you go…

Since you are looking for a puppy

And while we are at it on Etsy

And in case you want matching finger nails
@RiotDemon @riskybryzness @tinamarie1974 Whatever floats your goat.
@mediocrebot I am totally blameless. @ThunderChicken is to blame! Couldn’t find the Melissa McClelland song on YouTube, but there is a great one “I blame you”.
/image quaver

I’ve got no one to blame, but you
I’m as innocent as the truth
I’m as sweet as a pea
I’m as noble as a queen
So don’t blame it on me
I’ve had all I can take of regret
I’ve done all I can do to forget you
So if my simple plea is beneath you
Let it be
I’ll forgive you
For what you don’t see
I’ve got no one to blame, but you
I’m pure hearted
So true and blue
I’m as sweet as the honey
From a honey bee
So don’t blame it on me
I’ve got no one to blame, but you
I’m naive as the seeds of truth
I’m as good as gold
I’m an angel I’ve been told
So don’t blame it
Don’t you blame it on me
/image semibreve

That’s @OnionSoup’s fault.
@mediocrebot don’t blame me. Didn’t you read the song?
@OnionSoup wears socks with sandals.
Blame, blame, blame.
Two of my copy editors are out. The one remaining is being flooded with work so I’ve been doing copy editing all weekend and this morning. It’s SO MIND NUMBING. No wonder all the copy editors are a little on the nutty side. I hate this stuff. It’s driving me crazy!
Blame AF.
@OnionSoup is definitely to blame.
@ruouttaurmind Well there is a grab some nuts holiday today - maybe visit that thread? (grin).
Hope those folks return to work soon.
@ruouttaurmind only barely related to your post about copy editor being out of office but on a tangent that that took my brain down. Editors being out of office can be dangerous…
I remember years ago reading an article in Wales about a street sign. (all signs must be in Welsh and English, even in one of many cities that almost no one speaks Welsh).
So this was before Google translate. One guy working for the county wanted to put up a sign that said something like “heavy goods vehicles must turn left”. He sent an email to the one guy in the office who spoke Welsh and got a reply… In Welsh.
Assuming that was the translation he sent it off to be put on a sign.
What the email reply really said was “I’m sorry, I’m out of the office right now, I’ll be back Monday”, or something along those lines.
So briefly in Wales there was an official sign up with a mundane message in English on top and an out of office message in Welsh below it.
@OnionSoup @ruouttaurmind Probably no longer than some real Welsh town names.
Part of my core business is “Americanizing” various bits of marketing and technical literature from the UK and Republic. Translating English to American if you like. Most of the stuff originating in southern UK is usually a one-and-done effort. Pretty straightforward corrections.
Anything from the north, even English cities like Liverpool and Manchester, is often like a language of its own. Tons of slang is very acceptable even in business communications. Anything coming from Wales, Scotland or especially the gaeltacht areas of western Ireland can be a particular challenge.
@OnionSoup @ruouttaurmind I can believe that. I worked in the Lake District of England (NW England) and in NW Scotland. Definitely some regional differences - especially if some Gaelic was tossed in the middle of a sentence.
@Kidsandliz @ruouttaurmind I was born (and spent most of my childhood) growing up near Chester (On border next to Wales and about 30 mins south of Liverpool). I grew up knowing many Liverpudlians and still don’t understand half of what they say…
As for the Welsh, the joke was the people from North Wales couldn’t speak English or Welsh intelligibly.
@Kidsandliz @OnionSoup @ruouttaurmind Oh! I’ve been to Chester! What a wonderful looking town that is! We were staying in Wales and drove over for the day.
@Kidsandliz @OnionSoup @ruouttaurmind
Blame! I have a sore throat and red eyes. Just for now, please cancel my seasonal allergies, goat. Things are scary enough.
@OldCatLady On the plus side people will stay the fuck away from you at the grocery store.
@OldCatLady hope you feel better soon!
@OldCatLady Wish granted. I hope it works.
I decided to start using my fitness tracker again after too much time sitting on a sofa. A couple of hours after I got it set up I took the dog out. A yellow jacket got caught under the band. I guess it will be a few more days of sofa sitting.
@sammydog01 oh no!!! That is terrible. Are you ok?
@sammydog01 I’m sorry! Poor you. How did it get under there? It’s definitely the goat’s fault.
@tinamarie1974 @oldcatlady. It’s fine, just a big welt. I was trying to open a birdhouse to check what was in there since there is some grass sticking out the bottom. I have no idea how the little bastard got under the band. I hope he doesn’t have a bunch of buddies living in there.
This is a very sad day. I just ate the very last piece of the Trader Joe’s chocolate (to make it last I had been eating square by square except once where I ate an entire row at once) I bought last Christmas in another state (none in my state)… sigh. Until the retirement community where my mom lives lets people come visit again I won’t be driving 985 miles to see her (or until I go back to Houston for an apt) I won’t be in a town with a Trader Joes.
Their gold wrapper Pound Plus Belgian milk chocolate is SO GOOD!!! When I was in Houston I only bought a bar of dark chocolate for the person who was taking care of my cats. I was so tempted to buy some for me but talked myself out of it. Now I am kicking myself.
All your fault @thunderchicken I am out of that chocolate now and all @onionring’s fault last month that I didn’t buy any.
@Kidsandliz is there an Aldi near you? They have excellent chocolate bars!
@tinamarie1974 No unfortunately none of them either. I did try their chocolate when driving through Champaign/Urbana, IL and while it is good, I liked the Trader Joe’s better. But either are better than the basic junk sold in the grocery store. The price of the Trader Joes was really good compared to grocery store prices for their better chocolate. Hopefully my chocolate cravings will go away sooner rather than later and then I won’t care as much.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974

