Summertime, summer goat! (July 2023 goat nominations)
0Summer is well on its way, the temperatures are getting higher, and another month is almost upon us. That also means that @gogrrl’s month of goatdom is coming to an end and it’s time for another mehmber of the community’s choosing.
So nominate away!
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We’ve had a bird goat and a dog goat (several?) and various cat-oriented goats. I say it’s time for a
FROG goat - or a @PHRoG goat?
@Kyeh o.O
@Kyeh @PHRoG Scraping the bottom of the barrel when someone who believes in cheating with their IRK purchases is nominated. Getting one IRK is not enough for them, they have to get two.
@Barney @Kyeh seriously? I sure as hell haven’t pissed in your Cheerios and it seems like you’ve just been a grumpy turd lately…what gives?
@Kyeh @PHRoG I don’t eat Cheerios. And it was you that said that you could go ahead and cheat because the people at Meh would find out that you had purchased another IRK (besides the Ink IRK) and stop it. Cheating because you will be stopped? What a way to live your life.
How many extra IRKs have you gotten away with, because Meh didn’t catch them?
@Barney @PHRoG Oh, bruther. I didn’t mean to start a battle here! But if being a goat means getting blame, maybe you can pile on lots of it!
Also I bet the Meh staff is pretty savvy about not giving out extra Irks.
@Barney @Kyeh @PHRoG No one is getting extra IRKs. And no harm in testing our resolve. If you can find a loophole it just means we add rules to prevent it the next time around and makes us better at what we do. Feel free to try your luck.
@ExtraMedium You do realize that you make no sense when you encourage people to cheat and break the rules (Oh wait, there really are rules? It’s hard to tell anymore.)
So by following this set of values, PHRoG will make one hell of a goat and that is not a good thing.
@Barney It’s not cheating if there isn’t already a rule about it, and no one said there wouldn’t be a punishment for folks caught breaking existing rules. In my military days, I had a Chief who loved to say, “you can do anything you want…once.” I like to think he mean, “know that there are consequences to your actions before you make your choice.”
I feel like taking a chance when you see an opportunity is very much in line with how the company came to be. We’ve discovered a few things the hard way on occasion, but that’s part of taking your shots. And if you feel like it’s hard to tell if there are any rules, I’d say that just means we give you guys a lot of freedom.
I’m sorry for any frustration my honesty has caused. I’m happy you’re still here @Barney and I hope you have a great rest of your week.
@ExtraMedium I call what you are doing, “piling on” and staff has always had an advantage because the mindless masses will follow not knowing what is being done to them. Think lemmings.
@Barney @ExtraMedium Rules get made because people find ways to make them necessary, even when no one thought it likely that a given potential rule would ever be needed. But it is unwise to make too many rules ahead of the demonstration of their need, lest you find that you have unintentionally suggested a new and different way for a rule-need to be made apparent. And there will always be people who are just terrible at following instructions…
@ExtraMedium @werehatrack Something is terribly wrong with Meh and it’s not rules. The community has lost its sense of “community”. The only time anyone shows any interest in being here is IRK time. They don’t come here to visit with each other just because they like being with their Meh friends. That is gone and something like that is very hard to get back.
If the forum closed up, I’m not sure if too many would care.
And @werehatrack, go find someone else to lecture to. Oh wait, @ExtraMedium likes you, so you’re solid.
@Barney @werehatrack I like you both, but I guess that doesn’t matter.
@Barney @Kyeh shit… that’s what you’re so riled up over still? Am I really taking up that much space in your brain?
I hold the longest running IRK streak AND the largest number of IRKs ordered here…did so before I ever got inked too.
I don’t need to cheat…I’m just here doing my thing and having fun with the (mostly) wonderful folks that make up this special little place.
When 'thons happen I’m going to proudly display my ink if I snag one the traditional way or not and Meh has a system in place to ensure fairness. Is that really that hard for you to grasp?
With all the real injustices happening in the world today, I suggest you focus your energy on those instead of your ill-perceived ones here and attacking staff suggesting they don’t care… because, I can assure you, they do.
@PHRoG You’ll make a great goat. You’re the best one in the competition. Wait! You’re the only one in the competition and you’re still trying to pad your vote count? That’s so pathetic. Just as pathetic as your claim is that you have the longest IRK streak. There is no way to prove it. But if it makes you feel good to think you are the best at something, good for you.
@Barney @ExtraMedium How can people be lemmings and rulebreakers simultaneously?
/showme frog goat
@mediocrebot I guess the green things above its head are supposed to be horns?
@Kyeh @mediocrebot It’s subtle, but I think you’re right.
@Kyeh @mediocrebot @mossygreen

