$3 Store!?!


Meandering around the tubes this morning, I came across the Brandless site and became unreasonably excited.

Food, health, office products and more, each $3.

Everything at this healthy grocery store is only $3 . . . If you just pulled out your eyeballs, cleaned them off and did a double-take like a cartoon character - same. And it somehow gets better . . .

The maple syrup is real, the olive oil is virgin, the dish soap is EPA certified, the beauty products are cruelty-free. They even have tree-free TP!

The quality of Whole Foods, the simplicity of Apple, and the prices of Ikea.

How do they do it? No brand names, no fancy packaging.

And bundles!! They have bundles!

And PayPal!

There’s more, I’ll let you discover it for yourselves.

Note: I have no connection to this company, and gain nothing except a sense of altruism from sharing.