@OldCatLady Or maybe @studerc is just getting a jump start on holiday gifting 2015. That's 12 people checked off who you feel obligated to but disinterested in buying gifts for.
@nadroj You can get the "blender balls" online for pretty cheap ($1-3) and they DO fit in these. Passed them out to the gym buddies around christmas, solid. No leaks.
Finally! A two-for-Tuesday deal that is both a good deal AND something I have the strength to pass on. I didn't think you could manage it, Meh! My wallet thanks you.
Debating if I should buy these. Personally I don't need more cups, I had to give away/throw out a bunch because I had too many as it is. But then again, I wonder if these would make sufficient gifts? Or, if the people I know would hate me for giving them cups for their birthday. The price sure seems to be right...hmmm
@SavvySapphire I'm debating the sane and considering filling the cups with other fun stuff: candy, nail polish, lip gloss, etc. There's lots of ideas for this on Pinterest.
@Perkalicious I caved, and bought one 2 pack of each color. I figured they would work as gifts, the price is right, and the idea of putting something in the cup before gifting it was what made me go for it! undaunted-valiant-rabbit
Bought two packs of two last time for exact same price, $5 a set = $10 in this two-for. Except last time provided option to buy just one (even though bought two!). These are sturdy tumblers that don't leak when you remove the straw. Love mine.
@Perkalicious not that big of a mess - only the straw end will have liquid leakage, but the cap is firm and some liquid leaks from the hole where the straw enters the lid only if you hold the entire thing upside down.
@sp3ar Welcome to the future where things that aren't recorded from TV using cameras are taken down by The Big Conglomerates. :-(
That said, if you CAN find a clean copy, please please please post it - it's one of my very favourite Spishak moments from MadTV. How many times can you get away with saying anal leakage in one skit? THAT MANY.
These raise the question of what the hell do you do with the straw once you remove it? Say you want your cup sealed because it's going to get jostled around. You remove the straw and then what? Put it down somewhere so it gets all scummy? Things that make you go hmm.
@Cinoclav my kid likes to roll it across the table.. Or try to knock things off of shelves with it... Or try to poke people in the eye with it. He's barely 3 though... So I don't suggest those things
Iirc, the straw itself was in plastic wrap. Maybe you are meant to keep that like a sheath?
In for 2 sets of 4 because buying a set of all 4 colors wasn't an option. These are great for kids who are in that "i do it myself" phase who won't take a damn sippy cup no matter how many cups of apple juice they have spilled for mommy to have to clean up and then do yet another load of freaking laundry so your thomas the train shirt doesn't get moldy and besides there are potty training pants that need washed anyway ... I mean...theoretically...
Meh, I seriously just thought to myself yesterday how much I would like to purchase more of these because I love them but I wanted the other colors I didn't buy before so I could have them all and I'm excited to see them again. Except when you did them the first time it wasn't a 2-for tuesday, it was just a one because we wanted to for any day that isn't tuesday.
Now I have to buy 2 sets of 2 instead of 3 sets of 1 to get close to equal numbers of both, and I'll still have an odd number of sets because I can't get an odd number of these no matter how I swing it. AUGH!
@Tiamat114 set the odd ones aside as spares, in case any get lost or broken. Gift them to someone else. Or if you have little kids maybe a set for the most often visited relatives house.
@remo28 I don't have a choice about it really. I don't have kids but I'm my own spill hazard and that's why I love these. I might see if my brother wants a set for himself but I doubt he will. I suppose that's the drawback of being a perpetual shut-in, I don't know anyone besides my parents and brother irl.
Yo dawg, I heard you like Two for Tuesday, so I put two cups in two of these packages, so you get two cups in each packages while you get two of these packages.
I picked up a set last time and while one has been just fine, the other doesn't seal properly and leaks. While I use the other daily, it's a bummer to only have one functional cup out of a set of two.
After buying 2 for 10 dollars last time you expect me to buy 2 for 10 dollars again? Here is a quote I would like to leave for you to think about as you stare into the corner and think what you have dun MeHiCans "Fool me once shame on me, Fool me twice cheer the flock up" good day to you sirz
I bought three sets of two boxes of two the last time to vote for four or two twos binging the real two. Now I have too many to buy two more twos. Although the price is really too good to turn down.
