All I Want For Goatmas Is You (December 2024 scapegoat blame thread)
11The last month of 2024 is here, kids. Bundle up for a cold one, and start writing your resolutions because it’ll be over before you notice.
With the new month, a new goat will warm its way into your heart, but not before we bid a fond farewell to @tohar1. Take your freedom and run. Or just kick your hooves up in the air like everyone else has. For those of you who most enjoy playing the blame game, the buck stops with @kittykat9180 for the duration of 2024.
Image inspired by @Cerridwyn’s share. Happy holidays, everyone!
- 21 comments, 65 replies
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Nice image!
@Kidsandliz indeed… I want that stained glass window!
I like the image of the GOAT! But can I blame @kittykat9180 for a losey Thanksgiving or do it have to send it to @tohar1?
@mycya4me Flip a coin …
Your coin bounced off of your shoe and landed on TAILS!
… then blame both.
@narfcake @kittykat9180 @toHar1 I wish to Blame you for me having a losey Thanksgiving 2024!
@mycya4me losey or lousy (or lossy)?
@mycya4me @narfcake @tohar1, I’m so confused about what happening here. But I hope your turkey was dry and your cranberry sauce was runny.
@kittykat9180 @mycya4me @narfcake @tohar1
Soliciting blame already I see.
@Kidsandliz @mycya4me @narfcake @tohar1, imma get a running start.
@pakopako ALL of the above that is how Bad it was! My question is since I did not cook or get invited ANYWHERE, so what Turkey or Cranberry sauce! I did not have any!
@mycya4me @pakopako @kittykat9180
I BLAME you since I did not cook or get invited ANYWHERE, so what Turkey or Cranberry sauce! I did not have any!
Fixed it for you.
@mycya4me @pakopako, if you didn’t have any dry turkey or runny cranberry sauce, then it sounds like you should be thanking me.
@kittykat9180 @pakopako Nope, that also Means the only one I saw was My Cat. Yes My cat Loves me, or maybe it is just because I feed him, Rub * play with him & give him a clean litter Box. So Yes I blame you that I did NOT get a chance at Dry Turkey & runny cranberry sauce & being around people!
@Kidsandliz @kittykat9180 @pakopako NOPE You can blame the current goat (the one with the a standing up right) for ANYTHING. In fact I going tp blame him for me trying to explain this to you & for Fussing at you for Editing my post!
@kittykat9180 @mycya4me @pakopako The “you” in there was kittykat as I added her to the message.
@Kidsandliz @mycya4me @pakopako, someone has to explain to me what this goat thing is all about.
@Kidsandliz @kittykat9180 @mycya4me @pakopako Here’s a write-up from way back (missing all the cool visuals, unfortunately.)
Thanks. What’s the water drop and upside down goat symbols?
@kittykat9180 Upside down goat = former scapegoat. The droplet is ink, for people with Meh tattoos. There’s a hierarchy of symbols; the rarer symbol is the one that’s shown (so some of us with tattoos are also former goats.) There’s a chart in the FAQs:
@Kidsandliz @kittykat9180 @narfcake @tohar1 Yep that is what the GOAT is for.
those were the Rules when I was a Goat for a Month! I know that People really enjoyed that Month!
@kittykat9180 @narfcake @tohar1 FYI I didn’t have any dry turkey or runny cranberry sauce!
@mycya4me, that is a fair trade for not having to be around people.
@kittykat9180 Nope!
Sounds like it’s going to be a busy December for me.
@kittykat9180 since your goat is still standing straight up, YOU still get All the Blame!
/youtube bill Murray it’s cold out there everyday
So, I have a question.
Who do I blame?
We said goodbye to Fury last Wednesday. He was diagnosed with lung cancer a year ago. In May, he was given two months at the most. We had more than that. But his appetite greatly diminished to the point that he wasn’t eating anything on Tuesday. That’s when we knew it was time. The cancer was in the left lung and putting a lot of pressure on the heart, so much so that a cat who’s heart rate is usually over 160bpm at the vet’s, was 130bpm.
It was hard, but it was time.
