Some are white ceramic with a silicone grippy sleeve and twist & snap lid, some are designer ceramic with silicone lid, and one option is silicone grippy sleeve and silicone lid
Double wall insulated
Microwave and dishwasher safe
Dimensions without lid: 5.25 x 3.5 in
Weight: .85 lbs
Condition - New Warranty - 1 Year Smart Planet Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
Hmm. Wonder if I should get a couple to throw in as bonus gifts for Christmas. Or not. I'm done shopping...but ohhh look one more thing automatically makes it a better gift? meh.
But then I also had my heart set on watching Jimmy Fallon on Tonight tonight (even though I'm in the Letterman camp) because his scheduled musical guest was Yusuf, the former Cat Stevens.
But it seems that Jimmy Fallon's second daughter got herself born this morning, & all hell broke loose on the Tonight show schedule. We are invited to submit our ho-made Halloween costumes for their contest. There is something so splendid about airing a Halloween show the night of the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree that I can't stand it. (I don't get out much.)
@dfunk29 i should have thought about gifts. These would have been great for coworkers and they would have thought I spent more than $3. Damon, must try to be less selfish when it comes to $3 items.
Just the kind of mediocre crud I needed to tell my mother how much I try not to think of her around the holidays.
"here mom, have this small (literally it's tiny, I'm not sure if you can even realistically use this dang thing) token of the affection that I hold off for 364 days a year while I avoid your phone calls like the plague, then pretend that you're my favorite person in the whole wide world for 24 hours with this simple (and exceptionally cheap) gift!!"
@unixrab I knew you wouldn't like it. There's a reason for everything in the universe, sometimes you just don't know what it is right away. This is not one of those instances. I did it.
Ordered three. I like 12 oz ceramic mugs. But I tend to break them. The last few have been from a local restaurant I like, but they're $20. Now I can break three for less than half the price of one. Ordered them in bed on the iPad while my wife watched. She laughed a lot at the "It worked!" on the order confirmation page.
Super frustrated .. trying to buy a few of these for Christmas gifts, (my first buy on Meh) but after I fill out all my info and hit the buy button it never processes just keeps spinning its wheels. Any suggestions ??
@lostdogg a "classic" example of the '" (greekish er whatever) anyway ... she lies and then blames you for it and then says she's to blame...sooo that's her scapegoat@lisaviolet .... ... Good?
Yeah, VMP just suckers you in. Though I'm a bit concerned about that order code: sopping-pitiful-key Does this mean it's going to leak, therefore sopping me and causing me to yelp in a pitiful tone? Because I didn't see that in the description anywhere.
@Cinoclav cancelling your VMP will save you hundreds of wasted dollars! @cengland agrees. @lisaviolet doesn't but that's because she's a goat and goats have very few intelligent thoughts
@unixrab Yeah, but it would prevent me from the opportunity to buy unique items like Mediocre tee shirts. Hell, I spend $100 a month in bridge tolls to get to work. My $60 meh membership (it's how I'm looking at it) is a downright bargain!
@lisaviolet "smarter than previously thought" (a.k.a. dumb as a box of rocks) - granted if food is at the end of some task, goats will find a way to stuff their mouths... really this article is saying "Look- we thought goats were basically self-moving lawnmowers , but turns out if you attach food to anything they will enthusiastically find a way to stuff their faces." because goats.
@Cinoclav well I can't argue with that 'logic' - " if you're forced to spend money to get to work to make money, may as well throw more money away on the off-chance of shirts".
@unixrab Exactly! They always say, "you can't take it with you." Well, you can. Though I'd feel pretty crappy being cremated with my money, but I'm totally cool with tossing me in the oven in my meh shirt. Actually, it would seem rather appropriate.
@grumpasaurus I just figured they must be pretty tough there. They cup their hands under the coffee maker and drink it that way. Just as they drink their milk straight from the cow's teat.
@grumpasaurus The deal was on the local morning show in Cleveland... the guy mentioned it would be on sale yesterday... he has inside-meh knowledge, apparently.
@Jayroro No, you shouldn't. And try to remember that. You don't know who I am. And you've never heard of me. Thank you. I appreciate it. I'm serious. Dead serious. And that's not a goat next to my name. It's a pony.
It would appear that the servers have died, or are sleeping. Could somebody please go and shake one of the sysadmins awake and get them to feed the hamsters so I can order some of these?
judging by the last 20 comments @lisaviolet is working overtime on her 2nd official day as goat (by icon). way to screw everything up Scapegoat. sheesh.
@unixrab So my husband is laying on the sofa last night watching television. I walk over to him and just stand there, staring at him. He says "what?" I bleeeeeeat. He laughs.
Placed order this morning before they sold out. Didn't hit the "send me an email" button. Under orders, all I see is that my order was placed. Anyway to get updates or a receipt of some kind and an idea as to when it might ship?
@madre2three They don't send out shipping notifications. Check back at your Orders page in about a week and you should have tracking by then. Probably before then, but hey, a week sounded good.
I got two separate orders (totalling a stingy three), and was going to post the images for my noiseless-blissful-party and ballistic-crowded-name. The results of my search for blissful party gave me bliss party, and that is so wildly NSFW that I decided to skip it. Wow. What an education.
These are not dishwasher safe. I bought one a few years ago and it broke the first day in the dishwasher. The store replaced it and that one lasted about a year of daily use (getting hand-washed) before my roommate put it in the dishwasher and it broke. If you are buying these to use, you will probably want to wash them buy hand.
Also, if you take these to Starbucks, make sure to tell them its only a Tall (12 oz). The look bigger on the outside because they are double-walled.
I would love to comment on the cups if i ever get them. I have not received a shipping notice yet and when I try to inquire on line the communication goes nowhere. Would be nice to hear from someone or get my $14 back!!
@hollboll would be nice to email you but every time I do I get the stupid crap that something went terribly wrong!!! I have had enough, I will contest this with my credit card and let the local TV station know that I got ripped off!1
@mjlindsey is where you'll get the fastest response. However, we did sell out of those mugs, so you may have to work out another solution. Sorry :/
All these broken mug reports are making me nervous since the mailman here seems to enjoy throwing packages on the porch. How about some happy "mine are here and they're amazing" posts to get my hopes back up?
Depending on your outlook, my shipment arrived half-intact or half-broken! I've alerted the authorities at meh customer service. Fortunately, it was my wife's Christmas gift that did survive the trip. I hope hers is amazing!
@Joekaz2125 check your order status at, starting yesterday deals now have an estimated delivery time on the front page and in the specs.
I currently have 7 different orders I'm waiting for from Meh. The one that dates farthest back is the gloves from Nov. 25. Looking at tracking they just reached my local PO this afternoon. None of my other orders, including these mugs, haven't even left Dallas. I'm not counting on getting anything in time for Xmas. Maybe someday my mail carrier will pull up and dump a bunch of packages on my porch.
@Teripie I decided to do some snooping. Looks like most of your stuff will probably arrive around the same time. Given our current transit times, you'll most likely get all of it before Christmas.
Not bad, 2/3 survived the journey. I already halped, just waiting on a reply now. Hopefully meh has some awesome/meh exchange policy where they send some random item worth $3 instead of a refund. I would totally be OK with that.
