@p3dal both the first 2fer jlabs and the recent jlabs are literally the worst ear buds ive ever used... literally lit all 3 on fire, which was atleast fun
@frmorrison Retail price is sometimes irrelevant. When have you seen a good product sell for <20% retail? I have a $50 watch that was $595 retail. It's a marketing scam. Groupon has $30 watches right now that claim $700 retail. Also one of the Amazon reviews compares it to a $400 pair of headphones and says it blows them away. Just my 2 cents.
@phatmass "I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client." from one of his other four reviews for two other things (Wal-Mart wireless and forza motorsport 4)
@jmckinl dont even start, Ive been waiting for my goat prize since Sept. @lichme has been waiting for his photoshop prize since October. Much you have to learn, young padewan.
@a haha, thats woot. That place is a clusterfuck. Got a boc a few weeks ago, hot wheels car, gel valentine wall hang, and a shirt.woot mini comic. Apparently that counts now as a legit BOC. Fuck those fuckers.
@studerc Hahaha well sorry mate...looks like I may have dodged a bullet of dissapointment. Then again, I was meant to get my boc back in that short post-amazon, pre-clusterfuck stage, so it might not have been that bad. (2 years was a guess, I really don't know how many to be honest)
Look, these may be terrific earphones, I dunno. But your color & font & font size in the write-up are impossibly difficult to struggle with...at least with these Old Fart eyeballs & using Chrome. The smallest type is illegible. I will play with resizing, etc., but I wanted to point out that, unlike most of your stuff, I really have to struggle to find out what you're saying.
@Ignorant respect your elders - we're all headed there faster than we realize. Especially in the hearing dept after cranking up the volume on ear buds and headphones.
@benf_dc I saw that before ordering too but didn't want to mention it just in case I was wrong. I couldn't find any reference to the microphone anywhere. In fact, none of the sites even mention if it's a 1/4" or 1/8" phone plug. But once I googled it and found the 808audio website and the comment about the mic in the cable, I snagged one. I figured it wasn't too much money to risk if I was wrong about the mic.
Please offer these again next month after I get some more writing jobs. I'm working on a podcast and even a basic set of over ear headphones would be a welcome tech upgrade.
Between the weird and obscure reviews posted by @pavlov and the Amazon reviews (only 4 reviews for a product sold by Amazon since May 2013?), that has got got be the oddest profile of "reviews" I've ever seen for an audio product. It's a phantom product. Zero marketing budget? . . . 'Our kids are tough on headsets and I'm not quite sure why I'm 'risking' 8 bucks on these. . .
@RedOak Eh. I'm in for two. 808 does make (or has made) other models, and taken as a whole, the company's headphones in general seem to be at least fairly well-regarded. I think this is a safe buy at eight dollarbucks, and I would not be shocked if they sold out.
@RedOak For children I recomend anchient all metal studiophones. If you can find any. I threw mine across the room dozens of times growing up. They JUST WON'T DIE.
abnormal-boiling-leg: Sure glad I didn't boil the normal one! Looking forward to seeing if these out-do the Sony MDR-CD160 on-ears I have, whose pads are shredding. 7mm more driver, at least.
I think this purchase will make a lovely addition to my cabinet full of inactive equipment which includes VHS players, VHS rewinders, Web-TV equipment, a digital to analog device and a vinyl disc (record ie 33 1/3) player. They have all been replaced by my adult toys.
Under $10? Well hello there. In for one of each color because that's a great deal. Also because Irk's rap and today's write were simply too awesome not to buy. And that noise cancellation was the clincher.
I seem to be averaging 3 orders a week lately. At least it's not the bigger ticket items or I'd be broke.
@ekw That's exactly it! I was on the same war path for a while and had a pile that started to grow like mad. I ended up putting a bunch into the Fuku Exchange I participated in, but the box value sure can get expensive. Good for the recipient, bad for the bank account:)
@unixrab its $8 for a pair of pretty decent headphones with sound cancelation. whats the suprise? im betting sellout around 10am EST once the Pacific people wake up
Roland-Tr-808-Rhythm-Composer-Electronic-Drum-Set-TR808 Item Sold Item condition: Used Ended: Mar 10, 2015 , 8:40PM Price: US $3,775.00 Shipping: $114.56 Standard Shipping Those crazy Cals. they certainly know how to charge (and somebody actually bought it!)
I seem to keep trying to find a better pair of headphones for cheap… but never do. I still use my Aiwa X301 that I bought probably over 20 years ago, and you know what? They honestly still kick the ass of everything else I've tried.
Don't know where you got that "people preferred the Linn." My engineer got an 808 on a trip to Tokyo in 1981, we brought it to the studio and Arthur laid down the basic rhythm right off the box. We recorded separate 808 instruments to separate multitrack channels though. We put out Planet Rock in 1982. The 808 was a HUGE success right out of the box.
Trivia- The reason an 808 bass drum doesn't sound like a rock kick drum is because the Roland engineers thought they were reproducing a real bass drum, like guys carry in parades. A few years later I rented a 42" parade drum and sampled it for a Patti Day record.
Hey Meh guys. Get the real story first eh? B)
Oh, PS - Kraftwerk sounds are not 808, but Oberheim eXpander. Just so you know.
@djslack My engineer might still have it with the unintelligible English written by a Japanese instructions. I always liked to play with the machine's programming for fun, but it's a lot easier to sample everything off and use it in Abelton. B)
difficult-ignorant-camel. Not sure if I should expect headphones or a visit from my ex-wife. I'm in for 3 hoping I get your order by mistake. Happy hump day!
it's odd. if you google the model name, you get a link to this page: Drifts Headphones but if you click to look at the headphone main page those headphones are not on it.
so, I guess they are a discontinued model? this page shows them as "out of stock". office depot shows them as "no longer available".
I'm guessing these have no noise reduction capabilities. As in these wouldn't be good to wear to listen to music while effectively blocking out noise from the lawnmower, correct?
I do my weekly 3-hour shift on a community non-profit radio station, and thought of these for basic on-air use, but the open backs rule them out. During mic breaks sound escaping could lead to feedback, or just to sonic mush.
Does anyone know how do these match up against the Giggs from the last Fuku? Any idea if one is better than the other? I really don't need these, but considering them anyway. No idea why.
I have a great set of Sony's, and B/W, and gave a sound crusher with adjustable mega bass to a relative for a gift, got them super duper cheap, and they had very good sound. I'll describe how these compare. Sadly, my dog ate my favorite ear buds, an oder pair with a very comfortable tapered ear inserts, and a long cord. I will need to scout out some new ones too; might even try a pair or blue-tooth buds. Who knows what my wallet will try buying next? Who could possibly be interested in rambling thoughts about sound waves? In conclusion, $ 8 bucks is cheap but the chain store $5 and below probably has headphones for $5.
@spicajjh from the main page (meh.com) scroll down and in the bottom left click "my orders" once it ships a tracking number will appear in the order summary there.
Yea it is weird how the items don't ship in order. Seems like 5 or so items will stack up and ship in random order. No biggie I'm sure they are still working things out and not like prime or anything considering price. Only PITA is having to leave work early to go to the post office when the box is too big for my mailbox.
Hey y'all -- if you scroll on up to the specs you'll see that the estimated delivery for these is quite far out from when we sold them (3/25 - 3/27), that's something to keep in mind and check when you order something and wonder where it is.
That said, we're having some issues getting these into our warehouse so it's possible we may miss that estimated delivery date. Sorry about that if we do.
