@TBoneZeOriginal that said, they look pretty similar, and I have been pleasantly surprised by how sharp those things came out of the box. So, that may serve as an endorsement of sorts…
This cuts…another set of knives. I am starting to think that this a hunting website. They always sell out too! What do you guys do with all the knives?
@mediocrebot damn right I’m a nurturing cracker that would buy anything you post. I’m in Bulgaria now on business, eating freaking scrambled eggs, potatoes, and bacon that are cold at my so called 5 star hotel. Miss you mehtizens. Hope your breakfast is better than mine. Other than the hotel food, nice country, I like…
@SirLouie Tiny knife. Touch over five inches open. Back in the day when everything was all different this was the size of knife a kid would have for elementary school. Unless he/she was deeply into mumbletypeg.
@Lighter OMG I had no idea it was really so tiny! I thought it was a 5" big blade. It’s only 5" open?! Thanks for the info. Nice knives, but I’ll pass at this price.
I should set up a straw poll I have three questions. Do you carry knives in your pocket? Do you use them? How long does a knife ask. I like buying knives, especially the two-fers, but I’ve given so many knives away, people say "No more knives."
The man I work with carry’s a Leatherman with everything on it around with him and uses it a few times a day. Anymore, if I carry a knife, it’s an oval knife that takes a replacement utility blade and is flat and just weighs a few ounces. A lot of my knives haven’t been opened and are sitting by the Barlow pocketknife I inherited from my dad. I was just wondering if you all use your knives. I guess I’ll take @hanzov69 suggestion and start buying my friends knife sharpeners.
@wew Yes, and I usually have more than one with me (multi-tool, keychain, utility blade). A couple of my knives are 20+ years old, but you get what you pay for.
@wew Daily… and I carry more than one, size DOES matter! Usually a Kershaw Blur or Benchmade Griptilian for the majority of stuff, a Kershaw Select Fire in the hip pocket (nutdriver and bits are handy!), a SOG Cash Card as a money clip, and a slimmer knife (CRKT Swindle, etc) for opening mail or other non-threatening jobs. Most are used several times per day.
@wew I carry a knife daily. It’s a cheap thing my kids got me years back that has ‘Dad’ embossed on it. As far as knives go it’s not much better than using a sharp stick. But it has sentimental value.
I work in a crazy zero tolerance weapons free zone. I’m pretty sure a knife any bigger would get me tackled by security.
@wew I carry a Skeletool CX daily, have for years.
Which replaced the Wave I carried for over a decade.
Before that, I don’t remember what I had, it was just a basic pocket knife that I got as a Boy Scout.
@wew Carry a small Victorinox Swiss Army or Leatherman Micra in my pocket to the office; on weekends have a larger multitool or folding hunter on my belt. Even when traveling by plane, I bring a Gerber Artifact with the X-acto blade removed.
Thanks to everyone who’s replied. I’ll still continue to check for replies, but I’ve had a fun and educational few hours looking up all your knives on their websites and on youtube. I learned something from every post. (I might replace my Leatherman Wingman with one of the Skeletools–so many choices though!)
@wew My daily carry is a Benchmade Axis Stryker with a 3.6" tanto blade. I’ve owned knives from most of the major folding manufacturers, and Benchmade is my favorite (though some of my LEO/EMS friends like Spyderco). I probably use it once a week for dumb little things, but it has come in very useful in more important situations for cutting ropes and such. I carry a Leatherman Super Tool and my grandfather’s Ka-Bar on long hikes.
Side note: I feel sorry for Randall for having their name in the same write-up as these things.
@ScottN And they say that Benchmade is lefty friendly-nice for me. Funny you mentioned EMS, as I watched a vid on a Automatic Stryker and they said it was only available to police, military, fireman, EMS, and in some states disabled people. And that makes sense, if I’m disabled, the last thing I want is to have to fumble with opening a knife up. Those Benchmade’s are pretty pricey.
@wew Yeah, many states limit autos to physically disabled people (some even specify the limb/hand must be missing) and the professions you mentioned where it is relatively common to be in critical situations with only one free hand.
Guess you could call them pricey, but the quality is great, far above the Remington/SOG/Smith & Wesson/other random firearm manufacturer level. I happily pay the premium for something that 1) I’ll carry every day and 2) could save my life.
@huja So I guess we could use these to chop onions, garlic, and leeks for a soup. Remington is an iconic American manufacturer, it would be like making Solingen in Sacremento.
@sdyaffe Smithfield foods (think hams) is now Chinese. Cadbury chocolate is now owned by Kraft’s snack food division. Iconic British brands Jaguar and Land Rover are owned by India’s Tata motors. Nokia’s mobile division is owned by Microsoft. It’s the world we live in. Oh and I doubt my translation is accurate. Only a semester and change of Chinese so that’s all I’ve got for you.
Hey another knife for sale!!! I’m shocked, its got to have bee almost a week since the last knife was for sale. This site should change it’s name to “MEH Knifes site”.
I’m really over knives!!
How about some IOT items
( lush-uneasy-clock) so if the president does impose large tariffs on China I will probably be rich with all the Chinese products/Chinese knives that I own. ( I can undercut the Chinese now and make a bundle ). If not and all the doomsday preppers are right soon as everyone runs out of bullets I will be the king with all these knives ( and my woot ) crossbow. Now all I need is a water purification system and a few solar panels and I’ll be all set here in eastern NC…
Ok what’s with all the Knives lately? Are you arming a Meh Militia? You do know you can buy 100 knives on QVC for like $49.99 right? Wait a minute… how many of these do you have available? Son of a bitch you’re flipping QVC knives. Noticeably missing is a USB 3.0 port with access to an imbedded 5500 Mah lithium-ion phone charger. Duh?
What’s in the Box?
2x Knives
Other side
Retail packaging
Price Comparison
$39.60 List, $37.48 (for 2) at Amazon
Lifetime Remington
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Nov 7 - Friday, Nov 11
Cut up meh-- is that the point?
how cute, baby knives!
These would be nice with an LED on them.
I’m not sure why, but this advertisement was on the product page…Then I read your sentiment, and I was like
@wew No, it needs a laser so I can stab more accurately. Everyone needs a knife with a frikkin’ laser on it’s head.
Not in stabby mode; pass.
Longest. Tuesday. Ever.
/youtube predator stick around
/giphy meh.knife