@zacatac ditto on the 2/3. I'll email CS over the weekend an count the majority survival rate as a success in the meantime. And yeah, for a $3 item, it'd be funny to get a random replacement thing instead of a refund, but that sounds like a much bigger loss on their end
I got mine yesterday. All 3 were intact! I carefully unpackaged them, set them on the counter in preparation for loving, handwashing care. Knocked one ever so gently over onto the soft, duck-down and marshmallow countertop, and it fucking exploded. I'm pretty sure it killed the dog. Trying to follow the blood trail, but the hole in the roof is letting the elements in, making it difficult. (this story is TRUE, but with added embellishments to remove some of the meh effect. YMMV.)
Just got mine today. It looked fine, but that rubber/silicone ring that keeps the lid tight against the cup is busted. A small bit of the ring somehow adhered to the cup and a bit tore off and is stuck to it. The ring doesn't sit right on the lid either, so I don't think this is going to be very 'spill resistant.' Guess I'm writing to CS now.
@name I appreciate you mentioning this. 2 of my 3 were destroyed but the other looked good. Checked my remaining mug to find part of my leak ring to be fused to the mug.
My survival rate was 2 of 3 - but not sure about the silicone rings inside the lids, as they were stuck to the cups and seem to have torn a bit in trying to coax them off. However, I agree completely that some other random item in exchange for the broken cup would be TOTALLY AWESOME! Doesn't really matter what - just for the fun of opening it and saying, "WOW! The gang at MEH is REALLY creative!"
Got 2 of the coffee cups today in the mail. 1 was broken and we were planning on giving it as a gift in 6 days to my sons teacher. Doesn't look good. Hopefully they take care of this issue.
Keep in mind those submitting to support that they will ask for pictures, so save a step and include photos of the shattered mugs for quality control measures, or for their laughing pleasure of whatever reason they expected they would arrive intact in nothing but a cardboard shell.
Two out of three mugs from my order are broken. One was shattered and the other broke off around the top rim. Has anyone had success in getting a response from customer service?
@RachelA I emailed them this morning, I got the generated "out of office" email. Yet CS still responded to my claim and issued me a refund for my shattered mugs. Meh's CS is pretty outstanding, thanks again Will!
@grammya my guess by the looks of this thread is that everyone received their packages at the same time & then all tried to use the support form at the same time too. Hope that helped!
Just received my order, the 2 green ones are broke to pieces. Love the black one though, at least it has a sleeve around it to handle when hot, and the top is much better for a travel cup
Ordered two, they arrived today. And guess what... They're totally fine and not shattered like my sprit was when my junior high crush turned me down. Though they are a bit smaller than I was expecting even though I totally knew what size they were when I bought them.
Had put in my HALP ticked earlier today, but didn't give it any further thought after the script cheerfully told something like, "Yeah - got it - Thanks - Now go out & play". Had a good laugh & figured I'd hear in a day or two. Reading this, I checked my invoice - & it's already been changed from $9 to $6. Thanks, MEH - that's like, TOTALLY WOW! Ummm........I mean..........meh.
@Thumperchick Wife and I both purchased three mugs. Mugs were in their cardboard retail packaging in a box close in size to the mugs themselves. Other than that however there was nothing else.
So, yeah. Looks like we messed up here. I'm incredibly disappointed, and I'm so sorry that this happened to you guys. Apparently, we didn't use any dunnage, which (obviously) with ceramic mugs is not a great idea.
But, regardless of whether it was our lack of dunnage, your local postal delivery team's hatred for all things fragile, or maybe that ceramic was actually lined in nitroglycerin, we're going to take care of it.
Just contact us at with a picture of the damage, and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can with a resolution. And, again, I'm really sorry. Maybe next time our shipping will actually live up to the Meh name.
¯|_ (ツ) _/¯
Edit: Apparently, our forum doesn't like the shrugging emoticon. Out of penance, I'll leave my pathetic attempt to make it work here.
Already halp'd, but I feel compelled to pile on and help this become the internet's number-one destination for ceramics gore.
1 of 3 survived, this is how they were arranged when I opened the box. I ain't even mad, and I can't help but wonder if packing them oriented differently wouldn't have saved them.
Not very pleased...both mugs broken completely in response from the company!!!! Wouldn't mind the waiting, but these were Christmas presents!
@ghart It's the busiest time of the year for our small crew, but we're working hard to catch up. That said, we sold out of these, so we don't have any left.
Tonight I went out to grab a package that was delivered after a long time waiting and watching their travels from Texas. I pick it up and immediately my heart sinks, I can hear the telltale rattling of shattered glass - a part of me hoped somehow some dirt got inside instead. I opened my package and see a fine white dust and a couple pieces of ceramic carnage tossed about the package. Carefully, I removed each item. The first mug appeared to have survived, although littered with dust and shards, and the second was roughly the same. However the third... The one I chose as my favorite. Laid dead at the bottom of the package, mutilated from the journey of over hundreds of miles.
I had a two out of three survival rate. When the mail carrier handed the box to our receptionist, she said "This one doesn't sound right." When I got the box I had completely forgotten what it was I bought that may have been broken. Considering I bought these to replace ones I continually break, meh did me a favor by shipping one pre-broken.
I already contacted CS (whom I'm feeling sorry for in light of this shipping debacle) but it's not a big deal. I'm sure they'll issue a refund but even if they didn't, I would have two for $4.50 each instead of three for $3.00 each. either way it's a good deal.
The bonus: since our receptionist was there to watch me open the box to see what was broken, she saw the green grassy unbroken mug and commented on how pretty it was. Christmas present for receptionist? Check! Also, I turned her on to meh and when she saw the mugs she said "I really need to remember to check meh every day." And I know that she, in turn, has gotten her mother on meh. So I feel like I did good by @snapster.
One more thing: I'll have to look again when I get to work, but I don't remember seeing a "double wall". I suspect the eco coffee cup marketing department may have taken some liberties with the meanings of certain words.
Since the inside survived like it did, I'm contemplating sanding the broken edges and dipping the part of the cup that survived in wax for decor or resin to make it usable.
Glad to see that Meh is taking care of all of you that got broken mugs. Looks like us singleton purchasers might have had the best of luck since it seems like the mugs banging against each other was the root cause of most of the breakings.
What a monetary loss on Meh's part, though. Hopefully FedEx gives them some sort of insurance or they're going to lose a lot of money over this one :(
@jsh139 Here's exactly what FedEx will tell them: "It isn't our fault, package your shit better." Just another meh lesson learned. That's what I like about the meh gang... They learn their lessons well.
Expecting mine Thursday, ordered 3, we'll see what kind of condition they're in. Sounds like the odds are not ever in my favor. Meh could have taken all the pallets of them and dropped them from a forklift and saved everyone the trouble! Glad to hear they're making good on the refunds for broken ones.
I just received mine. 2 cups in perfect condition! Looking at all the posts I was starting to think my order number, boastful-regal-death, was a bad omen. but it's proven to be very meh.
I hadn't been back in this thread at all until mine finally came in today. I'm sad to see that I'm not the only one with damages. My husband and I order six mugs between us and had one damaged in each box. Judging by the thread, I should count myself lucky that one of those damaged ones wasn't broken in shipment, but had a weird damaged seal thing going on already.