In for 1, 4, whatever. I bought these last time and drink out of one all the time. Sometimes I add instant tea mix to the water, other times I just drink water. But they are sturdy cups, no leaks, even when shaking it up. And you can put soda in them without it bubbling out. The kids use the other 3, so a few more will cover any cups that may go missing.
@elpepe $2.50 a cup as others have replied. Think of it this way - take a look at the tumblers they have in the dollar stores - the $2.50 per is great value even though 150% more.
Write-up was so good, I showed to friends, trying to explain a bit of backstory and laud the transparency and glibness blahblah. They still think I have an odd streak.
@neuromancer Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I want to take you to Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go Ooh I want to take you down to Kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow That's where we want to go, way down in Kokomo.
Great deal! I bought 2x of these last time they were available and my mom loved them, and so do I! I'd be remiss if I didn't purchase 2x (or 1x, technically!!) this time! Haha!
In for 1. As in, in for 4? In for 2, in which there are 2? In for 1 which has 2 which have 2 for a total of 4 cups in 2 separate packages which will likely ship in 1 package.
Thought about buying these just because of the oh so very true write up mirroring our corrupt politicians and judicial system today..but I just can't come up with a use for this meh....don't need any more drink glasses, don't need any flowerpots, and i'm sure the eco-religious radicals would have a cow if I just dumped them into the landfill, as I'm sure they'd take a zillion eon's to decompose.
So, I'll just pass with a "huzzahh" to the not so hidden commentary on the sorry state we find ourselves in...so, "huzzahh" meh!
Do you think I could use a wire whisk ball in this and make protein shakes? These would be alot more convenient than the big 28oz flip top bottles I lug around.
@RedOak , @Cincolav, @mcanavino, @neuromancer I guess I should have been more deliberate with my question. I know I can place protein powder, a wire whisk ball, and some liquid into this cup, shake it, and a protein shake will come out. Will the wire ball be too big for this cup? Not enough room for it to tumble about an, well, whisk? Is the lid secure enough so that I don'e end up wearing protein powder? When shaking will liquid squirt out the straw opening? Will the wire ball damage the cup?
@jimmyd103 I have a few of these, and yesterday I made a protein shake in one without bothering with the whisk-ball. I put the powder and water in, closed the lid, and shook the hell out of it. Popped the straw in and drank it - it was fine. I usually use a Tervis tumbler with a shaker top, but I figured I would try and see if this worked. It didn't even need the shaker or whisk.
This is why we are a Republic and not a democracy (aka, mob rule). A majority will be cheapskates and vote with their base instincts (see 2008 and 2012) but what is best for the company is to do what is right and just.
I bought these last time because I have a Contigo (ok 3) coffee mug that I can't live without. I love these tumblers sofa king much! I'm buying more today so I can leave a couple at work. :)
It's always an internal struggle knowing how many strawed-tumblers I already own, not to mention the ridiculously out of hand ceramic mug collection...
I would be all over this if I actually had a use for them. I already have too many water bottles though and don't need any more. That being said I still want to buy these since they are a darn good deal and Contigo makes great products.
It's shameful how much it sways my decision knowing I wouldn't pay for shipping...even though I'd still be spending money on something I don't need. Damn you, masters of eCommerce!! @snapster
I bought four of these last time, and I don't like them. I didn't notice the first time around that they weren't double-walled - so they don't keep drinks cold terribly long, and they need to be used with coasters. We opened one pack, but the second pack is going in the gift closet (well, the corner of my bedroom closet where I dump unwanted-but-still-unopened-crap) to be given away to someone I don't care much for. I guess I'm spoiled by the dozen or so free Tervis tumblers we've gotten on cruises.
@mcanavino Less successful? I'd say newer, but they are very, very popular. At least in my part of the country. Bed Bath and Beyond has probably 100 different varieties and they fly off the shelves.
I passed on these last time, and within a week, all of my tumblers were rendered useless in some manner. Thanks for giving me a cheap way to replace them all.
@hart How does this shit happen? You guys knew the max someone could order was 12 cups. Was it just a bonus or did someone in the warehouse eat too much Drano as a child?
@Cinoclav First of all, Drano is spelled weird (I get the long "a" in the brand, but it's still weird).
