Any Fellow Mehrs that bought a COOLEST COOLER?
4Hello fellow mehrs, Im just wondering if any one of you jumped in the kickstarter wagon for the coolest cooler and if so, has anyone received theirs?
Im still waiting for my margarita coolest to Laredo TX....
Who else is waiting for theirs?
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just wondering how much did it cost?
@Foxborn it was 215 shipping included, now they retail for 480 bucks
@jareza Still Ouch. But if you do a lit of camping or tail gating I'm sure its worth it
I was on the 90 yard line (did I just make a valid football reference?) but didn't pull the trigger.
@Bogie The yard lines only go to 50.. haha.. 0-10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10-0.. So close!
@Bogie Close. Very close. Haha!
@Bogie I totally believed the 90 yard line thing until @kadagan came along...
I strongly considered it, but I didn't bite. There were 3 concerns that kept me from buying in.
Overall I'm probably better without a $200 cooler.. My wife would have murdered me for spending that!
@kadagan 1.- the first time it came around, it failed because IMO it looked like a cheap cooler with a blender. not like a finished product
2.-Your concerns were valid... it was impossible to comply with the delivery date... he is loosing money as we speak because shipping a product this big is very expensive
3.- Thank God they realized that the way to go was with a Lithium battery
@jareza negative. I did not buy it because it wouldn't hold my phone, charge it and have built in lightning port (aka speaker dock capabilities)
I bit. For $185 I figured it was worth waiting for. Certainly thought I'd have it by now. Just got the email the other day that there was a strike at the plant where they make the motors for the blenders bringing everything to a halt. Maybe we'll have them for spring break?!
@Hskrjer99 I hope so, no news on whether the strike is over or not... but a lot of hate is taking place on the kickstarter product page
I'm still waiting for my margarita coolest in TX. I backed pretty early on but I added an extra battery. The last update said adding extras delayed shipment. Now this whole strike thing seems like it could push shipment back to 2016. We'll see.
Good to see Im not the only meh user who bit...