@stolicat Yeah. Unfortunately, there is a VERY similar design in the catalog. I searched for “napathy” but nothing came up so I figured I was safe. Turns out the design is called “Nap + Apathy” and no matching term for the portmanteau.
Hopefully my lazy cat goes the distance. It’s really in the wooter sweet spot.
@narfcake So pleased this happened after Jasneko missed out on her “Pairs” derby win. And it’s a Halloween shirt that won’t turn into a pumpkin on November 1st, so that’s a bonus.
@jasneko Night Owl (and others) should be arriving later today, so it’ll be a great comparison between shirt.woot’s DTG versus Mediocritee’s screen printing. The last time I did a comparison, it was @fishbiscuit’s Hello Neighbor, which I have copies from three different sites. That was from when shirt.woot still screened, though.
Print sizes aside, I have to say that shirt.woot’s upgrades have brought DTG print quality even closer to screen printing. With recent prints, I honestly would not be able to 100% pinpoint which is DTG by appearances alone. The edge still goes to screen printing, though, especially on the aspects of long term print durability.
So kudos to both, but much more to Mediocritee for the value.
The teenage years Is my favorite shirt of your designs so far. I really hope it wins bc I will wear it proudly. I even commented about it in the woot forum. That was so my childhood. I’m always looking for your shirts in the derby so I can vote for them. Keep up the good work @ACraigL!
@ACraigL Thank you!! Really happy to have prints recently. Thanks to everyone who voted!!
Do you know how to contact anyone over the weekend? They’re linking to an old outdated link of mine rather than the newer secure one. And I’m wondering why they aren’t offering it on long sleeves/hoodies (which the comments are complaining about) since it’s on dark heather and could… going to tag @narfcake as well just in case he knows.
@ACraigL Does anyone use Bamboo anymore? I think that is what it’s called. I bought one a long time ago and never learned to use it. It’s just sitting in s box and I wondered if it would be a good gift for anyone who draws or wants to do anything with art.
@mehbee That’s one of the Wacom products. Yep it probably has value for someone, especially those starting out. I’ve moved on to a monitor tablet which i find way more intuitive, but I’m sure someone would welcome the Bamboo into their lives. Or Ebay.
This week’s derby is all about dogs (and how they’re better than cats – woot’s choice, not mine, no judgement). Here’s my two entries. Thanks for checking them out!
@OldCatLady Thanks! I wanted to try something new. Hopefully it doesn’t skew too heavily for people that only like that breed, but I am happy with the way it turned out.
@stolicat Thanks! Never feel bad about voting on what you like. The more action the derby gets, the better for everyone (but I like when you vote for me the most ). Oh, and thanks for commenting too! That means a lot.
It’s been a long time since I participated in the Derby! Partly because it’s so disheartening. Example: I entered this design and got immediately #REJECTED for reasons I don’t understand!
(It sounds like they might run it on an F contract, so I got that goin’ for me, which is nice)
@matthew Yeah, sorry man. I think the pun wasn’t immediately apparent to folks. Nice to have you back though. Hope it doesn’t discourage you (any more than you are). Vote Mayo 2020! (I voted).
This week is an Apathy derby. But you probably care JUST enough to vote? Maybe?



@narfcake CATSHIRT!
@ACraigL done! I could use some napathy today!!
@ACraigL voted and ready for my napathy
@ACraigL Hey, napathy got rejected - that’s a bummer! At least the other two are doing well.
@stolicat Yeah.
Unfortunately, there is a VERY similar design in the catalog. I searched for “napathy” but nothing came up so I figured I was safe. Turns out the design is called “Nap + Apathy” and no matching term for the portmanteau.
Hopefully my lazy cat goes the distance. It’s really in the wooter sweet spot.
Entered one, and just entered another. Thanks for any help!


@jasneko omg that top shirt is so me!
it! And voted
@jasneko Ha! Love the cow one.
@jasneko I would buy these - I hope they get printed!
@tinamarie1974 @ACraigL @stolicat Thanks all!!!
@Jasneko shirt at catshirtswoot today!

Congrats @jasneko!
@narfcake So pleased this happened after Jasneko missed out on her “Pairs” derby win. And it’s a Halloween shirt that won’t turn into a pumpkin on November 1st, so that’s a bonus.
Ghost Costume Fails was selected for the editor’s choice side sale and is available all week! Woo!