Second, surprisingly enough, it actually wasn't the warehouse's fault. After importing from the website, our orders were duplicated in our ERP/SCM system, and the WMS doesn't know any better (it just prints labels for whatever it gets), so it printed a bunch of duplicate order labels. Our devs though they caught them all, but they didn't, so some of you got lucky. Congrats.
@hart Sadly, I wasn't one of the lucky ones. But thanks for the explanation. Those that received multiples didn't specify that they came as separate shipments which totally would have clued me in. They made it sound like they received all their cups in one large box which of course would make you want to smack your packers a bit.
@deenaz It probably has, and just never posted a tracking number, mine still says placed too. After the Dyson ordeal ( where it still says label created but it showed up last Friday ) I'm pretty sure at this point Meh is just fucking with me.
@mkokit1 If you have a order showing placed still ( like me on these and the cobra chargers ) chances are they are shipped and on the way. Fedex shows I have 2 orders coming( 1 today ) but both mine still show placed. You can go to Fedex.com and register a account with your address and it will show what orders are actually shipped.
Yup, my peevish-peppery-division order also arrived today, even though it has only been 'placed' and has no tracking info. It got here the same day as my earbuds (also no tracking info) and my epic meh shirt, which did have tracking info. Who can fathom meh?
@OldCatLady almost the same here. Got the meh shirt and cups today, earbuds showed up Saturday. But when I balancd the check book Sunday night the charge for these had dropped off pending. Haven't looked again to see if I actually paid for them or not.
I got these because I wanted one cup for a gift, today I sold "sold" two of them at cost to coworkers :) at cost but still. Anyway hope they show up again one of my coworkers wants a box of two
Hello, I ordered 2 sets of the lilac (i received this), and 2 sets of the cobalt (i have not received this set). order status says shipped even though order was just partially fullfilled. email sent Sunday with no response, the 2 emails Wed. Hoping that this is a better avenue to communicate my problem.
Although I'm not normally someone who stockpiles gifts, I ordered 2 sets of the lilac 2 packs and have already Christmas gift wrapped 3 of the 4 combos included. They seem quite well made to me, and I really like the design where the straw closes the seal. Even had I known all that beforehand, though, I would have still passed if they hadn't had a lilac and purple set that practically screams Mardi Gras. They'll make great (and not seemingly so cheap!) add on gifts for my 3 float riding (aka insane) family members. Thanks Meh!
@shaine228@JonT, what? really? Aww man, I order so many things from here and I've never got a bonus on my order! Quite the contrary, I usually get less than I ordered, or broken stuff. My experience of course is quite meh, as it should be I suppose.
I ordered two sets of these tumblers during the sale and as of yesterday, one has been retired to the trash can due to the rubber going…gooey? The straws have tiny little cracks in them near the ends, but they continue to function. One is used every work day, washed in the dishwasher, and added back into the rotation, every week, as they have been for nearly 5 years now.
If anyone gets a chance to go back in time, definitely pick up a few sets!
Condition - New
Warranty - Lifetime Contigo
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box?
2x Cobalt Contigo Shake & Go
2x Watermelon Contigo Shake & Go
2x Lilac Contigo Shake & Go
2x Citron Contigo Shake & Go
Retail boxes for Cobalt/Watermelon
Retail boxes for Lilac/Citron
2x Arms
Price Check
$31.96 for two at Amazon
$19.98 List for four
90 days
Are these good for blood?
Don't need them, but I love contigo products. Guess I'm in for a set.
@vanmeter24 ... I think that is what is in the baby arms picture.
@mediocrebot Why havent mine even shipped yet?
Don't need more cups.
I see purple!
@narfcake I love purple.
@narfcake I love orange.
@Barney @theco2: And both colors happen to be the only ones that are still AA over at shirt.woot.
@narfcake I seriously need more orange Woot shirts. I have only one, so far.
Shhhiiiiiittttt. Look who it is Twofer Tuesday, that dirty temptress. Welp, better buy three sets of two for no real fucking reason. Damn.
@studerc You are buying three sets of four. Hope you're thirsty.
@OldCatLady Or maybe @studerc is just getting a jump start on holiday gifting 2015. That's 12 people checked off who you feel obligated to but disinterested in buying gifts for.
@OldCatLady...thirsty, for sick profits. Bought six sets last time and flipped each for $13 a piece, made almost $50.
@Perkalicious I usually start my holiday gifting collection about now as well
these are deep diving pools for ants.