@JonT That's OK. Wasn't all that excited about them anyway. Hopefully the delay is not due to having them queued up to sell again prior to the initial Meh'rs testing them out! (And proving them crappy.) ;-)
@JonT Guh. If I get it on the 1st of April, there better some gag in there with it, like opening the package for some springy snakes to pop out at me too or something. But nah, I buy what little I can from Meh for the price and price alone. I've waited longer for stuff from other sites when shopping with that attitude, but they've never had the politeness to let me know I have to wait longer than expected.
@RedOak Oh, my mistake!! We should furiously make out on each of the four flights we will be taking next weekend, instead of enjoying a few hours of semi-quiet time and partially blocking out the loud conversations of my fellow passengers. RIIIIIIGHT.
@PhotoJim I wish (: Sure wasn't my idea to have it over spring break, but I'm glad to be keeping the tradition of an April Fool's Day wedding going in his family.
I guess I will have to solder the new connector on my son's old headphones after all. I was procrastinating in anticipation of simply giving him a new set of these.
I heard we are all getting our VMP extended for a month to compensate... or was that a year - I can never figure out what the voices in my head are saying once they start talking over each other.
Eh, they're only moving the estimated shipping date back a week, which doesn't exactly sound unreasonable to me. And as always from Meh, I appreciate the level of honesty and lack of bullshit. Most companies would just send it late and hope nobody notices.
Well crap, I was going to have the kids use these in the car for the 12+ hr drive to FL for spring break. Now They won't have anything to listen to their music with. Now we are going to have to actually talk and stuff. I mean WTF, thanks for making my family BOND or disBOND on the road meh. :)
@apexslide You should have gotten the Jlabs to fill their ear holes. Personally, if anything is going to cause a family to dis-bond, it will be a 12+ drive anywhere. Doubly so if that place in Florida has a mouse as a mascot. I would say to give up and pack it in, but our state needs your tourist dollars. Feel free to mortgage the house and spend it here. kthnx
I mean really this just stuff. Sure ya want it but how soon till it's in the junk drawer cast aside for the next nifty geegaw. It not like expressscripts screwing up my order for the 3rd time and I can't breath because big pharma has locked out all generics and the repugnacants got all concerned about global warming and outlawed butane gassed inhalers so what was $20 in 2007 is 200 today, fuckers
This reminds me of the time I won the lottery. I drove down to Austin to pick up my millions and they were like, "Sorry sir, it's going to be a few weeks before we can get you your check." I was like, WHAT!? I drove down here for nothing? Screw it, just give me my dollar back!!!
I received the tracking number. I ordered two sets and according to the tracking info: Dimensions 6x6x6 in Weight 0.2 lbs / 0.09 kgs
Doesn't that seem a little light??
Should I be worried that something else was sent instead? Or perhaps just a picture of the headphones? Or maybe I got some Meh socks instead?!?! Not sure I would complain about that mix up.
It's scheduled to arrive on April Fool's Day too......
Just recieved these today. As a normal person that doesn't pretend to be an audiophile I find these pleasantly sufficient at delivering sound to my ears. Definitely worth the purchase price.
We received ours yesterday and I wore a set on my train ride in. I'm pleasantly surprised. They do a decent job of blocking out ambient noise (it's different--both better and worse--from my triple-flange in-ear), they're actually quite comfortable (there's also plenty of room for my largeish head) and the sound is good (bass is better than ear phones and I don't notice a significant deprecation at the higher ranges).
The wait wasn't bad, IMO, and well worth the $8, especially considering that I would likely have never bought this kind of listening device (I've been happy with my earphones) were they not so cheap. Glad we got three.
Well done, meh. Though, yeah, not as meh as I would have expected.
And mine come in missing instruction and carrying bag. Also a white sticker on the box with numbers written in pen and the headphone cord all undone in the box. Just like my food containers. Contacting support. 😞
@StrangerDanger bummer way to ruin the string of luck. We'll have to buy the stickers back from you for $8 or so. Guess the manufacturer snuck a return in.
@snapster one of our three came with that hand written sticker as well. Haven't opened all three to check contents. But was a bit worried by that odd sticker. And the individual product boxes are pretty banged up - would not feel comfortable gifting them with out some kind of 'got them at a flea market' joke.
Finally came! Hm, mine didn't have a carrying bag either. Trying them out. They are not terrible at all! The bass on these is STOOPID LOUD. No audiophile would love these but they'd make some teenager with an mp3 player full of dubstep very very happy. They make me pretty happy too.
I'm so glad this thing is OK! I was worried about buying more headphones from meh after buying the metal Jbuds. Those things were so bad they gave me ear cancer.
@edheil I recently climbed up from Sennheiser 201s to HD598s. Music has changed for me because of it and I can definitely note shortcomings of lesser headphones when it used to not matter. These are decent for $8 and might sound better not going through an amp, but that bass muddles everything else. As long as it isolates better than my open 598s, though. Need isolation for better voice recording, even if what I monitor doesn't sound top quality.
@Talidan That's a fair assessment. If you want to listen to something and not get pounded in the ear by overwhelming bass to the exclusion of everything else, these are probably not the headphones to use. :)
They look cheap. They feel cheap. They did not come with the carrying bag promised by Meh. They do not have the hands-free calling mic promised on the 808 Audio product page (but not by Meh), without which the iPhone / Android compatibility sticker on the box makes little sense.
But they are comfortable to wear and sound quite good for $8.00 cans. So no regrets.
@benf_dc Headphones without a mic tend to have the compatibility sticker now. Probably because a lot of people have to know if something is compatible with their device, even if it should be obvious that it is. Since some companies started to do it, others have no choice but to do it otherwise people comparing might notice one says compatible and the other doesn't, meaning no sale from someone who doesn't understand headphones is headphones.
@Talidan I know that all iPhones have 3.5mm headphone jacks, but I did not realize that this was also standard on Android phones. (Didn't realize that ANYTHING about Android hardware was standard.)
@benf_dc It would be silly to deviate from the near-universal headphone standard, but that's more like something Apple would do anyway. Just about everything for Android is pretty standard and about the same as iPhones, save for the proprietary Apple stuff, which is few and mostly internal stuff, other than the power jack. Most Android devices have micro-USB for power, which is reaaallly nice since you can use almost any non-Apple device cords interchangeably for both power and connecting to PC. Got a Windows 8 tablet? Same cable can be used for your Android phone! Really, there's Apple Standard, and then there's Everything Else Standard. The two mix from time to time, but Apple is the one that likes to have its own, sterile ecosystem...
@Talidan The iPhone does not have a headphone jack. It has a headphone-compatible 3.5mm headset jack. Before the iPhone, these were extremely rare; most cell phones had the same 2.5mm headset jacks that remain common on cordless phone handsets today.
@benf_dc Sorry, that's what I mean. It being a headset jack is kind of a given at this point. And later Blackberrys (still pre-iPhone), being basically the first popular smartphone, helped make it standard as well. The popularity of both cemented it, I think.
I don't like the fact they were obvious returns with a beat up box and big white sticker on the front. (They were not sold as refurbs but obviously repackaged.) I don't like there is no bag as advertised. I do like the way they sound and I guess that is what matters. When you buy a pair of $8.00 headphones, you get $8.00 Headphones. Just be a little more honest about the product next time. Makes me wonder.......
Ditto. No carrying bag despite being in the product description. Lots of bass, but sound fine enough for me. Decent amount of sound isolation for on-ear headphones. Comfortable on my ginormous noggin.
On the whole, I'm satisfied with the purchase though the carrying bag would have been nice.
Just checked my mailbox and was excited to open these up. They sound great for the price and I am not disappointed by how they sound. The box was brand new with no sign of being previously opened or repackaged. The cable was neatly bundled with a twist tie. There was no carrying bag as promised, which accounts for 50% of the "what's in the box" contents. I believe this entitles me and anyone else who was missing the carrying bag a 50% off voucher for our next meh. Who's with me?
@apexseals nex time you go to dollar general for noname cheetos, put your headphones in the dollar general bag and prestochango you gotcherself a carry bag.
Box was in good shape, no sticker like others have, but there was writing in pen directly on the box instead. No carrying bag, but I had no clue I was supposed to be getting one, so not a major loss to me.
Appear cheap as hell in looks and feel, but can't complain too much at $8.
They were a little painful to put on at first, but are hardly noticeable after a minute or two. I'm used to super cushyness, so it's to be expected.
Sound quality is good for the price, though too much bass for my taste. I bought them specifically for isolation and wasn't even really considering using them for listening to music, so any real drawbacks in sound don't affect me.
Plugging into my phone instead of the amp on my computer, the bass muddles things up less.
Isolation is decent. As expected from $8, on-ear headphones. I can use them for what I need to for a little bit, so that's good enough for me!
@JonT I'm enjoying Alto even more now that I have these headphones. Of course, I was using no headphones at all before. But I'm seriously shocked at how good the game sounds (I particularly enjoy when there is a thunderstorm).
Got mine today. White, new box no bag. Was going to use them for monitoring voice overs when recording, but not pure and too much bass for that. Very nice for music on my phone though. Worth the 8 bucks.
Just received mine. For "Condition: New", these are very obviously used and repackaged.... poorly. As in, someone bought them, shoved everything back in the box so it would fit, returned them, and they were immediately shipped out to another customer.
Also, "What's in the box" should be relabeled "What's supposed to be in the box". Like so many others, no carrying bag (which I actually do use with my headphones).
Mighty overlords of Meh, I suggest not working with this supplier anymore. It seems they are using you as a patsy to unload their sh!t.
I sheepishly admit that I never noticed I was supposed to get a carrying bag, which I would totally love and find lacking. Also, our boxes had stickers and a couple were dinged up, but what was inside looked new enough. I ain't complaining about the insides, just the carrying bag. Or was that a misprint?
@joelmw I don't see anything on the box that indicates that a bag is included. It did say so in the meh description, though. So maybe meh was given some bad info from the supplier?
@pitamuffin it's not the end of the world but a bag does make it a lot easier to keep the cord under control when not in use. And we didn't buy these from "the supplier". We bought them from Meh.
Oh, Meh. How you woo me with your lackadaisical promises, then completely and utterly fail to not deliver on them, exactly as implied all of the time with every self-deferential post imploring us to buy or don't, you don't care, just do something with your life, dammit.
So did your supplier have an inordinate number of heavy-looking rings on his sausage-like fingers, yet a surprisingly dainty gold chain around his neck that you could only catch an occasional glimpse of through the volumes of exposed chesthair peeking from beneath the open collar of a shifty hawaiian shirt? Did he offer full disclosure that these were probably robbed from an Office Depot returns counter on one sweaty, humid night in Miami that only Vinny The Legs remembers with any clarity, and he's not talking to nobody no more?
These arrived today in boxes looking kind of sat on (Vinny will neither confirm nor deny this), with stickers from office depot and some mysterious hand-scribbled numbers, with box-chafing marks of old inventory that's been banged around for quite some time, and as has been pointed out by many others, no carrying bag as in the description. They make my nintendo 3ds sound better and netflix on my desktop sound worse, and aren't the most uncomfortable things I've ever shoved my head in (and having crammed my faceholder into many interesting places, this is a better endorsement than it may seem.) They will make bad gifts for anyone over the age of 12.
So I come away not particularly satisfied with this purchase, but not entirely full of loathing: I find it to be the most bland and, indeed, mediocre thing that I have purchased in quite some time. A deep, tolling sound may be heard from within my heart as I gaze upon them: it is a resounding meh, to which I can only respond by promising myself to be more careful what I click on in the future to avoid such craptacular purchases.
Yea nothing back from customer service yet. I'm happy enough with them but kinda disappointed not to hear anything back from them even if it would be nothing they can do. Oh well maybe they are still looking into what happened.
Got my headphones...Neither had a bag. I didn't know that they were supposed to, and lo and behold, there it is in the product description....
one was DOA (well, not quite, only one earpiece worked). The other was pretty good. Contacted MEH who asked me to contact 808 directly. It's been more than two weeks in all the contacting and no word back from MEH or 808 on what do do about my dead headset.
Customer service got back to me and said that there was no bag, that was a mix up and no paperwork was included and if I felt like it was a return send them some pics and they can pass them on. Kinda got the feeling that wasn't much they can do. No biggie, good headphone and I have enough built NY cases to use.
I'm stuck here guys. One headset was DOA, so MEH told me to contact 808. Finally found a way to contact them and they then claim that MEH is not an authorized reseller.
As a result, they won't honor any warranty and I could choose pay to mail my headphones to 808 for repair / replacement. This for a set that was DOA.
I really wanted two pairs of these that worked (I have two kids)
@phatbob I'm so sorry. Meh needs to make this right. I didn't read anyone else's replies before I wrote my story. Now I see its a lot of the same. I've been a meh fanboy since day one. Now this is the time to see if Meh is as loyal to us as we were to them.
@Upallnite i clicked the "i need help" on the your orders page...but then i got stuck between MEH suggesting going to the manufacturer and now they say i should go back MEH
I got that far. I'm wondering if Meh knew these were used and returned units. One set I can see but 3 pairs? Only one set fully functions. One was DOA and the other only one side works. All are falling apart.
Lucked out. Seemingly brand new, packaging was in great shape and the contents are as well. Bought these for when I'm on campus, it's always nice to have a cheap pair that can get beat up as you cram them into your bag and rush off to class.
Surprisingly good for the price. As others have said, a bit bass heavy, but I'm on a hip hop and electronic kick right now so that's actually appreciated. Noise isolation has been the best aspect so far, and they're fairly comfortable for what they are. Not a fan of the flattened cord; these are headphones that I want to just wrap up quickly and stow, so while this cord configuration expects a certain treatment it really just ends up a jumbled mess.
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 Day 808 Audio
Estimated Delivery: 3/25 - 3/27
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x 808 Drift Headphones
1x Carrying bag
Black front view
White front view
Black side view
Pivoting black ear cups
Pivoting white ear cups exterior
Pivoting white ear cups interior
Now I know y’all wanted that 808
…Can you feel the B-A-S-S Bass
Price Check
$49.99 List, $28.45 at Amazon
$2,899 at eBay for a Roland TR-808
90 days
I'll take the Roland for $8 though.
I'm not falling for it again. Not after the truly terrible JLab headphones.
@p3dal The in-ear JLabs I got from here are great.
@p3dal I'm talking about the first JLabs Meh sold. The $3 ones. I haven't recieved the JLabs I ordered last month yet.
@p3dal both the first 2fer jlabs and the recent jlabs are literally the worst ear buds ive ever used... literally lit all 3 on fire, which was atleast fun
@phatmass they aren't any better...
The Jlabs were total junk , I've never heard crappier sound. The headphones on planes are better.
@aldosdad You are being so dramatic.
