Got one of these a bit back (one for 1/2 this price - so feeling okay about it): I'm liking it just fine. Use it for my bedside laptop video watching. No complaints about fidelity. Plenty of bass, and despite what I've read - I'd say frequency spectrum is balanced. -PS: I got it in black - not an option here - I think that looked better.
Well look who decided to show the fuck up, Twofer Tuesday that dirty temptress. As always she emerges from the darkness hoping to hook unsuspecting Mehricans into her shady deals. However, she shall not hook me this time for I have resisted her temptations! Huzzah!
Got these for my daughter when they were a single a while back. She loves them. Uses them everyday and isn't careful with them at all. Holding up to her clumsiness and when she does the "Mom! Listen to this!" and slaps them over my ears when I'm in the middle of something, they sound great to me. In for two more in case she finally breaks the ones she has now. She hates ear buds.
Truth in advertising this time 0X Carrying Bag. Last time they said they were included, but I doubt anyone got any. Oh and the headphones are decent too. Well played Meh
Got these last time. You can do a lot worse for $8 a piece. The cushion across the top is basically glued on with spit, but I actually found them more comfortable without it anyway.
I got these a few weeks back from the last time they were offered, I'm surprised at their clarity and balanced sound. They are fairly even, without too much bass, I use ATH-MX50s and Beyeydynamics DT 770pros at home and I can longer use cheap, tinny headsets. These 808s sound good enough, block out some ambient noise, and are at the right price that I will go out with them. I am seriously considering buying another pair, it would be no question if I could get them in black.
@antsam999 Agree about the color. Not thrilled with the white. But I really like the last pair I got, and I did say that I would love to grab some again, so I shall anyway.
Meh's thought process...HMMMMMMM... how can we overcome the negative feedback we've been having about so much merchandise repetition? Thats it!!! lets put up an item we already offered before and as a bonus lets give them the same item again!
these look really cheap, and after buying the TOCC Bluetooth "over ear" POS headphones I won't buy any meh headphones again. They were pure garbage and weren't even large enough to be "over ear" headphones for bilbo baggins
@steigst Agree....I also purchaed those TOCC headphones and they were garbage. One set arrived DOA. TOCC actually replced that dead headset, however by the time the replacement arrived the first set was dead. Then the replacement died two weeks later..
@captrespect Good point, I forgot about the large ears... What I meant to imply is they were very small and incorrectly advertised. Too bad there's no return policy, as mine are still in the boxes because they're not what I intended to purchase
@steigst You're missing out I think.. I bought two pairs of these last time, and just ordered 4 more (2 x 2) now. They sound really good for someone who isn't an audiophile. I'm sure they're better than anything TOCC ever made. As a bonus, they worked great as hearing protection when I was mowing the lawn!
Hmm. Could use a couple of these for the office, to keep on hand for the nervous patients who never damned remember to bring their headphones despite multiple reminders. Think the pleather will stand up to regular use of alcohol/ germicide wipes? Ehh, fuck it. For $16, we can afford to find out. Boughten.
@kadagan Heh, sorry, no details forthcoming. I feel awkward enough with @mick's passive aggressive rudeness above. But the headphones are for situations where one goes "Oh, you're nervous? Well, music is a great distraction. Bring your music and distract yourself!" They bring the music but tend to forget the ear/headphones. Thus, these will work great if I can fit 'em into whatever bullshit OSHA requirements fall around it.
Excellent write-up. Lots of things I want to comment on, but I think, for now, I'll stick with this: Negativland did the best cover(s) of I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.
I don't give a shit about the headphones but the write up was great! Thanks for the wonderful trip down memory lane, I found myself reliving the big hair, acid washed, mostly horrible music days of the '80s. Thankfully you included my rock music idol, Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen. Bruuuuuuuuuuuce!!!!!! Give whoever wrote that a raise, right now!
How's the noise reduction on these? How have you guys enjoyed them?