Bought a pair last time they were available. Good product at a fantastic price.
That write-up was genius.
The meh is strong with this one...
Didn't sell enough the last time around, eh? I haven't even used mine yet.. (they're still a pretty good deal though).
Purple and Baby Arms. It doesn't get much better than that.
@heartny I love purple.
@heartny Baby arm!
@heartny Baby Arm
Are these any good for protein powder shakes or only stuff that's more soluble?
@nadroj I don't own any (yet) but I'd guess your protein powder would mix quite lumpily in a container like this.
@nadroj straws are fairly large and durable. I think they would work. We have only used them for water here.
@nadroj I use mine everyday for protein powder shakes. I love 'em.
@nadroj Works fine for powders. Obviously no 'ball' inside, but the seals are solid- you can shake the hell out of them and no leaks
@nadroj You can get the "blender balls" online for pretty cheap ($1-3) and they DO fit in these. Passed them out to the gym buddies around christmas, solid. No leaks.
Finally! A two-for-Tuesday deal that is both a good deal AND something I have the strength to pass on. I didn't think you could manage it, Meh! My wallet thanks you.
Debating if I should buy these. Personally I don't need more cups, I had to give away/throw out a bunch because I had too many as it is. But then again, I wonder if these would make sufficient gifts? Or, if the people I know would hate me for giving them cups for their birthday. The price sure seems to be right...hmmm
@SavvySapphire I'm debating the sane and considering filling the cups with other fun stuff: candy, nail polish, lip gloss, etc. There's lots of ideas for this on Pinterest.
@Perkalicious I caved, and bought one 2 pack of each color. I figured they would work as gifts, the price is right, and the idea of putting something in the cup before gifting it was what made me go for it! undaunted-valiant-rabbit
you're welcome for the sale to @SavvySapphire, Meh. ;)
Bought two packs of two last time for exact same price, $5 a set = $10 in this two-for. Except last time provided option to buy just one (even though bought two!). These are sturdy tumblers that don't leak when you remove the straw. Love mine.
@hammi99 How's the leakage with the straw in them still? If it tipped over on the boat, for instance...mess?
@Perkalicious Let me put it this way... If it was filled with Cholestra by Spishak™, it would have ten percent less leakage.
@curtise wow I just went back 10 years to when people recorded tv with cameras
@Perkalicious not that big of a mess - only the straw end will have liquid leakage, but the cap is firm and some liquid leaks from the hole where the straw enters the lid only if you hold the entire thing upside down.
@sp3ar Welcome to the future where things that aren't recorded from TV using cameras are taken down by The Big Conglomerates. :-(
That said, if you CAN find a clean copy, please please please post it - it's one of my very favourite Spishak moments from MadTV.
How many times can you get away with saying anal leakage in one skit? THAT MANY.
@curtise HA!
@hammi99 I'd guess that'd result in not a very big spill i a boating situation...someone should be able to grab it before too much mess. Thanks!
@Perkalicious correct. you can't go wrong with this product at this price.
I was surprised by how nice these are (got 'em last time around). I can't use any more of them, but they're really a bargain at this price.

My dog just knocked a cup of tea off an end table with her tail about an hour ago so this seems like a really good purchase right now.
These raise the question of what the hell do you do with the straw once you remove it? Say you want your cup sealed because it's going to get jostled around. You remove the straw and then what? Put it down somewhere so it gets all scummy? Things that make you go hmm.
@Cinoclav Thank you. You just talked me out of a purchase.
@Cinoclav I was wondering the same
@Cinoclav from my interpretation, the snap close part is more to use as a shaker bottle, then you out the straw back in.
@Cinoclav my kid likes to roll it across the table.. Or try to knock things off of shelves with it... Or try to poke people in the eye with it. He's barely 3 though... So I don't suggest those things
Iirc, the straw itself was in plastic wrap. Maybe you are meant to keep that like a sheath?
@Cinoclav - You might put a rubber band around the cup to hold the straw when not in use.
@KDemo Like a can of WD-40.
@Lrok Nah, for quite a long time now you can get the WD-40 with the permanent straw.
@studerc But I don't want to have to worry about it leaking if I know it could roll around. Didn't stop me though, I bought my two-fer!
@hallmike Totally not my intention. I bought some to make up for your lack of purchase.
@Cinoclav Then apparently my can is reeeally old. Dang new fangled inventions.
Purchased last time for the kids. They do not spill, But if you leave the straw in them, they to leak when knocked over.
In for 2 sets of 4 because buying a set of all 4 colors wasn't an option. These are great for kids who are in that "i do it myself" phase who won't take a damn sippy cup no matter how many cups of apple juice they have spilled for mommy to have to clean up and then do yet another load of freaking laundry so your thomas the train shirt doesn't get moldy and besides there are potty training pants that need washed anyway ... I mean...theoretically...
@MsELizardBeth amen
Bought these the last time and gave a few away as gifts for Christmas. I have had nothing but great reviews from the people who got them. I love mine!
Cups are the new vacuums. I already bought one and I don't need more, sorry.
Meh, I seriously just thought to myself yesterday how much I would like to purchase more of these because I love them but I wanted the other colors I didn't buy before so I could have them all and I'm excited to see them again. Except when you did them the first time it wasn't a 2-for tuesday, it was just a one because we wanted to for any day that isn't tuesday.
Now I have to buy 2 sets of 2 instead of 3 sets of 1 to get close to equal numbers of both, and I'll still have an odd number of sets because I can't get an odd number of these no matter how I swing it. AUGH!
@Tiamat114 set the odd ones aside as spares, in case any get lost or broken. Gift them to someone else. Or if you have little kids maybe a set for the most often visited relatives house.
@remo28 I don't have a choice about it really. I don't have kids but I'm my own spill hazard and that's why I love these. I might see if my brother wants a set for himself but I doubt he will. I suppose that's the drawback of being a perpetual shut-in, I don't know anyone besides my parents and brother irl.
@Tiamat114 I'm sure Goodwill or Salvation Army will take them :)
Yo dawg, I heard you like Two for Tuesday, so I put two cups in two of these packages, so you get two cups in each packages while you get two of these packages.
@heartbleed Oddly enough almost the same Xzibit pic came up with the GIS of my order number unknown-realistic-steak.
I picked up a set last time and while one has been just fine, the other doesn't seal properly and leaks. While I use the other daily, it's a bummer to only have one functional cup out of a set of two.
@Ghostpilot Now if you get one functional cup out of each of the packages, it would still be two cups per order.
After buying 2 for 10 dollars last time you expect me to buy 2 for 10 dollars again? Here is a quote I would like to leave for you to think about as you stare into the corner and think what you have dun MeHiCans "Fool me once shame on me, Fool me twice cheer the flock up" good day to you sirz
That write-up confused the hell out of me.
I bought three sets of two boxes of two the last time to vote for four or two twos binging the real two. Now I have too many to buy two more twos. Although the price is really too good to turn down.
Had me at Crystal Light, lost me at I don't need this crap.
Hope these arrive in better condition than the last cups I ordered from meh.
@Shamburglar why, what happened there? Mine were fine, and loved as christmas gifts!
I thought the affair you and Contigo had going was a 2014 thing......Guess it's a 2015 thing too.......
@Stallion They ran out of Cobra products.
In for 1, 4, whatever.
I bought these last time and drink out of one all the time. Sometimes I add instant tea mix to the water, other times I just drink water. But they are sturdy cups, no leaks, even when shaking it up. And you can put soda in them without it bubbling out. The kids use the other 3, so a few more will cover any cups that may go missing.
Why do both sets have to be the same color?? Boo!
I mean meh.
$10 seems like a lot for this. I mean come on, where is the deal?
I would have maybe bitten at $5.
@elpepe $2.50 per cup is pretty good. Contigo make good stuff.
@elpepe you get 4 cups, so $2.50 each. Contigo cups are pricey in retail stores. For the price this is a great deal. They are solid, sturdy cups. .
@elpepe $2.50 a cup as others have replied. Think of it this way - take a look at the tumblers they have in the dollar stores - the $2.50 per is great value even though 150% more.
@elpepe I saw these at Costco last month for $15 for two cups. This is a great deal if you like the cups.
Wow, yeah, ... since it's four cups can I quadruple-meh the deal? Boo!
We really liked these from last time. In for some more!
I can only use 3 individual tumblers, not 2-4-6, so do not want. Not green enough for 5. Meh. ;)
@mehjohnson Buy four, give one away. Problem solved.