The warehouse staff may have dropped the ball in packaging these, but Customer Service is doing a fantastic job making it right. I submitted a ticket late last night and have already received a response from Will taking care of it. Thanks, Meh!
So my other half ordered these and the tracking is cracking me up. It went from TX, to AR, to OH, to OH, to OH (3 different cities,) to CT, and might show up in NY on 12/19. Hopefully in one piece, as he bought them as part of a Christmas gift. crosses fingers
Yeah my date keeps moving backward even though it's just a state away. I might get three broken mugs by the 20th. Shame as they were intended as gifts and I swore if I ordered them at the beginning of December I'd might get them before xmas.
I got my 3 yesterday 2 are shattered and the one that is not broken is covered with broken glass and i am not going to give that as a gift !!! Very upset and disappointed there was nothing in the box to protect the cups from breaking i want my money back ASAP
@BLUEYES3073 See @hart's post above. If you haven't already, go to and fill out the form. They've been a little backed up but very good about issuing refunds for the broken mugs.
So I'm using my awesomely not broken mug today and I think I found the best damn thing ever to put in it. This canister isn't going to last very long...
One of my cups was broken out of the box, how can I get it replaced for one that is not, I am thinking of sending it back with a note. Does anyone know if that would work?
@Joekaz2125 They sold out, but if you go here: and find the order, click 'I need help with this' and fill out the form. (Include a pic if you can). They are issuing refunds for the broken mugs.
It's probably worth re-posting this down here in case anyone missed it, from @hart:
So, yeah. Looks like we messed up here. I'm incredibly disappointed, and I'm so sorry that this happened to you guys. Apparently, we didn't use any dunnage, which (obviously) with ceramic mugs is not a great idea.
But, regardless of whether it was our lack of dunnage, your local postal delivery team's hatred for all things fragile, or maybe that ceramic was actually lined in nitroglycerin, we're going to take care of it.
Just contact us at with a picture of the damage, and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can with a resolution. And, again, I'm really sorry. Maybe next time our shipping will actually live up to the Meh name.
2 out my 3 did not survive. The ugly green grass one made it in one piece though. Customer support answered my email within a few hours of opening and gave me a refund.
wow - just got mine today, and 2/3 were broken, the most broken one is the green flowered one. So sad - was gonna keep that one for myself. I messaged CS when I opened it, then thought I better check the forum to see if anyone else had the same problem, and lo & behold - seems it's a wide spread issue. Hope I get my refund...
I ordered 3 mugs and when they finally got delivered one was broken. There was no packing list with a phone number to contact anyone. Also there wasn't any packing material to keep them from breaking. I would like a replacement if possible. Please help.
@cbutdorff use the form at and they will refund you. Unfortunately, they sold out of this item and won't be able to replace it. If you read through all of the comments here, this happened to a lot of people and the staff is pretty broken up about the busted mugs.
Mine just arrived and Green Grass was on the bottom it broke so bad that when I carried the box in I got little slivers of glass in my forearms. I've already contacted support with picture, I think the other two are okay, but will be going over them later with a fine tooth comb. These little glass slivers are annoying as hell.
I will say that the human(s) behind HALP were fabulous. Carnage was delivered at dinner time, and a refund was issued before bed. Yay you guys, but now I worry that you will have to declare bankruptcy over these accursed coffee cups.
I haven't written in yet, because I have to log in to my husband's account for that, but wanted to share this.
The noise coming from @humper's box of cups made my mailman alter his route, so he could be sure we would be home, just to make sure he gave us the option to refuse delivery. He was so upset for us, it was adorable. We accepted it, hoping one survived, and were rewarded with the one cup of three that we were hoping for. It's the right cup, too - for the recipient. Had 2 survived, I would have given one to the mailman, letting him know that it was a survivor of the great shattering of '14.
@jsh139 Well, really his username on woot was different, then the peeps in the Deals Woot IRC would refer to my husbad as "ThumperHumper" - because we classy. He adopted the moniker and shortened it to humper, or humps if ya nasty ;)
Well I wrote in and customer service was awesome about it. (I sent in four pictures for the two mugs.) So there I am about to wrap the only one to make it for my friend and I lost control of my right arm...and there goes the mug....I can still see it tumbling in the air, slow-motion, hoping if I don't see it, or remember it, hitting the ground then it is in a state of not being broken.
@Thumperchick Oh yeah. I know that part, I just hated that I dropped the only survivor as it was getting wrapped for Xmas and it broke to be in mug heaven with all the other 5,000+ that may broke a long the way.
Well, I got my single mug a week or so ago (the plain white one with the green grippiness around it) and I'm happy to say it's in great condition. In fact it's a pretty nice mug, feels really heavy, solid, nice to hold.
I also got my iced coffee maker today too. So I can use my meh coffee maker to make meh iced coffee and drink it out of my meh mug. Perfect.
@Thumperchick Yeah, that's my pen holder. It fell off my desk a little while ago, breaking off a huge chunk of the mug (oops), and I haphazardly hotglued it back together. It still serves its purpose I guess.
Just opened up my mugs and noticed that 2 of the 3 were broken. Anybody else receive theirs like this? Any word on how Meh handles these types of situations? (ie. replacements, refunds, credit, etc)!
@frankiefnf Go to and write in with your issue & with a picture of the damage and they'll help you out (likely refunds in this case)
3 of the mugs you shipped me are completely broken into pieces. How you shipped breakable mugs without any packaging protection is ridiculous. I have emailed you about this a week ago and still no response. Never again.
@jdeemie85 Read the post directly above yours. It includes directions on contacting Support and getting a refund. You're one of many with this problem.
If you read the rest of this thread you will see that we've been responding quickly and issuing refunds, so nobody here at meh is knowingly ignoring you. Just use the form or email us and we'll get you refunded.
i ordered 3 and 1 was broken. i ordered batteries and they had packing paper in them, seems kinda weird batteries have packing paper but the CERAMIC mugs dont..hmmmmmmmm??????????
Condition - New
Warranty - 1 Year Smart Planet
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box?
1x Mug
1x Lid (either silicone or snap & twist)
Green silicone sleeve with twist lid
Blue silicone sleeve with twist lid
Grey silicone sleeve with twist lid
Red silicone sleeve with twist lid
Blue silicone sleeve with silicone lid
Green Floral with silicone lid
Black floral with silicone lid
Blue Floral with silicone lid
Bird & Tree with silicone lid
Grass with silicone top
Save the trees or whatever
Price Check
$13.22 at Amazon for the grippy kind
$16.97 at Amazon for the silicone lid kind
90 days
I mean I guess...
@DanielJamesBond only not
I think the "eco" part is the box in which it comes. Which only matters until the first time you use it.
Also, IKEA mugs come in no packaging whatever.
Nice price, but recent Amazon reviews are less than stellar, but at $3 with VMP might be a decent xmas gift
@Stallion nooooooooooooooooo
@Stallion Gave a friend one a few years ago and she actually loved it... Had it with her all the time. She's getting another. :-D
No purple. No baby arm. Meh.
@heartny Purple would have made me super excited.