I might actually go in on this twofer. I'm surprising myself today. Of course, it's mistakes o'clock right now so who knows how I'll feel in the morning.
@Fej I like them a lot. As I said to someone else above, they worked great while mowing the lawn (on a riding mower that can get pretty loud). I had no problem hearing my music at about 60% volume.. and I have hearing loss from the military, so I normally need them pretty loud..
I did buy a pair of these headphones the last time and they are simply awesome. I have been using it every day and i am very happy with them. I use one and the other one is brand new in the box but fuck it, i ordered two more. The sound quality is simply amazing. You can't go wrong for $8 a piece.
@omargm Absolutely agree. the quality was excellent, particularly at the price point. Put me down as a regular-ablaze-chipmunk (and I'm really not eager to image-search that).
Like everyone else is saying-- bought two last time, no regrets whatsoever. One for me, one as gift. Even if you're not a VMP you're unlikely to find better headphones for the price. Tempted to give in to my hoarder impulses and get four more...
Thanks for the 'In The Air Tonight' link...35 years and still never get tired of hearing that song. Didn't know about the whole 'gated reverb' angle; thanks for the Morning Music Ed!
Bought a couple last time, and I'm buying a couple this time... they're really quite good for what they are. And my twin 4-year-olds both need new headphones. So this fits the bill!
Bought a pair last time, too. Was not disappointed. They're lightweight, with surprisingly decent sound (for the price) and noise control. They're also way too small for an adult ear, but they're light enough to wear comfortably for an extended amount of time. Perfect for kids, or if you want to have a good pair of headphones for a flight and don't want to be sad if you accidentally leave them on the plane.
@Alazilla I have big ears. They don't cover my ears, but they sit on them nicely and not only convey the desired sounds, but block out the extraneous ones.
They were great last time. Bought 2 more. Because 3 of something is much better than 1, right? (Seriously, these are shockingly good headphones. I bought an expensive pair of Sony's that weren't as good as these. They're not audiophile-good, but they're Spotify/YouTube/podcast good.)
I bought a pair of these the last time around and got one great pair (better than i expected) and the other had a non-functional ear. Contacted MEH and got stuck in purgatory for a few weeks as neither MEH nor the manufacturer claimed any responsibility. Meh said to go to the manufacturer...Manufacturer claimed MEH isn't an authorized reseseller...Told Meh this and then 808 changed their mind...then 808 said i need to pay to ship the headphones to them for repair. WTF..
BUT, Meh support has recently stepped in and is sending me a new set, so i'm cautiously optimistic this ugliness is behind us. However, it has dragged on for a very long time...The last sale was March 11th and in 40 days I still only have one working pair....
But I'm a glutton for cheap electrical stuff that I only kinda for another couple of pairs!
I am fighting temptation, because right now I have nothing in the FedEx or USPS pipeline, and I feel deprived. Nah, I should go find a place to put those hefty LED floodlights.
I can't buy anything. I haven't been able to for weeks and support is not helping. When I click buy, it just gives me the "something went terribly wrong" video.
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day 808 Audio
Estimated Delivery: 5/1 - 5/5
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
2x 808 Drift Headphones
0x Carrying bag
Folded up
Outside view
Inside view
Horsing around
Price Check
$99.98 List, $57.96 (for 2) at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a reply to this comment
90 days
Meh, reviews and price look decent though.
Does anyone know if these are Bluetooth like the last time?
@KariAnne they are not Bluetooth
Double meh
Word of warning, build quality is iffy. One pair I bought from the last time has already broken.
So Meh has clearly cycling back through all of their items!
@ELUNO well they have to sell their stock, so duh.
These look so bad
@andyyri as in 80s 'bad' good then?
@andyyri well they aren't those cool beats whatever for a few hundred bux..smh
@RedOx dude, totally!
