Next time you’re at the grocery store, look at the shelf space dedicated to purple grape juice vs (yucky) other grape juice.
When someone says, “damn, I got grape juice stains on my shirt” they are talking about purple grape juice but they don’t have to include the word purple in order for (most) folks to understand.
Congratulations, A Mediocre Company is slightly better than the Government. (Not specifically the current one, but any Government in the history of our country since the creation of the IRS.)
@mega1 Yep. They hate the midnight crowd and want to cater to the east coasters almost exclusively. Honestly, I’m surprised they haven’t just moved to doing the daily ‘refresh’ at 8AM Eastern… but that would reveal how they really feel about us midnighters.
@mega1 Cry us East coasters a river. Do you realize how much we’d love to be able to see what’s new at 9 pm and not have to always stay up or wake up at midnight?
@cinoclav Or even 10 or 11. The midnight thing is killing me. And being an east coaster I’m busy taking my kids to school at 8. And picking them up at 4.
I tried ordering with shipping as VMP. I got no bottles but they still charged for the vmp. I’m annoyed. Yes, I know VMP will get me free shipping for the month but I rarely order, but figured it’s $5 shipping or $5 for a months VMP then cancel it. But not have the order to through except the vmp shipping? Bah.
Meh? Just clicked on the Meh provided Amazon link and it’s $10.99 for two bottles there. Shipping free with Prime. Another click, same price without tax. I tried silicone water bottles last year and wound up sending them back. I really liked a number of things about using them, but they smelled bad and that didn’t get any better. Read the reviews, that’s a fairly common complaint. The seller tried HARD to get me to change my review, so I suspect there were more negative comments than are apparent. Regardless, I’m going to try again because they’ll go right back if I’m not happy with them.
@sheilaj888 That’s not how I read it. The title reads “blue/white”, have pictures of both, no choice of color offered. If it’s just one, it will go back. If it smells, it will go back.
@ThoseEyes To be very clear, I only ordered them this morning because of the real possibility that I would be availing myself of the free return via Prime. The odor from ones I had last year went from slightly noticeable to nauseating, I couldn’t get them out of here fast enough.
@sammydog01 One can make a valid argument either way, but looking at every other offering, none mention the white top and if they’re only sending one, what color would be it? I’ve done everything I can to make my position clear both on the item and with Amazon in general. If the seller is paying attention, and the order is for one, they can contact me and cancel it because I said very clearly that if there was just one it was going back. Regardless, we’ll all know in a few days.
@RedOak Babzzies Bargains is the seller of that particular item while it’s fulfilled by Amazon. They aren’t who answered the question this morning which was asked after I placed my order. Based on my previous experience, these are quite likely being made in China and the seller is based there. That makes for some interesting item descriptions and results in long delays when responding to queries. I used to hear from them very early in the morning. Amazon does have a link with which to report problems regarding item description, I used that along with my response to that question this morning.
@ThoseEyes when I clicked on the Amazon link, it learly was sold and fulfilled by Amazon. On mobile, I recall no third party seller indicated.
I don’t recall ever seeing Amazon answer a Q&A - most often it is those who have previously brought the product, and sometimes, if also sold by a third party, the third party seller.
@RedOak I didn’t buy it from that original link, I mentioned that I’d made another click and found Prime, no shipping, no tax. I do expect the seller will see the question and my reply in the wee hours tomorrow. I don’t know if they’ll respond, just as i don’t know what might or might not happen as a result of my message to Amazon. As I keep saying, all that really matters from my end is my ability to return it if there’s just one or if there’s an objectionable odor. (Of course I don’t expect any of them to be reading these comments, I’ve been referring to comments which I’ve made on Amazon.)
@RedOak The seller just wrote that it’s one bottle only. Seems kind of crappy to buy something that says one and return it because there weren’t two. I’m gonna guess that it’s some small vendor and not Amazon that eats the shipping cost.
@sammydog01 no sympathy for Amazon or the other sellers on this one. It is their responsibility to assure a clear and concise product description… or simply not participate.
@RedOak I don’t know- every place in the description it said “bottle” singular and I don’t think anyone would have expected two if Meh hadn’t sold it as a pair. Plus if you’re going to ask a question maybe wait for the answer before hitting the buy button.
@sammydog01 agreed to a point. It does not make sense to order if you’re unsure about quantities. The sellers also should not show a photo of two bottles when there is only one, especially when there are two apparent colors and no order color option.