Time for the Words derby! I have three entries this round. I’m particularly proud of the dad joke one.
Thanks for any support you can give these!



@ACraigL Dad jokes hehe
I’ve got 3 this time… thanks for any help!


And just entered:

@jasneko gotcha!
@jasneko Gottemall. I want the Earth one very much.
Yay @jasneko side sale!

@acraigl’s catshirt printed yesterday too. Also, today is the last day to use the 35% off SPOOKY35 code.
@narfcake Thanks narfcake!
@jasneko Night Owl (and others) should be arriving later today, so it’ll be a great comparison between shirt.woot’s DTG versus Mediocritee’s screen printing. The last time I did a comparison, it was @fishbiscuit’s Hello Neighbor, which I have copies from three different sites. That was from when shirt.woot still screened, though.
@jasneko I posted my comparison at Mediocritee, but here it is too:
Both side by side:

Print sizes aside, I have to say that shirt.woot’s upgrades have brought DTG print quality even closer to screen printing. With recent prints, I honestly would not be able to 100% pinpoint which is DTG by appearances alone. The edge still goes to screen printing, though, especially on the aspects of long term print durability.
So kudos to both, but much more to Mediocritee for the value.
We have a teenage years derby in our midst! No math please.


My entry - thanks for your support!

@jasneko got ya!
The teenage years Is my favorite shirt of your designs so far. I really hope it wins bc I will wear it proudly. I even commented about it in the woot forum. That was so my childhood. I’m always looking for your shirts in the derby so I can vote for them. Keep up the good work @ACraigL!
@star2236 I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this comment, and the one in the woot forums. Thank you!
Congrats on the win @Jasneko!
@ACraigL Thank you!! Really happy to have prints recently. Thanks to everyone who voted!!
Do you know how to contact anyone over the weekend? They’re linking to an old outdated link of mine rather than the newer secure one. And I’m wondering why they aren’t offering it on long sleeves/hoodies (which the comments are complaining about) since it’s on dark heather and could… going to tag @narfcake as well just in case he knows.
@ACraigL @narfcake Current website link in case Narf has some connections
: https://jasneko.com/
And I’d like to add my instagram too:
@jasneko @narfcake Long sleeve is not an option on Heather Blue. Only the gray variants.
Classic Dad Joke was selected as an honorable mention and is on sale now! Long sleeve and hoodie options too!

It’s a Wonderfully Weird derby! I have a feeling the “wonderful” part will be up for debate. Please give this a vote if you can spare it. Thanks all.

My entry in the wonderfully weird derby - thanks for any votes! https://shirt.woot.com/derby/entry/113711/planthead
@jasneko voted both!
You guys always have my vote.
@star2236 Much thanks!
Just entered another one. Love the theme and have all these sketches I made, but still working on making them into designs!
First place, @acraigl!

@narfcake Wooooo!
@ACraigL Congrats!! Clever and nostalgic one
Would you like a little psychedlia with your unicorns?
UnIcOrNuCoPiA! Plese check it out.
I’m not so much a unicorn fan but I really like that shirt. I wish I had money for all these shirts I want, I’m going broke buying them
I’m over at mediocritee this week in case anyone wants to check it out!

It’s Ugly Sweater time! And my first derby in two weeks! Please warm my Llama with a vote!

@ACraigL It’s cute, not ugly, but I voted.
@ACraigL could be a winner I think!
@Spiritgreen Coming from one of the ugly shirt masters, this is a serious compliment. Thanks!!
@Spiritgreen Misplaced hyphens mean so much, don’t they.
I’m still in the fog and have over 100 votes. Whoa!
@ACraigL well it is a Christmas llama!!!
I’ve been known to stitch a sweater or two in mine time. Here are three cheery ones in the contest that could use a little help : )
Thanks for taking a look!
@Spiritgreen These are great!
@Spiritgreen Awesome shirts, especially the 12 days!
Funny, I had already voted for one of yours not even knowing it was you. Now I made sure to vote for the rest.
@star2236 thanks so much!
Artist Choice Mini Derby! Anything goes. So I went with these. Thanks for any help!
Grinch University