Got one of these a bit back (one for 1/2 this price - so feeling okay about it): I'm liking it just fine. Use it for my bedside laptop video watching. No complaints about fidelity. Plenty of bass, and despite what I've read - I'd say frequency spectrum is balanced.
-PS: I got it in black - not an option here - I think that looked better.
@Circuitbrkr The ones I got the last time have good sound, but get uncomfortable after a movie's wear. The fact I wear glasses may be a factor.
Well look who decided to show the fuck up, Twofer Tuesday that dirty temptress. As always she emerges from the darkness hoping to hook unsuspecting Mehricans into her shady deals. However, she shall not hook me this time for I have resisted her temptations! Huzzah!
@studerc premehture celebration, you still have to hold out for another 24 hours/until sellout.
@studerc these might be useful for you:
1) Babies don't like the music cranked unless it is classical. So you can keep it to yourself.
2) When babies cry there's that noise isolation feature.
@studerc get one for each ear; and if one gets you stereo, two should get you quadraphonia
We bought three last time. And I like 'em. Tempted to go again, but that just seems excessive.
@joelmw One does not simply have impulse control when it comes to meh.
Still haven't used either of the two I got from last time :\
Got these for my daughter when they were a single a while back. She loves them. Uses them everyday and isn't careful with them at all. Holding up to her clumsiness and when she does the "Mom! Listen to this!" and slaps them over my ears when I'm in the middle of something, they sound great to me. In for two more in case she finally breaks the ones she has now. She hates ear buds.
Noticed you folks came clean on the bag this time. ("0x Carrying bag").
If i didn't already have a pair of Sennheisers and an headphone amp, i may get these and give one to a buddy..
Truth in advertising this time 0X Carrying Bag. Last time they said they were included, but I doubt anyone got any. Oh and the headphones are decent too. Well played Meh
@readnj just a few moments too late.
Got these last time. You can do a lot worse for $8 a piece. The cushion across the top is basically glued on with spit, but I actually found them more comfortable without it anyway.
@MrTizl Yeah, the cushion came off on mine, too, and I used some foam tape to put it back on.
I have the black ones from last time they were up. I use them for late-night movie watching, and I like them just fine.
I should Bing this, but... does anyone know if the ear pads are leather? Probably not for the price.
@00 I got these last time, they're like patent leatherish, they feel kinda like leather and have that texture.
@00 Thou art co-wrecked.
@antsam999 @mike808 thanks!
@00 …Bing this?
@JonT I think it means something like "google", but lamer.
@mmh6 ah thanks, I should have just googled it.
@JonT They pay you.
@JonT you don't use Bing? It's actually better than google. (that's the first time that this phrase has been written. And it is untrue)
I got these a few weeks back from the last time they were offered, I'm surprised at their clarity and balanced sound. They are fairly even, without too much bass, I use ATH-MX50s and Beyeydynamics DT 770pros at home and I can longer use cheap, tinny headsets. These 808s sound good enough, block out some ambient noise, and are at the right price that I will go out with them. I am seriously considering buying another pair, it would be no question if I could get them in black.
@antsam999 Agree about the color. Not thrilled with the white. But I really like the last pair I got, and I did say that I would love to grab some again, so I shall anyway.
@KDemo Why limit yourself?
@mossygreen - I can see why you'd prefer green.
@mossygreen Oh, now I'm thinking maybe white was the best possible color to be stuck with!
@mossygreen Sharpie in the bu...... N/M
Meh's thought process...HMMMMMMM... how can we overcome the negative feedback we've been having about so much merchandise repetition? Thats it!!! lets put up an item we already offered before and as a bonus lets give them the same item again!
Made my own threefer at the same unit price last time.
You certainly won't mistake these for high end materials/construction.
But they sound better than they're made.
Functioning well as sacrificial family PC abusables at this price.
Thanks for the mention of Lanois. His own music was among my favorites of three early 90's.
these look really cheap, and after buying the TOCC Bluetooth "over ear" POS headphones I won't buy any meh headphones again. They were pure garbage and weren't even large enough to be "over ear" headphones for bilbo baggins
@steigst Yeah but Bilbo has pretty large ears.
