These are serviceable as cutting mats. Some arrived today in the “Kitchen Bundle” that was sold earlier, and I wasn’t able to easily cut through them or mar the underlying surface while doing so. So, hey, maybe that is something.
@ShotgunX That’s why I bought them. My mom wanted something she could chop onions on, then curl them to deposit them into a pan or something. They work great in that regard.
@guybrush01 Thanks. Do be aware though that EVA has alleged health effects (carcinogenic properties of some component materials), so maybe using this for direct food contact isn’t the best idea, especially anything acidic/basic enough to start breaking things down.
I’m only looking for something like this for its intended purpose (to line shelves).
Are they similar to silicone baking mats in flexibility (floppy) and thickness or are the firmer like…a plastic health insurance card?
@ShotgunX Um, my house is filled with invalids and people who will soon be offered congrats on the Today show for reaching 100. I doubt they really give a flying fsck about EVA. Just sayin’
Do be aware though that EVA has alleged health effects (carcinogenic properties of some component materials)
I believe that applies to the foam products, like the spongy floor mats you can buy that lock together like jigsaw puzzles. I don’t think this is the same type of EVA product. Specs list it as 100% food contact safe… but then again, they might be stretching the truth there somewhat.
Need to class up my fridge and where I store my espresso grinder stuff. In for a set. Oh yeah two drawers of silverware and utensils. And some cabinets. And where the cat food is stored. And…
@blaineg@mehcuda67@phr It’s either that or get a bigger fridge. Look, I can’t solve all your problems for you. You’ll have to figure this one out on your own. Sheesh.
@blaineg i bought the silly things…
cause i figure it is easier to clean one of these than take the whole fucking shelve out every time i make a mess.
probably could have used something else for the same purpose…
but i never thought of it.
Do I need these? Yes. Will I ever actually use them or will they just make a pretty pile on my kitchen counter? My history suggests pretty over utile. There’s always hope.
They have used a product they really don’t care about to shamelessly cross promote another site, and I respect that. I can even forgive trying to guilt me into organizing my over stuffed fridge which has hidden items for years. What I can’t get past… PASTELS?
I’d be careful with these in the fridge, the racks allow air circulation for a reason, you don’t want to block the circulation off causing temperature differences in your fridge. Same in your oven, you don’t want to cover the racks with foil.
@Star2236 actually I have 4 total. If you count the beer fridge. Wife has an aversion to wild meet in her freezer. I don’t fight it, I just have my own for the good stuff.
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
$33.32 at Amazon for 20-Pack
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Sep 17 - Tuesday, Sep 21
These are serviceable as cutting mats. Some arrived today in the “Kitchen Bundle” that was sold earlier, and I wasn’t able to easily cut through them or mar the underlying surface while doing so. So, hey, maybe that is something.
@guybrush01 How soft are they? In the pictures, they seem to be able to curl up pretty well.
@ShotgunX That’s why I bought them. My mom wanted something she could chop onions on, then curl them to deposit them into a pan or something. They work great in that regard.
@guybrush01 Thanks. Do be aware though that EVA has alleged health effects (carcinogenic properties of some component materials), so maybe using this for direct food contact isn’t the best idea, especially anything acidic/basic enough to start breaking things down.
I’m only looking for something like this for its intended purpose (to line shelves).
@guybrush01 @ShotgunX
Are they similar to silicone baking mats in flexibility (floppy) and thickness or are the firmer like…a plastic health insurance card?
I bought them before, @RedOx, they are floppy.
(Official terminology.)
@ShotgunX Um, my house is filled with invalids and people who will soon be offered congrats on the Today show for reaching 100. I doubt they really give a flying fsck about EVA. Just sayin’
@haydesigner @RedOx …and you can use both sides so they are flippy and floppy.
@guybrush01 @RedOx @ShotgunX
I believe that applies to the foam products, like the spongy floor mats you can buy that lock together like jigsaw puzzles. I don’t think this is the same type of EVA product. Specs list it as 100% food contact safe… but then again, they might be stretching the truth there somewhat.
Can I get a tiny Irk???