@phatmass You're right, I have heard crappier sound. It was 2 dixie cups tied together with a string. That was slightly worse.
audio gear from meh- never again
@tuxtuxman these have decent reviews and retail price of 50.
@tuxtuxman THISSSSSS
@frmorrison Retail price is sometimes irrelevant. When have you seen a good product sell for <20% retail? I have a $50 watch that was $595 retail. It's a marketing scam. Groupon has $30 watches right now that claim $700 retail. Also one of the Amazon reviews compares it to a $400 pair of headphones and says it blows them away. Just my 2 cents.
Those are some really UGLY headphones, BUT the are only $8, MEHHHH
@brotendo64 black ones look less shitty than the white ones imo.
@brotendo64 ALL on/over ear headphones are ugly. EVERY.SINGLE.PAIR. don't fool yourself into thinking any of these looking good on you or anyone else.
wow, the red on the sale page is brutal.
@HELLOALICE I thought so too...could be the dark room I was in...but I felt it scarring my corneas
I'm going to order a pair for my wife, but I'm not holding out hope for anything great at eight bucks.
@Pavlov Mario put them to the test in his latest lunchtime movie session and they came up a winner.
@clarinetbob I know - if they're good enough for Mario, well hell . . . LOL
@Pavlov "the test" here means: "my husband wore them while eating lunch". There are reviews at Amazon - 4.5 stars average over 4 reviews.
@accumulator The Amazon reviews are about as in depth as "Mario wore them at lunch", which was kind of my point in posting it . . .
@Pavlov wow, both those reviewers had really shitty credentials. Thanks for finding them though, my Google mojo wasn't working.
@Pavlov Haha, they put "reviews" in quotation marks on the helpful posts list.
@Pavlov such a helpful post.
Is the helpful posts thing new? I haven't been keeping up on the item threads.
@Ignorant it is, something new we're trying out in the deal thread.
@JonT not the first time, no?
@Pavlov Will it make my lunch taste better? This tuna samich tastes like crap...
@clarinetbob Yeah but what does Luigi think?
All my posts are helpful, even (especially?) when I'm an asshole and completely off-topic.
I am thinking about Unsubscribing. Meh seems to be meh lately...
@techn9ne816 It's worth it for the batteries. And the cordless phones from last week are pretty nice.
808 is the section in the penal code for disturbing the peace.
@Yakuman Watch your mouth, Mr.
@Yakuman Penal...meh
@Yakuman you said
@Yakuman You said "Penal". Giggidy!
I'm buying two pair because of this: http://www.lifeandbeer.com/808-drift-on-ear-headphones-review/
@phatmass Good find!
@phatmass damn, I was ready to click meh and pass on these...
@phatmass nice! I bought 2 sets before I read the review, and I feel even better about it now!
@phatmass My favorite part of that is, "If you go to Best But..."
@phatmass "I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and its client." from one of his other four reviews for two other things (Wal-Mart wireless and forza motorsport 4)
@phatmass reads like a paid promo. Meh.
@DonaldMcRonald I got tricked again. WHY DOES TOCCs KEEP CHANGING THEIR NAME!?!? UGH!!!
As if i didn't already have 808 mehthods of listening to my music. Speaker docks, ear buds, bluetooth, beats, beetz...
This company (really AudioVox) is actually pretty solid. I've been to several of their CES events..but this may be an OLD model.
I heard these 808 ear drums make the girlies get dumb.

@phatmass It's a shame. So few people would get this reference.
@stupidgregg especially after reading the product pitch
In for one because I'm a sucker.
Also, I want to see if these arrive before the JLabs I ordered.
You hear me, @JonT !!?
@jmckinl dont even start, Ive been waiting for my goat prize since Sept. @lichme has been waiting for his photoshop prize since October. Much you have to learn, young padewan.
@JonT Seriously though, should I email CS since mine haven't even shipped?
@studerc I was supposed to get a BOC from woot 2 years ago for writing a haiku about bugs...
@a a group of them didn't ship out, we're looking into why and we'll get them out as soon as possible, sorry for the long wait.
@jmckinl ditto. Motley-miserable-macaroni

I think someone couldn't spell macrame
@a haha, thats woot. That place is a clusterfuck. Got a boc a few weeks ago, hot wheels car, gel valentine wall hang, and a shirt.woot mini comic. Apparently that counts now as a legit BOC. Fuck those fuckers.
@JonT Okay, thanks
@studerc Hahaha well sorry mate...looks like I may have dodged a bullet of dissapointment. Then again, I was meant to get my boc back in that short post-amazon, pre-clusterfuck stage, so it might not have been that bad. (2 years was a guess, I really don't know how many to be honest)
Is it too late to blame @BillLehecka for this?
@jmckinl Delivery service seems to be sub-meh...that's truely sad
@studerc Mine was pretty bad too. I got a few file folders, an F5 sticker, a cheap led light, a paper bag with a questionmark on it, couple wine bottle reusable plastic corks, and a cleaning spray. The cleaning spray is the only thing I am using and not worth $10. https://meh.com/forum/topics/crappiest-crap-ever-received-from-a-bag-of-crap-woot
I couldn't help it. My 412th pair of (better than average sounding) in-ear phones just died. It was a sign.
The drum machine-focused copy goes on so long I expected an "oops turns out they're just based in Hawaii" finish.
In for two. I can listen to music while relaxing in my ruby-overwrought-bed.
I'm tempted to order 2, just in case I end up with some more cheap cameras...
...and I'm in for 2.
@vlpronj I got them cameras and they work fine for me. For now, that is lol
wide-competent-sparrow. At worst, these will make a good in-law birthday/christmas/celebratory gift.
I got 808 headphones but this ain't one.
Look, these may be terrific earphones, I dunno. But your color & font & font size in the write-up are impossibly difficult to struggle with...at least with these Old Fart eyeballs & using Chrome. The smallest type is illegible. I will play with resizing, etc., but I wanted to point out that, unlike most of your stuff, I really have to struggle to find out what you're saying.
@gertiestn headphones are a young mans game, sit this one out gramps.
@Ignorant Headphones may be a young man's game, but I'm an ancient lesbian & I use earphones often. Prolly not these ones, though.
@gertiestn DOUBLE HEADSHOT?!?!?!
@gertiestn "but I'm an ancient lesbian & I use earphones often." And to think I thought I wouldn't hear/read that sentence today.
@Ignorant respect your elders - we're all headed there faster than we realize. Especially in the hearing dept after cranking up the volume on ear buds and headphones.
If anybody wants the real 808, here you go: http://hiphopmakers.com/free-808-drum-kit-227-samples
I feel like these could have been sold for $8.08.
Edit: Maybe it's not too late.
@cy we're just giving you an $0.08 discount.
@JonT Score! You guys are OK.
Meh; I would've bought them if the price was $8.08.
@Throdis came here to say the same thing, probably could have just gone to bed knowing someone would have beat me to it. By two hours.
I am afraid to order headphones from meh again ;)
@thismyusername Why would you be 'afraid'? What you should say is 'I'm not stupid enough to order headphones from meh again'
No mention on on the write-up here, but the 808 Audio website states that the cable has a built-in mic for hands-free calls. In for two.
@benf_dc ooh. That sold me.
@benf_dcwell, you just sucked me in...if it really does, then its a buy. do I take the chance??? àh one for $8
@benf_dc great catch. Meh should add a mic line to the specs. @JonT?
@benf_dc Noticed none of those ten or so product compensated "reviews" mentions a mic, and they seem to say every nice thing they can find...
