A Goat Is Just A Big Kid (June 2023 scapegoat blame thread)
11See what I did there? Because “kid” is the proper term for…never mind, let’s just get down to it.
Summer is a thing that’s happening. Too soon for some of you, and not soon enough for others. Regardless of the camp you fall into, someone is to blame for your current suffering, and we can’t leave that all on @KNmeh7 since May is done and dusted. Seems like the June vote left us with no choice but to give our worst to @gogrrl, or goat girl if you will…at least for June.
The AI did us a solid once again with the new scapegoat image. A fine summer goat there. Unblame for that one, but we know @gogrrl is still responsible for the rest of this mess. Get to it.
- 20 comments, 91 replies
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Blame. Three weeks until summer is officially natal, and we are already hitting 90 degrees. As I get older, I cannot tolerate the Texas heat and humidity to do my yard mowing! I tried today, but withered and surrendered.
@gogrrl, I won’t blame you further at all this month if you send some of your caprine brethren to trim my grass. (It must taste pretty good, even my dog takes a mouthful now and then, but not enough to relieve me of my chores.)
@phendrick Sure, why not? I’ve already wrangled this guy for you. Will he do? If the price is right, I can have him on a plane to you asap. He’s not really a fan of the heat either, but he should be fine. He’ll definitely keep the lawn in check, interspersed with random bleats of profanity.
@gogrrl “Plane”? And “Price”? That’s your best offer?
If I could afford a stinkin’ plane ticket for a stinkin’ goat, I could afford to hire a passing stranger (stinkin’ too, sometimes) to mow my yard! (And Lord knows, they stop and offer – but they always want to get paid, even if they use my mower and gas! No love for senior citizens? And some times they’ll stop and offer even when I am obviously mostly done…)
Can’t your goat just walk here? Aren’t there two back legs to go with the two front ones in the picture? This early in the season, there is still grass growing along the way. Maybe even some tasty bluebonnets, though they seem to be off-schedule this year (either climate-related or migrants have picked them? Even the spear grass was late and underwhelming this season.)
(Obviously not this year’s crop, yet.)
Your goat would also have opportunity to cuss out multitudes of two-legged and four-legged creatures on the way, and once arrived here, and deservedly so.
I’ll guess I’m forced to keep on with the blaming. Only 30 days left in your reign. Enjoy the continued blame. And the heat (of the office?)
@phendrick Goats can do an excellent job “mowing” lots of things, including steep hillsides and blackberry bushes.
This is another option I’d appreciate, but WAY too pricey for me
@phendrick @robson I’m waiting for Meh to sell those someday - or even a knock-off version.
@robson My first thought when I followed your link, “I want one of those”. Then I read the description closer and watched several of the videos, and became less enthused.
When they get a robotic mower that can be controlled over the yard by an independent remote, learns its route, and then performs it flawlessly, maybe following a rectangular spiral, I’ll buy it. (If I’m still alive and if I haven’t already spent all my money on Mediocre products.)
@phendrick @robson I do not want goats mowing blackberry bushes. I want to eat the blackberries!!!
@Kidsandliz @phendrick @robson IME, it takes significant goat power to make a noticeable dent in blackberry vines. This is based on the rather disappointing efforts of my children’s two 4-H pygmy goats over the course of several years.
@macromeh @phendrick @robson I will make a significant difference in the number of blackberries you have to grow into future vines. Just tell me where to come to start eating.
@Kidsandliz @phendrick @robson Come to pretty much any unmowed, unpaved area in NW Oregon in late summer and you will find more blackberries than you can eat. (Bring your armor.)
I once had a visitor from Nevada that I took for a day trip to the coast. She kept wanting me to stop along the way so she could pick blackberries growing on the side of the road. Locals just laugh.
@macromeh @phendrick @robson The family farm used to have enough blackberry bushes that 13 grad kids could eat all they wanted, trample them and the 4 aunts and grandma wouldn’t complain we had eaten them all. Unfortunately an uncle, who shall remain unnamed put round up on them all as they were overrunning the yard. That was a sad day. We all brought a long sleeve shirt and long pants and socks specifically to wear while picking eating berries.