/image horny toad
How about a cat?
I’ve got 4 feral kittens that could use a new home. Three are relatively tame (and shy).
But one is terrorizing my dog every time I try to take her out to the back yard, passing along the deck. I think my dog is developing a phobia of that particular kitten. The cats ignore the names I’ve given them. But that kitten I named “Terror” about three weeks ago when it was very small. I think I was prescient, or the kitten heard it and is trying to live up to it. It’s mother is “Feist”, the smallest of the adult cats, but the first one to stand up to my dog when she was trying to chase them. Now they all hiss at the dog. The other kittens are “Blotch”, Terror’s sibling; Spot is the mother of “Little Spot” and “Smoke Puff”. These last were all named by their colors or markings.
Time I got some pictures on here of the menagerie.
BTW, I don’t have time to be the sponsor of any cat-goat, but there are other cat people here.
Elise approves of your comment.
@werehatrack Looks like a cat-goat with some spare time.
@phendrick @werehatrack
Does Elise have her own account? If so, I’ll vote for her, she’s a cutie.
@Kyeh @phendrick Elise does not have an account. Or if she does, I have not been informed. You know how cats can be.
@Kyeh @werehatrack Yeah, my cats don’t tell me squat. Not even when they’re hungry; they just expect me to know.
@phendrick Oh, mine tells me - often. Even if he just got fed half an hour ago.
@Kyeh @phendrick

Mine seems to be hell bent on just whispering in my ear!
@phendrick @chienfou Aww, you have a cat?! So cute! And does it have extra toes?
@Kyeh @phendrick
yes, I am currently owned by a kitten. I will tell that story later if I have time…
(and it seems to have 5 per foot if that is normal…)
@chienfou @phendrick ![enter image description here][1]

Usually they have four that face foreward and one that’s set back a bit. Yours looks like it has an extra one up front on each foot!
This is Toby with his variegated toe pads.
@chienfou @phendrick Here’s a clearer image from online:
@chienfou @Kyeh I’m betting there’s a good chance that @yakkoTDI has some extra toes.
In his trunk.
@chienfou @phendrick @yakkoTDI
Fuck that.
How about Lonely Cat? He has some time on his paws…(Courtesy of The Kiffness). I love his duets.
@gogrrl Oh, yeah - I saw that on Instagram; quite amazing! Of course the song got stuck in my head.
@Kyeh The songs are definite ear worms.
I had the Kookee Kookee song stuck in my head while perusing the cookie aisle at the store. Then, of course, the Mr. Coca Cola song pops into my head for the soft drink aisle. I even have Xylophone Cat as my wake up alarm on my phone. 
@gogrrl Oh, I haven’t heard those yet!
@Kyeh Worth a listen. Check out his page on Facebook or Instagram.
@gogrrl It’ll have to be Instagram - no FB for me.
@gogrrl Have you seen this musician who collaborates with his cats too?
@gogrrl @Kyeh I had a cat once who’d stand on the piano bench with his paws on the piano keys and gently tap different ones. He’d do this for maybe 10-15 min at a time. Clearly he enjoyed what he was doing.
@Kyeh I think I may have seen a video…but not this one. The cat seems more mesmerized than collaborative.
Very sweet, though.
@gogrrl Well, yeah - maybe you could say the cats are more like his inspiration; his muses. I’m kind of in love with him!
@Kyeh They are all rescue cats.
@gogrrl Nice!!!
@gogrrl @Kidsandliz Did your cat’s compositions sound good?

@gogrrl @Kyeh Sounded pretty random to me but he was slowly and deliberately choosing his keys and clearly he liked what he was doing.
@gogrrl @Kidsandliz @Kyeh One of our cats (Molly) likes to stroll across the piano keyboard when she wants our attention (usually demanding to be fed).
@gogrrl @Kyeh Is that first cat at the piano stuck in the Sunken Place??
The second one looks like he’s enjoying it MUCH more! Lol
@ircon96 @Kyeh That’s how my cat looks sometimes when he is sitting on the arm of the chair with me but facing the hallway behind the chair. My theory…ghosts!

@gogrrl @ircon96 I don’t know - but just now I looked at them again and when the second video started my cat jumped up on the couch next to me, so that piece of music must appeal to cats!
This should address some blame, at least around Mediocre: