20 Questions
320 Questions
We’ve got our own twist on this road trip classic.
We’ve got something Meh in mind. It’s not something obvious, we’re making your work for it.
- You all have a total of 20 questions to narrow it down. (It would be best to limit yourself to 1 question each and I’ll only answer the first 20 questions posted.)
- Once you’ve hit 20 questions, folks can post their best guess and we’ll keep going until someone gets it right, or midnight ET, whichever comes first.
- Yes or No questions only
If no one gets it on Monday 7/8, we’ll start with a new round of questions on 7/9 and try again.
- 56 comments, 91 replies
- Comment
Is it something smaller than a loaf of bread?
Is it food-based or non-food-based?
@jetedrow yes or no questions only
@jetedrow @Thumperchick hoping that fors not count agains us
Animal, vegetable, mineral, organic matter, thought or conception, relationship or social construct, black hole, something beyond space/time, IRK?
/giphy irk

@f00l yes or no questions only
is it googly-eyes, or does it have googly-eyes?
/giphy googly-eyes

Is it something that happened/happens?
@djslack yes or no questions only
@Thumperchick how is this not?
yes it’s something that happens or happened, or no it is not (a physical object, a metaphysical construct, or whatever else one can conjure)
I guess there is some gray area where something could be yes and no. But, for instance, I’d say a total solar eclipse is something that happens (so both would be yes).
Of course if this question doesn’t count then it leaves room for someone else to ask a better one.
@djslack I misread your question.
Should I carry it in my pocket?
Is or was it an event?
/giphy eventful

@f00l Define “event”
You answered YES to whether it was “something that happened”.
“Mt St Helen’s volcanic explosion”
(As opposed to Mt St Helens itself).
“IRK singing”
(As opposed to IRK-the-being)
IE, is it a “physical thing”?
/giphy “physical thing”

I think we may need a high limit on questions!
@f00l @Thumperchick hmmmm how can it be smaller than a loaf of bread and not a physical thing (rhetorical question… I don’t need to be reminded that it is yes/no questions only
@f00l @mbersiam that bread one was hard to answer, tbh
@f00l We’ll see how it goes. If we need to adapt, we will.
Re “loaf of bread” and similar q’s
If it’s not a “physical thing” then the question really doesn’t apply, does it?.
@f00l @mbersiam @Thumperchick the loaf of bread one is like one of the first questions the 20 Questions electronic game asks. Dont hate me. Haha
@thumperchick could you consolidate the current questions and answers to a pinned comment at the top?
@studerc I think I can make that happen.
@Thumperchick youre awesome!
Is it something that will benefit all Meh-zians.
Is it someone/something’s birthday?
@OnionSoup good question.
Is it a form of entertainment media?
Can it be detected with the physical senses (sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell, balance)
Can it be accessed on Hulu basic?
Is it a video or something in video form?
/giphy video