@benf_dc I saw that before ordering too but didn't want to mention it just in case I was wrong. I couldn't find any reference to the microphone anywhere. In fact, none of the sites even mention if it's a 1/4" or 1/8" phone plug. But once I googled it and found the 808audio website and the comment about the mic in the cable, I snagged one. I figured it wasn't too much money to risk if I was wrong about the mic.
@cengland0 Yes, none of the reviews mention it and none of the product photos show the plug. If it has no mic, we can’t blame Mediocre Labs.
@benf_dc Got mine today and it DOES NOT have a microphone on the cable like the manufacturer stated. Oh well, they still sound good.
Seriously, that was an awesome writeup. One of the most interesting I've seen. I'll have to go through the videos during work.
Please offer these again next month after I get some more writing jobs. I'm working on a podcast and even a basic set of over ear headphones would be a welcome tech upgrade.
Between the weird and obscure reviews posted by @pavlov and the Amazon reviews (only 4 reviews for a product sold by Amazon since May 2013?), that has got got be the oddest profile of "reviews" I've ever seen for an audio product. It's a phantom product. Zero marketing budget? . . . 'Our kids are tough on headsets and I'm not quite sure why I'm 'risking' 8 bucks on these. . .
Not a sign of big when the number of twitter 808 followers is pretty close to the number of those being followed.
Yep. Not a good sign. helpless-damned-change
@RedOak Eh. I'm in for two. 808 does make (or has made) other models, and taken as a whole, the company's headphones in general seem to be at least fairly well-regarded. I think this is a safe buy at eight dollarbucks, and I would not be shocked if they sold out.
@RedOak For children I recomend anchient all metal studiophones. If you can find any. I threw mine across the room dozens of times growing up. They JUST WON'T DIE.
Sure glad I didn't boil the normal one!
Looking forward to seeing if these out-do the Sony MDR-CD160 on-ears I have, whose pads are shredding. 7mm more driver, at least.
@JasonToon Wow. Bravo!
@Alien totally agree, what a fantastic story!
@Alien kraftwerk.....
LaptopMag reviewed a different model of 808's, thought they were kind of decent: http://www.laptopmag.com/reviews/accessories/808-studio-headphones
@jnathanael Prescience:
The Cons
Mediocre build quality
@Alien Hah!
I think this purchase will make a lovely addition to my cabinet full of inactive equipment which includes VHS players, VHS rewinders, Web-TV equipment, a digital to analog device and a vinyl disc (record ie 33 1/3) player. They have all been replaced by my adult toys.
@GeriatricDragon you listen to your "adult toys"??
@kadagan I just loves the buzz!
In for two, because according to the Beastie Boys, "Nothing sounds quite like an eight oh eight."
I think I might do this just because of the noise isolation. I can't do voice recordings too well with my open 598's...
Even if the overall sound quality is terrible, they should help me.
Under $10? Well hello there. In for one of each color because that's a great deal. Also because Irk's rap and today's write were simply too awesome not to buy. And that noise cancellation was the clincher.
I seem to be averaging 3 orders a week lately. At least it's not the bigger ticket items or I'd be broke.
@Superjimtendo Don't worry even low ticket items will run you broke. At least you are supporting the cause.
@Stallion indeed. what is it they say? even a small leak can sink a big ship.
@ekw That's exactly it! I was on the same war path for a while and had a pile that started to grow like mad. I ended up putting a bunch into the Fuku Exchange I participated in, but the box value sure can get expensive. Good for the recipient, bad for the bank account:)
Am I really going to fall for more audio equipment from Meh?
10...9...8... Can we expect 7...6...5(Fuku!)? :)
@YahSah15 4/1
I am awed at the amount of people purchasing these.
... and not in a good way
@unixrab its $8 for a pair of pretty decent headphones with sound cancelation. whats the suprise? im betting sellout around 10am EST once the Pacific people wake up
@unixrab Could it be because it's only $8 for us but $13 for you? It makes it a better deal for us so why not?
@communist Noise isolation, not noise cancelation. That just means the cushion will block some outside noise from getting in.
@unixrab we're here to awe you.
@communist The Easterners are on EDT now, not EST. But as of 2 pm EDT, not sold out.
Update: eBay..
Item Sold
Item condition:
Mar 10, 2015 , 8:40PM
US $3,775.00
$114.56 Standard Shipping
Those crazy Cals. they certainly know how to charge (and somebody actually bought it!)
@unkabob I don't see the point. Just the samples are MUCH easier to program and use. I still have my TR808(and 505, and 909) but I never use it.
@droopus .. Meh said it was $2,899 at eBay.. I was just screwing with 'um is all.
@unkabob No worries. Some people would gladly pay that for an 808 for the historical value. B)
@droopus ... WOW!!
I don't care if they suck. I'm so tired of my 10-year-old using my good headphones. He can have these.
I'm pretty sure I saw a guy wearing these in Monuments Men.
In for 2. Best user name ever.
Wait a minute. Meh should be paying me to endorse these. Or at least a fuku...
Handy for taking calls and jamming tunes while operating a jackhammer.
You had me at 808.
I seem to keep trying to find a better pair of headphones for cheap… but never do. I still use my Aiwa X301 that I bought probably over 20 years ago, and you know what? They honestly still kick the ass of everything else I've tried.
Don't know where you got that "people preferred the Linn." My engineer got an 808 on a trip to Tokyo in 1981, we brought it to the studio and Arthur laid down the basic rhythm right off the box. We recorded separate 808 instruments to separate multitrack channels though. We put out Planet Rock in 1982. The 808 was a HUGE success right out of the box.
Trivia- The reason an 808 bass drum doesn't sound like a rock kick drum is because the Roland engineers thought they were reproducing a real bass drum, like guys carry in parades. A few years later I rented a 42" parade drum and sampled it for a Patti Day record.
Hey Meh guys. Get the real story first eh? B)
Oh, PS - Kraftwerk sounds are not 808, but Oberheim eXpander. Just so you know.
@droopus Planet Rock! It's the sure shot!
So is that to say that you have one of the most famous 808s in the world?
@droopus Whoa, thanks for setting me straight on a couple of points. I wish I'd known you were among us before I wrote the piece!
@djslack My engineer might still have it with the unintelligible English written by a Japanese instructions. I always liked to play with the machine's programming for fun, but it's a lot easier to sample everything off and use it in Abelton. B)
1 for my little brother who has been looking for headphones like this and 1 for me... Just because.
I loved the music history in today's writeup. Very nicely done!
I would have bought if they were $8.08.
In for because they can't be nearly as bad as yesterday's watch. unless i try to tell time with them and they probably do that better too.
BEST MEH WRITEUP EVAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So what size is the plug? I wish I knew how comfortable they would be for this glasses-wearer. Some phones have been painful with glasses.
difficult-ignorant-camel. Not sure if I should expect headphones or a visit from my ex-wife. I'm in for 3 hoping I get your order by mistake. Happy hump day!
it's odd. if you google the model name, you get a link to this page: Drifts Headphones
but if you click to look at the headphone main page
those headphones are not on it.
so, I guess they are a discontinued model?
this page shows them as "out of stock".
office depot shows them as "no longer available".
I'm guessing these have no noise reduction capabilities. As in these wouldn't be good to wear to listen to music while effectively blocking out noise from the lawnmower, correct?
