As if we needed another thing to support...
6Valdez, Alaska wants to install a bronze statue of William Riker…
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Valdez, Alaska wants to install a bronze statue of William Riker…
I’d be more inclined to visit a Seven of Nine statute.
@kuoh I think Bloomington Indiana has one for Janeway, fwiw.
/giphy engage picard
There appear to be no giphys of Picard saying Engage so this will have to do.
@OnionSoup @rockblossom You know what they say about rubbing statutes for good luck. Picard’s head is a bit too high and Janeway doesn’t have a smooth spot on her. Seven on the other hand…
@kuoh @rockblossom
… It’s her Borg implants isn’t it… Everyone is touching her Borg implants.
@kuoh @OnionSoup @rockblossom There’s a Borger, Texas. We can only hope that they’ll erect something in honor of her.
Make it so
still waiting for the Sisko Statue in NOLA