@mehjohnson better solution, buy 4, give one to me :P
I love purple.
Write-up was so good, I showed to friends, trying to explain a bit of backstory and laud the transparency and glibness blahblah. They still think I have an odd streak.
Every time you guys sell these that damn song gets stuck in my head.
@neuromancer Aruba, Jamaica, ooh I want to take you to Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama Key Largo, Montego, baby why don't we go Ooh I want to take you down to Kokomo, we'll get there fast and then we'll take it slow That's where we want to go, way down in Kokomo.
@RedHot Wrong song. I'm talking about the Enrique song they play in the radio every five minutes out here.
You finally got me pegged, meh.
Great deal! I bought 2x of these last time they were available and my mom loved them, and so do I! I'd be remiss if I didn't purchase 2x (or 1x, technically!!) this time! Haha!
Found my chance to use the free shipping.
In for 1. As in, in for 4? In for 2, in which there are 2? In for 1 which has 2 which have 2 for a total of 4 cups in 2 separate packages which will likely ship in 1 package.
@MehAmphetamine But will take 3 weeks.
@Cinoclav Which is perfect, since I bought these about 3 weeks ago for a trip this coming weekend!
@MsELizardBeth Got mine last week. They're quite nice.
@Cinoclav I ordered 4 last time and my 3 year old LOVES them.
Thought about buying these just because of the oh so very true write up mirroring our corrupt politicians and judicial system today..but I just can't come up with a use for this meh....don't need any more drink glasses, don't need any flowerpots, and i'm sure the eco-religious radicals would have a cow if I just dumped them into the landfill, as I'm sure they'd take a zillion eon's to decompose.
So, I'll just pass with a "huzzahh" to the not so hidden commentary on the sorry state we find ourselves in...so, "huzzahh" meh!
@beachhead bought some last time got more this time for gifting, now if I could just remember who I wanted to give one to LOL
Do you think I could use a wire whisk ball in this and make protein shakes? These would be alot more convenient than the big 28oz flip top bottles I lug around.
@jimmyd103 Yes.
@jimmyd103 No
@jimmyd103 Maybe
@jimmyd103 Depends on whether you also put the protein mix in the Contigo with the wire whisk ball.
@RedOak , @Cincolav, @mcanavino, @neuromancer I guess I should have been more deliberate with my question. I know I can place protein powder, a wire whisk ball, and some liquid into this cup, shake it, and a protein shake will come out. Will the wire ball be too big for this cup? Not enough room for it to tumble about an, well, whisk? Is the lid secure enough so that I don'e end up wearing protein powder? When shaking will liquid squirt out the straw opening? Will the wire ball damage the cup?
@jimmyd103 Yes.
@mcanavino Thanks
@jimmyd103 I have a few of these, and yesterday I made a protein shake in one without bothering with the whisk-ball. I put the powder and water in, closed the lid, and shook the hell out of it. Popped the straw in and drank it - it was fine. I usually use a Tervis tumbler with a shaker top, but I figured I would try and see if this worked. It didn't even need the shaker or whisk.
@Sparky_Susan Thank you for answering my questions!
I felt SOOO guilty over having not used my free VMP status that I just became a hungry-flustered-chive.
This is why we are a Republic and not a democracy (aka, mob rule). A majority will be cheapskates and vote with their base instincts (see 2008 and 2012) but what is best for the company is to do what is right and just.
Question: Will they fit under a Keurig machine? My 16 oz travel tumbler will fit, but will the extra 2 oz be too tall to fit a Keurig machine?
I like these cups but there is nothing I wish to tumble.
I'm buying a set but wanted one of each color. four in family how do you make a request for this.
@adlawncare You buy 8 of them and gift the other set of 4...
I only need the straws.. Have lots 'o cups like this.. but lost the straws :(
@pspahn2 Something like these... http://www.amazon.com/Signature-Tumblers-Reusable-Thick-Wall-Straws/dp/B00A2WYBTW/ref=sr_1_1?s=kitchen&ie=UTF8&qid=1420555183&sr=1-1
@Cinoclav That is about $1/straw and these tumblers with a straw is only $2.50/unit. Hmmm...
@cengland0 But the straws take up a lot less room if you truly don't need the cups.
@Cinoclav Just saying that seems like an expensive straw.