Still the responsibility of the sellers, whomever they are, to be unambiguous in the product info/photos. This kind of thing seems to be common on Amazon.
@ThoseEyes I just checked, the seller responded to the earlier query saying that there will only be one, some are blue, some are white. I immediately cancelled the order. It’s now showing as cancelled and I have the confirming email.
I wouldn’t have bought it from Meh in any event, but I will be interested to see what folks comments are about them. As I mentioned before, I noticed an unpleasant odor when I initially bought the four I had. Rather than getting better it got significantly worse and they went back very quickly. Food grade silicone shouldn’t smell, there have been too many complaints similar to mine for me to have put myself in the position of having to pay to return something.
For the folks who made the last few comments, I wasn’t the one who asked on Amazon if there was one or two bottles. I saw a photo of two, didn’t see any mention of choice of color nor lack thereof. As for the description saying “bottle” and not “bottles”, haven’t we all read too many of these things which are badly translated? The price wasn’t the same as the comparison price Meh had shown, the photo was the same. It was absolutely reasonable to think that the bottles had been repriced to be competitive.
@jimmyd103 matters not at this point unless you already have VMP since they’re sold out on Meh for the regular folks. Also not clear that Amazon deal is for two.
@PlacidPenguin They don’t play automatically, but they do load in the background, making dozens of calls to YouTube and loading craploads of JavaScript that all need to be initialized before you can place an order. It’s bullshit.
Checkout error, checkout error, sold out. I probably would have had one if I had made it home in time to get to my computer. Oh well, I almost certainly didn’t need these. Thanks, meh!
Sold out at 16:03. Really? Kind of getting tired of paying for VMP and not really getting anything out of it. Seems like every time you’ve got something I like, it’s sold out before I can get it. Are you guys putting limits on these deals, or am I going to find somebody reselling them in bulk on eBay in two weeks?
@Chevylovr Don’t get your hopes up for any changes. They only care about morning folk who live on the east coast. If you’re outside of that demographic, good luck on getting anything even remotely worthwhile here. Meh just doesn’t give a damn about the rest of us, VMP or not.
For those upset they didn’t get one - I tell you what - if you win a fuku/fuko and send it to me with 100% of its contents (I can never seem to get past the robot crap and have stopped trying) I will send you the bottles I just bought. : )
@Barney@KDemo I don’t feel affected by the pause thing with respect to wanting to buy it one way or another and am defiantly not part of herd purchasing except fuku/fuko’s LOL (and those I have missed out on for more than a year). Impulse purchases haven’t been my thing for a long time. Plus I realize that I can probably live without 99% of this stuff and 99% of it that I do buy I only buy as presents (I am stocking up already for next christmas). I guess being homeless for 19 months broke me of wanting stuff (well most of the time anyway and there are a couple of things I had to sell - or got stolen like all my tools that I really, really miss and a few things I don’t have that I really, really want).
But for the most part I can’t think of good enough reasons to spend my money on much of this stuff. And, except for fuko/fuku’s, if I miss out and I really, really wanted it - well meh isn’t the only place that sells this stuff, although usually it is a bit cheaper here. Occasionally there are some things they sell I’d love to have but they are out of my price range - for example a big computer monitor as I teach on line and using a 13" laptop is a PITA when grading. A bit time PITA and takes me much longer because of all the toggling I need to do. Actually a big Mac desktop would work just as well as having an external monitor but then again that is out of my price range too - even a refurb.
Be interesting if they’d let us know if the pause thing actually has increased sales. If people do fall for that cognitive bias and want it more because it was paused then I’d guess that is good for business.
@Barney I feel @KDemo makes an excellent point about the circuit breaker increasing an item’s scarcity value. “If it’s going to sell out, it must be a great deal!”
@Kidsandliz What video output(s) does your laptop have? VGA, HDMI, or DisplayPort?
@narfcake I have no idea. I have some adaptor that worked with a 2007 or 8 Lenovo that I bought cheap off of craigslist and then it died shortly there after. I have a mid 2013 macbook air.
EDIT so you made me curious - here is what it says (copied from apple)
Native Mini DisplayPort output
DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter (sold separately)
VGA output using Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter (sold separately)
Dual-link DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter (sold separately)
HDMI audio and video output using third-party Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter (sold separately)
My thought with the “if it is going to sell out” is that probably there aren’t many of them which is independent of whether or not it is a good deal.