@heartny I really hope "No baby arm. Meh." becomes, like, a thing
@heartny Why does everything have to be purple?
@clux @Barney loves purple
@clux Because purple is the best color ever!
@Kleineleh because purple is the new meh.
@PurplePawprints meh
@clux Purple is the new black. Best color ever.
@heartny I love the baby arm....
@clux Purple is the traditional color of royalty, so it makes everything a little more splendid.
@heartney @PurplePawprints @Kleineleh @clux I love purple.
Nice price, almost bought one then I noticed it was only 12 ounces. Way too small to be practical.
@cengland0 It's large enough to take to work. Then refill once you get there.
@cengland0 enquiring minds want to know... just how much coffee is practical?
@2many2no who said I wanted this for coffee?
@cengland0 you'd know
@cengland0 Holy crap that's a tiny mug.
Hmm. Wonder if I should get a couple to throw in as bonus gifts for Christmas. Or not. I'm done shopping...but ohhh look one more thing automatically makes it a better gift? meh.
This is one of those times I wish I could order more than three. Off to log into my husband's account.
˙ƃuᴉlᴉǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo ƃuᴉpuɐl puɐ ʇno ƃuᴉllᴉds ʇdǝʞ ʞuᴉɹp ʎɯ ;ʇᴉ ƃuᴉsn doʇs oʇ pɐɥ I ʇnq ʎlʇuǝɔǝɹ ǝsǝɥʇ ɟo ǝuo ʇɥƃnoq I
@Chmarr You must live in Australia.
@esjacobs ¡ǝʇɐɯ 'ɥʇʍǝɹʇ,S 🐨
@Chmarr ˙ʎpuɐɥ uı ǝɯoɔ sʞɔıʇs ɹǝʌoɯǝɹ uıɐʇs ǝpıʇ uǝɥʍ s,ʇɐɥʇ
@heartny ¿ƃuᴉlᴉǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo sʞɔᴉʇs uᴉɐʇs ǝpᴉʇ 'ɯɯ∩
@Chmarr ¡suɐɟ buıuuıds - ǝsnɐɔǝq buıןıǝɔ ǝɥʇ uo buıʞןɐʍ ǝʞıן ʇ,uop ı
@Cinoclav ˙ǝɹoɯʎuɐ ʇsɐɟʞɐǝɹq ɹoɟ ʇsnɾ ʇ,uǝɹɐ sʞɔıʇs uıɐʇs ǝpıʇ ˙ʇou ʎɥʍ 'ǝɹns
Bird & Tree sold out already?
Wow these are selling out fast...
You got me once again, I keep buying things I don't need!
@Kenahn forsake the VMP dude
@unixrab You are itching to be the January goat.
@cengland0 never gonna happen
mug shot, meh
Ceramic? They wouldn't be very "eco" around here, they'd get broken the first time hubby took them out. Meh.
11:05p CT and already out of half of the styles?
@terrence we had lower quantities available for a couple of the styles, but yeah these are selling fast right now
@shawn word. those birds in trees are the hot item. grass will have to do
I need another identity, because 3 is not enough. Thank you so much for saying 'all right' instead of That Other Thing.
Not a terribly interesting item but it's cheap and sometimes, that's all the reason I need.
Cool deal, thanks.
@erthian Ya, me too. Had to settle for grass.
@Lera right there with you flowery-imminent-spider
Yeah. I had my heart set on the bird & tree with silicone lid, 4k (refurbished). I'll check that other site & see if they have one.
Bought 3 but hit meh by mistake, I blame all the recent bad deals and that humans are creatures of habit.
@BJAKR blame @lisaviolet
Almost got me because of VMP. But figured the teenagers would kill them quickly.
@remo28 good for you!
These mugs don't have pagination. For that reason alone, meh.
@phatmass I thought exactly the same, mate.
But then I also had my heart set on watching Jimmy Fallon on Tonight tonight (even though I'm in the Letterman camp) because his scheduled musical guest was Yusuf, the former Cat Stevens.
But it seems that Jimmy Fallon's second daughter got herself born this morning, & all hell broke loose on the Tonight show schedule. We are invited to submit our ho-made Halloween costumes for their contest. There is something so splendid about airing a Halloween show the night of the lighting of the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree that I can't stand it. (I don't get out much.)
@gertiestn What! I was hoping for The 12 days of ugly Xmas sweaters to start. But congrats to them on the baby. Off to stop the dvr.
@gertiestn @lisaviolet strikes again!
20 minutes later, got 3 presents since couldn't get the ones I wanted. Love my order number though cocky-psychotic-lunch. That about sums it up.
@dfunk29 - Google image:
@KDemo wow... Britanny got RIPPED!
@dfunk29 i should have thought about gifts. These would have been great for coworkers and they would have thought I spent more than $3. Damon, must try to be less selfish when it comes to $3 items.
@remo28 Look at the bright side: It's highly unlikely they'd have gotten to you before Xmas so you saved yourself that disappointment.
Does not come pre-filled with hot coffee. Meh.
@bscott It's shipped via Smartpost; of course the coffee won't still be hot!
@bscott This should become a "thing" too..
Just the kind of mediocre crud I needed to tell my mother how much I try not to think of her around the holidays.
"here mom, have this small (literally it's tiny, I'm not sure if you can even realistically use this dang thing) token of the affection that I hold off for 364 days a year while I avoid your phone calls like the plague, then pretend that you're my favorite person in the whole wide world for 24 hours with this simple (and exceptionally cheap) gift!!"
Thanks Meh!
this is horrible.
@lisaviolet 's total fault
@unixrab I knew you wouldn't like it. There's a reason for everything in the universe, sometimes you just don't know what it is right away. This is not one of those instances. I did it.
@lisaviolet we all KNOW you did it. The question is WHY
@unixrab Because goats.
Ordered three. I like 12 oz ceramic mugs. But I tend to break them. The last few have been from a local restaurant I like, but they're $20. Now I can break three for less than half the price of one. Ordered them in bed on the iPad while my wife watched. She laughed a lot at the "It worked!" on the order confirmation page.
@SSteve preferable-tiresome-destruction. Google image search:
Super frustrated .. trying to buy a few of these for Christmas gifts, (my first buy on Meh) but after I fill out all my info and hit the buy button it never processes just keeps spinning its wheels. Any suggestions ??
@Sta11ion69 maybe its your computer ... worked fine for me
@Sta11ion69 have you heard of @lisaviolet ??
You: Server, why aren't you processing my order? Server: Meh.
@unixrab just what I've read on the comments section ... can you enlighten meh
@lostdogg Don't listen to @unixrab. All you'll read are lies. All lies.
@lostdogg a "classic" example of the '" (greekish er whatever) anyway ... she lies and then blames you for it and then says she's to blame...sooo that's her scapegoat @lisaviolet .... ... Good?
@unixrab Bleeeeat!
@lisaviolet @lostdogg
Just got 2 Christmas presents ... one for Mother-in-law and one for Father-in-law, and as a bonus one for ME!!
does this unlock the hot coffee easter egg on gta?
oh shiitake, i bought 3. stocking stuffers i guess
can't purchase more than three at a time...bummer
Got one. I needed a new mug for my new job anyway. For 3 bucks it's a no brainer. Not sure which top is better so I got the silicone one.