Aldis: These are freaking delicious.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974

Trader Joes: These are amazing.
@mike808 @tinamarie1974 I haven’t tried either of these. I did try some small chocolate chip cookies from Aldi that another shopper hanging out in the candy and cookies talked me into. It was pretty good too. Of course I tried them about 3 hours after leaving so couldn’t go back for more. If it is in the budget I’ll have to try those next time I am in a city that has an Aldi/Trader Joes. Wish we had both stores here.
@Kidsandliz @mike808 no idea about the biscotti as I do not shop at Trader Joe’s. I can tell you the butter cookies are delicious.
Happy shopping when you are in range
Unblame because I pick up my new puppy Friday
Blame because he will have just been fixed earlier that day, so the poor guy will be post-op
Unblame because I get to spend my weekend smelling puppy breath!
@tinamarie1974 HE’S SO FREAKING ADORABLE! Does he have a name yet?
@sammydog01 aawww thanks, I think so! So the rescue called him Bill Bailey. But I will likely change it. I am thinking Ringo…
I will post pics after I get him home
@tinamarie1974 Oh, that’s wonderful!!! He’s super-cute, and I think Ringo would be a great name. Congratulations!!!

Also any guesses on breed? Rescue is betting lab/terrier but I am not buying it! He is a bit of a mystery pup
@tinamarie1974 They have 23 & me for pets now.
@tinamarie1974 What a sweetheart. Congrats!
@tinamarie1974 I am so glad you found one that called your name so soon after losing the sweepstakes on the other pup. Enjoy your new fur baby!!!
I’m now in love w your pup!
@tinamarie1974 Also according to where I volunteer Kong dog toys are nearly indestructible.
@f00l thanks!

@Kidsandliz they are! My moms dog has strong jaws and they are one of a few brands we can get him.
@tinamarie1974 Do you have your sweet pup now?!!
@f00l @sammydog01 @kidsandliz @Kyeh YES!!! got him this afternoon. I am exhausted! Long legs and big paws. He is gonna be big. Oh well. He is super cute and super sweet. Cuddled up next to me sleeping right now.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 OH, he’s adorable! So glad you found such a sweet pal. I hope we get to see lots more pictures as he grows up!
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @sammydog01 thanks
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @tinamarie1974