Received these a few days ago. Opened one so far and the little silicone strap that wraps around it to hold it rolled up was broken out of the package. Seemingly such a small issue but for some reason it really bugs me, probably because the entire reason for buying them is being able to keep them compact. Yes, I could put a regular rubber band around them but they deteriorate and damn it, I paid for that silicone strap. Anyone else receive theirs and have a similar issue? And no, it doesn’t bother me more than it should, it bothers me exactly as much as it should.
@cinoclav Me too but I’m pretty sure I broke it myself unrolling the bottle. At least there is that little hook so you can use a rubber band. I was debating super glue but silicone is hard to glue.
@sammydog01 As it’s supposed to be strong enough to hold it rolled up, one would think it would be strong enough to provide the resistance to unrolling it. I’d say odds are it was already broken or at least weakened. Yeah, I’m thinking gluing it is a waste of time and effort.
I took them camping last weekend. The insides of the bottle stuck together and it was very hard to pull apart. I filled with water, took a drink an hour later and the water tasted terrible. FAIL!
@vhibbs Umm, did you wash it first before using it? That’s what normal people do. Mine had absolutely no effect on the taste of the water. But then again, I washed mine first…
@cinoclav I had to put some effort into pulling them apart the first time but after that they were fine (it helps if you put some water in them first). I rinsed mine out and found no taste in them. I really like them.
What’s in the Box?
1x Clear bottle
1x Blue bottle
One smushed
Both set up
Price Comparison
$21.98 List, $15.98 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
1 Year Life Gear
Estimated Delivery
Tuesday, Jan 21
Collapsible Silicone? Sounds like my girl friend…
/giphy Ed McMahon
Holy hell only took a dozen tries…
@jml326 haha
/giphy finally
@kus wat
/giphy water Helen water
@jml326 worthit
I don’t thirst for this deal.
These will go well with my 7oz collapsible ‘disposable’ flasks (that I think I got here)
No purple, no sale.
@narfcake put grape juice in the clear one. You’re welcome.
/image white grape juice
@narfcake only for those times when you’re not in the mood for purple.
@RedOak @narfcake
Not in the mood for purple? I don’t believe such a thing is possible.
Wait… Are you talking about the color in and of itself, or something using that color?
@PlacidPenguin It’s not.
/image purple all the things
I don’t discriminate against other colors, though. Catshirts come in a variety, y’know.
@RedOak Be more specific next time, 'k?
@narfcake feeling a bit contrarian last night?
Next time you’re at the grocery store, look at the shelf space dedicated to purple grape juice vs (yucky) other grape juice.
When someone says, “damn, I got grape juice stains on my shirt” they are talking about purple grape juice but they don’t have to include the word purple in order for (most) folks to understand.
The last thing I need is more water bottles, but I am strangely attracted to these.
/giphy strange attraction
@conandlibrarian I have so many water bottles but I bought these anyway!
@metageist At least these don’t take up as much shelf space as my family of Bubbas.
Nice, something I can use- unless some killjoy finds a way to make me feel guilty about buying it.
Dual silicone jugs? Sign me up!
I think that this link is a review of this bottle. It looks the same. At any rate give more information about collapsable water bottles.
Thanks for the information! I should’ve bought first and read later. Paused again. Meh!
I was just thinking, “I’m parched” I need a water bottle. Meh…are you reading my mind?!
I would worry less about if the government is watching you, and more if Meh is watching you.
While both will take your money (IRS vs Meh), at least Meh will give you items in return. So I guess that’s a positive for them.
@Snapster @Dave
Congratulations, A Mediocre Company is slightly better than the Government. (Not specifically the current one, but any Government in the history of our country since the creation of the IRS.)
@PlacidPenguin Yikes! And, it’s true, at least I get something in return for giving meh my money!
@PlacidPenguin Meh is NOT watching me, at least. Otherwise there’d be catshirts.
Actually they are. Except in your case, there’s a lot of laughing going on.
@PlacidPenguin Phhhhhbt!
(FYI, I’m not even wearing a catshirt right now.)
One shirt,
Two shirt,
Cat shirt,
No shirt.
(You mean this?)
/giphy thick chatty loss
/giphy overrated worrisome basketball
This is either really neat or really stupid. I’ll have to sleep on this one and decide if I want these bottles in the morning.
@JT954 And I decided to pass and enjoy my Bubba thermos instead.
Everytime I want something the deal is paused till 8am eastern time. That’s 5am where I live. I need a double meh button!
