@ralphieeek Maybe a bluetooth toilet seat, so you can raise / lower it and start the warmer / cooler so it'll be just right when you get to the bathroom? I don't know about you, but I hate a freezing cold seat in the morning, yet a hot one is also somewhat undesirable.
From their website: "360 Degrees Of Sound... The open design of the SL diffuser bounces the awesome sound of this speaker an entire 360 degrees filling any room with deep rich sound"
Looks like the "diffuser" is a cone facing a single driver...
I was a bit interested until learning this and the fact that bluetooth tends to eat battery life....
It would be a pretty sweet giveaway to send the one with the drawing on it out at random. I doubt you'd get any complaints for an open item. Actually, feel free to grafitti up anything you're sending my way
Looking at Target today at a similar model. $40. Would be in if these were the 808 'canz'. The headphones I got from Meh are still thumbs up from my teenage sons.
I like speakers, I should have bought the cheap pair of suction cups ones last week for my shower. The Definitive Technology Sound Cylinder, from Meh, is great, only somewhat shy on bass but crisp and clear as heck. Cheapo speakers with deep bass sounds are good for talk radio in the kitchen with the stove exhaust fan roaring, you can still hear the spoken words. Please, this secret is not for people who listen to right wing FOX news types. This tip is only for progressive radio aficionados. Confused, tune it on Tune In radio, station Wcpt, or Progressive Voices. Helping people hear these channels is a main reason why they make these speakers, and why Meh keeps offering so many good ones for these low price, great deals. If you don't have a few blue tooth speakers, buy, buy, buy, you will like them.
@joejoebells Got the suction cup ones a week or so ago [twofer tuesdays!] and love 'em! Ended up with a black one and one in zombie green [matches my phone case] Great hang time and super good connectivity. All for $6 the pair plus shipping! Joined up the VMP club, and got the solar phone charger [$18] and the "Meh" Tee [Eggplant color] really like this site!
@Felyne All six of mine are perfect. Make Sure that you charge it for about 6 hours before first use. Also the pairing took a bit the first time but after that they are seriously decent speakers for the price paid. If you still have troubles contact the manufacturer and I bet that they will make it right.
@jonjen2 I left them on overnight. The blue one I can barely hear and the orange one won't stop flashing. Got the lemons, I guess. Glad yours are working. Unfortunately, Meh is out of them. Waiting to hear from the company. Crickets so far. But crickets are nice.
The 808 wireless headphones weren't great for me. I still use them, but only for pure audio stuff. Anything where there's video and the synchronization is off.
@kazriko I would think that the sync being off on video would be a function of the processor in your source device. Have you tried other BT speakers/headphones with the same source to see if the sync is on/off with them? Just sayin'......
@doubltap Yes. I review various bluetooth devices regularly on Amazon across many different devices. The ones that frequently mis-sync do that across many devices, usually. The 808's have trouble with my android phone, my linux PC, and my Playstation Vita. Using Nakamichi, LG, and Motorola headphones, the sync is perfect across all of these devices. The 808's aren't alone though. I had Tenqa and Kinivo headphones that were exactly the same. The Tenqa were actually even worse, and would disassociate from all of the devices unless something was actively playing on them (along with having way too much bass for my tastes.)
I'm hoping the Panasonics from a few days ago do better.
I almost grabbed one because this is a great price, but it's just a flawed design. They should come up with something like this but where it connects to your phone so it can charge it while you listen to music. A sort of 'dock' per se. Maybe one day...
@TheStas They're designed to provide decent sound for a small size and weight. Sure they can add a battery bank feature, but then it would substantially increase the size and weight of the unit and likely discourage more buyers than that feature would attract. If you need to be able to charge your phone/speaker on the go, then wait for another battery bank deal. Meh seems to have at least 1 a month, sometimes more often.
@kuoh See, that's a flawed model. How could you hope to keep up with the demands of a modern society by only selling them once a month? I will keep my eyes open for these 'battery banks'. Hopefully they will sell them much more often. I often have a desire leave my phone perched precariously upon a charging pedestal while listening to music. If meh were smart, perhaps they'd offer two of these at once for one low price, one for the living room AND the bathroom. Perhaps a two-for-tuesday type deal. Take that idea and run with it, Meh. You could even do two-fers on other things too. Just a thought...