Then Sunday, Little Bitty Dawg, who was diagnosed with congestive heart failure early summer, quit eating. His last appointment showed that his CHF was 40% worse.
If he wasn’t eating, he wasn’t getting his meds (one to strengthen the heart, one to help flush the fluid build up from his body). He could barely walk, really seemed out of it. Last week, he was eating and bouncing like a puppy (he was 16). It was quick.
We said goodbye to him yesterday.
So, who’s to blame? Last month’s goat for Fury and this month’s goat for Jingles?
Ima go do some more laundry.
I hate this year.
@lisaviolet It is so incredibly hard to lose our fur babies as I know you know. I am so sorry to hear you lost two so close together and the one so suddenly.
@Kidsandliz Yeah, Jingles just seemed to crash. Last week he was having a tough time making it outside to pee (diuretics) and would go on the living room floor (carpets were pulled up a long time ago), not even close to his pee pad or the open door.
I’d carry him outside every few hours to pee so I didn’t have to clean the floor again.
That was the first sign that he was going downhill.
But he was still eating. Dogs with CHF can last 6 months to 2 years. He was the former.
@lisaviolet, I don’t have the attention span to read all of that. if you blamed me somewhere in there, then I accept it.
@kittykat9180 Cat died last Wednesday, dog died yesterday.
@lisaviolet Hugs. Worst part of having fur babies but they are worth every tear.
To Those I love
If I should ever leave you whom I love
To go along the Silent Way,
Grieve not,
Nor speak of me with tears,
But laugh and talk of me as if I were beside you there.
(I‘d come - I‘d come, could I but find a way!
But would not tears and grief be barriers?)
And when you hear a song
Or see a bird I loved,
Please do not let the thought of me be sad…
For I am loving you just as I always have…
You were so good to me!
There are so many things I wanted still to do -
So many things to say to you… Remember that I did not fear…
It was just leaving you that was so hard to face… We cannot see Beyond…
But this I know:
I love you so -
Twas heaven here with you!
-Isla Paschal Richardson
We lost our Irish Wolfhound Shadow to CHF caused by his Atrial Fibrillation. He was about 3.5-years-old when we got him as a re-home. Part of the re-home deal was to have him neutered, which we would have preferred to do anyway, but our vet found his A-Fib on his pre-op exam, so it was a no-go.
He survived until age 6 y/o due to treatment with an ACE-inhibitor, Digoxin, and HCTZ- a diuretic to keep his volume overload from the impaired ejection fraction.
[Not our boy, but strongly resembles him.]
He became an insulin-dependent diabetic because of these same medications- most likely from the digoxin. He died when the specialty vet had us stop his insulin for a weekend to re-set in the process of changing types of insulin, which apparently caused flash pulmonary edema and he died suddenly while at our regular vet to try to get that back under control as we had once before.
He was truly the best, most loving and gentle giant, and we have never and will never get over losing him- I am verklempt as I type this 20 years after the fact.
@PhysAssist I’ve always considered myself a cat person, but I’m devastated over the loss of Jingles.
We only had him for five years, and the empty place is huge. I sent his previous owner, who gave him up when her son-in-law didn’t want him (he was a big dog guy, not a little Shiztzu lover - due to health problems she had moved in with her daughter and SIL and brought her little dog with her; he got loose one morning and he was running down the street and came right up to me, I told SIL we would have kept him if no owner was found, he asked if I was serious, I said yes, the rest is history).
She’s in her 90s now, and that was one of the most difficult conversations I’ve ever had in my life.
The cats are missing him, too. Just all around sadness here.
Thank you for sharing the poem.
@lisaviolet I take no responsibility for deaths, unless it’s cockroaches or ants.
I’m sorry you lost your pets. It takes me years to get over deaths of my dogs.
I share your loss and pain.
We’ve also been through it a few other times before, including with our umbrella cockatoo Brandy, who we had from 3 y/o for 13 years before she suddenly died from sepsis, and before that my African Gray parrot Sidney, who got pneumonia and died at just under a year old.
In both cases, we expected them to live a much longer time given their species average life expectancy.