The answer is Freedom. You’re welcome, everyone.
Is it a mehrathon?
It’s a television?
@thumperchick - can we guess more than once if our first guess doesn’t end the thread?
@Kidsandliz I strongly recommend using the 20 questions as a way to narrow this down. Once those 20 questions are asked, everyone can guess what the answer is.
@Kidsandliz @Thumperchick Can those of us playing comment on questions and ask you not to answer them if they are redundant or not useful so we don’t waste the questions?
@mbersiam Nope - if it’s asked, it counts toward the original 20 questions. If it’s the same exact question, I’ll bypass it. But redundant ones are fair game.
@mbersiam @Thumperchick I screwed up. I thought I was guessing what it was rather than asking a question as I thought all 20 questions had been asked (I didn’t count your summary). Sorry about that. Can my answer that was seen as a question please be removed due to my misunderstanding and I won’t guess on today’s thing and so there will still be 20 legitimate questions.
Is it something internet related?
If it’s internet related”, then that means, that whatever it is, there is PR0N about it.
Is it a video that was created by Meh/Mercataylst?
Is Irk the star?
Is it the only new MIBMMTIS video in years?
@speediedelivery maybe it bothers me more than it should
Is it Something Went Terribly Wrong to commemorate the shit show last night?
[Guess] is it Findings: The Seligman Experiment
Is it a live performance (e.g. a puppet show/comedy show/concert/play)?
Is a speaker dock destroyed as part of the video?
Is Glen the star?
That’s 20 questions.
Because a few folks threw in early guesses, that ate up a few questions in the count, so you get 5 more questions today.
Remember - if we don’t get the answer today, we start the question count over tomorrow.
Is Meh starting a QVC type channel tonsell product?
Ok, so it’s a puppet that’s not Glen or IRK in a video that was produced my Meh. Gotta be narrowing this down!
Never said it was a puppet.
@Thumperchick ah…assumptions. “live performance” got it.
Is it the tale of the breakfast octopus?
Is it a chicken on the mic video?
A link to Mehs videos…https://youtube.com/@mediocremeh?si=OjtYBQdsznqG6UNH
Is it Singin’ Cowboy Time?
Is it the Fat Ice Jig karaoke?
Do you all really want to spend your remaining 4 questions with guesses? Or would you rather I ignore those and you ask for more detailed stuff to narrow it down?
@Thumperchick oh, I thought we were into the guessing part now, sorry.
@Kyeh I offered 5 more questions to make up for early guesses eating up questions.
@Thumperchick not that there’s a frequent need to try to turn a cat herding exercise like this into an organized game of 20 questions… But if you do it again tomorrow maybe people should tag questions and guesses. Then the 20 questions can be reached without the wild guesses burning them, but if someone wants to gamble their rate limited guess early they could. IDK it’s not perfect just a thought that occurred.
Are any puppets involved?
Is it a video involving singing/karaoke?
@waterlilies250 clarify - are you asking if it involves any singing or just karaoke?
@Thumperchick any singing.
Is this an accidental sex tape release from one of the meh warehouse parties?
-This is not a serious question. Do not answer.
Does the video feature Matthew?
Is there a cat in the video?
Is it Singin’ Cowboy Time?
Do I have to guess this again since it was before your post?
Ok folks, that’s it for today’s questions. Go ahead and post your guess. I’m going to limit you to 1 guess per person every 30 minutes so we don’t just get spammed.
Donnie Dempster and the Perspiration?
@sammydog01 no
GUESS: Don’t Stop Believin’: Mad Ape Den Karaoke
@mikebraunstein no
Is it the Fat Ice Jig?
@studerc no
Is it Making a Thing?
@waterlilies250 no
Pokémon Theme (Gotta Catch 'em All): Mad Ape Den Karaoke
@mikebraunstein no
Is it a through the years montage?
@tinamarie1974 no
Just a “object” sitting here music video
@SillyScootScoot guesses have to be about a specific thing.
Is it “Pets of Meh”?
@Kyeh no
Mad Ape Den: Tik Tok?
@narfcake no
is it: Hey Everybody It’s Glen - Meh is 5
@mbersiam no
Guess: Ukulele Dipshit
@djslack @Thumperchick
Wow! Congrats
@djslack Congratulations!!!
Holy shit! That’s just the first Matthew video I thought of. Awesome! Thanks @Thumperchick!
@djslack @Thumperchick
@djslack nice work!
@djslack @Kyeh @Thumperchick

/giphy congrats!
@Thumperchick how is this smaller than a loaf of bread?
/giphy laughter

@studerc @Thumperchick Data is tiny, just think how much you can put on a thumb drive.
@studerc the video dimensions, of course… (That was impossible to answer.)
@djslack genius
@djslack I got your prize ordered!

“Sitting at the kids table” and “Dad’s of the world take a break” are amazing
@Thumperchick Ooh, a special order prize! I’m not going to ask 20 questions about what it is.

/giphy anticipation
But I will say if it’s a live goat, this is gonna be interesting!
@Thumperchick My Meh Merchapalooza prize box came yesterday, and it rocks!
Jealousy list for everyone:
Thank you @Thumperchick and Meh!
@djslack @Thumperchick
Yep, I’m jealous!
@djslack can haz pics?
@Thumperchick Shore!
I tried to make a little dude out of it. IDK what he’s doing but it definitely involves drinking.
Not pictured, the beach ball. My (human) little dude has absconded with it, it’s the perfect size for us to play with in the house.
@djslack I dig the fidget as a bowtie. Dapper.
That was fun, can we do another round?
@sammydog01 We’ve got other games and stuff going on today, but we can definitely bring this back after the birthday celebration.
Good job