@TheStas Modern society, for the most part, shop elsewhere, which do have these battery banks and other items resembling those "docks" of which you speak. They even have 2 for 2 sales everyday, not just on Tuesdays!
I like all of the audio stuff I've purchased from meh and use three items daily (my 808 BT headphones, 808 on-ear headphones and Eclipse BT speakers). I want my next BT speakers to kick ass like these. The stepson has one and it makes me feel inadequate. Also, it talks to him with this cute Asian accent. Oh, and some BT buds would be cool.
@joelmw I haven't tried a Beats, but all the BT speakers I've heard that had Asian accents were cheap knock offs. The most obvious was a Bose that announced "Zhe bluetooth-a-speaker is a weady" when powered on. She did sound cute though.
I think the state sales graphic would be more interesting if they compared sales per capita per state. That way Rhode Island has a chance to be a darker shade of the color scheme of the day.
Onther item i dont need now have 10 different brands of BT speakers but.....because my 808 headphones are so damm good i pulled the trigger on these not to mention the deep,deep discount once again MEH. kiks some doody hole ty MEH.
Just received the speaker as expected the sound is outstanding ..just like the 808 head phones ..does not distort when you increase volume ..5 star purchase ty MEH
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year 808
Estimated Delivery: 10/10 - 10/12
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x 808 HEX SL Speaker
1x Micro USB to USB charging cable
1x 3.5mm Aux-in cable
Retail box
Everything included
Larger picture
Price Comparison
$59.99 at 808
$64.95 + $9.95 shipping at Amazon with 22 reviews
$59.99 at Amazon with no reviews
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Estimated Delivery
Monday, January 28th - Monday, February 4th
I wish the speaker of the meh would have an epiphany and resign
But I want the pencil drawing!!

@conandlibrarian I am sure they will send you a pencil so you can duplicate it.
i just want the drawing
Hmm... holidays coming up.... hmm... do I trust 808? hmm...
hmmm.. hmmm... hmmm...
Meh. 808 = Audiovox. I'll pass on this but I did like the last b/t speaker you put out.
Never ending Bluetooth speaker... what's next bluetooth microwave!?
Bluetooth Toothbrush
@ralphieeek Maybe a bluetooth toilet seat, so you can raise / lower it and start the warmer / cooler so it'll be just right when you get to the bathroom? I don't know about you, but I hate a freezing cold seat in the morning, yet a hot one is also somewhat undesirable.
@kuoh @rockblossom you guys crack me up haha.
I want a bluetooth personal massager! :)
@ralphieeek Okay. Just because you asked.
@ralphieeek hey, I found you a bluetooth pressure cooker:
Kinda wish I needed it but I don't. Decent reviews and this is the cheapest price I've seen on an adequate speaker. Decent reviews from Wal-Mart as well
@thismyusername Obviously MBzl is a review noob. 😲
Not true. He gave it 4 gray stars.
Can i not dock my phone into this? Meh!
But where's the... the... dock? For God's sake where's the damn DOCK?!!!
@cinoclav Dock it in your pocket.
@SteveOOO is that you Dr. Suess?
@cinoclav in another year, the cable inputs will change and docs will be useless. (I'm going to start checking prices on a dumpster). ;-)
@sligett . . . or are you just happy to see me?
Is this monaural or stereophonic?
From their website: "360 Degrees Of Sound... The open design of the SL diffuser bounces the awesome sound of this speaker an entire 360 degrees filling any room with deep rich sound"
Looks like the "diffuser" is a cone facing a single driver...
I was a bit interested until learning this and the fact that bluetooth tends to eat battery life....
No suction cup? meh.
Too bad there isn't a black one, they'd make great salt and pepper shakers.
@awk Buy your own Sharpie!
@narfcake Or bitch about it here and get one sent for free! Sharpies are insanely overpriced.
The pencil sketch reminded me of the classic music video, "Take On Meh", by Aha.