But as one of my favorite books says: “Man proposes and God disposes…”
@lisaviolet I’m so very sorry - it’s the one thing I hate about having animals.
@lisaviolet @speediedelivery Yes they are, They will be waiting for you at the other end of Rainbow Bridge when you cross!
@lisaviolet @speediedelivery
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together…
@mycya4me @speediedelivery Thank you.
The Rainbow Bridge story is lovely. I’m gonna be knocked on my ass, for sure.
@lisaviolet @speediedelivery I has helped me when some of my Fur Babies crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
@mycya4me @speediedelivery
I’m so sorry for your loss.
Losing a pet is the worst pain! I’m all too familiar with that ache in your heart after losing a pet, I couldn’t fathom feeling that for two at the same time.
@Lynnerizer Thank you. We knew it was coming, but we didn’t expect it so soon.
BLAME - I finally - which is not a given when you call - managed to talk to a human at xfinity and what happens shortly after we start taking - they are having an earthquake and he has to evacuate the building!! This is in the Philippines. So when you hear about it/read about it on the news you heard it here first. He put me on hold but the connection disconnected.
And now I find out he may have lied as I can’t find any evidence of an earthquake there during the time period we were on the phone. Sigh.
UNBLAME - someone posted on a neighborhood social media site that they had broken off the top of their christmas tree and couldn’t attach the star. See how they solved that problem (the grinch arm is attached to the tree).
@Kidsandliz Hah! Very creative!
Love it!
I want to blame the Goat for it being cold (like around 30 on week)then being really warmer (50s-69) the next week!
BLAME - the person who usually takes my cats when I go home for christmas can’t and I am finding it hard to find someone else to take them. I can’t have them come to my apartment to feed them so I have to put them in someone else’s home.
Bump. The thread got buried by the 'thon. it seems.
It sure did! I’d been looking for it for several days and I finally just did a search for it! Matter of fact I’ve been looking for it so long that I now forgot what I wanted to blame the goat for! Lol
@Lynnerizer @werehatrack So that you forgot what you were going to blame for is an unblame???
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack
I suppose it is an unblame!
I am 71 today. I have decided not to fix any typos for the rest of the day. If you choose to ascribe this to an overdose of fugitol, I will decline to deny it.
If you’re fortunatle, I will go back to lurking, and I have no doubt that my relative absence from visibility for the past several weeks has gone almost entirely unnoticed.
OBTW, in the extremely unlikely event that anyone has tried to toss me a Whisper in the past week, I will note that my link to access those is presently broken. The cause has not been determined. (This is not something that’s going to get a lot of attention, for obvious reasons.) Also, I have all email notifications turned off because I’m trying to unsub from everything right now. No spoonms.
@werehatrack oh I have wondered where you were! What was happening with you. I guessed it was the Holiday preparation that keep you busy.
BTW, Happy Birthday Kiddo!
But above ALL know that you were missed!
Christmas Adam Bump
Not a blame nor an unblame, but an observation.
Between the decline in overall active participation in the Meh forums and the de-emphasis of this specific custom/thread via ending the previous tradition of its being pinned to the top of the topics, its usage seems to have fallen to a level below the point where it is significant.
At least, that’s how it looks to me.
But then again, what do I know? I’m a pain in the ass whose black mood at this time of year could ruin just about anything, so nobody should take my opinion for granted about it.
But I thought it was worth bringing up, because I know that others have enjoyed the goat thread in the past, and I don’t know what could be done to recover the enthusiasm that was once present. (That last statement is an obvious tautology.)
Does anyone have suggestions?
/image grinch
@chienfou @werehatrack Pin it back to the top like they used to. That would help.
@chienfou I feel way too much like a Grinch most years, anyway. There is history. I’m not going to go into it.
@chienfou @werehatrack well, maybe you will get lucky and your heart will grow three sizes this year.
@chienfou @Kidsandliz @werehatrack
@chienfou @macromeh @werehatrack
Hey @extramedium @dave how about it ^^^^ ? The unwashed masses have spoken
@werehatrack @Kidsandliz @macromeh We’re trying to avoid having multiple things broadcast at a time, and having things broadcast for more than a few days, since both of those take away the benefit of broadcasting more generally.
That said, I’m open to suggestions for the best time to broadcast topics for a 3-day stint each month if there’s a better moment to shine the focus on it.
@dave Some consideration should be given to treating the days after a 'thon as an exception. The torrent of topics it creates can bury anything, and will tend to stifle things that would otherwise have made a positive contribution. Users trying to keep the threads alive via Bumps don’t accomplish much in fact, because then everyone gets accustomed to the idea that the fact that a topic that has floated up might not actually have new content. Some things just need to be readily visible or they aren’t effective, particularly if the forum is gaining back the activity that is presumably wanted.
Sure, I’m up for that if we remember. So spotlight the main goat thread the day after the Mehrathon?
Woohoo - Unblame! The scapegoat blame thread was easy to find this morning with minimal effort. (Which, TBH, is all anyone is going to put forth.)
Wait - can I blame the goat that Santa couldn’t find me at the airb&b I am staying at to leave me a winning lottery ticket for christmas? In fact he didn’t leave me a lottery ticket at all. Unblame - since he left me nothing at least he didn’t leave me coal.
@Kidsandliz yep, he forgot me too. I did not go any where. I agree I did not get any coal. I guess Kampus could not find me either.
I can’t find a wet vac to rent so I’m scrubbing and wringing gallons of water out of three stories of floors by hand. In the cold. Without power.
Well, after I cut up the carpet that’s soggy and still distributing water everywhere.
(But I’m 1/3 of a floor in! Only 9 more days to go!)
@pakopako Ouch! I wish I was within easy driving distance, I’ve got two of them and would gladly loan you one.
@pakopako Suggestion: Rent a carpet cleaning machine and use it with the water feed disconnected. They’re designed to suck up water from carpets, and can be rented from lots of places.
@werehatrack is that a wet-vac? I’m currently asking to borrow one (it’s on loan which is why I put up the countdown)
@pakopako The rental carpet cleaner things are high-suction wet vacs with a water or cleaning solution spray, and all you need is the suction part. Their catch tanks aren’t as big as a Shop-Vac, but they’re better than a consumer-level wet-vac, and they do a MUCH better job of water extraction from a carpet than can be done with a Shop-Vac unless you have the special carpet extraction nozzle. (I have shop-vacs and a wet-vac, and I might still rent the carpet machine for what you need to do, depending on how saturated the carpet is.)
So… there was recently a thread about regerts. What if 2025 is the year of regoats? I didn’t know much about goating before my term, and it would be fun to see how the great goats did it. Just putting in the wind. I’d love to see what @Kyeh goats like I think I missed that.
@capnjb I think the top five have been preserved in the National Archives.
Blame - it’s getting all windy here and tomorrow is trash/recyclables pick-up day! Our trash bins have locks to prevent bears from getting into them but the recycle bins don’t. I tape mine shut but people up the block don’t and I often end up with their junk in my yard and bushes.
It’s almost like I dropped the ball on my clicky face on purpose! Two hours before the next offer was going to happen I started looking at the clock every 15 minutes and thinking oh yeah I checked today’s offering, I was up most of the night being sick. Then I kept saying I wonder if I really did check and thought what if I’m purposely breaking my big day run? (I will say I’ve been trying every single day not to miss clicky face for several years, every since I found Meh! My longest run is 151 days.) But still, not once did I pick up my phone and double check to make sure I clicked… Midnight comes around and I immediately go to hit clicky face for Monday, low and behold I’m starting off with ONE DAY IN A ROW! I MISSED SUNDAY’S SOCKS!
I can’t be responsible for the DUMBEST move ever. WHERE’S THAT DARN GOAT, I’VE GOT TO BLAME SOMEONE…
@Lynnerizer So you were to 150 this time around?
No, I wish… I was only at 12 shameful, laughable days. 🫣 Sadly, this month I’m stuck on 2 week increments, and besides being sick I have no excuses.
@Lynnerizer Oh. Well, I think being sick is a totally valid reason! Better luck in 2025?