/giphy so fluffy
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Kyeh @sammydog01 omg I love that character. She is like my altar ego!!
Also. I think he has hair v fur…how can you tell? Any guessers?
@f00l @Kyeh @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 So glad he is a cuddle puppy. That will be nice.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
@tinamarie1974 I believe that Poodles have hair, rather than fur, but even Poodles that are not full-blooded often have fur. The photograph of your sweet little puppy is definitely fur, not hair.
I do love the puppy face in that photo. Looks like a keeper. :-}
@Shrdlu it is just so fine it has me wondering. Makes me think I am crazy. But thanks
@tinamarie1974 - need puppy update
@Kidsandliz he is doing good. Only 2 messes in the house so far. No messes in his crate and last night he only woke me up 2x whining to get out of the crate. He even let me sleep until 6:10. Latest morning yet!
On the negative side he is still mouthing/nipping but that won’t stop for a while.
He needs to be able to run free in the back yard to burns energy, but he is so skinny he walks right through the fence…so a leash in the back yard for now.
@tinamarie1974 Maybe run a wire between two trees, clip a carabiner to the wire and the leash to the carabiner (provided he can’t escape his body harness? That way he can run without escaping and without getting tangled. About the only way he can mess up is wrap himself around a tree.
@Kidsandliz yeah, only one tree. I could run from one side of the fence to the other…but it is a half acre and would be a very long rope. Lol
Tree to hook in house or post on porch or something?
Drive 2 wheel axles into the ground and attach the wire between them. We used those to keep sled dogs “contained” with no fences when I worked in Canada. They don’t come out of the ground even if repeatedly yanked on by the dogs.
Or (and I know it would use a lot) temporarily chicken wire the fence? Of course if he ends up a digger that won’t help. Or put up a temporary chain link fence inside your 1/2 acre, including near the tree so he has shade and can be outside without you having to be there? Hopefully he will eventually end up big enough that escaping through the fence slats won’t be a problem.
@Kidsandliz I think he will be big enough at some point. It will just take time. I thought about the chicken wire route but it would be hella expensive. I think we may take several short walks tomorrow.
I say short because when we walk from one side of my yard to the other he has to stop and lay down for a minute lol. I guess it is too far for him.
In many locations (here for instance), it’s against regulations, and considered legally cruel, to keep a dog in a rope tie of any sort (as opposed to a human-held leash).
There are just too many dangerous or problematic possibilities. Most pet people I know locally are v happy about this rule.
You may have to mod your fence. In this case, get advice from pet people before taking a decision. There are usually cheap and expensive solutions, also temp and permanent solutions, depending on your tastes.
Some dogs and other pets can work a small opening into a big one. Many dogs might try to dig their way out.
Some dogs will climb or try to climb, depending on the animal and the fencing.
(Huskies/malamutes are notorious for treating fences, even 6-footers, as minor impediments that take far less than 60 seconds to get past).
You prob won’t have serious problems here. But JIC:
There are ways of dealing with all of this; you will prob need to get to know your pup during the next weeks, and also talk to people.
Much depends on your fencing and your dog … and the agility, energy level, final size, and anxiety level of the dog; and you won’t know the answer to these q’s for a while. But I know you don’t want the dog to get out.
Some dogs who dig or squirm or climb can get out. Others can injure themselves, or can get stuck, or both.
Fencing a pet is something to be careful about doing well and safely. It will break your heart to have to go looking, perhaps over much time; filled with worries that something bad has happened, or that the animal might not be found.
Start by talking to everyone you know and trust who owns dogs, and to the shelter people. Then just keep branching out and getting info.
It might be worth putting in a kennel (say 6x6x12 or similar; Home Depot etc carries these, and they can be found in Craigslist etc) either temp or permanently so that the dog can stay outdoors when you can’t supervise. Some people do this for their incorrigible escape artists, or if parts of the fence are difficult to fully secure.
You could then let the dog run free in the back yard when you are home and can be outside to join in the fun or be present and keep company. The dog is far less likely to try o get out when you are present
(tho some few dogs do make an “I’m escaping, chase me” game of it)
Most owners don’t need anything like a kennel. Most dogs aren’t really incorrigible at trying to get out. This is “figure out as you go” thing.
If you do put in a kennel:
The kennel needs to have a water bowl than can’t be tipped under any circumstances, and won’t be completely emptied within the course of a day or two, under any circumstances.
The kennel needs an open air shaded area for when it’s hot. Plywood, kennel tarps, or a nice tree can handle this.
The kennel needs a doghouse for when it’s cold, or rainy/snowy/windy, or when the dog wants to be in the “den”.
The kennel needs to be setup so that the dog can’t dig out if it.
I’m making all this sound like bigger probs than it will all likely turn out to be. You will figure this out. And you might have to do some mods over time.
It’s just worth some serious thought and care and info gathering up front and along the way. Better that than the painful case of an escaped/lost animal and a lot of lost time and fear and heartbreak.
And get your pup chipped if this isn’t already done!
One more thing
Some utility workers will open gates to get in and read meters, or to do repairs or maintenance, sometimes to access stuff that uses a right of way traversing the edge of your property, but that you don’t even use or know is there. Particularly true when there is an alley and utils often use the alley. But utility workers just can’t be trusted to keep pets in, in any case.
If they do that, pets often get out. Count on these workers being careless.
Many people padlock/chain their back yard access points and gates precisely to prevent utility workers from accidentally freeing the pets. That way the workers have to contact you to get in. I recommend this if the dog will ever be outside without you being present.
Another point: gates and access points create potentially díggable escape opportunities for the dog, and also often leave gaps an animal can get thru or get stuck in.
Most of this can be dealt with without too much misery, so long as you think it thru, mod, and prep, in advance or early on. It you do that, then after a bit of adjustment, it’s usually easy to maintain.
Blame because, well, let me show you
@tinamarie1974 Is that for real? Because I want a bag.
@sammydog01 saw it on Twitter and they claimed it was real and purchased at Walgreens???
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974