@MrMark it sounds like you want something like these http://www.amazon.com/Howard-Leight-1030110-Noise-Blocking-Earmuff/dp/B004U4A5RU/ref=pd_sim_hi_5
Of course, those cost 4x today's deal at meh...
tl:dr. ashamedly-lovely-sage
I have a feeling @JasonToon has been waiting a loooong time to write this one up…
I do my weekly 3-hour shift on a community non-profit radio station, and thought of these for basic on-air use, but the open backs rule them out. During mic breaks sound escaping could lead to feedback, or just to sonic mush.
@getkind a little late for this, but the backs are not open at all. They are just designed to look that way.
In for 2, because black and white. (@barney?)
@gregormehndel I love purple.
I break or lose good things. Under $10? I'm in for two!
No Georgia Red. . . for that alone, meh.
I love purple.
@jrwofuga Dawgs on top
@hayesburrow always
@Barney it's a start I suppose.
They're cheap enough to try... Hopefully, they'll be as comfortable as the more expensive ones
I debated these last night. They're still here at 10:27 CDT. In for two. zippy-damaging-bat
The first three images. OMG, what have I done?
@joelmw Musically, I prefer this one:
@joelmw Is that @barney? No one else would live in a purple castle.
@editorkid Barney has purple shoes and purple eye glasses, but no purple castle. -sigh-
Who cares about crappy $8 phones. The musical education on 80's music is priceless.
Does anyone know how do these match up against the Giggs from the last Fuku? Any idea if one is better than the other? I really don't need these, but considering them anyway. No idea why.
But since I did, $8 goes to my son's 529 plan.
The writing here: Fantastique.
I have a great set of Sony's, and B/W, and gave a sound crusher with adjustable mega bass to a relative for a gift, got them super duper cheap, and they had very good sound. I'll describe how these compare. Sadly, my dog ate my favorite ear buds, an oder pair with a very comfortable tapered ear inserts, and a long cord. I will need to scout out some new ones too; might even try a pair or blue-tooth buds. Who knows what my wallet will try buying next? Who could possibly be interested in rambling thoughts about sound waves? In conclusion, $ 8 bucks is cheap but the chain store $5 and below probably has headphones for $5.
How long is the cable on these?
@andipandi Someone asked that question on Amazon and someone else answered, "about 3.5 ft."
I think it would be cool to make headphones with like a 2 inch long cable, and then say "our headphones bring you closer to your music".
When I ordered these, my invoice was configured like an Oreo. Now it is not. That made me sad.
When shipped, and is there a tracking number when can I see you?
@spicajjh from the main page (meh.com) scroll down and in the bottom left click "my orders" once it ships a tracking number will appear in the order summary there.
Was looking through my past orders...
Yea... To bad it wasn't for today's knives or something racy.. haha! Pretty great as it stands, anyway.
배송이 늦는거 같은데.. 언재 출고되나용? 메? 메? 메?
@ichrises somekind of delay... When you ship? meh? meh? meh?
So will I receive the 808 by the 8th day of the 8th month? 8/08 - That's the gag, right?
Sure would love it if these shipped at some point...
Yea it is weird how the items don't ship in order. Seems like 5 or so items will stack up and ship in random order. No biggie I'm sure they are still working things out and not like prime or anything considering price. Only PITA is having to leave work early to go to the post office when the box is too big for my mailbox.
I would like my headphones before 2016...Heck never-mind they are $8 headphones, I'll probably be disappointed anyway.
Hey y'all -- if you scroll on up to the specs you'll see that the estimated delivery for these is quite far out from when we sold them (3/25 - 3/27), that's something to keep in mind and check when you order something and wonder where it is.
That said, we're having some issues getting these into our warehouse so it's possible we may miss that estimated delivery date. Sorry about that if we do.
@spicajjh @bigbo2003 @MJBURNS @TBoneZeOriginal @StrangerDanger
@JonT it's all good. I got them for mowing the lawn. Considering the fact it snowed a bit today I think that will be a while.
@JonT That's OK. Wasn't all that excited about them anyway. Hopefully the delay is not due to having them queued up to sell again prior to the initial Meh'rs testing them out! (And proving them crappy.) ;-)
@JonT I don't believe you! You guys are just making sure you don't ship out a free web cam again.
@PocketBrain It was only free for people who had loose moral values.
@JonT That's okay. I'll just use my neoprene Kindle cases instead. That'll work, right?
@JonT Guess what? I love you guys anyway (although I reserve the right to complain later).
@StrangerDanger Don't worry, these headphones are just as good at shoveling snow as they are at mowing lawn.
@JonT Guh. If I get it on the 1st of April, there better some gag in there with it, like opening the package for some springy snakes to pop out at me too or something. But nah, I buy what little I can from Meh for the price and price alone. I've waited longer for stuff from other sites when shopping with that attitude, but they've never had the politeness to let me know I have to wait longer than expected.
So much for getting this in time to use on my honeymoon ):
@atravis6 No problem - delay your wedding... ;)
@atravis6 we've been happily married 25 years. Please consider the following advice. . .
Don't take headphones on your honeymoon!
@RedOak Oh, my mistake!! We should furiously make out on each of the four flights we will be taking next weekend, instead of enjoying a few hours of semi-quiet time and partially blocking out the loud conversations of my fellow passengers. RIIIIIIGHT.
@PhotoJim I wish (: Sure wasn't my idea to have it over spring break, but I'm glad to be keeping the tradition of an April Fool's Day wedding going in his family.
@atravis6 might have missed the point.
@RedOak No, I fully understood your attempt at humor.
I guess I will have to solder the new connector on my son's old headphones after all. I was procrastinating in anticipation of simply giving him a new set of these.
Oh. No. My. $8. Headphones. Will. Be. A. Week. Late. Whatever. Shall. I. Do. I. Guess. I'll. Just. Rage. On. The. Internet. RAWWWR.
Seriously, you're still good with me, Meh.
@wishlish [Insert typical profane XBox Live rage message here]
I think we should get some more meh socks to compensate...
@socos I would totally be down with this. Size 12, y'all.
I heard we are all getting our VMP extended for a month to compensate... or was that a year - I can never figure out what the voices in my head are saying once they start talking over each other.
@prof perhaps it is one free VMP month per set of headphones ordered.
Just hope there aren't holes we have to seal up on these like with the jlabs.......
meh ! whatever,! i will just take free VMP for this month along with the head phone. thanks ^.^
First meh! purchase and the service is meh! I don't know what I was expecting...
Eh, they're only moving the estimated shipping date back a week, which doesn't exactly sound unreasonable to me. And as always from Meh, I appreciate the level of honesty and lack of bullshit. Most companies would just send it late and hope nobody notices.
Well crap, I was going to have the kids use these in the car for the 12+ hr drive to FL for spring break. Now They won't have anything to listen to their music with. Now we are going to have to actually talk and stuff. I mean WTF, thanks for making my family BOND or disBOND on the road meh. :)
@apexslide You should have gotten the Jlabs to fill their ear holes. Personally, if anything is going to cause a family to dis-bond, it will be a 12+ drive anywhere. Doubly so if that place in Florida has a mouse as a mascot. I would say to give up and pack it in, but our state needs your tourist dollars. Feel free to mortgage the house and spend it here. kthnx
20-23 days for shipping now? That's not mediocre, thats shitty.
I'm OK with the delay. Delivery speed's not a huge deal with me.
To paraphrase one of Murphy's laws:
1) You want it good?
2) You want it cheap?
3) You want it fast?
-- Pick any two.
Heck, since we're in Meh territory, there's probably a mediocre law:
1-3) Good? Cheap? Fast?
-- You might get one of those; Meh gets to pick.
Ordering from Meh! is like ordering yourself a random present!