I bought these last time because I have a Contigo (ok 3) coffee mug that I can't live without. I love these tumblers sofa king much! I'm buying more today so I can leave a couple at work. :)
Cups? I don't NEED them, but it never hurts. That and the Lilac/Citron colors are perfect for my wife and me.
I love purple.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
I love purple.
@jrwofuga That's my boy!
It's always an internal struggle knowing how many strawed-tumblers I already own, not to mention the ridiculously out of hand ceramic mug collection...
"Cups? We don' need no steenking cups, man ..."
Got these at a Kroger on managers discount. Still not as inexpensive as these. They're awesome! Worth 2.50 a cup by all means.
I would be all over this if I actually had a use for them. I already have too many water bottles though and don't need any more. That being said I still want to buy these since they are a darn good deal and Contigo makes great products.
Just wondering... what happened to the rest of the doll?
@smilingjack Some things are better off left in the shadows...
It's shameful how much it sways my decision knowing I wouldn't pay for shipping...even though I'd still be spending money on something I don't need. Damn you, masters of eCommerce!! @snapster
@Perkalicious He has a secret hold over us. He just says, send money and we do it.
I bought four of these last time, and I don't like them. I didn't notice the first time around that they weren't double-walled - so they don't keep drinks cold terribly long, and they need to be used with coasters. We opened one pack, but the second pack is going in the gift closet (well, the corner of my bedroom closet where I dump unwanted-but-still-unopened-crap) to be given away to someone I don't care much for. I guess I'm spoiled by the dozen or so free Tervis tumblers we've gotten on cruises.
@Sparky_Susan mmmm...Tervis tumblers. Now THERE'S something I'd buy from Meh...
@Sparky_Susan, @clarinetbob What the heck is a Tervis tumbler?
@jimmyd103 It's Thermos' less-successful brother who also want into the insulated beverage holder industry.
@mcanavino Less successful? I'd say newer, but they are very, very popular. At least in my part of the country. Bed Bath and Beyond has probably 100 different varieties and they fly off the shelves.
@Sparky_Susan Suppose I have probably come across them just didn't recognize the name.
@jimmyd103 They're also very expensive
bought these 2 for $5 a few weeks ago, now theyre 4 for $10.
@sarahtarah Next month, 8 for $20! When will it end!?
Peevish-peppery-division just about describes my day. Came back from a triple root canal to order more of these, and they're all gone.
@OldCatLady ouch. sorry about that! you must have been at the dentist for hours
I passed on these last time, and within a week, all of my tumblers were rendered useless in some manner. Thanks for giving me a cheap way to replace them all.
@Thumperchick tell the hubby, next time, the tumblers are not for mixing stain for the new deck or for sorting nuts and bolts.
@RedOak He did nothing to them. They were just a few years old and died. Weirdly at the same time.
@Thumperchick that would be something I might do with old tumblers. Guilty. ;-)
Sold out!!! I'm tellin'!!!
@fedwkr do we know which color combo went first?
Got some gifts, a lot of us at work drink lots of water and add packets to it
Ordered on set 2 sets of 2 = 4, but 20 showed up, WTF?
@jowensboggs you tumbled into a lot of cups.
@jowensboggs Did you say "bath" in the vicinity of @JonT?

@jowensboggs lol, mine havent shipped yet.
@jowensboggs So that's where my second order went to... lol
@hart & @kaytlava Uh ...Thank You!
@jowensboggs yep. I ordered one set of 4 cups but received 12 cups. Beware those who bought 30 neoprene sleeves....you may just get 3,000.
@hart How does this shit happen? You guys knew the max someone could order was 12 cups. Was it just a bonus or did someone in the warehouse eat too much Drano as a child?
@Cinoclav First of all, Drano is spelled weird (I get the long "a" in the brand, but it's still weird).
Second, surprisingly enough, it actually wasn't the warehouse's fault. After importing from the website, our orders were duplicated in our ERP/SCM system, and the WMS doesn't know any better (it just prints labels for whatever it gets), so it printed a bunch of duplicate order labels. Our devs though they caught them all, but they didn't, so some of you got lucky. Congrats.
@hart Sadly, I wasn't one of the lucky ones. But thanks for the explanation. Those that received multiples didn't specify that they came as separate shipments which totally would have clued me in. They made it sound like they received all their cups in one large box which of course would make you want to smack your packers a bit.