@tinamarie1974 Me too!!!
How have they not done this yet?
@tinamarie1974 I’d probably scream if I opened the fridge and saw that.
@tinamarie1974 Is that a euphemism?
@jetkins nope! A literal tiny Irk!!
Does the amazon link point to a different product for anyone else?
@aphrodoreo Same. This appears to be a similar/same product on amazon, though in different package counts
5 pc/10.99 -
7 pc/14.79 -
I found the perfect customer for these:
Color my slimy holders.
Need to class up my fridge and where I store my espresso grinder stuff. In for a set. Oh yeah two drawers of silverware and utensils. And some cabinets. And where the cat food is stored. And…
Tonight’s deal is… a bizarre dream-like arrangement of color? A drug trip?
@awk hey, man… that’s cool… man…
@awk I’m honestly high right now and I absolutely love this image
@awk but it doesn’t look as good here as it does on the main store page where there is a beautiful arrangement of colors behind it
@awk Taste the rainbow.
@awk @blaineg If you look at this and play Black Sabbath at 78 speed you can see God!
@Dankk username checks out
Gee, I came over here looking for electric swizzle sticks, and lo and behold, they have something just as needed and just as useful.
What size batteries do they use?
@phr Any type of battery that needs refrigeration.
@mehcuda67 @phr All batteries need refrigeration.
@mehcuda67 @phr @shahnm Car battery?
@phr refrigeration. refrigeration is a human construct. refrigeration is a relative term. refrigeration.
@blaineg @mehcuda67 @phr I think the answer is pretty obvious, don’t you??
@mehcuda67 @phr @shahnm Can I remove it from the car first? My fridge isn’t that big.
@blaineg @mehcuda67 @phr It’s either that or get a bigger fridge. Look, I can’t solve all your problems for you. You’ll have to figure this one out on your own. Sheesh.
@mehcuda67 @phr @shahnm I refrigerate the whole car, battery and all, for about a third of the year. I’ll call that good enough.
@blaineg i bought the silly things…
cause i figure it is easier to clean one of these than take the whole fucking shelve out every time i make a mess.
probably could have used something else for the same purpose…
but i never thought of it.
I can imagine these sliding around on the shelf, Pissing me off, and making me break stuff. Take my money!!
If they work… why do I need 20 of them?
@MattSmucker They only work once.
@MattSmucker @olsmeister It’s sort of like toiletpaper and Covid. You actually need 400, but they’ll sell you 20.
What pretty colors…
Do I need these? Yes. Will I ever actually use them or will they just make a pretty pile on my kitchen counter? My history suggests pretty over utile. There’s always hope.
@jtagg100 You could send me the $15 and save the mess. The offer is open to anyone, on any product.
Just bought 5 for $9 earlier this month. Can I pay $5 and get 15 more?
Me too.
@hermannj @Star2236 Me three.
They have used a product they really don’t care about to shamelessly cross promote another site, and I respect that. I can even forgive trying to guilt me into organizing my over stuffed fridge which has hidden items for years. What I can’t get past… PASTELS?
@Boiler3k once in the fridge those pastels don’t look so bad.
@gsrivast It worked! Your order number is: honorable-tall-government
/image honorable tall government
has no one made a Matlock joke yet?
@catthegreat My wife is watching him right now. No joke.
@blaineg @catthegreat
…still waiting…
yo, where’s the chick who loves purple? they have a purple wine set on that cuisinart sale link
I’d be careful with these in the fridge, the racks allow air circulation for a reason, you don’t want to block the circulation off causing temperature differences in your fridge. Same in your oven, you don’t want to cover the racks with foil.
@danexton My shelves are glass. Racks? like wire racks? How old is you fridge for God’s sake?
@danexton @Trinityscrew
Some freezers use wire racks still, but yeah… it’s pretty much all glass shelves now.
How many fridges do these people think we have
@Star2236 actually I have 4 total. If you count the beer fridge. Wife has an aversion to wild meet in her freezer. I don’t fight it, I just have my own for the good stuff.
Maybe you do needs today’s deal.