Yeah, VMP just suckers you in. Though I'm a bit concerned about that order code: sopping-pitiful-key Does this mean it's going to leak, therefore sopping me and causing me to yelp in a pitiful tone? Because I didn't see that in the description anywhere.
@Cinoclav Mine was eternal-cogent-dock. More speaker docks on the way forever.
@mehjohnson I keep reading your code the wrong way...
@Cinoclav cancelling your VMP will save you hundreds of wasted dollars! @cengland agrees. @lisaviolet doesn't but that's because she's a goat and goats have very few intelligent thoughts
@unixrab Yeah, but it would prevent me from the opportunity to buy unique items like Mediocre tee shirts. Hell, I spend $100 a month in bridge tolls to get to work. My $60 meh membership (it's how I'm looking at it) is a downright bargain!
@Cinoclav Not only unique items but who would spend $5 shipping to buy a $3 mug? Only VMP customers that get free shipping would do that.
@unixrab You know nothing.
@lisaviolet "smarter than previously thought" (a.k.a. dumb as a box of rocks) - granted if food is at the end of some task, goats will find a way to stuff their mouths... really this article is saying "Look- we thought goats were basically self-moving lawnmowers , but turns out if you attach food to anything they will enthusiastically find a way to stuff their faces." because goats.
@Cinoclav well I can't argue with that 'logic' - " if you're forced to spend money to get to work to make money, may as well throw more money away on the off-chance of shirts".
@unixrab Exactly! They always say, "you can't take it with you." Well, you can. Though I'd feel pretty crappy being cremated with my money, but I'm totally cool with tossing me in the oven in my meh shirt. Actually, it would seem rather appropriate.
Ohio loves their ceramic mugs...
@grumpasaurus And Wyoming hates them.
@Cinoclav Wyoming must not be very eco friendly with their non-ceramic mugs...
@grumpasaurus I just figured they must be pretty tough there. They cup their hands under the coffee maker and drink it that way. Just as they drink their milk straight from the cow's teat.
@grumpasaurus The deal was on the local morning show in Cleveland... the guy mentioned it would be on sale yesterday... he has inside-meh knowledge, apparently.
@notspam1 Hot Diggity Dog. Talk about conventional awareness campaign!
Can't purchase any at all. Did I bork it?
@CoreyK mines not working either!
I think someone bumped their segway into the server and broke it again.
@Jayroro It was @lisaviolet's fault
@cengland0 should I know who that is?
@Jayroro In case you don't know, @lisaviolet is December's scapegoat so she is to be blamed for everything that goes wrong for the month.
@Jayroro No, you shouldn't. And try to remember that. You don't know who I am. And you've never heard of me. Thank you. I appreciate it. I'm serious. Dead serious. And that's not a goat next to my name. It's a pony.
I'm having mehblems ordering as well. (Did I phrase that correctly?)
i get my payment info entered and then it says it can't validate my zip code??
cant order.... sigh there is no item and its $0!
@ThoR294 At least it's free!
@bscott Gotta love the optimists. Just gotta love them.
too soon?
@unixrab What's wrong with that man's eyes?
@lisaviolet I think a goat passed by and he caught a whiff... that... or "legal fees"
I'm having a hard time ordering
unable to purchase also
Meh!@billymayfield Maybe it's not such a terrible thing after all.
@CoreyK Mehbe
I can't order as well... Did they sell out?
R these all sold out?
I guess the 10 people who live in Wyoming already have one.
@kc5rbq Pretty sure that they're madly trying to order. They just didn't wake up early enough for this.
I too wanted to order, and it won't let me.....
What happens when you place an order for nothing for $0?
Something goes terribly wrong.
I am trying to order 5 eco mugs at $3.00 each and system isnt cooperating. Please help
@junebou They aren't cooperating because 3 is the max. Also they are broken. SOMETHING WENT TERRIBLY WRONG
It would appear that the servers have died, or are sleeping. Could somebody please go and shake one of the sysadmins awake and get them to feed the hamsters so I can order some of these?
Can't buy.
Terribly, terribly wrong. My day is ruined.
I would buy this, but the website that sells the product doesn't even work. Meh...
Blue Floral design is all that's left! Blechh....
I love purple.
all gone. of course. sigh. big fat meh
We will say Meh again to you until you appease us!
@AlexNoVA - Are those The Knights Who Say Meh?
@KDemo The same!
judging by the last 20 comments @lisaviolet is working overtime on her 2nd official day as goat (by icon). way to screw everything up Scapegoat. sheesh.
@unixrab So my husband is laying on the sofa last night watching television. I walk over to him and just stand there, staring at him. He says "what?" I bleeeeeeat. He laughs.
@unixrab They are sold out but that doesn't mean @lisaviolet is off the hook. It's still her fault.
The ideal eco mug is so eco that it has already been recycled into something else by the time it arrives.
Placed order this morning before they sold out. Didn't hit the "send me an email" button. Under orders, all I see is that my order was placed. Anyway to get updates or a receipt of some kind and an idea as to when it might ship?
@madre2three They don't send out shipping notifications. Check back at your Orders page in about a week and you should have tracking by then. Probably before then, but hey, a week sounded good.
I got two separate orders (totalling a stingy three), and was going to post the images for my noiseless-blissful-party and ballistic-crowded-name. The results of my search for blissful party gave me bliss party, and that is so wildly NSFW that I decided to skip it. Wow. What an education.
@OldCatLady you can turn on google safe search. But now I have to go google your order numbers.
@Thumperchick Fortunately I'm not at work.
@OldCatLady Hey! There was nothing NSFW for either of those. :/ noiseless-blissful-party:
@OldCatLady ballistic-crowded-name:
The rocket is what I got, but noiseless-blissful-party gave me bliss party and that was with nary a seal in sight.
@OldCatLady All right, now Google is just messing with me. A Sri Lanka children's party planner?
@OldCatLady Oh my.... So, which destination did you pick? Vegas or Jamaica?
@bluedog I'll just stay home to wait for meh deliveries, thanks.
@OldCatLady Ohhh, that's um, not seals.
Goddamnit, finally something I actually need and it was sold out.
I got a black silicone mug similar to these (used, with finger prints all over it) in the last Fukubukuro...I still need to wash it...
Congratulations on selling out Meh. I am very proud of you.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
I love purple.
These are not dishwasher safe. I bought one a few years ago and it broke the first day in the dishwasher. The store replaced it and that one lasted about a year of daily use (getting hand-washed) before my roommate put it in the dishwasher and it broke. If you are buying these to use, you will probably want to wash them buy hand.
Also, if you take these to Starbucks, make sure to tell them its only a Tall (12 oz). The look bigger on the outside because they are double-walled.
I would love to comment on the cups if i ever get them. I have not received a shipping notice yet and when I try to inquire on line the communication goes nowhere. Would be nice to hear from someone or get my $14 back!!
@DaveMW I think CS is caught up - I'll double check that they responded or have them on it shortly. Have you checked for tracking?
Hey @DaveMW I didn't see any emails from you, did you email us directly from ?