@Kidsandliz @phendrick @robson Hah! The invasive Himalayan blackberries here gargle with Roundup as a bracing refreshment!
@Kidsandliz @macromeh @phendrick @robson I would love to find a source for wild blackberries. Instead I’m going to the pick your own farm on Saturday
@ironcheftoni Make sure you have long pants on and pull your socks over your long pants so your ankles get protected by keeping your jeans down. Be prepared to have holes pulled in your socks, not just whatever long sleeve shirt you are wearing. Read about rain and berry flavor though so you time it right if you have planning to pick a ton (vs eat a ton while picking LOL). Wish we had one of those around here. I miss my blackberries! Actually though I bought my mom some when I visited her and we reminisced about the farm and all the blackberry exploits back when the farm was over run by them.
I blame @gogrrl for me having my homework done early for the week and not having an excuse to avoid trashy Netflix real estate drama shows with my wife. I really don’t know where she sees the entertainment in that stuff but if she asks me again to watch that show I’m about to make up more homework for me to go hide in my office and do.
@show_the_maw I hate to pull you away from that, but I really need you to get on that task that we spoke about previously. I know it could take you all weekend and that might mean canceling any show-watching plans you may have, but I’m going to need you focused on it any time you have free time. Thank you for your cooperation. Together we can get this done.
@ExtraMedium I know it’s hard for you to ask me to give up my trash TV time with my wife and this task is hard but I’ll be able to pull through for you.
@ExtraMedium @show_the_maw That’s the spirit! Assuming you’re getting paid for this vital task (or even in the more likely event that you’re NOT getting paid), you deserve a raise!
Blame! For two days there has been a recycling bin left out by the curb that someone on the street never took back inside. I grumbled as I walked past and then noticed my address was written on it. It seems that on Wednesday, I inadvertently stole my next-door neighbor’s bin and grumped about my own being left out there. Apologies and amends have been made.
Thanks for ruining everything @gogrrl
need some ice cream for that humble pie?
@capnjb You’re welcome. Seriously, it sounds like something I might do.
Blame. I’ve been sick. Drove 1085 miles while sick. With two car break downs in rural areas (actually people in small towns are more helpful than in big ones for the most part). Still sick and I’ve been back 3 going on 4 days. On the plus side I haven’t killed anyone yet. But it was a close thing yesterday.
@Kidsandliz Feel better soon. Sending some virtual chicken soup your way.
@gogrrl Thanks. I am finally, sort of, feeling human again.
@Kidsandliz Glad to hear it!
This thread needs another blame…but not directed at me. Whoever gave this young man a trombone should receive that " honor". On the other hand, it is hilarious, so an unblame may also be in order.
@gogrrl Okay, I literally did laugh until I had tears in my eyes! That’s one of funniest things I’ve ever seen!
@gogrrl @Kyeh
very ingenious and apropos music choices!
@chienfou @gogrrl @Kyeh That was hilarious. He is lucky his mother let him live
@chienfou @gogrrl @Kidsandliz
I bet she’s secretly proud of his talent!
Blame-been toying with the idea of “cutting the cable” for several reasons-I hate Frontier communications with a passion, they screw up everything, keep taking premium channels away with no reduction in fees and their service is awful.
With the Sunday Football Option coming to You Tube-thought I would stay with Frontier for internet and phone and get rid of the cable. Called them yesterday and they said they could offer me You Tube for a slightly better deal than You Tube could. Said great-better deal and one bill what is not to like. Tried to add Sunday Ticket though my package and it wasn’t an option. Called You Tube and the told me I couldn’t buy it unless I had purchased from You Tube directly through them which of course Frontier never knew or told me about. Cancelled my Frontier You Tube. Wasted three hours of my time and am back to square one.
@Felton10 Synonyms:
“pride” - a bunch of lions
“pod” - a bunch of whales
“cable company” - a bunch of pricks
June seems to be too busy a month for anyone to cast blame on this month’s GOAT.
I’m sure that’s your fault @gogrrl !
@chienfou It has been remarkably quiet. I’ll take that blame.
