April 14th - "Fukin' Around in Court" and "Let Justice be Done"


Fukin’ Around in Court

Today I had the pleasure of participating in one of the key foundations of the United States. I had my day in court.

As described here, I had to appear at a hearing to present evidence supporting my assertion that an item stolen from me should be returned to me, rather than being awarded to the pawn shop which purchased the item in a pawn transaction.

As part of the proceeding, I was afforded the opportunity to present any evidence I had supporting my claim to the property in question. I gathered up all I thought may be helpful, and carried it into court in this bright red bag most of you will recognize.

enter image description here

After traveling 35 minutes in rush hour to the downtown civic center, finding a paid parking garage, then responding to several inquiries and confirming “no, I haven’t been to Japan or China or Korea” or a couple other random locations curiously connected to the unusual writing on my bag, we moved on to…

Let Justice be Done

It was an excruciatingly long, brain numbing wait for my day in court. Eventually I was called into the hearing room. As it turns out, no representative from the pawn shop appeared in their behalf. I assumed I would receive a default judgement. I was mistaken. The hearing went on, and I was asked to present my evidence then provide testimony to support my claim on the property. Fortunately, the judgement was swift. Immediate in fact. After only a moment of consideration, I was awarded unconditional ownership of the item, with the decision being binding and final. In other words, the pawn shop can’t decide to sue me later in a civil action to recover their loss.


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Well, mostly. It turns out there’s a long waiting period, after which I can claim my item at the police department evidence warehouse, conveniently located about 45 minutes from my home. And of course, only open during regular business hours (another day off work).

In about a month I should have my stolen item back in my possession. Justice prevails! (in a month)

Now if a couple of the more valuable items would show up, I’d be a happy goat.

Go democracy!

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