@Fish_Kungfu @thismyusername at this year's Toronto International Film Festival:
@thismyusername LOL!
@curtise Nice!
It would be a pretty sweet giveaway to send the one with the drawing on it out at random. I doubt you'd get any complaints for an open item. Actually, feel free to grafitti up anything you're sending my way
retail box says 8hr battery life
If you havent seen it yet, literal music videos are pretty amazing.
Boy does thus deal ever speak volumes..
@AttyVette And what do you bass that on?
@AttyVette This forum, as we all know is pretty loose on rules or moderating.
But do that again and you (oops, need to edit; both of you) should really get a warning
@Veloslave In other words, @AttyVette and I will be in treble for all these stupid puns. Goat it!
@narfcake @AttyVette @Veloslave If you want my input, 'round here people seem to enjoy the punishment.
Good, if something like the hadn't come along my wife would have bought a Beats Pill. I'm sure this is good enough. Delightful-kinetic-skirt
They're moving in Minnesota.
Looks nice but I have taken part of far too many other BT speaker/docks
Please, enough with the speakers for a while.
Hell, even the speaker of the House is calling it quits! 😁

Gee... sure seems like there have been A LOT OF BT SPEAKERS of late....
Seems strangely familiar?
Is the mentionable-naked-office a porn parody of the US or UK version of the Office?
@thekenya Or maybe from this show?
And to believe that this aired just months before we all found out that one of our employees, the POTUS, was having sex in the office. 😱
Looking at Target today at a similar model. $40. Would be in if these were the 808 'canz'. The headphones I got from Meh are still thumbs up from my teenage sons.
The 808 canz:
@mike808 Personally I would prefer these 808 canz...
@Kerig3 Poor girl, that looks really uncomfortable.
@mamawoot Most likely, but she sure is popular! 😂
@Kerig3 I feel bad for her sweater.
I like speakers, I should have bought the cheap pair of suction cups ones last week for my shower. The Definitive Technology Sound Cylinder, from Meh, is great, only somewhat shy on bass but crisp and clear as heck. Cheapo speakers with deep bass sounds are good for talk radio in the kitchen with the stove exhaust fan roaring, you can still hear the spoken words. Please, this secret is not for people who listen to right wing FOX news types. This tip is only for progressive radio aficionados. Confused, tune it on Tune In radio, station Wcpt, or Progressive Voices. Helping people hear these channels is a main reason why they make these speakers, and why Meh keeps offering so many good ones for these low price, great deals. If you don't have a few blue tooth speakers, buy, buy, buy, you will like them.
@joejoebells Got the suction cup ones a week or so ago [twofer tuesdays!] and love 'em! Ended up with a black one and one in zombie green [matches my phone case] Great hang time and super good connectivity. All for $6 the pair plus shipping! Joined up the VMP club, and got the solar phone charger [$18] and the "Meh" Tee [Eggplant color] really like this site!
@joejoebells both of mine don't work, :(
@Felyne All six of mine are perfect. Make Sure that you charge it for about 6 hours before first use. Also the pairing took a bit the first time but after that they are seriously decent speakers for the price paid. If you still have troubles contact the manufacturer and I bet that they will make it right.
@jonjen2 I left them on overnight. The blue one I can barely hear and the orange one won't stop flashing. Got the lemons, I guess. Glad yours are working. Unfortunately, Meh is out of them. Waiting to hear from the company. Crickets so far. But crickets are nice.
I needed this on Lahaina just four days ago. I had to listen to The Morning Benders' "Big Echo" through iPhone 6+ speakers.
We've got breast puns and shoehorned politics. You guys are really raising the bar in the comments tonight.
@Thumperchick Amen sistah! Folks need to stay on message! This ain't FB!
@Thumperchick Yeah the bar is raised so high that we can finally see it at the bottom of the sewer sink hole.
The 808 wireless headphones weren't great for me. I still use them, but only for pure audio stuff. Anything where there's video and the synchronization is off.
@kazriko I would think that the sync being off on video would be a function of the processor in your source device. Have you tried other BT speakers/headphones with the same source to see if the sync is on/off with them? Just sayin'......