Unblame - After five or so unsuccessful attempts to quit smoking I have reached a small milestone of being 14 weeks smoke free. Hoping this will be the time that finally sticks.
Blame - From the aforementioned quitting smoking attempt I have however gained a remarkable 15 or so unwanted pounds. I’ll blame @gogrrl for that!
Something tells me losing said pounds will be harder than putting them on.
@steeltoesenator Congratulations on the smoking milestone! (Condolences on the weight.)
@steeltoesenator Great job on being 14 weeks nicotine free! That is a hard addiction to battle. Worth an extra 15 pounds in my humble opinion. I watched my mom struggle for years to quit smoking. I’m rooting for you!
@Kyeh @steeltoesenator
pretty soon this will be behind you…
@steeltoesenator I quit smoking more than 30 years ago (except for what’s in the air I have to breathe as I walk by people smoking in the no smoking areas).
Took me about 10 years to quit for good, off and on.
I started in high school, quit in college, started again in Air Force basic training (“smoke 'em if you got 'em” – one of the few privileges we had, so hard to pass up.)
Later in life, each time I started again was because of that ONE cigarette I wanted, but then wanted more. Nicotine addiction was very hard for me to kick. I figure hard drugs would be worse, so am not tempted to even try any. (I’m quite OK with alcohol, though. I’ll enjoy a beer or a drink of wine or whisky occasionally.)
What finally got me away from tobacco was copious quantities of CHOCOLATE. I’d have a chunk instead anytime I wanted a cigarette. I also bicycled a whole lot (awkward to smoke a cigarette while biking). So weight gain was not an issue for me.
After a while, my main temptation to bum a cigarette would come while shooting pool or billiards. I carried extra chocolate and/or chewing gum for those occasions.
Good luck on your resolve.
@phendrick Yeah, I smoked for years. I too am an AF vet, we all smoked it seemed (plus the cost of a carton at the BX was ridiculously low). The longest I ever quit prior to this was 3 months. This time was different though, I got really ill at first from nicotine withdrawal and I never want to go through that again. That’s why I think this time it will stick.
@steeltoesenator Good luck.
(And keep some chocolate handy in an emergency kit?)
Unblame - car did not break down to and from Houston, unlike my trip a few weeks earlier although I did have to sink some money into the stupid thing before I left so this wouldn’t happen. Do have a few more things to fix but they weren’t critical.
Unblame - my fnhl doesn’t need treated again yet
Blame - some other crap we are watching grew and I have a bone density spot on my hip that needs more testing so have to drive through all that construction that starts in LA going into TX (remarkably little in MS) yet again when that is scheduled. That traffic sucks.
Blame - my wonderful oncologist is leaving the end of the month. I saw him on his last day of clinic. He is an incredible person and doctor and this makes me very sad. He is going into research and won’t be practicing anywhere so I can’t follow him.
@Kidsandliz Sending good thoughts and prayers that the blames will soon turn in to unblames. Health issues get better and you find a new doctor equal to or better than the one who left.
@gogrrl Thank you. Finding one equal or better is going to be tough though as this man was not defined by silos and is probably the single best doctor I have ever had across any field. Ever. He was exceptional in his manner, his willingness to look beyond the problem you were seeing him for and do something about those as well (for example when the CT showed pancreatitis two years ago which locally was being blown off, he then did more tests for that despite being a blood cancer doctor and not a GI doctor, and then treated it). Not to mention he is compassionate. empathetic and caring. He always ran seriously behind as he took the time with people that they needed.
I sort of wonder if he was burned out and that is why he is bailing. He referred me to someone else in the department. No idea if this was a random referral (random as in here is the list of people who do the same thing/see the same collection of diagnoses, lets split his 450 patients between them without really looking closely at how we are doing this) or if he actually decided which person each of us would use next to try to make a good match between patient and oncologist (that would take a lot of time though to review that many patients to decide - although he is the kind of person who might take that time).
Regardless, from a patient point of view this sucks big time. Based on this is MD Anderson Cancer center I know I’ll end up with someone competent, but the question is will the next person go above and beyond like he did. Good thing this time, due to stuff being on sale, I brought more variety of fruit and junk food for his team, seeing at it was the last time I will see him and his team. Patients didn’t know he was leaving and so it was sort of an unplanned farewell feast.
No blames here…just a Happy Dad’s Day from Doug, Frog, Toad, and Newt.I recommend ALL their videos.
@gogrrl Awww - what a beautiful bunch of kitties! They look so dapper in their bows!
@gogrrl @Kyeh
Not that this thread has been overly busy with blames… but today is my cake day, and as such, I will not being accepting any blames today. Thank you in advance.
@gogrrl In the meantime, I suggest you check out my favorite motivational speaker, Rodney Douglas Norman, for any pep talk you may need.
@gogrrl Awww, he’s selling happiness, in the form of a baby goat!
@gogrrl And …
@Kyeh Thanks!
/image big goat birthday cake
@Kidsandliz That’s cute!
@gogrrl Is this your fault?
@Kyeh yes…
@gogrrl I bet you instigated this too!
@Kyeh Hey, we goats are no fools. The dollar spot at Target is always worth a visit.
Blame. Power, internet, etc. all went out last Friday morning around 6 am due to thunderstorms (while there were tornadoes in the state, not here). So here we are 6 days later and all we have back is the power. Cheap phone card does not give much data to use as a hot spot very long so have to run around to find internet to file unemployment crap and apply for jobs. @carl669 here are a few fucks for the count. Fuck fuck fucking city. The armpit of the nation. It needs to be part of the Gulf of Mexico - as in under it. Unfortunately global warming will spare it. Wish it was realistic to move.
On the upside the last time the water was out (that was a relatively short number of days then compared to what went on Aug-Oct at 48 days of none and months of boil water) was almost 6 mo ago (starting Christmas Eve afternoon for 8 days) Maybe that problem might be fixed?
UNBLAME - we finally have internet. Hopefully it will stay on.
Man it IS dead in here. I think the majority. 32 post were dead goats. And most of the rest gorrl who’s clock is ticking. And so much less blame. Lol.
I’m going to have to unblame because dads car is now safe in my garage. After replacing my rusted out hitch/getting a car carrier/fixing wiring etc. I mean it did piss on my drive when I tried the brakes but that’s expected with hygroscopic fluid/steel lines/sitting vehicles.
The most confusing part to me is that it’s a 91. He bought it in 1997 with 90K miles. The plate on it expired in 1998. But I remember that car as a kid. The only thing I can figure is he bought it knowing what the problem probably was. Which he did a lot. Drove it for less than a year burning oil everywhere with us. Then parked it for 25 years. We fixed a lot of cars. I’m not sure why that one. Other than he just wanted to do it and never had the time.
I know there’s some other metro fans. Maybe I’ll start a metro-sexual build thread when I can get there. Not even sure I know where to start. Engine rebuild sure but. Parked for 25 years
@unksol Congrats on the car! And you are right…this thread has been very quiet. Such an easy month to be the goat…I have had to absorb very few blames.
@gogrrl its not really a congratulations. I’m not even entirely sure why it meant so much to him or why he wanted to keep it so long. Why that’s the one car. out of all of them.
It will most likely get done unless the frame is a goner. I think it’s probably fine
@gogrrl @unksol Dad kept a 40 Packard he bought as a used 13 year old car. When I’d get to drive it occasionally to charge up the two 6 volt batteries it was guy magnet of the wrong kind of guys - old foggies who likely could have owned it when it was new or younger guys with slicked back hair and a pack of cigarettes they carried around by rolling up their t-shirt sleeve around them. Sort of dangerous though as people no longer know what hand signals are since it has no turn signals. After he died my sister got it. Somewhere alone the line it broke down. She’s had it sitting on blocks for probably 18-20 years. I hope she finally gets around to getting it back up and running. He loved that car. It makes me sad to think he has been dead for so long.
@unksol Maybe Metro fans may be a bit overstated. Probably more like Metro survivors.
@macromeh it can be both. IDK if it was @chienfou or who a while back we talked about metros on some thread. Can’t find it.
I’ll admit its been 2 decades since I messed with a pre OBDII. The 96 Saturn made it as a daily driver to 2019 and the 97 expedition I got for $400 as a backup/replacement runs fine. So. I’ve never been much for spending money on new cars.
Come to think of it every car I’ve owned came with a cassette deck lol
@chienfou @unksol Fancy! My first car came with a (factory) combo AM radio/8-track tape player!
@macromeh but what did your last car come with? Lol.
Just googled a little. If true it’s weird 8 track ever even was a thing in the US other than Ford chose to install them?
I was just looking cause I associate 8-track with 60s/70s maybe better built/looking cars. Gas hogs though they be.
Regardless I’m for now still a 90s rustbucket owner. Just nothing older than I am. Or younger than my driver’s license
@unksol First car (with factory AM/8-track) was a 1969 Mustang (purchased used in 1973).
Most recent is a 2021 EV, with touch screen AM/FM/Satellite radio plus Bluetooth/USB to connect to whatever. My wife really misses having a CD player because she likes to listen to audio books. I can rip them onto a USB stick for her, but it is tedious with multi-CD volumes.
@macromeh CD? What’s a CD?
Mom asked if I wanted any of dads huge CD folders. I mean quad disk pages by… Idk how many. I don’t have a CD player. Lol. Other than the one I used to plug into the cassette deck.
/image CD to cassette adapter
But he also had these pouches of like 20 cassette tapes before that he’d just rotate when we went on road trips. I don’t recall one with a CD player. Maybe I need one of those lol
Monday is coming and I have just what you need to kick it off right. Call 1-707-8PEPTOC…that’s 1-707-873-7862. You’ll be glad you did.
BLAME: It’s the 27th of June and I can’t find a July goat nomination thread. Have we at last arrived at the end of the line for Goatdom?
Feel free to yell all your blames and/or unblames today.
@gogrrl There’s a woman on my local Nextdoor WHO DOES THIS WITH EVERY POST!
@gogrrl I guess @mildirishgentleman got tired of BEING YELLED BACK AT, as he no longer seems to be a member. Or am I misremembering the handle?
@gogrrl @phendrick
You are misremembering, but I can’t recall it either.
I think it was “mellow…” perhaps?
@gogrrl @Kyeh You are closer than I…
@mellowirishgent brought him up, but no activity, at least in last 30 days per his profile.
So I guess he packed up his ALL CAPS keyboard.
He wasn’t a bad dude, just pretty stubborn on at least that one issue. I think even @mike808 gave up on trying to convince him. Heh.
@gogrrl @mellowirishgent @mike808 @phendrick The woman on Nextdoor I referred to is actually very sweet, if a bit eccentric, but she sures LOVES THOSE CAPS!
And gazillions of emojis to go with them.
@gogrrl @Kyeh @mellowirishgent @mike808 @phendrick Don’t we have someone on here who puts a period between each word and capitalizes the first letter of each word? Somewhere or other I remember someone who did that (might not be meh though).
Unblame-think I mentioned this before but can’t be sure so I’ll tell it again and then continue. Verizon kept trying to get us to up grade our phone service to unlimited from the 2g we monthly pay for. Finally they offered my wife a deal we couldn’t turn down $ 700 credit for her iphone 11 toward a new $ 799 iphone 14 with us keeping the same plan. A deal too good to turn down.
Lightning strikes twice evidently. They offered me
$1,000 for my Samsung G20 ultra in trade for a Samsung G23+ costing $999 so I basically got it for free except for tax and activation.
Both times were told by the sales rep they never saw such a generous trade-in offer without being tied into upgrading one existing service to an unlimited plan. The rep today told me it must be due to our having been with Verizon for over 20 years.
My last day as goat, and I will leave you all with this inspiring spirit animal. Have a great July, everyone!
Blame. I bet you thought you were free an clear.
Dylan did not want to go to the vet.
I swear that is always where they get you if they are going to and it’s the absolutely worst spot. Whatever it is about it, your thumb doesn’t work right, you feel it halfway up your arm, and it all hurts for at least a week
@unksol ooohhhh…I’m so sorry. That looks painful. Anywhere near a knuckle can be concerning. I would suggest getting that looked at by a doctor if you haven’t already. Better to play it safe.
@gogrrl not my first one lol. But yes people should be careful since you can get a serious infection. In my case since they are indoor and someone gets me every few years and it’s always been fine I don’t worry about it too much. Keeps the antibodies up lol.
That and I track the spread of any redness/temp. I think it went a little farther than last time but also hurts less than this morning. Should be fine. It it were heading the other direction or spreading would be time for antibiotics
@unksol Maybe it’s time to invest in some gloves.
Animal Handling Gloves Bite Proof Kevlar Reinforced Leather for Dog,Cat Scratch,Falcon,Grabbing,Reptile,Snake https://a.co/d/07H5mBH
@gogrrl well. He was fine/he’s not feral or anything. He sleeps in that carrier sometimes. And on my desk. Gets pets. One the couch. I should have planned better. Just didn’t expect a huge issue and he freaked out getting put in. It happens
Those probably are a good idea if rangling the feral kitties for TNR. I think they scare the indoor kitties when they are just used to being petted, picked up normally.
I did once have a little old lady have a cat get it’s backlegs crushed in between the accessory drive belt and a pully cause it decided to sleep there. She just wanted to save it so I got a good grip and we cut the belt. Did not work then either lol. Cat fangs are very pointy. Straight through the thick neoprene gloves.
Got to stand there dripping blood till the cops showed up to transport cause rabies laws/strays/monitoring. What’s a few more scars lol
@gogrrl @unksol OWWWW!
I hope you heal up fast!
@gogrrl @Kyeh he got me Thursday morning. I got him in the carrier and turned my back to address the blood and he kicked the top open lol. So wounded for nothing. I think the hinge piece was loose. Saw him once for the next hour but there are few real hiding spots. I think he was just staying ahead of me and moving in circles. Eventually gave up and called the vet to cancel/reschedule.
I know better strategies for vet day but I thought he’d be good lol.
Regardless it was really bad this morning/afternoon. No thumb strength/turning the ignition was rough. It’s gotten way better in the last 5-6 hours which is why I generally don’t worry about most bites/injuries for a bit. For me.
Punctures to the joints/nerve sheath etc where your immune system can’t get at it or can spread differently can be especially bad. A deep puncture on its own carries a much higher risk of infection. Etc etc.
The little asshole gets round two on Wednesday. I have never seen him try anything at all. Better not have knocked anyone up.
@Kyeh @unksol He looks so innocent in this picture. I’m glad you realize he wasn’t trying to hurt you…he just freaked out and reacted. I volunteer with an animal rescue group and have had to deal with animals in high stress situations. We get training, but I will admit I’m not that good at it. I’ve seen people who just have a knack for it though. I get too emotional about it I think.
@unksol That cat clearly was not a happy cat. I hope it doesn’t get infected.
@Kidsandliz it was the last second cause I was lowering him in from the top. Which is usually easier. He was fine right till then but he just freaked out the last second. Not entirely sure why.
@gogrrl @Kyeh one at the shelter got me once but he was a stray and I was a volunteer and I was trying to gently coax him forward while cleaning his cage. I have a pretty good track record but I did go a little too far that time. He just got a finger tip.
The shelter manager freaked out like a week later when she found out they didn’t do paper work…
I was like… Well I told them. They were fine. It wasn’t a big deal it was my fault. And I knew where he was. If by some miracle he had rabies it will show in 10 days in the cat… So. Calm down
@Kidsandliz @unksol I guess we are unusually lucky. Only one of the 11 cats is unhandlable, and nearly all of the rest are very cooperative about carriers. Of course, none actually count as feral, though none came from an indoor life initially. We’ve done our share of TNR with ones that were very much feral/aggressive. (And feral/terrified. We try to give those a chance to become calm, but it is seldom successful.)
@Kidsandliz @werehatrack Dylan is fine/was born indoors. But there are alot and only one me. They get picked up/moved etc. But first time trying to put him in the carrier…
There are technically three that I just let be. Snickers and Sam have been petted and if sam is sleeping I might get a little in. Hershey just has a perimeter. They are fine/I try not to stress then out.
Dylan I just scruffed and we were fine till that last second. The last one that got me was his mom out of nowhere.