@mega1 Yep. They hate the midnight crowd and want to cater to the east coasters almost exclusively. Honestly, I’m surprised they haven’t just moved to doing the daily ‘refresh’ at 8AM Eastern… but that would reveal how they really feel about us midnighters.
It’s been a while since somebody mentioned about how Meh supposedly caters to the East Coast.
I really feel like Meh should have a counter on the homepage of the site about how long it’s been since someone used the above argument last.
@katylava @shawn - Who do I have to bribe to get such a counter incorporated?
@PlacidPenguin Just being the squeaky wheel with the hope of eventually being greased.
I’m not sure how to interpret that. I may need to get a dictionary.
I get the expression, but I’m not sure what you are hoping to get changed.
@PlacidPenguin First come, first served… like it used to be.
@mega1 I’m lame…set my alarm for 4:58am and bought two water bottles…idk why…maybe to prove to myself i could do it…hahaha meh!
@mega1 I like your style!
@mega1 Cry us East coasters a river. Do you realize how much we’d love to be able to see what’s new at 9 pm and not have to always stay up or wake up at midnight?
@cinoclav Or even 10 or 11. The midnight thing is killing me. And being an east coaster I’m busy taking my kids to school at 8. And picking them up at 4.
I tried ordering with shipping as VMP. I got no bottles but they still charged for the vmp. I’m annoyed. Yes, I know VMP will get me free shipping for the month but I rarely order, but figured it’s $5 shipping or $5 for a months VMP then cancel it. But not have the order to through except the vmp shipping? Bah.
Well there’s another $6 (maybe $12) you’ll never see from me, Meh. Thank your stupid-ass “breaker”.
@SpenceMan01 The deal will sell out, so they’ll still see the money from someone.
@Collin1000 Yeah, I realize that. Won’t stop me from pointing out that the whole system is bullshit, however.
I’m into this 3x. I can spend $18 at Wendy’s without trying that hard.
“Water” deal!
Meh? Just clicked on the Meh provided Amazon link and it’s $10.99 for two bottles there. Shipping free with Prime. Another click, same price without tax. I tried silicone water bottles last year and wound up sending them back. I really liked a number of things about using them, but they smelled bad and that didn’t get any better. Read the reviews, that’s a fairly common complaint. The seller tried HARD to get me to change my review, so I suspect there were more negative comments than are apparent. Regardless, I’m going to try again because they’ll go right back if I’m not happy with them.
@ThoseEyes Isn’t the Amazon link for only one bottle?
@sheilaj888 That’s not how I read it. The title reads “blue/white”, have pictures of both, no choice of color offered. If it’s just one, it will go back. If it smells, it will go back.
@ThoseEyes To be very clear, I only ordered them this morning because of the real possibility that I would be availing myself of the free return via Prime. The odor from ones I had last year went from slightly noticeable to nauseating, I couldn’t get them out of here fast enough.
@ThoseEyes The blue bottle has a white top so blue/white would be an appropriate description for the blue one only. Let us know what comes, OK?
@sammydog01 One can make a valid argument either way, but looking at every other offering, none mention the white top and if they’re only sending one, what color would be it? I’ve done everything I can to make my position clear both on the item and with Amazon in general. If the seller is paying attention, and the order is for one, they can contact me and cancel it because I said very clearly that if there was just one it was going back. Regardless, we’ll all know in a few days.
Since Amazon is the seller, I doubt they’re reading comments.
Typical horribly unclear Amazon product description. And even though it has been up on Amazon for a year, still zero reviews?
They might have actually sold a few if the description had clearly said two.
I see someone, a couple hours ago, asked whether it is for two.
@RedOak Babzzies Bargains is the seller of that particular item while it’s fulfilled by Amazon. They aren’t who answered the question this morning which was asked after I placed my order. Based on my previous experience, these are quite likely being made in China and the seller is based there. That makes for some interesting item descriptions and results in long delays when responding to queries. I used to hear from them very early in the morning. Amazon does have a link with which to report problems regarding item description, I used that along with my response to that question this morning.
@ThoseEyes when I clicked on the Amazon link, it learly was sold and fulfilled by Amazon. On mobile, I recall no third party seller indicated.
I don’t recall ever seeing Amazon answer a Q&A - most often it is those who have previously brought the product, and sometimes, if also sold by a third party, the third party seller.
The product details clearly showed made in China.