@steigst Agree....I also purchaed those TOCC headphones and they were garbage. One set arrived DOA. TOCC actually replced that dead headset, however by the time the replacement arrived the first set was dead. Then the replacement died two weeks later..
Good point, I forgot about the large ears... What I meant to imply is they were very small and incorrectly advertised. Too bad there's no return policy, as mine are still in the boxes because they're not what I intended to purchase
@steigst You're missing out I think.. I bought two pairs of these last time, and just ordered 4 more (2 x 2) now. They sound really good for someone who isn't an audiophile. I'm sure they're better than anything TOCC ever made. As a bonus, they worked great as hearing protection when I was mowing the lawn!
The sound is good on these, though just a bit bass heavy. And the isolation works pretty darn well, even in a crowded place. Good buy.
These are great for listening to prank calls with.
사운드는 어떤가여??
But how do they compare to the Zebco 808 rod & reel?
@BuffBillsFan Nothing really compares to that Zebco 808. Ah, the childhood memories...
I got the black ones last time they were up. I was pleasantly surprised. I think they sound pretty good. I use them at work and no problems.
Hmm. Could use a couple of these for the office, to keep on hand for the nervous patients who never damned remember to bring their headphones despite multiple reminders. Think the pleather will stand up to regular use of alcohol/ germicide wipes?
Ehh, fuck it. For $16, we can afford to find out. Boughten.
@goldenthorn Nervous "patients"? You sound so kind, please tell me more.
@mick Ahh, yes. Anonymous expression of mild frustration is a key indicator of professional kindness levels. Thumbs up, bro.
@goldenthorn What kind of field are you in that patients need to bring headphones? I'm very curious :)
@kadagan Heh, sorry, no details forthcoming. I feel awkward enough with @mick's passive aggressive rudeness above. But the headphones are for situations where one goes "Oh, you're nervous? Well, music is a great distraction. Bring your music and distract yourself!" They bring the music but tend to forget the ear/headphones. Thus, these will work great if I can fit 'em into whatever bullshit OSHA requirements fall around it.
@goldenthorn I still feel bad this many days later, that my comment upset you. I meant no harm. ment t
Excellent write-up. Lots of things I want to comment on, but I think, for now, I'll stick with this: Negativland did the best cover(s) of I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For.
I don't give a shit about the headphones but the write up was great! Thanks for the wonderful trip down memory lane, I found myself reliving the big hair, acid washed, mostly horrible music days of the '80s. Thankfully you included my rock music idol, Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen. Bruuuuuuuuuuuce!!!!!! Give whoever wrote that a raise, right now!
THIS is gated reverb snare on steroids. Best ever, Francois Kevorkian. Listen at 1:45
Well, I have a rainbow pack of Sharpies so I'm in for one.
Not sure why this is the first image that came up for freezing-scattered-wombat.
Actually this is a good deal. Too bad I don't need another two pairs of crappy headphones.
I need to hear what is going on around me.
How's the noise reduction on these? How have you guys enjoyed them?
I might actually go in on this twofer. I'm surprising myself today. Of course, it's mistakes o'clock right now so who knows how I'll feel in the morning.
@Fej I like them a lot. As I said to someone else above, they worked great while mowing the lawn (on a riding mower that can get pretty loud). I had no problem hearing my music at about 60% volume.. and I have hearing loss from the military, so I normally need them pretty loud..
waiting for the walkie talkies to come back :(
In! Wooooooo
Not legal to wear while driving, so meh.
I bought these last time. I am no audiophile but they sound fine to me. Not too bassy. The white version is just too ugly/tacky even for me.
I did buy a pair of these headphones the last time and they are simply awesome. I have been using it every day and i am very happy with them. I use one and the other one is brand new in the box but fuck it, i ordered two more. The sound quality is simply amazing. You can't go wrong for $8 a piece.
