It may be mean and distasteful, but their are situations when your just reading a sentence and they’re isn’t any way you can just sit there and ignore it!
If it is at least politely done, I appreciate being pulled up short and learning something. Don’t enjoy it, but better once than continuing to sound like an idiot to more people. In these days of spell-check, one can always blame the computer.
It may be mean and distasteful, but their are situations when your just reading a sentence and they’re isn’t any way you can just sit there and ignore it!
/giphy ignoring you
If it is at least politely done, I appreciate being pulled up short and learning something. Don’t enjoy it, but better once than continuing to sound like an idiot to more people. In these days of spell-check, one can always blame the computer.
What happened to the alleged meh-athon that was teased in early January ? Teasing those things are Faux Pas…
@joebuddah It wouldn’t be a tease if they followed through.