Happy T. Hanks Giving


Only Grinch U left in the fog now…
@ACraigL I voted for all of tgem, do you think I should only vote for the Grinch? Would the other votes negate that vote?
@ACraigL Does anyone use Bamboo anymore? I think that is what it’s called. I bought one a long time ago and never learned to use it. It’s just sitting in s box and I wondered if it would be a good gift for anyone who draws or wants to do anything with art.
@mehbee Nope. They are completely independent. And thanks!
@mehbee That’s one of the Wacom products. Yep it probably has value for someone, especially those starting out. I’ve moved on to a monitor tablet which i find way more intuitive, but I’m sure someone would welcome the Bamboo into their lives.
Or Ebay.
@ACraigL voted
My good friend mydearWootson has an exceptionally artistic entry titled “White Christmas” Please consider voting for it.
@therealjrn Funny, already rejected, unfortunately.
@ACraigL drats
Love the napman.
2 designs - thank you for any votes!


FYI, this is a quick derby, ending tomorrow, 11/25. The next 2 derbies (and possibly into the foreseeable future) will go Monday to Monday.
So if you haven’t voted and wanted to, get in there before 12pm CST!!
Holiday Llama didn’t win, but was selected as an honorable mention and is on sale now! Long sleeve and hoodie options too!

Guess what? Derbies start on Monday at 8PM CST now. Neat. This week is pop-culture product parodies. I’ve got two in this week – thanks for any help!!
Lebowski’s Classic Rug

This Beer Goes To 11

Stays crunchy even in milk!

@Spiritgreen voted! (a while ago)
@ACraigL it’s you and I against the baby yoda hordes! Even something cute can be terrifying when there’s too many of them. There’s too many!!1!
Voted. I missed the short derby but the saying in one is sooo cute.
This week’s derby is all about dogs (and how they’re better than cats – woot’s choice, not mine, no judgement). Here’s my two entries. Thanks for checking them out!
St. Bernard

Team Best Friend

@ACraigL Voted! The saint’s window is spectacular.
@OldCatLady Thanks! I wanted to try something new. Hopefully it doesn’t skew too heavily for people that only like that breed, but I am happy with the way it turned out.
Voted for the beautiful St. Bernard and Team Best Friend, but have to admit also for Empire Loves Puppies.
@stolicat Thanks! Never feel bad about voting on what you like. The more action the derby gets, the better for everyone (but I like when you vote for me the most
). Oh, and thanks for commenting too! That means a lot.
Lebowski’s Rugs printed as an honorable mention, and is available in long sleeve too! Woo!
It’s been a long time since I participated in the Derby! Partly because it’s so disheartening. Example: I entered this design and got immediately #REJECTED for reasons I don’t understand!
(It sounds like they might run it on an F contract, so I got that goin’ for me, which is nice)
I also entered this one, which is instead being slooowly rejected by the voters, as the good lord intended
@matthew Weird on that rejection.
I’m basically mayo-k too, so I voted that one up.
@matthew Yeah, sorry man. I think the pun wasn’t immediately apparent to folks. Nice to have you back though. Hope it doesn’t discourage you (any more than you are). Vote Mayo 2020! (I voted).
@matthew These are both really good, sorry your Boba-T got mistaken for a mashup. It’s a quality pun.
Probably too late for this one, but if anyone wants to give it a vote, I am rather fond of this little critter!
It’s a text-only derby and since I sat out last week, here’s three! Thanks for looking and happy holidays!!!
bounty hunter


reMEMEber that one?

Ambigrams are evil, BTW. Never again.
Last few hours to vote on these. Next derby launches at 8pm CST tonight! I still have 2 in the fog, so fingers crossed!!
@ACraigL the bounty hunter is beautiful - I hope it gets in. I’ve always wanted a shirt that reads the same to someone who is upside down.
I’ve got a shirt running in today’s featured group sale. Engage face palm in 3, 2, 1…

Derby is almost over - one entry of mine has been climbing and is near the fog so - please vote asap if you can! Thank you!!

@jasneko Voted! And fogged!
@ACraigL Oh wow - thanks so much!!!

@jasneko voted also, and I do really want one!
@stolicat Thank you and aww glad to hear that!!