I seriously now am wondering how many knives y’all have sitting around. Who would’ve thought Meh is a small arms dealer?!
Welcome to Texas.
Where is Kevin Bacon in that 6 degree scenario?
Two knives…
Everything you need for a knife fight!
I would have advertised this as a Michael Jackson, Beat It video re-enactment kit (red zipper jacket sold separately)
/giphy Remington STEEL

Ha ha.
Arms dealers? We’ll know if they put RPG’s up for sale…
@cengland0 Minus the speaker docks, as @sohmageek could attest.
I blame
@mikibell@snapster.Seriously… these should have been sold on March 15th.
You know, the “Ides of March”?
Would have made way more sense.
/giphy long live caesar

@hanzov69 As often as knives are sold here, they probably will be sold on that date too.
@hanzov69 Exactly my thought.
I think these are the black versions of the ones sold last time? Or where those black too? Maybe I should find them and open them.
@awk The ones from last time don’t have a pocket clip. They are different knives.
@awk On Sep 27, the 2ferTue was Model R11504 for $12

Meh Stalker is your friend:
Thanks, @lichme
@2many2no Glad I could help!
@TBoneZeOriginal that said, they look pretty similar, and I have been pleasantly surprised by how sharp those things came out of the box. So, that may serve as an endorsement of sorts…
@accumulator Absolutely. I loved the other knives and thought I just wish they had a clip. So I bought those too.
My last comment got hidden in record time. Is there a prize for that?
Nice that they so proudly say CHINA on them!
In for 3 (6)

Eh, why not. I can always use fresh knives.
While we’re talking knives… I picked up a Lansky BladeMedic a while back on the super cheap. I highly recommend it.
This cuts…another set of knives. I am starting to think that this a hunting website. They always sell out too! What do you guys do with all the knives?
@michaelgj2002 We cut as many things as possible.
@AccusingEwe It worked! Your order number is: nurturing-meticulous-cracker
/image nurturing meticulous cracker

