4/26/20 Tower of Babel

chienfou went on a bit of a rant said

What do you call someone that speaks many languages?
What do you call someone that speaks 3 languages?
What do you call someone that speaks 2 languages?
What do you call someone that speaks 1 language?

As I have mentioned in the past my parents are both immigrants from France who arrived through Ellis Island in Nov 1951. As such, I grew up speaking French at home in St. Louis, and learned English from the local kids I hung out with, in order not to pick up Mom and Dad’s French accent.
In Jr High, we had an option to take French or Spanish. I picked Spanish… In Sr High it was French, Spanish or German… I picked German. Kids I hung out with questioned my sanity, “But you could get A’s in French why not take that??”
I’m not sure they were fully convinced when I said: " hey, I made A’s in Spanish and German, and I learned something that might be useful…someday"

Fast forward to about 2002, when I am leading a student tour with my wife and we had booked ourselves into a hostel in Rome. This is our first tour in Rome, and I figure that at a youth hostel, they will most likely speak at least some English and with my limited Italian we will work it out. We show up, ring the bell, and the person on duty says…
Girl: Parla Italiano?
Me, un po, Do you speak English?
Girl: NO, você fala português?
Me: No, Parlais vous francais?
Girl: No, Habla Espanol?
Me… Si!
So, in a hostel in Italy, dealing with a hostess from Brazil with a group of American students I conducted our business for the next week in Spanish. That’s why I took Spanish in school!

How about you?
Do you know any other languages?
Are you fluent?