@omargm Absolutely agree. the quality was excellent, particularly at the price point. Put me down as a regular-ablaze-chipmunk (and I'm really not eager to image-search that).
@accumulator Wow, all of the pictures coming up on that search are other images that were posed in this thread.. This must be the only place on the net for regular-ablaze-chipmunks!
Like everyone else is saying-- bought two last time, no regrets whatsoever. One for me, one as gift. Even if you're not a VMP you're unlikely to find better headphones for the price. Tempted to give in to my hoarder impulses and get four more...
it's either sub-par crap or Beats, where's the middle ground meh?! I like headphones, I really do, just not the ones you're selling
@tentalces1349 I think these ones are a great middle ground, and an incredible deal :)
First use of gated reverb was on Intruder by Peter Gabriel (yes, with Phil Collins drumming)
@swechsler Are you Phil Collins?
@mehvermore Why, do I look like him?
Got these last time. They are excellent (for the price, anyway), esp. if you like crazy loud bass. Considering getting more.
Thanks for the 'In The Air Tonight' link...35 years and still never get tired of hearing that song. Didn't know about the whole 'gated reverb' angle; thanks for the Morning Music Ed!
@citizenfour @edheil Crazy bass. Gated reverb "Feel it in the snaire".
Bought a couple last time, and I'm buying a couple this time... they're really quite good for what they are. And my twin 4-year-olds both need new headphones. So this fits the bill!
Bought a pair last time, too. Was not disappointed. They're lightweight, with surprisingly decent sound (for the price) and noise control. They're also way too small for an adult ear, but they're light enough to wear comfortably for an extended amount of time. Perfect for kids, or if you want to have a good pair of headphones for a flight and don't want to be sad if you accidentally leave them on the plane.
@Alazilla I have big ears. They don't cover my ears, but they sit on them nicely and not only convey the desired sounds, but block out the extraneous ones.
Yo in for 2 now maybe my daughter will quit trying to filch my second pair that I bought the first time around.
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
@jrwofuga Honest question.. Do you ever get bored of looking for Georgia Red and not finding it? Does it become a chore to post about it every day?
@kadagan Bored? no. It takes possibly 30 seconds tops. Chore? No. One day meh will make things right. gotta stay positive.
bought it....sorry.
They were great last time. Bought 2 more. Because 3 of something is much better than 1, right? (Seriously, these are shockingly good headphones. I bought an expensive pair of Sony's that weren't as good as these. They're not audiophile-good, but they're Spotify/YouTube/podcast good.)
Just got back from a trip and used em on the plane. A little bit flimsy but sound just find.

I have no explanation
I bought a pair of these the last time around and got one great pair (better than i expected) and the other had a non-functional ear. Contacted MEH and got stuck in purgatory for a few weeks as neither MEH nor the manufacturer claimed any responsibility. Meh said to go to the manufacturer...Manufacturer claimed MEH isn't an authorized reseseller...Told Meh this and then 808 changed their mind...then 808 said i need to pay to ship the headphones to them for repair. WTF..
A few other folks got some real ugly sounding refurbs that seem to have been shipped out last time (see
BUT, Meh support has recently stepped in and is sending me a new set, so i'm cautiously optimistic this ugliness is behind us. However, it has dragged on for a very long time...The last sale was March 11th and in 40 days I still only have one working pair....
But I'm a glutton for cheap electrical stuff that I only kinda for another couple of pairs!
I am fighting temptation, because right now I have nothing in the FedEx or USPS pipeline, and I feel deprived. Nah, I should go find a place to put those hefty LED floodlights.
I can't buy anything. I haven't been able to for weeks and support is not helping. When I click buy, it just gives me the "something went terribly wrong" video.
Anyone know how to fix it? I want these so bad.
holy ocular cover
At first I clicked meh but then the comments here won me over. magic-uplifted-metal