@mediocrebot damn right I’m a nurturing cracker that would buy anything you post. I’m in Bulgaria now on business, eating freaking scrambled eggs, potatoes, and bacon that are cold at my so called 5 star hotel. Miss you mehtizens. Hope your breakfast is better than mine. Other than the hotel food, nice country, I like…
Will these arrive by the 15th?
@espotoaster You’re such a kidder !
The picture makes it look like the knives are tiny. Or the hands are huge.
@SirLouie Tiny knife. Touch over five inches open. Back in the day when everything was all different this was the size of knife a kid would have for elementary school. Unless he/she was deeply into mumbletypeg.
@Lighter OMG I had no idea it was really so tiny! I thought it was a 5" big blade. It’s only 5" open?! Thanks for the info. Nice knives, but I’ll pass at this price.
@Lighter I played that as a young man with my landscaping buddies during our lunch breaks…
I should set up a straw poll I have three questions. Do you carry knives in your pocket? Do you use them? How long does a knife ask. I like buying knives, especially the two-fers, but I’ve given so many knives away, people say "No more knives."
The man I work with carry’s a Leatherman with everything on it around with him and uses it a few times a day. Anymore, if I carry a knife, it’s an oval knife that takes a replacement utility blade and is flat and just weighs a few ounces. A lot of my knives haven’t been opened and are sitting by the Barlow pocketknife I inherited from my dad. I was just wondering if you all use your knives. I guess I’ll take @hanzov69 suggestion and start buying my friends knife sharpeners.
@wew Yes, and I usually have more than one with me (multi-tool, keychain, utility blade). A couple of my knives are 20+ years old, but you get what you pay for.
@wew Daily… and I carry more than one, size DOES matter! Usually a Kershaw Blur or Benchmade Griptilian for the majority of stuff, a Kershaw Select Fire in the hip pocket (nutdriver and bits are handy!), a SOG Cash Card as a money clip, and a slimmer knife (CRKT Swindle, etc) for opening mail or other non-threatening jobs. Most are used several times per day.
@wew I carry a knife daily. It’s a cheap thing my kids got me years back that has ‘Dad’ embossed on it. As far as knives go it’s not much better than using a sharp stick. But it has sentimental value.
I work in a crazy zero tolerance weapons free zone. I’m pretty sure a knife any bigger would get me tackled by security.
@wew I carry a Skeletool CX daily, have for years.
Which replaced the Wave I carried for over a decade.
Before that, I don’t remember what I had, it was just a basic pocket knife that I got as a Boy Scout.
@wew Carry a small Victorinox Swiss Army or Leatherman Micra in my pocket to the office; on weekends have a larger multitool or folding hunter on my belt. Even when traveling by plane, I bring a Gerber Artifact with the X-acto blade removed.
Thanks to everyone who’s replied.
I’ll still continue to check for replies, but I’ve had a fun and educational few hours looking up all your knives on their websites and on youtube. I learned something from every post. (I might replace my Leatherman Wingman with one of the Skeletools–so many choices though!)
@wew My daily carry is a Benchmade Axis Stryker with a 3.6" tanto blade. I’ve owned knives from most of the major folding manufacturers, and Benchmade is my favorite (though some of my LEO/EMS friends like Spyderco). I probably use it once a week for dumb little things, but it has come in very useful in more important situations for cutting ropes and such. I carry a Leatherman Super Tool and my grandfather’s Ka-Bar on long hikes.
Side note: I feel sorry for Randall for having their name in the same write-up as these things.
@ScottN And they say that Benchmade is lefty friendly-nice for me. Funny you mentioned EMS, as I watched a vid on a Automatic Stryker and they said it was only available to police, military, fireman, EMS, and in some states disabled people. And that makes sense, if I’m disabled, the last thing I want is to have to fumble with opening a knife up. Those Benchmade’s are pretty pricey.
@wew Yeah, many states limit autos to physically disabled people (some even specify the limb/hand must be missing) and the professions you mentioned where it is relatively common to be in critical situations with only one free hand.
Guess you could call them pricey, but the quality is great, far above the Remington/SOG/Smith & Wesson/other random firearm manufacturer level. I happily pay the premium for something that 1) I’ll carry every day and 2) could save my life.
Aww! It’s my birthday too and no one sang a song about it
/youtube Happy Birthday
@2many2no Thank you - very pretty and colorful!
I’m in. Hope I don’t poke myself

/giphy poke myself

/giphy gilded-elicit-kingfisher
@janelane1980 It worked! Your order number is: thankless-bickering-highball
/image thankless bickering highball

@mediocrebot hey meh buyers… You got a hold of the ReAction figures, maybe you can get a hold of these pint glasses?
You do have quite a number of good products and prices, but enough with the knives. What 3 sets in the past few weeks?
Made in China. And they have the Chutzpah to put “Remington” on them.
@sdyaffe 人民 汤 (RénmínTāng). Literally the people’s soup. lol
@huja So I guess we could use these to chop onions, garlic, and leeks for a soup. Remington is an iconic American manufacturer, it would be like making Solingen in Sacremento.
@sdyaffe Smithfield foods (think hams) is now Chinese. Cadbury chocolate is now owned by Kraft’s snack food division. Iconic British brands Jaguar and Land Rover are owned by India’s Tata motors. Nokia’s mobile division is owned by Microsoft. It’s the world we live in. Oh and I doubt my translation is accurate. Only a semester and change of Chinese so that’s all I’ve got for you.
Hey another knife for sale!!! I’m shocked, its got to have bee almost a week since the last knife was for sale. This site should change it’s name to “MEH Knifes site”.
I’m really over knives!!
How about some IOT items
( lush-uneasy-clock) so if the president does impose large tariffs on China I will probably be rich with all the Chinese products/Chinese knives that I own. ( I can undercut the Chinese now and make a bundle ). If not and all the doomsday preppers are right soon as everyone runs out of bullets I will be the king with all these knives ( and my woot ) crossbow. Now all I need is a water purification system and a few solar panels and I’ll be all set here in eastern NC…
@savvysapphire It worked! Your order number is: scandalous-deaf-ladybug
/image scandalous deaf ladybug

You call THAT a knife?
Crocodile Dundee
Ok what’s with all the Knives lately? Are you arming a Meh Militia? You do know you can buy 100 knives on QVC for like $49.99 right? Wait a minute… how many of these do you have available? Son of a bitch you’re flipping QVC knives. Noticeably missing is a USB 3.0 port with access to an imbedded 5500 Mah lithium-ion phone charger. Duh?
You know you’re from Texas when you mention or understand a Townes Van Zandt reference
These will match your XXXL black ninja PJs perfectly!
Shit. I thought it was 821 am and was confused why these stayed up for two days.
Gee, Meh. If you have only 231 of an item, I’ll bet you can sell out even before 4:02 p.m. What gives with the teeny tiny supply of the last few days?
We didn’t buy these.