That’s not candy corn, now this is candy corn.
@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974

@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974

Not in the mood for a turkey dinner?
Candy Corn Pizza!
@tinamarie1974 Hmm, it’s on their website:
Last year’s Roasted Turkey Pringles were great (although not as amazing as the Pecan Pie they had a couple of years earlier), I guess this could work?
@mossygreen I just can’t
@mossygreen @tinamarie1974 GUESS WHERE I’M GOING TOMORROW.
@mossygreen @sammydog01 we want details!!!
@mossygreen @tinamarie1974 The details are they didn’t have any and I’m still not sure they exist. I was too embarrassed to ask.
@mossygreen @sammydog01 it was on the local news, FYI
Sorry you didn’t get them. I will let you know if I see them IRL
@mossygreen @tinamarie1974 Like I believe the local news.

/giphy eyeroll
@mossygreen @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
@mossygreen @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974 Liars. It is not available at my local Walgreens. Maybe a different Walgreens.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 It’s possible it’s not supposed to be released yet? It seems to be part of Brach’s Halloween line. I know all the Halloween stuff is showing up now, but perhaps it’s a limited edition.
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 I GOT 'EM.
@mossygreen @RiotDemon @tinamarie1974

Walgreens? Are they disgusting?
@mossygreen @RiotDemon @sammydog01 and???
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 My mom CALLED ME AT WORK to let me know, and then DROPPED THEM OFF. I’m just looking at them so far. It’s only been a couple of hours. I will report when I’m sufficiently bold to open them!
And yes, Walgreen’s. Must have just come in.
@mossygreen @RiotDemon @sammydog01 that was nice of your mom!
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 Official report: they are pretty horrible. Not nauseating, they don’t taste like future vomit, but they are not good. The best flavors are cranberry sauce (of course) and ginger glazed carrot. The roasted turkey was probably the worst. I’m honestly not sure which was the stuffing and which was the sweet potato pie, they were OK, one was better, but, again, which one? The green bean was just wrong. I only ate one of each, except for the cranberry because there are already semi-melted-looking cranberry pieces inside the bag making the candy stick together (I honestly expect better quality control from Brach’s, but this is a new direction for them, so I guess it’s alright if they’re not up to Jelly Belly standards). I will eat more tomorrow, maybe see how they are with coffee.
The greatest weird flavor candy is still that strange Chinese gummy corn which doesn’t seem to exist any more that I found a few years back at a Super H-Mart on a trip to California. I miss it. I still have the empty bag. WEIRD GUMMY CORN FOREVER.
@mossygreen @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 ooh, they sound horrible! Nice.
Can we see a photo of the gummy corn candy bag? I’m intrigued!
@RiotDemon @sammydog01 @tinamarie1974 Yes. I may even have saved one last, wrapped gummy corn candy for posterity. Or maybe I ate it. Or maybe I just went to exactly where it was. I’ll take a picture of both tomorrow, since the bag really doesn’t illustrate the candy but does have a cute glasses- and mortarboard-cap-wearing ear of corn mascot giving a double thumbs-up on the back.
Blame. It is 3:25am and I am awake with a headache, 2 cats are trying to sleep next to me in the same space and that is not going well for all 3 of us (they have already been unceremoniously dumped to the floor which didn’t stop them from returning) and I decided to look at forums to try to put me back to sleep. (Not working due to headache and no aspirin or similar in the house).
@tinamarie1974 Headache is gone now but I am really tired.
@Kidsandliz @tinamarie1974 Ugh, bummer.
Hope you sleep better tonight.
My amazon account changed to Spanish and I took French and can’t figure out how to fix it. Because the instructions on how to select a language are in Spanish.
@sammydog01 copy/paste into google translate or google a site that will translate a page
Blame - my state is burning up!!!
It’s not close to me at this point, but lots of people are being told to evacuate, and some really beautiful places are at risk. The sunlight is an eerie opalescent orange and the setting sun is the color of mercurochrome.
@Kyeh oh no! Stay safe
@tinamarie1974 Thanks, I hope to!
@Kyeh I understand “mercurochrome.” I am old. Well, boomer-old.
Yeah, that word is kind of an age-test, isn’t it! I hated when my mother put it on me for a cut or scrape, (it stings) but I did like the color. Gross that we used to put mercury on our skin though!
It’s been raining for days. We’ve had a continuous flash flood watch, roads are flooding, and there’s a new creek running down the back yard.
On the plus side it’s cool enough to wear sweatpants so I’m going to call it a wash (like my yard.)
@sammydog01 That socks. Like today’s deal.
It’s only 130 days until Christmas.
It’s only 0 days until the Great Kitten Armageddon.
Updates, plz, on CC and Snick.
/giphy kitten