It takes so long for the stuff to come you completely forgot you ordered it and when it comes it's like christmas morning!
I mean really this just stuff. Sure ya want it but how soon till it's in the junk drawer cast aside for the next nifty geegaw. It not like expressscripts screwing up my order for the 3rd time and I can't breath because big pharma has locked out all generics and the repugnacants got all concerned about global warming and outlawed butane gassed inhalers so what was $20 in 2007 is 200 today, fuckers
So....um... Do you think, maybe, my headphones will ship soon? KTHXBAI
This reminds me of the time I won the lottery. I drove down to Austin to pick up my millions and they were like, "Sorry sir, it's going to be a few weeks before we can get you your check." I was like, WHAT!? I drove down here for nothing? Screw it, just give me my dollar back!!!
These should ship out today, check https://meh.com/orders for a tracking number.
@arkayar @Kevin_McGrade @phatmass @spicajjh @bigbo2003 @MJBURNS @TBoneZeOriginal @StrangerDanger
Tracking # received! wOOT! Wait, wrong site.
Arrived today! Impressive. Best $14 headphones i've ever had. #dohashtagsworkonmeh #meh
I received the tracking number. I ordered two sets and according to the tracking info:
Dimensions 6x6x6 in
Weight 0.2 lbs / 0.09 kgs
Doesn't that seem a little light??
Should I be worried that something else was sent instead? Or perhaps just a picture of the headphones?
Or maybe I got some Meh socks instead?!?! Not sure I would complain about that mix up.
It's scheduled to arrive on April Fool's Day too......
@Prissy I think that's a placeholder weight you are seeing. It should change when it reaches the next shipping hub.
@barnabee Still the same specs, but hopefully all is well. I just read about the lantern/camera ordeal.
@Prissy I had the same weight as you (I only ordered one), but it did change when it reached a main hub. Thinking good thoughts for you!
@barnabee Got them--all is good. Headphones are about what I expected. Good for the price paid.
Just recieved these today. As a normal person that doesn't pretend to be an audiophile I find these pleasantly sufficient at delivering sound to my ears. Definitely worth the purchase price.
We received ours yesterday and I wore a set on my train ride in. I'm pleasantly surprised. They do a decent job of blocking out ambient noise (it's different--both better and worse--from my triple-flange in-ear), they're actually quite comfortable (there's also plenty of room for my largeish head) and the sound is good (bass is better than ear phones and I don't notice a significant deprecation at the higher ranges).
The wait wasn't bad, IMO, and well worth the $8, especially considering that I would likely have never bought this kind of listening device (I've been happy with my earphones) were they not so cheap. Glad we got three.
Well done, meh. Though, yeah, not as meh as I would have expected.
Just got them in today, for $8 you can't beat em. Thanks meh!
These headphones are great for the price! I should've gotten 3!!!
Liking mine, too. Might be my best meh purchase so far. If they were to be offered again, l'd be in for some more.
And mine come in missing instruction and carrying bag. Also a white sticker on the box with numbers written in pen and the headphone cord all undone in the box. Just like my food containers. Contacting support. 😞
@StrangerDanger bummer way to ruin the string of luck. We'll have to buy the stickers back from you for $8 or so. Guess the manufacturer snuck a return in.
@StrangerDanger Mine came the same way. Thought it was weird there were no instructions, but what would I really need instructions for anyway?
@snapster one of our three came with that hand written sticker as well. Haven't opened all three to check contents. But was a bit worried by that odd sticker.
And the individual product boxes are pretty banged up - would not feel comfortable gifting them with out some kind of 'got them at a flea market' joke.
@snapster just checked all three - no "carrying bags" in any of them! Somebody short-sold you (I mean us).
@StrangerDanger i didn't get a carrying bag with mine, but they appeared all new.
@StrangerDanger Aw... no sticker for me. :( The numbers are just written on the box.
@StrangerDanger Carrying bags? We got no fucking carrying bags. But with the other headphones (the Able Planet) we did.
Got mine within the original expected delivery date, can't wait to try them out yay
Finally came! Hm, mine didn't have a carrying bag either. Trying them out. They are not terrible at all! The bass on these is STOOPID LOUD. No audiophile would love these but they'd make some teenager with an mp3 player full of dubstep very very happy. They make me pretty happy too.
I'm so glad this thing is OK! I was worried about buying more headphones from meh after buying the metal Jbuds. Those things were so bad they gave me ear cancer.
@edheil I recently climbed up from Sennheiser 201s to HD598s. Music has changed for me because of it and I can definitely note shortcomings of lesser headphones when it used to not matter. These are decent for $8 and might sound better not going through an amp, but that bass muddles everything else. As long as it isolates better than my open 598s, though. Need isolation for better voice recording, even if what I monitor doesn't sound top quality.
@Talidan That's a fair assessment. If you want to listen to something and not get pounded in the ear by overwhelming bass to the exclusion of everything else, these are probably not the headphones to use. :)
They look cheap. They feel cheap. They did not come with the carrying bag promised by Meh. They do not have the hands-free calling mic promised on the 808 Audio product page (but not by Meh), without which the iPhone / Android compatibility sticker on the box makes little sense.
But they are comfortable to wear and sound quite good for $8.00 cans. So no regrets.
@benf_dc Headphones without a mic tend to have the compatibility sticker now. Probably because a lot of people have to know if something is compatible with their device, even if it should be obvious that it is. Since some companies started to do it, others have no choice but to do it otherwise people comparing might notice one says compatible and the other doesn't, meaning no sale from someone who doesn't understand headphones is headphones.
@Talidan I know that all iPhones have 3.5mm headphone jacks, but I did not realize that this was also standard on Android phones. (Didn't realize that ANYTHING about Android hardware was standard.)
@benf_dc It would be silly to deviate from the near-universal headphone standard, but that's more like something Apple would do anyway. Just about everything for Android is pretty standard and about the same as iPhones, save for the proprietary Apple stuff, which is few and mostly internal stuff, other than the power jack. Most Android devices have micro-USB for power, which is reaaallly nice since you can use almost any non-Apple device cords interchangeably for both power and connecting to PC. Got a Windows 8 tablet? Same cable can be used for your Android phone! Really, there's Apple Standard, and then there's Everything Else Standard. The two mix from time to time, but Apple is the one that likes to have its own, sterile ecosystem...
@Talidan The iPhone does not have a headphone jack. It has a headphone-compatible 3.5mm headset jack. Before the iPhone, these were extremely rare; most cell phones had the same 2.5mm headset jacks that remain common on cordless phone handsets today.
@benf_dc Sorry, that's what I mean. It being a headset jack is kind of a given at this point. And later Blackberrys (still pre-iPhone), being basically the first popular smartphone, helped make it standard as well. The popularity of both cemented it, I think.
I don't like the fact they were obvious returns with a beat up box and big white sticker on the front. (They were not sold as refurbs but obviously repackaged.) I don't like there is no bag as advertised. I do like the way they sound and I guess that is what matters. When you buy a pair of $8.00 headphones, you get $8.00 Headphones. Just be a little more honest about the product next time. Makes me wonder.......
Ditto. No carrying bag despite being in the product description. Lots of bass, but sound fine enough for me. Decent amount of sound isolation for on-ear headphones. Comfortable on my ginormous noggin.
On the whole, I'm satisfied with the purchase though the carrying bag would have been nice.
Pretty good sound, actually really good sound for the price. Major disappoint because no carrying bag. Bummer.
