account feature request

carl669 thought this was worth mentioning said

maybe this has already been requested, but i can’t recall. with coupons being given out for birthday contests, it might be hard to keep track of them.

as a meh user, i would like to be able to see what coupons are attached to my account.

acceptance criteria:

  1. coupons are listed in a section of the user’s ‘your account’ page.
  2. coupon value is listed
  3. coupon expiration date (if any) should be displayed
  4. expired coupons should not be listed. alternatively, they could be marked as expired to remind the user they should have bought something and what a sucker they are for not using the coupon.
  5. used coupons should not be listed or should be marked as used. allowing the user to mark the coupon as used would be acceptable as well.

please go ahead and size this story. thank you and as always, fuck.