@RedOak I didn’t buy it from that original link, I mentioned that I’d made another click and found Prime, no shipping, no tax. I do expect the seller will see the question and my reply in the wee hours tomorrow. I don’t know if they’ll respond, just as i don’t know what might or might not happen as a result of my message to Amazon. As I keep saying, all that really matters from my end is my ability to return it if there’s just one or if there’s an objectionable odor. (Of course I don’t expect any of them to be reading these comments, I’ve been referring to comments which I’ve made on Amazon.)
@RedOak The seller just wrote that it’s one bottle only. Seems kind of crappy to buy something that says one and return it because there weren’t two. I’m gonna guess that it’s some small vendor and not Amazon that eats the shipping cost.
@sammydog01 no sympathy for Amazon or the other sellers on this one. It is their responsibility to assure a clear and concise product description… or simply not participate.
@RedOak I don’t know- every place in the description it said “bottle” singular and I don’t think anyone would have expected two if Meh hadn’t sold it as a pair. Plus if you’re going to ask a question maybe wait for the answer before hitting the buy button.
@sammydog01 agreed to a point. It does not make sense to order if you’re unsure about quantities. The sellers also should not show a photo of two bottles when there is only one, especially when there are two apparent colors and no order color option.
Still the responsibility of the sellers, whomever they are, to be unambiguous in the product info/photos. This kind of thing seems to be common on Amazon.
@ThoseEyes I just checked, the seller responded to the earlier query saying that there will only be one, some are blue, some are white. I immediately cancelled the order. It’s now showing as cancelled and I have the confirming email.
I wouldn’t have bought it from Meh in any event, but I will be interested to see what folks comments are about them. As I mentioned before, I noticed an unpleasant odor when I initially bought the four I had. Rather than getting better it got significantly worse and they went back very quickly. Food grade silicone shouldn’t smell, there have been too many complaints similar to mine for me to have put myself in the position of having to pay to return something.
For the folks who made the last few comments, I wasn’t the one who asked on Amazon if there was one or two bottles. I saw a photo of two, didn’t see any mention of choice of color nor lack thereof. As for the description saying “bottle” and not “bottles”, haven’t we all read too many of these things which are badly translated? The price wasn’t the same as the comparison price Meh had shown, the photo was the same. It was absolutely reasonable to think that the bottles had been repriced to be competitive.
@ThoseEyes Happy ending then. I’m not going to giphy that.
@sammydog01 LOL!
I’ll confirm what @thoseeyes said, Amazon price matched to $10.99. So if your not a VMP, you have Prime, and you want these head over there.
@jimmyd103 matters not at this point unless you already have VMP since they’re sold out on Meh for the regular folks. Also not clear that Amazon deal is for two.
We have a 3" version of this for our baby that we love. Plus these seem handy for air travel. In for two sets.
/giphy eager-urgent-crocodile
Tried to resist. Failed.
@accumulator We’re sold out except for a small amount we set aside for existing VMP members to be released at 4pm ET.
How do you clean these? Seems like they would just end up collapsing in the dishwasher.
Sold out in less than a minute for the VMP release : /
@clutchdude I feel happy to have gotten a set!
/giphy cordially-hysterical-basketball
/giphy Scrawny-craptacular-guppy
That was fast… glad I was prepared and waiting for it:
/giphy historical-jolly-battle
VMP sold out 16:00? 16:01? wow
Thanks for crashing my browser with all these fucking goddamn useless youtube videos so that I couldn’t buy any before sold out. Love you for that.
But… The YouTube videos don’t automatically play.
@PlacidPenguin They don’t play automatically, but they do load in the background, making dozens of calls to YouTube and loading craploads of JavaScript that all need to be initialized before you can place an order. It’s bullshit.
I suppose you could blame either @Jasontoon or @ELUNO then.
Checkout error, checkout error, sold out. I probably would have had one if I had made it home in time to get to my computer. Oh well, I almost certainly didn’t need these. Thanks, meh!
Sold out at 16:03. Really? Kind of getting tired of paying for VMP and not really getting anything out of it. Seems like every time you’ve got something I like, it’s sold out before I can get it. Are you guys putting limits on these deals, or am I going to find somebody reselling them in bulk on eBay in two weeks?
In the past they’ve cancelled orders that they served were from people buying them in order to resell them.
@Chevylovr Don’t get your hopes up for any changes. They only care about morning folk who live on the east coast. If you’re outside of that demographic, good luck on getting anything even remotely worthwhile here. Meh just doesn’t give a damn about the rest of us, VMP or not.
@SpenceMan01 That’s the kind of attitude to have. You tell 'em!