I should have done what I normally do which is isolate in a bedroom at midnight then sit down/play with them for an hour before and gently move them into the carrier. That always works. I just got lazy
@gogrrl @Kyeh the red streak that had been up the arm is gone. So it’s the back of the hand/palm. Any redness is rapidly retreating. Hence why I’m usually pretty meh about it. I definitely could not use my thumb/grip for 36 hours.
And obviously just cause I can usually shrug off a cat bite does not mean anyone else should consider them minor… I guess I though it was a little more common.
I might just have some antibodies
https://vcahospitals.com/know-your-pet/wounds-cat-bite-injuries-to-humans#:~:text=Cat bites can be dangerous,red%2C swollen%2C and painful.
@Kyeh @unksol My sister was bit on the hand years ago and ended up in the hospital. Sometimes it can turn real bad real fast. I’m glad you are okay.
@gogrrl @Kyeh hence why I was very careful to say it can go bad and you should not do what I do as “normal”. If it looks bad go. Cat fangs are usually deep puncture and carry bacteria that can cause cellulitis which if ignored can lead to sepsis.
I just think I have a bite of tolerance to them at this point. But the normal infection rate is 50+% so… Pretty high
They don’t prescribe animal bites but if I think back… Ornery gerbil who I was the only one willing to hold.
Ornery hedgehog…
A hamster …
The cats…
No it’s not me. I’ve never been bitten by a dog.
Just attempted humping cause dihs are gross
@gogrrl @Kyeh dihs=dogs wow.
Also dont tell Tina/Charlie I said that
@Kyeh @unksol I’ve only ever been bitten by a snake. I took it out of its enclosure for show and tell in 3rd grade. It got scared and bit me. Everyone screamed…chaos ensued…a good time was had by all. Then it escaped during the night and when my teacher came to school the next day, he caught it to put it back in the enclosure, and it bit him too! He made me take it home.
I would guess that Tinamarie makes sure that Charlie doesn’t do that!
@gogrrl A snake? Yikes! What kind was it?
@Kyeh @unksol A gopher snake or a garter snake. Not sure. Never had a fear of snakes. Still don’t. Most dangerous we have around here are rattlesnakes. I knew better than to pick up one of those.
@gogrrl @Kyeh probably a garter snake in the Midwest. They are common/we picked them up on the park as kids I see them in the lawn now and then.
/image Indiana garter snake
I don’t think they have much to bite with though
/image garter snake teeth
@gogrrl @unksol Yeah, I like snakes but I’m wary of them. I once got to hold a friend’s big beautiful boa constrictor - it was very cool! Like a sleek glossy ribbon of pure muscle.
@gogrrl @Kyeh @unksol We had baby garter snakes in our yard once. Kid was in about 7th grade or so. A bunch of boys were in the yard due to everyone playing basketball in the street. I picked one up (they were maybe 6" long) the entire pack of kids ran off across the street into another yard. My kid decided she was going to “show the boys” and came back first and finally decided to hold it. That impressed the boys. Amazing what kids will do to impress the opposite sex. Now if doing chores without complaint would have impressed them. Actually in 4th grade she had to learn how to do her own laundry after some warnings. As much as she bitched and bitched I overheard her boasting to a friend that she knew how to do her own laundry. Kids.
@Kyeh @unksol I’m in Northern California…so equal chances for either garter or gopher. 3rd grade was a long time ago, so I can’t remember exactly what it looked like… I definitely felt the bite, though.
@Kyeh @unksol Many people are under a false impression that snakes are slimy. They aren’t. They are sleek and smooth for the most part. Just as you described.
@gogrrl @Kyeh
I’d guess larger than. Since garter snakes eat worms and bugs. Let’s see
/image gopher snake
/image gopher snake teeth
Mmm that’s a much larger class of snake. Almost like it could eat a semi large furry rodent
@Kyeh @unksol Probably a gopher snake. It seemed like it packed quite of a punch…but I was only 9 or 10 years old.
@gogrrl @Kyeh yea they would need to get that bite to start coiling… Must have had a different reaction though since a 9 year old should be eyes too big for it’s stomach territory lol