@doubltap Yes. I review various bluetooth devices regularly on Amazon across many different devices. The ones that frequently mis-sync do that across many devices, usually. The 808's have trouble with my android phone, my linux PC, and my Playstation Vita. Using Nakamichi, LG, and Motorola headphones, the sync is perfect across all of these devices. The 808's aren't alone though. I had Tenqa and Kinivo headphones that were exactly the same. The Tenqa were actually even worse, and would disassociate from all of the devices unless something was actively playing on them (along with having way too much bass for my tastes.)
I'm hoping the Panasonics from a few days ago do better.
@kazriko In one of the reviews someone with a macbook pro was having trouble...
This was a walmart black friday deal last year. Anyone know the price it was? I could have sworn $19.99
@bruinscbr From the reviews I read, $40
Dont see wattage listed anywhere>?
An albino, deaf Echo.
For a second there, I though Meh got their hands on some white Amazon Echo's.
These come in various colors. I assume the ones we get here are white? I might have missed mention of color in the description/specs.
"...All the colors but white look great. White was kind of 'meh' to all of us."
Coincidence?...I think not
The quick start guide has a great little explanation of bluetooth…

I almost grabbed one because this is a great price, but it's just a flawed design. They should come up with something like this but where it connects to your phone so it can charge it while you listen to music. A sort of 'dock' per se. Maybe one day...
@TheStas They're designed to provide decent sound for a small size and weight. Sure they can add a battery bank feature, but then it would substantially increase the size and weight of the unit and likely discourage more buyers than that feature would attract. If you need to be able to charge your phone/speaker on the go, then wait for another battery bank deal. Meh seems to have at least 1 a month, sometimes more often.
@kuoh See, that's a flawed model. How could you hope to keep up with the demands of a modern society by only selling them once a month? I will keep my eyes open for these 'battery banks'. Hopefully they will sell them much more often. I often have a desire leave my phone perched precariously upon a charging pedestal while listening to music. If meh were smart, perhaps they'd offer two of these at once for one low price, one for the living room AND the bathroom. Perhaps a two-for-tuesday type deal. Take that idea and run with it, Meh. You could even do two-fers on other things too. Just a thought...
@TheStas Modern society, for the most part, shop elsewhere, which do have these battery banks and other items resembling those "docks" of which you speak. They even have 2 for 2 sales everyday, not just on Tuesdays!
@kuoh I cashed out my paycheck at the Battery Bank the other day in AAs and a few Cs, just to impress three ladies.
You know what? In for two, why not? relieved-furious-chipmunk
(no, I don't know why James Bond is the first result for that)
The picture features a white speaker. The model number is for a blue speaker. What color speaker are you selling?
People talking about colors, have you forgotten where you are?
I like all of the audio stuff I've purchased from meh and use three items daily (my 808 BT headphones, 808 on-ear headphones and Eclipse BT speakers). I want my next BT speakers to kick ass like these. The stepson has one and it makes me feel inadequate. Also, it talks to him with this cute Asian accent. Oh, and some BT buds would be cool.
@joelmw I haven't tried a Beats, but all the BT speakers I've heard that had Asian accents were cheap knock offs. The most obvious was a Bose that announced "Zhe bluetooth-a-speaker is a weady" when powered on. She did sound cute though.
@kuoh Trust me, these sound fantastic. Actually I think I have the wrong specific item, but they're Beats Pill of some sort.
What color are you selling. I don't want it to clash with by dog Lorraine.
I think the state sales graphic would be more interesting if they compared sales per capita per state. That way Rhode Island has a chance to be a darker shade of the color scheme of the day.
If you could set it up to have one act as left and one act as right via Bluetooth, I'd be in. But as it is, Ima let this one pass.
Onther item i dont need now have 10 different brands of BT speakers but.....because my 808 headphones are so damm good i pulled the trigger on these not to mention the deep,deep discount once again MEH. kiks some doody hole ty MEH.
Just received the speaker as expected the sound is outstanding ..just like the 808 head phones ..does not distort when you increase volume ..5 star purchase ty MEH
These puppies are now on morningsave.com for $18 if you have VMP. Thanks @tcarpel for pointing this out.