Im slightly concerned why mine hasnt even shipped yet?
@bruinscbr yours did ship...to @jowensboggs just swing by and pick them up.
@bruinscbr & @deenaz - I think they use some sort of Quantum shipping, where the product shows up before the its shipped.
Same here, mine hasn't shipped either...
@deenaz It probably has, and just never posted a tracking number, mine still says placed too. After the Dyson ordeal ( where it still says label created but it showed up last Friday ) I'm pretty sure at this point Meh is just fucking with me.
@Outofmymind Then they are doing it to me as well...hasnt shipped. Not too worried.
@Outofmymind LOL. thanks. i don't ever remember checking my meh orders before, but did for this one since i'm so psyched lol! Thanks again
지금 카드 승인 취소 문자가 왔어요
왜 지금에서야 이게 오는건지?
물건이 없는 건가요?
꼭 사고 싶은건데 ㅜㅜ
@Namje 저도 결제 취소 문자를 받았네요. 문제가 있는건가요? I received a payment cancellation SMS from card company. What's the problem?
I received my order of 2 sets today (in a Los Angeles suburb). I didn't have a tracking number.
Hi can you please update me on my order placed
@mkokit1 If you have a order showing placed still ( like me on these and the cobra chargers ) chances are they are shipped and on the way. Fedex shows I have 2 orders coming( 1 today ) but both mine still show placed. You can go to Fedex.com and register a account with your address and it will show what orders are actually shipped.
Yup, my peevish-peppery-division order also arrived today, even though it has only been 'placed' and has no tracking info. It got here the same day as my earbuds (also no tracking info) and my epic meh shirt, which did have tracking info. Who can fathom meh?
@OldCatLady almost the same here. Got the meh shirt and cups today, earbuds showed up Saturday. But when I balancd the check book Sunday night the charge for these had dropped off pending. Haven't looked again to see if I actually paid for them or not.
I got these because I wanted one cup for a gift, today I sold "sold" two of them at cost to coworkers :) at cost but still. Anyway hope they show up again one of my coworkers wants a box of two
Still haven't received mine. Should I be worried?
@variable Have you checked meh.com/orders?
@barnabee Yeah. Status is still "placed".
@variable I guess it wouldn't hurt to contact Support. They are a little backed up, so they may not get back to you for a few days.
@variable I received one set but not the other. Contacted support a week ago without a response yet.
Looks like mine shipped yesterday. Yay!
@jtotman our customer support team is pretty backed up right now, please check out this post for more information.
@JonT have they tried prunes?
I ordered 2 sets of the lilac (i received this), and 2 sets of the cobalt (i have not received this set). order status says shipped even though order was just partially fullfilled. email sent Sunday with no response, the 2 emails Wed. Hoping that this is a better avenue to communicate my problem.
I like purple.
@07pilot4me You should read this - https://meh.com/forum/topics/customer-support-response-times-and-setting-expectations
@Thumperchick yeah, i read that before i posted. i guess ill give it another week or so....
Theses are, in fact, rad. I <3 them.
Although I'm not normally someone who stockpiles gifts, I ordered 2 sets of the lilac 2 packs and have already Christmas gift wrapped 3 of the 4 combos included. They seem quite well made to me, and I really like the design where the straw closes the seal. Even had I known all that beforehand, though, I would have still passed if they hadn't had a lilac and purple set that practically screams Mardi Gras. They'll make great (and not seemingly so cheap!) add on gifts for my 3 float riding (aka insane) family members. Thanks Meh!
I like purple.
If you received something you didn't order from meh, does it mean they really like you? :-) cuz I got some extra ones!!
@shaine228 yeah, sure....that's totally what it means....
@shaine228 @JonT, what? really? Aww man, I order so many things from here and I've never got a bonus on my order! Quite the contrary, I usually get less than I ordered, or broken stuff. My experience of course is quite meh, as it should be I suppose.
@JonT awesome! thanks meh!
Hello, people of the past!
I ordered two sets of these tumblers during the sale and as of yesterday, one has been retired to the trash can due to the rubber going…gooey? The straws have tiny little cracks in them near the ends, but they continue to function. One is used every work day, washed in the dishwasher, and added back into the rotation, every week, as they have been for nearly 5 years now.
If anyone gets a chance to go back in time, definitely pick up a few sets!