@hollboll would be nice to email you but every time I do I get the stupid crap that something went terribly wrong!!! I have had enough, I will contest this with my credit card and let the local TV station know that I got ripped off!1
@DaveMW try (H-A-L-P, not "help") to email support. FWIW, FedEx is taking their sweet time with mine as well
Received my three I ordered one is broken. How do I get it replaced? Thanks. MJ Lindsey
@mjlindsey is where you'll get the fastest response. However, we did sell out of those mugs, so you may have to work out another solution. Sorry :/
I was SO excited to see a package from meh today after work, but it didn't last long....
Thanks USPS for ruining my meh!
@jwertz5 Well, that mug didn't travel very well. :(
@jwertz5 :( contact us at and we'll make it right.
just did, thanks!
Both of mine arrived broke as well, which was not as shocking as I opened my Woot BOC and the dipper chiller that was in it was in about 3000 pieces.
@Outofmymind I'm thinking there are going to be a lot of these broken :(
All these broken mug reports are making me nervous since the mailman here seems to enjoy throwing packages on the porch. How about some happy "mine are here and they're amazing" posts to get my hopes back up?
Depending on your outlook, my shipment arrived half-intact or half-broken! I've alerted the authorities at meh customer service. Fortunately, it was my wife's Christmas gift that did survive the trip. I hope hers is amazing!
I feel very lucky... all three of mine survived delivery to Indiana!
One out of three arrived in pieces. Of course it was the pretty grass design, which I was going to keep for myself. I've also asked for halp.
How long after you order them will it arrive?
@Joekaz2125 check your order status at, starting yesterday deals now have an estimated delivery time on the front page and in the specs.
I currently have 7 different orders I'm waiting for from Meh. The one that dates farthest back is the gloves from Nov. 25. Looking at tracking they just reached my local PO this afternoon. None of my other orders, including these mugs, haven't even left Dallas. I'm not counting on getting anything in time for Xmas.
Maybe someday my mail carrier will pull up and dump a bunch of packages on my porch.
@Teripie I decided to do some snooping. Looks like most of your stuff will probably arrive around the same time. Given our current transit times, you'll most likely get all of it before Christmas.
@hart Thank you! You're a sweetheart! (<-- Old Lady kind of praise.)
Not bad, 2/3 survived the journey. I already halped, just waiting on a reply now. Hopefully meh has some awesome/meh exchange policy where they send some random item worth $3 instead of a refund. I would totally be OK with that.
@zacatac ditto on the 2/3. I'll email CS over the weekend an count the majority survival rate as a success in the meantime. And yeah, for a $3 item, it'd be funny to get a random replacement thing instead of a refund, but that sounds like a much bigger loss on their end
Got mine yesterday. All in one piece, thankfully. Best $3 I've spent in a while (BOCs included).
Ordered 2 on 12/4. Package arrived today--but one mug is smashed. Curious to see how meh responds....
I got mine yesterday. All 3 were intact!
I carefully unpackaged them, set them on the counter in preparation for loving, handwashing care. Knocked one ever so gently over onto the soft, duck-down and marshmallow countertop, and it fucking exploded. I'm pretty sure it killed the dog. Trying to follow the blood trail, but the hole in the roof is letting the elements in, making it difficult.
(this story is TRUE, but with added embellishments to remove some of the meh effect. YMMV.)
@G1 I think you accidentally posted this in the ceramic mug thread instead of the WW1 surplus landmine thread.
@zacatac AGAIN?!? It's @lisaviolet's fault that I did this. She is an abomehnation!
My shipment arrived today and one of the coffee mugs is cracked. What is my next step?
@recpjc reconsider everything or contact support
@recpjc or
Just got mine today. It looked fine, but that rubber/silicone ring that keeps the lid tight against the cup is busted. A small bit of the ring somehow adhered to the cup and a bit tore off and is stuck to it. The ring doesn't sit right on the lid either, so I don't think this is going to be very 'spill resistant.' Guess I'm writing to CS now.
@name I appreciate you mentioning this. 2 of my 3 were destroyed but the other looked good. Checked my remaining mug to find part of my leak ring to be fused to the mug.
@studerc @name Yep, one of ours was busted and one had the ring fused to the cup. :-/
My survival rate was 2 of 3 - but not sure about the silicone rings inside the lids, as they were stuck to the cups and seem to have torn a bit in trying to coax them off. However, I agree completely that some other random item in exchange for the broken cup would be TOTALLY AWESOME! Doesn't really matter what - just for the fun of opening it and saying, "WOW! The gang at MEH is REALLY creative!"
Got 2 of the coffee cups today in the mail. 1 was broken and we were planning on giving it as a gift in 6 days to my sons teacher. Doesn't look good. Hopefully they take care of this issue.
Keep in mind those submitting to support that they will ask for pictures, so save a step and include photos of the shattered mugs for quality control measures, or for their laughing pleasure of whatever reason they expected they would arrive intact in nothing but a cardboard shell.
I wonder if Mediocre Labs will consider the Great Eco Mug Shipment Debacle to be a success. Failure can be valid data.
Two out of three mugs from my order are broken. One was shattered and the other broke off around the top rim. Has anyone had success in getting a response from customer service?
@RachelA I haven't, but I also haven't emailed them yet. They won't be back in the office until Monday.
@Kleineleh Thanks. Can't get an email to go through.
@RachelA I emailed them this morning, I got the generated "out of office" email. Yet CS still responded to my claim and issued me a refund for my shattered mugs. Meh's CS is pretty outstanding, thanks again Will!
@RachelA The email won't send or you didn't get a reply? There's two methods to try: online form at or straight email to
@Kleineleh The email would not be accepted. It said "Oh snap. Something went wrong". I will try the halp email address. Thanks!
@grammya my guess by the looks of this thread is that everyone received their packages at the same time & then all tried to use the support form at the same time too. Hope that helped!
Just received my order, the 2 green ones are broke to pieces. Love the black one though, at least it has a sleeve around it to handle when hot, and the top is much better for a travel cup
Ordered, received one broken, asked for halp, Meh issued immediate refund with NO attitude. I love Meh. I mean, that's so meh.
Ordered two, they arrived today. And guess what... They're totally fine and not shattered like my sprit was when my junior high crush turned me down. Though they are a bit smaller than I was expecting even though I totally knew what size they were when I bought them.
Had put in my HALP ticked earlier today, but didn't give it any further thought after the script cheerfully told something like, "Yeah - got it - Thanks - Now go out & play". Had a good laugh & figured I'd hear in a day or two. Reading this, I checked my invoice - & it's already been changed from $9 to $6. Thanks, MEH - that's like, TOTALLY WOW! Ummm........I mean..........meh.
1/2 survival rate for me. Emailing halp now.
I'm comforted that I'm not the only one who came home to find a box of shards on his porch.
A bonus is that I ordered these so long ago that I forget what I paid for them and so feel no real remorse. Brilliant.
2/3 survived. Sounds like the green grass design have the highest death rate. Lol.
@pbang The grass is greener shattered, and ground into your soul?
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that there was no packing material with these cups...
@Thumperchick Wife and I both purchased three mugs. Mugs were in their cardboard retail packaging in a box close in size to the mugs themselves. Other than that however there was nothing else.
Mine arrived today.