@SpenceMan01 Where were you for the fourteen minutes they were on sale last night? Hot date?
@Barney I’m the life of the party, dontcha know.
@sammydog01 Rolled in about 20 after. Before the breakers, 20 minutes was plenty of time to get most anything, save for the fukus.
For those upset they didn’t get one - I tell you what - if you win a fuku/fuko and send it to me with 100% of its contents (I can never seem to get past the robot crap and have stopped trying) I will send you the bottles I just bought. : )
I never knew there could be so much whining over some water bottles.
@RiotDemon I’m still amazed that meh really thought outside of the box and sold something different this time.
@RiotDemon - I think the pause thing is working for meh. It makes stuff seem more desirable, I suspect.
@KDemo Probably more purchases for those with the herd mentality, but I find that I am buying fewer items.
@Barney @KDemo I don’t feel affected by the pause thing with respect to wanting to buy it one way or another and am defiantly not part of herd purchasing except fuku/fuko’s LOL (and those I have missed out on for more than a year). Impulse purchases haven’t been my thing for a long time. Plus I realize that I can probably live without 99% of this stuff and 99% of it that I do buy I only buy as presents (I am stocking up already for next christmas). I guess being homeless for 19 months broke me of wanting stuff (well most of the time anyway and there are a couple of things I had to sell - or got stolen like all my tools that I really, really miss and a few things I don’t have that I really, really want).
But for the most part I can’t think of good enough reasons to spend my money on much of this stuff. And, except for fuko/fuku’s, if I miss out and I really, really wanted it - well meh isn’t the only place that sells this stuff, although usually it is a bit cheaper here. Occasionally there are some things they sell I’d love to have but they are out of my price range - for example a big computer monitor as I teach on line and using a 13" laptop is a PITA when grading. A bit time PITA and takes me much longer because of all the toggling I need to do. Actually a big Mac desktop would work just as well as having an external monitor but then again that is out of my price range too - even a refurb.
Be interesting if they’d let us know if the pause thing actually has increased sales. If people do fall for that cognitive bias and want it more because it was paused then I’d guess that is good for business.
@Barney I feel @KDemo makes an excellent point about the circuit breaker increasing an item’s scarcity value. “If it’s going to sell out, it must be a great deal!”
@Kidsandliz What video output(s) does your laptop have? VGA, HDMI, or DisplayPort?
@narfcake I have no idea. I have some adaptor that worked with a 2007 or 8 Lenovo that I bought cheap off of craigslist and then it died shortly there after. I have a mid 2013 macbook air.
EDIT so you made me curious - here is what it says (copied from apple)
Native Mini DisplayPort output
DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to DVI Adapter (sold separately)
VGA output using Mini DisplayPort to VGA Adapter (sold separately)
Dual-link DVI output using Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI Adapter (sold separately)
HDMI audio and video output using third-party Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter (sold separately)
My thought with the “if it is going to sell out” is that probably there aren’t many of them which is independent of whether or not it is a good deal.
Received these a few days ago. Opened one so far and the little silicone strap that wraps around it to hold it rolled up was broken out of the package. Seemingly such a small issue but for some reason it really bugs me, probably because the entire reason for buying them is being able to keep them compact. Yes, I could put a regular rubber band around them but they deteriorate and damn it, I paid for that silicone strap. Anyone else receive theirs and have a similar issue? And no, it doesn’t bother me more than it should, it bothers me exactly as much as it should.
@cinoclav Me too but I’m pretty sure I broke it myself unrolling the bottle. At least there is that little hook so you can use a rubber band. I was debating super glue but silicone is hard to glue.
@sammydog01 As it’s supposed to be strong enough to hold it rolled up, one would think it would be strong enough to provide the resistance to unrolling it. I’d say odds are it was already broken or at least weakened. Yeah, I’m thinking gluing it is a waste of time and effort.
I took them camping last weekend. The insides of the bottle stuck together and it was very hard to pull apart. I filled with water, took a drink an hour later and the water tasted terrible. FAIL!
@vhibbs Umm, did you wash it first before using it? That’s what normal people do. Mine had absolutely no effect on the taste of the water. But then again, I washed mine first…
@cinoclav I had to put some effort into pulling them apart the first time but after that they were fine (it helps if you put some water in them first). I rinsed mine out and found no taste in them. I really like them.
Yes, I washed it out before putting water into it.
@vhibbs Well, silicone has no taste so maybe it was the actual water.