It’s 5:00 in the morning, I’ve been up for an hour. Snickers & CC haven’t had anything to eat since midnight (per Dr orders)
They have been extraordinarily active this morning, making sure I know they live here and room service is late with breakfast.
I haven’t eaten anything either in solidarity with their medically imposed fast.
I drop them off at 7:30. Then I’ll eat.
If CC and Snick suffer from lack of ability to snack when they please, then you correspondingly suffer from sleeplessness.
This is the Universal Kitten Variant Of The Law Of Thermodynamics.
/image kitten Doritos

It might have been because they were jumping all over my legs and feet this morning in a bid to get me up and filling the food bowl.
Even so, I’m delaying until the last possible minute to load them into their carrier and take them to surgery.
@therealjrn Make sure the vet gives the female a pain shot and some pain pills to take home as a hysterectomy for a cat is pretty painful due to the cut abdominal muscles.
@f00l Whomever took that photo of feeding that kitten apparently doesn’t know onions - Doritos have onion powered in them - (and garlic, tomatoes, caffeine, chocolate, grapes and raisins, and a handful of other foods) are poisonous to cats and can kill them if they eat too much (and in some cases too much is just a tiny little bit).
@f00l @therealjrn aawww. Good luck. Hope everything goes well today
@f00l @tinamarie1974 I’ve already been and back eating breakfast now. They should be ready after 3PM.
You statement IS the essence of The Universal Kitten Variant Of The Law Of Thermodynamics.
/giphy kitten thermodynamics

@f00l They’re home! Poor Snickers…
@f00l @therealjrn they do ok?
@f00l @tinamarie1974 Yeah, they did. She’s still a little woozy from the medications but he’s being his ornery self.
I’m eating pickle slices and he wants one. I gave him a small piece. He sniffed at it but no go.
I’m probably going to step on it in my bare feet.
@therealjrn @tinamarie1974
Maybe tie up that loop so that she doesn’t catch a paw in it?
Or is it less an issue than it appears to be in that vid?
I’d be a bit woozy also, if I were wearing the Pet Cone Of Shame after a vet visit.
/giphy cone of shame

@f00l Don’t worry about it, she’s fine. The cone lasted about 3 minutes.
@f00l I’ll just be closely monitoring her for the next week or 10 days. They said the cone probably wouldn’t last long. They put it on her as she was being packed up to go.
If she starts worrying her stitches too much they said I could bring her back for them to check.
She’s asleep in my arms right now.
@f00l @therealjrn Poor baby! Her, I mean.
He seems fine!
@therealjrn Fuck Pumpkin Spiced Avocado Lattes.

@therealjrn I hope that guy didn’t have donuts by himself for Thanksgiving. Especially if they aren’t even the double chocolate ones.
Unblame because Britney Bowles decided to deliver more pasta to me! My 20 lbs order just became 40 lbs!
@ELUNO Britney Bowles, heh.
@ELUNO @ThunderChicken Hah, isn’t she the daughter who’s taking over running the Denver Broncos? (Not)
@ELUNO @Kyeh @ThunderChicken
Blame. I blame the chicken for meh charging me tax now.
@OnionSoup I went and looked at my irk and I got charged too. My June irk I didn’t. They must be doing the entire country now or something. Mine is 8%. And, even worse, it is more than some states that don’t even have a state income tax. God only knows what they use it here for. Lining politician pockets perhaps? Embezzlement seems to be a favorite pass time of our local elected and appointed officials. Certainly it’s not used on the roads (those they don’t even clean - I have had more dinged and cracked windshields to the point of having to replace them from crap on the road here than anywhere else I have lived), water system (broken city pipes all the time, numerous boiled water orders a year) or anything else useful I can think of.
BLAME - this is what is happening outside my window starting at 6:30am (I presume due to the heat later today or at least I hope that is why so they will start later when it is finally cooler), They are

digging holes to the Indian Oceandoing foundation work. It, apparently, will go on for months.@Kidsandliz UGH. It’s similar here - a large house at the end of the block that was pop-topped only about 10 years ago has been undergoing a major rebuild for about a year and they’re not even done yet. And several blocks away an entire development has been going in and that’s been several years - digging out the hillside and hauling huge trucks up and down through the neighborhood every morning, gears and brakes grinding and squealing. Soon another block nearby will be getting the same treatment.

@Kyeh Sounds like so much fun for your neighborhood. Not!.
What is going on outside my window is now cat TV once they got used to the building unexpectedly shaking (although the window hit scared them and kept them out of the cat tree for a couple of days). Unfortunately they are working 6 days a week. I guess it will be done sooner but I don’t need a 6:30 alarm clock that many days a week.
@Kidsandliz Ugh, no. How long are they at it - do they knock off early since they start so early? Glad that at least the cats are amused!
So foundation work on your building, or is a new one going in?
@Kyeh It is foundation work on an apt building. Hopefully when they are done the water in the shower will actually drain towards the drain and the water from the A/C above me won’t drain down the brick, come through my wall and get the plaster and rug wet. I did discover that some of the cardboard put between applies (sold at walmart) do a really nice job of soaking up water. The cats also claw them, sit on them, etc. so they don’t last all that long but it is nice that they are so absorbent.
@Kidsandliz What kind of cardboard? My basement always gets water in it if there’s a lot of rain or snowmelt - I do have a sump pump so it drains away if there’s a lot but the lesser puddles sit there and I have to blast them with fans. That’ll be great if your drains start to work!
So - is a new building going up next to you?
@Kyeh No new building. They are fixing the one I live in. Walmart the gray cardboard between apples and some of the purple ones. The kind that have a two digit number upright if you hold the cardboard like a letter sized peice of paper The ones with the arrow stamped in don’t absorb as well although they might if the water was more than damp on a rug.
@Kyeh PS the purple kind that has the two digit number and not the purple one with the arrow.
@Kidsandliz Oh, so at least you won’t have your view obstructed, that’s good.
So that really pulpy stuff that’s kind of molded to the shape of the fruit? Interesting!
Like these?
@Kyeh Yes. The ones on the top left look the closest to what I am using. Gray and also purple ones. I’ll take a pic and post later.
@Kidsandliz Thanks!
@Kyeh So the one on the right usually has more water absorbed (eg dark spots) including up to the A/C edge but cats moved it over playing and I just now put it back. Before the last repair I’d be swapping them out 3-4 times in 24 hours as they’d be totally soaked all over. Takes about 36 hours to air dry them when totally soaked (lay them flat to dry or you will be spending a lot of time bending them so all parts touch the floor). These also come in purple. I have only seen them in Walmart in the apple boxes.
Now the problem is much improved (they put pipes sticking out extending the drains on the one above me) but still growing mold/mildew on the wall and rug (fortunately indoor/outdoor carpeting) due to being damp 100% of the time. Not sure what they can/will do next. I think the problem is that the brick needs tuck pointed just for starters, and of course the foundation problem doesn’t help so I may be stuck with this for the next year or so. Hope not but not in my control. Guess I will need to buy some OdoBan to deal with the mildrew/mold.
@Kidsandliz Huh, I never got an email that you’d posted this reply! I’m sorry you’re having such a mess with mold and mildew - UGH. Thanks for the photo - I’ll keep an eye out for these tray things at the grocery stores here (King Soopers & Safeway); I know I’ve seen them.
Have you tried putting some Oxiclean down on the damp patches? It has to be soaked back up when it dissolves but I’ve found it’s been effective against odors.
@Kyeh OdoBan (or however it is spelled) also kills odor and mold and you don’t have to soak it back up. Spray it on and leave it. I am sick of the entire thing. Going on 2 years with this mess. Last apt I had in this building didn’t have that problem.
@Kidsandliz I’ve never used it, I’ll have to check it out. Ugh, yeah - what a pain!
Blame because I HATE political threads!
@tinamarie1974 Here’s a puppy.

/giphy puppy
@sammydog01 aawww thanks. Back at ya!!
@tinamarie1974 I want to drive over and give that guy a big hug.
@sammydog01 well come on. He would love a hug! Finally was able to take the cone of shame off yesterday. He was pretty thrilled!
Now if only I can get him to stop eating dead bugs in the yard
@tinamarie1974 But, Mom, they’re crunchy!
@sammydog01 yyeeaaahhhhhhh
And now he tried to eat my expensive tennis shoes. Not the cheap ones of course. I think that is a blame. We will get through this
Actually he is pretty good for a pup. He just gets loaded in the evenings and seems to act like a loon. Maybe when he stops teething
/giphy serenity now

@sammydog01 @tinamarie1974
/giphy puppies!

@f00l @sammydog01 haha. EXACTLY!!
@tinamarie1974 you don’t like poli tickles? What about single tickles? The puppies look like a poli outfit
@unksol ah no, I do love puppies! Just frustratingly in the thick of it with a very stubborn boy right now. He will get there. It will just take a little longer
Honestly it depends on who is administering the tickle. But it must be short lived, I am too ticklish
Blame. Now I’m gonna have to make this crap.
Candy Corn Peanut Butter Bars

@mike808 are you going to pull a Claire Saffitz? Need to see proof
@mike808 @unksol I made those once. They’re kind of like Butterfingers but not as good.
I ordered a used joycon from GameStop so I can play Just Dance. It’s shipping from Carrollton. Is there some sort of giant inter dimensional warehouse there that spews out consumer goods?
@thunderchicken is responsible for those Hurricanes.
Not @thunderchicken’s fault. Nobody to blame here except time and mortality I suppose.
One of my oldest employees, a member of the team for 15 years, passed away Sunday night after an extended hospital stay (the passing was not COVID-19 related). Not totally unexpected I suppose. He was in his late 70’s with a variety of health conditions. But still caught me off guard.
This is only the second employee I’ve lost to death. A few years ago a kid who had worked for me for just short of 2 years chose to end his time on Earth prematurely. This took us all by surprise. The last person I would have expected to do such a thing.
Losing friends is hard. Losing family is difficult. Losing friends who I spent more time with than family and really felt like extended family is a complete system shock.
@ruouttaurmind so sorry.
/giphy ghost hug

@ruouttaurmind I’m sorry, too.
@ruouttaurmind That sucks. Sorry.
@ruouttaurmind That is so hard. I am sorry.
I’m so sorry to hear. That’s tough. Long term people one is close to at work at almost family in certain emotional ways.
@f00l Ya, I keep forgetting he’s not going to be here. When I came into the office this morning his office door was still closed. For an instant I caught myself wondering “where is…”
hi kid
Blame for this shit.

/giphy hurricane Laura
Blame. Netflix canceled Altered Carbon.
There will be no more seasons.
@mike808 shut the fuck up.
/giphy whyyyy

Blame because I woke up this morning to take the pup out. Dew was pretty heavy and I saw TONS of little tiny spider webs ALL OVER my yard. I was basically walking barefoot through a field of spiders/spiderwebs.
Unblame because my very nice neighbor brought the pup a bone full of some beef flavored stuff. He has been chewing on it non-stop for over an hour now. This is the longest he has occupied himself since I got him a few weeks ago without me having to play tug or fetch or whatever.
/giphy serenity now

So this is a little late maybe, but I warned to say unblame because I blamed the goat earlier for the horrid fires going on here, and it has finally cooled way off (57 degrees right now at 10 pm) and currently a lovely slow rain has been falling for over an hour!!!
@Kyeh *wanted to say