Grass - broken
Green Flowers - cracked
Plain w/ Blue Sleeve - fine
@Thumperchick how mine were packaged.

So, yeah. Looks like we messed up here. I'm incredibly disappointed, and I'm so sorry that this happened to you guys. Apparently, we didn't use any dunnage, which (obviously) with ceramic mugs is not a great idea.
But, regardless of whether it was our lack of dunnage, your local postal delivery team's hatred for all things fragile, or maybe that ceramic was actually lined in nitroglycerin, we're going to take care of it.
Just contact us at with a picture of the damage, and we'll get back to you as quickly as we can with a resolution. And, again, I'm really sorry. Maybe next time our shipping will actually live up to the Meh name.
¯|_ (ツ) _/¯
Edit: Apparently, our forum doesn't like the shrugging emoticon. Out of penance, I'll leave my pathetic attempt to make it work here.
@hart At least I learned that 'dunnage' is easier to type or say than 'packing material'.
Well... I ordered two. One is shattered... and the other one is shattered. Boooooo!!!!
@hems79 I contacted support. CanIHazSupportz? K,Thx,Bye.
@hems79 Our CS team works 8am-5pm Monday through Friday. You'll hear from them soon.
@hart Just saw your response on here. Looking forward to hear from CS.
Both of mine were smashed and I can't stop crying. Is this normal?
Mine are supposed to arrive Wednesday. Will they arrive in one piece? At least my vocabulary has increased to include the word 'dunnage'.
@stupidrobot All arrived in a boringly complete manner.
@stupidrobot if you're disappointed, I'd be happy to trade
I received my coffee mugs on Sun. Dec 14. And one of my mugs were broken. What do I do?
@connor5 Probably contact support. Like the dozen or so people that mentioned the same thing above you on the thread :)
Already halp'd, but I feel compelled to pile on and help this become the internet's number-one destination for ceramics gore.
1 of 3 survived, this is how they were arranged when I opened the box. I ain't even mad, and I can't help but wonder if packing them oriented differently wouldn't have saved them.
@ruok Same here, and the one that broke I chose as my favorite.
Not very pleased...both mugs broken completely in response from the company!!!! Wouldn't mind the waiting, but these were Christmas presents!
@ghart It's the busiest time of the year for our small crew, but we're working hard to catch up. That said, we sold out of these, so we don't have any left.
Same thing happened to me. Both broken and no one has gotten back to me regarding replacement or refund and they are Christmas gifts. Not happy!
Tonight I went out to grab a package that was delivered after a long time waiting and watching their travels from Texas. I pick it up and immediately my heart sinks, I can hear the telltale rattling of shattered glass - a part of me hoped somehow some dirt got inside instead.
I opened my package and see a fine white dust and a couple pieces of ceramic carnage tossed about the package.
Carefully, I removed each item.
The first mug appeared to have survived, although littered with dust and shards, and the second was roughly the same. However the third... The one I chose as my favorite. Laid dead at the bottom of the package, mutilated from the journey of over hundreds of miles.
Received mine today and all 3 survived.
I had a two out of three survival rate. When the mail carrier handed the box to our receptionist, she said "This one doesn't sound right." When I got the box I had completely forgotten what it was I bought that may have been broken. Considering I bought these to replace ones I continually break, meh did me a favor by shipping one pre-broken.
I already contacted CS (whom I'm feeling sorry for in light of this shipping debacle) but it's not a big deal. I'm sure they'll issue a refund but even if they didn't, I would have two for $4.50 each instead of three for $3.00 each. either way it's a good deal.
The bonus: since our receptionist was there to watch me open the box to see what was broken, she saw the green grassy unbroken mug and commented on how pretty it was. Christmas present for receptionist? Check! Also, I turned her on to meh and when she saw the mugs she said "I really need to remember to check meh every day." And I know that she, in turn, has gotten her mother on meh. So I feel like I did good by @snapster.
One more thing: I'll have to look again when I get to work, but I don't remember seeing a "double wall". I suspect the eco coffee cup marketing department may have taken some liberties with the meanings of certain words.
@SSteve The pictures that @Keyeno linked to perfectly show the double wall. In particular, this one:
@Cinoclav It sure does. I guess I only saw the pieces of the outer wall. I'm not at work yet.
@Cinoclav Yep, upon closer inspection I stand corrected.
Since the inside survived like it did, I'm contemplating sanding the broken edges and dipping the part of the cup that survived in wax for decor or resin to make it usable.
@Keyeno Your determination is commendable.
My single arrived in good shape yesterday. The grip style with press-fit lid. Yay I feel special.
@mehjohnson That's uh, highly disturbing.
Glad to see that Meh is taking care of all of you that got broken mugs. Looks like us singleton purchasers might have had the best of luck since it seems like the mugs banging against each other was the root cause of most of the breakings.
What a monetary loss on Meh's part, though. Hopefully FedEx gives them some sort of insurance or they're going to lose a lot of money over this one :(
@jsh139 Here's exactly what FedEx will tell them: "It isn't our fault, package your shit better." Just another meh lesson learned. That's what I like about the meh gang... They learn their lessons well.
Want to check on my order
@shirlinb36 I just checked your tracking and it's showing as in transit. You can view the status of your orders at
Expecting mine Thursday, ordered 3, we'll see what kind of condition they're in. Sounds like the odds are not ever in my favor. Meh could have taken all the pallets of them and dropped them from a forklift and saved everyone the trouble! Glad to hear they're making good on the refunds for broken ones.
I just received mine. 2 cups in perfect condition! Looking at all the posts I was starting to think my order number, boastful-regal-death, was a bad omen. but it's proven to be very meh.
I was expecting doom and gloom. I am happy to report all three of ours arrived without any damage! Yay bees!
I ordered three but only received two. The two I received came in perfect condition
@conandlibrarian my was soooo destroyed it simply disappeared.
I hadn't been back in this thread at all until mine finally came in today. I'm sad to see that I'm not the only one with damages. My husband and I order six mugs between us and had one damaged in each box. Judging by the thread, I should count myself lucky that one of those damaged ones wasn't broken in shipment, but had a weird damaged seal thing going on already.
The warehouse staff may have dropped the ball in packaging these, but Customer Service is doing a fantastic job making it right. I submitted a ticket late last night and have already received a response from Will taking care of it. Thanks, Meh!
So my other half ordered these and the tracking is cracking me up. It went from TX, to AR, to OH, to OH, to OH (3 different cities,) to CT, and might show up in NY on 12/19. Hopefully in one piece, as he bought them as part of a Christmas gift. crosses fingers
@Thumperchick Plenty of cracking up going on in this thread.
Yeah my date keeps moving backward even though it's just a state away. I might get three broken mugs by the 20th. Shame as they were intended as gifts and I swore if I ordered them at the beginning of December I'd might get them before xmas.
Boy, did I learn today.
I got my 3 yesterday 2 are shattered and the one that is not broken is covered with broken glass and i am not going to give that as a gift !!! Very upset and disappointed there was nothing in the box to protect the cups from breaking i want my money back ASAP
@BLUEYES3073 See @hart's post above. If you haven't already, go to and fill out the form. They've been a little backed up but very good about issuing refunds for the broken mugs.
