Anyone Know How To Unbrick A Google Nexus Tablet?

Bingo went on a bit of a rant said

So I know how this will sound but hear me out:

We bought a Google Nexus 9 Tablet in September from Amazon here at work. It was being used for testing (Work for a healthcare organization and we test all kinds of devices here).

The employee who was using/testing that device left and will not give us the google account password he put on the device.

So now we have a 32GB Nexus brick. I’ve poked around and cannot find any way of wiping/resetting that device that does not involve needing the password associated to the Google ID used to setup the device. I fully understand WHY this is not supposed to be able to be worked around.

I just hate that we have a $429.40 paperweight sitting here due to some jerk pissed off that he doesn’t work here anymore not giving us the password.

Not that I suspect it would help any but we’ve got the PO we issued to Amazon, the receipt, order number and everything proving we purchased it and it is ours.

Oh and I’ve also changed our policies that we have one person setting these up now and there is a folder on a shared drive containing all the devices and passwords. Lesson learned if nothing else.