Just checked my mailbox and was excited to open these up. They sound great for the price and I am not disappointed by how they sound. The box was brand new with no sign of being previously opened or repackaged. The cable was neatly bundled with a twist tie. There was no carrying bag as promised, which accounts for 50% of the "what's in the box" contents. I believe this entitles me and anyone else who was missing the carrying bag a 50% off voucher for our next meh. Who's with me?
@apexseals nex time you go to dollar general for noname cheetos, put your headphones in the dollar general bag and prestochango you gotcherself a carry bag.
@cranky1950 Just there 2 days ago but they only had offical cheeto's. 2/$4 I was eating them when reading this and looking at my headphones...
Technically, if you just crunch up the box a bit to smooth out all those pointy corners and make it soft-like, you got yerself a carrying bag.
No carrying bag :(
Carrying bag-free here too. Actually wanted the silly bag to use : )
Box was in good shape, no sticker like others have, but there was writing in pen directly on the box instead. No carrying bag, but I had no clue I was supposed to be getting one, so not a major loss to me.
Appear cheap as hell in looks and feel, but can't complain too much at $8.
They were a little painful to put on at first, but are hardly noticeable after a minute or two. I'm used to super cushyness, so it's to be expected.
Sound quality is good for the price, though too much bass for my taste. I bought them specifically for isolation and wasn't even really considering using them for listening to music, so any real drawbacks in sound don't affect me.
Plugging into my phone instead of the amp on my computer, the bass muddles things up less.
Isolation is decent. As expected from $8, on-ear headphones. I can use them for what I need to for a little bit, so that's good enough for me!
I'm relatively satisfied. Got what I expected.
@JonT I'm enjoying Alto even more now that I have these headphones. Of course, I was using no headphones at all before. But I'm seriously shocked at how good the game sounds (I particularly enjoy when there is a thunderstorm).
Got mine today. White, new box no bag. Was going to use them for monitoring voice overs when recording, but not pure and too much bass for that. Very nice for music on my phone though. Worth the 8 bucks.
Best earphones ever. So glad I ordered two.
Just received mine. For "Condition: New", these are very obviously used and repackaged.... poorly. As in, someone bought them, shoved everything back in the box so it would fit, returned them, and they were immediately shipped out to another customer.
Also, "What's in the box" should be relabeled "What's supposed to be in the box". Like so many others, no carrying bag (which I actually do use with my headphones).
Mighty overlords of Meh, I suggest not working with this supplier anymore. It seems they are using you as a patsy to unload their sh!t.
Support, don't fail me now!
I sheepishly admit that I never noticed I was supposed to get a carrying bag, which I would totally love and find lacking. Also, our boxes had stickers and a couple were dinged up, but what was inside looked new enough. I ain't complaining about the insides, just the carrying bag. Or was that a misprint?
@joelmw I don't see anything on the box that indicates that a bag is included. It did say so in the meh description, though. So maybe meh was given some bad info from the supplier?
@pitamuffin it's not the end of the world but a bag does make it a lot easier to keep the cord under control when not in use. And we didn't buy these from "the supplier". We bought them from Meh.
Oh, Meh. How you woo me with your lackadaisical promises, then completely and utterly fail to not deliver on them, exactly as implied all of the time with every self-deferential post imploring us to buy or don't, you don't care, just do something with your life, dammit.
So did your supplier have an inordinate number of heavy-looking rings on his sausage-like fingers, yet a surprisingly dainty gold chain around his neck that you could only catch an occasional glimpse of through the volumes of exposed chesthair peeking from beneath the open collar of a shifty hawaiian shirt? Did he offer full disclosure that these were probably robbed from an Office Depot returns counter on one sweaty, humid night in Miami that only Vinny The Legs remembers with any clarity, and he's not talking to nobody no more?
These arrived today in boxes looking kind of sat on (Vinny will neither confirm nor deny this), with stickers from office depot and some mysterious hand-scribbled numbers, with box-chafing marks of old inventory that's been banged around for quite some time, and as has been pointed out by many others, no carrying bag as in the description. They make my nintendo 3ds sound better and netflix on my desktop sound worse, and aren't the most uncomfortable things I've ever shoved my head in (and having crammed my faceholder into many interesting places, this is a better endorsement than it may seem.) They will make bad gifts for anyone over the age of 12.
So I come away not particularly satisfied with this purchase, but not entirely full of loathing: I find it to be the most bland and, indeed, mediocre thing that I have purchased in quite some time. A deep, tolling sound may be heard from within my heart as I gaze upon them: it is a resounding meh, to which I can only respond by promising myself to be more careful what I click on in the future to avoid such craptacular purchases.
@jiltant Don't you know anything??...they fell off the back of a truck
Yea nothing back from customer service yet. I'm happy enough with them but kinda disappointed not to hear anything back from them even if it would be nothing they can do. Oh well maybe they are still looking into what happened.
For $8, I'm happy. I can pretend I'm not able to listen to anyone with these puppies on.
Got my headphones...Neither had a bag. I didn't know that they were supposed to, and lo and behold, there it is in the product description....
one was DOA (well, not quite, only one earpiece worked). The other was pretty good. Contacted MEH who asked me to contact 808 directly. It's been more than two weeks in all the contacting and no word back from MEH or 808 on what do do about my dead headset.
@phatbob Well the obvious solution is to buy a pathfinder then take your deadheadset on the phish tour
Both of mine were great, bestest 8 buck headsets ever. My evil daughter keeps trying to filch one of them.
Customer service got back to me and said that there was no bag, that was a mix up and no paperwork was included and if I felt like it was a return send them some pics and they can pass them on. Kinda got the feeling that wasn't much they can do. No biggie, good headphone and I have enough built NY cases to use.
These are amazing! I ordered two and I'm happy I did. Wish I had ordered 3 of them. Great sound! Great alternative to my Bose earbuds.
I'm stuck here guys. One headset was DOA, so MEH told me to contact 808. Finally found a way to contact them and they then claim that MEH is not an authorized reseller.
As a result, they won't honor any warranty and I could choose pay to mail my headphones to 808 for repair / replacement. This for a set that was DOA.
I really wanted two pairs of these that worked (I have two kids)
@phatbob I'm so sorry. Meh needs to make this right. I didn't read anyone else's replies before I wrote my story. Now I see its a lot of the same. I've been a meh fanboy since day one. Now this is the time to see if Meh is as loyal to us as we were to them.
@phatbob @Upallnite contact us at http://meh.com/support and we'll work this out with you. Really sorry for the trouble.
I received broken used headphones. They were obviously opened and more than likely used. How can I contact someone at Meh about this? 3 pairs all junk
@Upallnite i clicked the "i need help" on the your orders page...but then i got stuck between MEH suggesting going to the manufacturer and now they say i should go back MEH
I got that far. I'm wondering if Meh knew these were used and returned units. One set I can see but 3 pairs? Only one set fully functions. One was DOA and the other only one side works. All are falling apart.
Lucked out. Seemingly brand new, packaging was in great shape and the contents are as well. Bought these for when I'm on campus, it's always nice to have a cheap pair that can get beat up as you cram them into your bag and rush off to class.
Surprisingly good for the price. As others have said, a bit bass heavy, but I'm on a hip hop and electronic kick right now so that's actually appreciated. Noise isolation has been the best aspect so far, and they're fairly comfortable for what they are. Not a fan of the flattened cord; these are headphones that I want to just wrap up quickly and stow, so while this cord configuration expects a certain treatment it really just ends up a jumbled mess.
Happy with my purchase.