So I'm using my awesomely not broken mug today and I think I found the best damn thing ever to put in it. This canister isn't going to last very long...

@Cinoclav looks like I'm making a trip to Trader Joe's later.
@Cinoclav that sounds amazing. @JonT, I might just see you there!
@Kleineleh @JonT Curious what you two think if you go get it. Just the aroma of it had people at work asking me about it.
@Cinoclav that gif
One of my cups was broken out of the box, how can I get it replaced for one that is not, I am thinking of sending it back with a note. Does anyone know if that would work?
@Joekaz2125 They sold out, but if you go here: and find the order, click 'I need help with this' and fill out the form. (Include a pic if you can). They are issuing refunds for the broken mugs.
@Joekaz2125 Unfortunately, they had sold out of all the cups. Sending it back to either meh or the manufacturer won't help. See the post way up above for instructions. You can find it here:
I emailed HALP with a photo. 2 out of three busted, but hey my favorite color arrived intact!
Mine didn't even arrive. Tracking says delivery exception, Damaged; unable to deliver. Emailed help!
Two out of three of my mugs arrived broken. Poorly packed for shipping. I emailed them and requested a refund.
One out of three mugs arrived broken. No packing materials shipped with them, only mugs in the boxes.
One of three died here, too. Not the best packing job I've ever encountered, but the mugs themselves -- the two that made it -- are terrific.
It's probably worth re-posting this down here in case anyone missed it, from @hart:
@JonT I like that you didn't copy my edit.
@hart because I fixed it (kinda).
Got mine today, 2 out of 3 broken! Meh!
2 out my 3 did not survive. The ugly green grass one made it in one piece though. Customer support answered my email within a few hours of opening and gave me a refund.
Only 1 survivor. Service was good.
Packing crew should be flogged with dear abby's wet noodle, or was it Ann Landers, I forget.
Our mugs have finally found their way to Atlanta! WTG FedEx! I guess tomorrow or Saturday we'll receive the final carnage. The suspense is great here.
wow - just got mine today, and 2/3 were broken, the most broken one is the green flowered one. So sad - was gonna keep that one for myself. I messaged CS when I opened it, then thought I better check the forum to see if anyone else had the same problem, and lo & behold - seems it's a wide spread issue. Hope I get my refund...
@Rochelleluck you will.
I ordered 3 mugs and when they finally got delivered one was broken. There was no packing list with a phone number to contact anyone. Also there wasn't any packing material to keep them from breaking. I would like a replacement if possible. Please help.
@cbutdorff use the form at and they will refund you. Unfortunately, they sold out of this item and won't be able to replace it. If you read through all of the comments here, this happened to a lot of people and the staff is pretty broken up about the busted mugs.
@Thumperchick "broken up." Nice one.
Mine just arrived and Green Grass was on the bottom it broke so bad that when I carried the box in I got little slivers of glass in my forearms. I've already contacted support with picture, I think the other two are okay, but will be going over them later with a fine tooth comb. These little glass slivers are annoying as hell.
@xarous Scratch that just found that the White and Green one is all cracked up.
Two out of three broken. No packing in the box.
@jburnett ftfy
Two out of three broken. No dunnage in the box.
@jburnett Sorry about that, check our response up here:
I will say that the human(s) behind HALP were fabulous. Carnage was delivered at dinner time, and a refund was issued before bed. Yay you guys, but now I worry that you will have to declare bankruptcy over these accursed coffee cups.
I haven't written in yet, because I have to log in to my husband's account for that, but wanted to share this.
The noise coming from @humper's box of cups made my mailman alter his route, so he could be sure we would be home, just to make sure he gave us the option to refuse delivery. He was so upset for us, it was adorable. We accepted it, hoping one survived, and were rewarded with the one cup of three that we were hoping for. It's the right cup, too - for the recipient. Had 2 survived, I would have given one to the mailman, letting him know that it was a survivor of the great shattering of '14.
@Thumperchick Your husband's username is humper?
@jsh139 yep.
@Thumperchick sooooo... you're the thumper and he's the humper. Got it ;)
@jsh139 Well, really his username on woot was different, then the peeps in the Deals Woot IRC would refer to my husbad as "ThumperHumper" - because we classy. He adopted the moniker and shortened it to humper, or humps if ya nasty ;)
Well I wrote in and customer service was awesome about it. (I sent in four pictures for the two mugs.) So there I am about to wrap the only one to make it for my friend and I lost control of my right arm...and there goes the mug....I can still see it tumbling in the air, slow-motion, hoping if I don't see it, or remember it, hitting the ground then it is in a state of not being broken.

Nope. It's broken.

@xarous I think they broke because they were ceramic hitting ceramic. If they'd been packaged alone, i think more would have made it.
@Thumperchick Oh yeah. I know that part, I just hated that I dropped the only survivor as it was getting wrapped for Xmas and it broke to be in mug heaven with all the other 5,000+ that may broke a long the way.
@xarous I read your comment wrong, I thought yours didn't break.
Well, I got my single mug a week or so ago (the plain white one with the green grippiness around it) and I'm happy to say it's in great condition. In fact it's a pretty nice mug, feels really heavy, solid, nice to hold.
I also got my iced coffee maker today too. So I can use my meh coffee maker to make meh iced coffee and drink it out of my meh mug. Perfect.
@Dankk The mug in the background with the sharpie in it didn't fair quite so well.
@Dankk Irony defined: Your pen mug in the background is broken.
@Thumperchick Damn you! Lol - I was reading your comment above first which delayed my response to this one.
@Thumperchick Yeah, that's my pen holder. It fell off my desk a little while ago, breaking off a huge chunk of the mug (oops), and I haphazardly hotglued it back together. It still serves its purpose I guess.
@Dankk That cup is more Meh than the Meh cup.
Just opened up my mugs and noticed that 2 of the 3 were broken. Anybody else receive theirs like this? Any word on how Meh handles these types of situations? (ie. replacements, refunds, credit, etc)!
@frankiefnf Go to and write in with your issue & with a picture of the damage and they'll help you out (likely refunds in this case)
3 of the mugs you shipped me are completely broken into pieces. How you shipped breakable mugs without any packaging protection is ridiculous. I have emailed you about this a week ago and still no response. Never again.
@jdeemie85 Read the post directly above yours. It includes directions on contacting Support and getting a refund. You're one of many with this problem.
@jdeemie85 How did you write to us? I just checked our customer service system and don't see any record of communication from you.
You can use this form to write us:
Or you can email us at
If you read the rest of this thread you will see that we've been responding quickly and issuing refunds, so nobody here at meh is knowingly ignoring you. Just use the form or email us and we'll get you refunded.
Thanks meh !!!!!!!!!
merry christ mas
i ordered 3 and 1 was broken. i ordered batteries and they had packing paper in them, seems kinda weird batteries have packing paper but the CERAMIC mugs dont..hmmmmmmmm??????????
@tonyared24 obviously wasn't something we meant to do...but it still sucks:
@tonyared24 Or maybe there were cats packing boxes that day.
Great mugs - but one of the three I bought was shattered. Was not happy - they were gifts...
@MommaKels Did you already contact support with a picture of the damage? They were quite aware of the damage, and happy to help out: