@winfield Curious that there are no later reviews for this on Amazon than September of '22. But they still appear for sale, just nobody caring enough to rate them. Must be pretty Meh.
“Aromas of lemon peel, summer stone fruit, and Jasmine are followed by flavors of nectarines, green apple, and orange blossom. The palate is juicy and concentrated with an extended finish.”
Oh wait! That’s not for this product but for yesterday’s Chardonay offering on Casemates.com.
These are good if you freeze dry them then crush it into a fine powder. Mix with 20% lidocaine & sterile water and inject directly into your corneas. Give you a little boost for 20-30 minutes
@FasionMagazine@notapicbot Well, discrepancy between your profile and the report from your badge. Apologies! I just found it hard to believe that someone would put up with this place for that long if they had only found 1 item worth buying over several years.
And then fawn over “energy” jello shots that many people here are not interested in.
The following classified draft letter came into my hands by means of a source who for obvious reasons would prefer to remain anonymous. I share it here in the hopes that the powers that be here at Meh may have the opportunity to develop a robust legal strategy. It’s future may depend on it!
"To @mediocrebot,
Mediocritee, Morningside, Meh, Inc., and all it’s affiliates:
It has come to the attention of my clients, Kraft-Heinz that you have marketed a product called Jellifit Immunity and Energy Support Gels as your “Daily Deal” for February 23, 2023.
I am shocked and chagrined, mortified and stupefied that you would blatantly and shockingly shill a product that’s baldly and transparently a copy of my client’s Jello brand. I find this behavior larcenous, libelous, and litigously illegitimate.
It’s furthermore inappropriate. It’s lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous. If you continue this malfeasance that’s going to be a big problem and a clear violation of my client’s rights as a corporate citizen It’s an infringement on our constitutional rights. It’s outrageous, egregious, preposterous.
If the shoe fits,
you must cease and desist!
We await your initial offer of financial renumetraiion to compensate my clients for your illegal, illicit, and injurious criminality.
@hap46st Don’t worry about Meh’s future. I see the date is wrong in that letter, and even though food is still valid after its “best by” date, legal documents are not. So there’s nothing to worry about.
Although that packaging certainly does remind me of an old jingle…
Oh, the big amber letters stand for the JelliFit family.
Oh, the big amber letters stand for the JelliFit family.
That’s JelliFit! (yum yum yum)
JelliFit pudding! (yum yum yum)
JelliFit ta-pioca pudding, yessiree!
transcribed from this:
Maybe those old radio peoples should worry about a sternly-worded letter from Jackie Chiles.
These were delivered very quick. I like how they say exactly what concentrates are involved and are actually the related flavor. It reduces allergen risk a lot!
I tried strawberry today. Good texture, size, and flavor. Not sure if it made a huge difference in my energy but it couldn’t have hurt
Product: 120-Pack: Jellifit Immunity & Energy Support Gels
Model: 194020000369, 194020000376, 194020000382, 19402000039
Condition: New
What’s Included?
Price Comparison
$183.80 at Amazon
($135.56 with Prime)
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Feb 27 - Tuesday, Feb 28
Will these make good margaritas?
@yakkoTDI A little thick
@yakkoTDI i mean… you can mix them with tequila and let us know how it goes…
@mehcuda67 Nothing wrong with thick.
/giphy thick

@mehcuda67 @yakkoTDI Why’d I just get a craving for pasta with home-made marinara sauce?
@emcrocetti @yakkoTDI You mess with the bull, you get the Hornitos.
@mehcuda67 @phendrick @yakkoTDI if only there was a way to order a large amount of pasta anonymously. The mehsterminds should create that.
Energy = Meh * square can
(Those are square cans in the pictures, right?)
It’s so great we’ve moved on from those immobile, room-sized dietary supplements.
/showme there’s always room for jello… Forever.
margaritas? no.
Daiquiris? no.
Really shitty margaritas.
@RogerWilco even worse:
really shitty jello shots.
Got these recently. They are… okay. I wouldn’t say delicious but not bad either. Mild energy boost.
@Cloudscout I really like the flavors personally; you can tell they use real fruit juices and not some artificial garbage
Those retail prices are INSANE. No wonder they had to sell to Meh.
@winfield Curious that there are no later reviews for this on Amazon than September of '22. But they still appear for sale, just nobody caring enough to rate them. Must be pretty Meh.
Caffeine! Just say NO to drugs.
The strawberry one wasn’t awful. The mango and green apple were terrible. Left a horrid taste all day that I couldn’t get rid of.
That’s some bull, alright.
If you eat enough of these, you’ll get sent to the Heaviside Layer.
What’s with all the energy shit, can’t we have regular food
@Star2236 What’s with ALL the shit lately?
@detailer @Star2236 Lately?
@Star2236 @Weboh OK…last couple years. That better?
Oh wait! That’s not for this product but for yesterday’s Chardonay offering on Casemates.com.
/showme happy people after meh.com permanently stops selling food items
I was interested until I saw fructooligosaccharide and stevioside. Give me cane sugar. These fake sugars taste disgusting.
These are good if you freeze dry them then crush it into a fine powder. Mix with 20% lidocaine & sterile water and inject directly into your corneas. Give you a little boost for 20-30 minutes
Slide one right up your butt for instant effect.
@mexicantacos You ARE still talking about today’s product, correct?
Just unwrap and hang for use as fly paper.
“Please pass the Jellifit…”
“Please pass the Jellifit Immunity & Energy Support Gels…”
“Please pass the Jellifit Immunity & Energy…”
Ain’t Taurine one of them zo-dee-ack things? You know like one of the other them, Leon, Viagra, or Aquafresh?
/giphy mobile-home-astrology

Meh BOGO: Buy one Taurine Blacque and get one random Mick Belkin adapter.
Why does the meh face have a stapler for a mouth?
My first purchase! I’ve had meh for like a decade? and I finally decide to get these lol
@notapicbot cheers! My first one too, after checking once every few days for a couple years. The price is so good on this one
@FasionMagazine @notapicbot LIES from both of yer!
Your profiles say you each joined this month.
lol back at you
@notapicbot @phendrick yeah I just joined but I’ve been checking meh deals for years
@FasionMagazine @notapicbot Well, discrepancy between your profile and the report from your badge. Apologies! I just found it hard to believe that someone would put up with this place for that long if they had only found 1 item worth buying over several years.
And then fawn over “energy” jello shots that many people here are not interested in.
I got them last times and not disappointed. Taste is totally meh, barely there but I like them.
Well these are dumb
The following classified draft letter came into my hands by means of a source who for obvious reasons would prefer to remain anonymous. I share it here in the hopes that the powers that be here at Meh may have the opportunity to develop a robust legal strategy. It’s future may depend on it!
"To @mediocrebot,
Mediocritee, Morningside, Meh, Inc., and all it’s affiliates:
It has come to the attention of my clients, Kraft-Heinz that you have marketed a product called Jellifit Immunity and Energy Support Gels as your “Daily Deal” for February 23, 2023.
I am shocked and chagrined, mortified and stupefied that you would blatantly and shockingly shill a product that’s baldly and transparently a copy of my client’s Jello brand. I find this behavior larcenous, libelous, and litigously illegitimate.
It’s furthermore inappropriate. It’s lewd, lascivious, salacious, outrageous. If you continue this malfeasance that’s going to be a big problem and a clear violation of my client’s rights as a corporate citizen It’s an infringement on our constitutional rights. It’s outrageous, egregious, preposterous.
If the shoe fits,
you must cease and desist!
We await your initial offer of financial renumetraiion to compensate my clients for your illegal, illicit, and injurious criminality.
Jackie Childs, Esq.
@hap46st Don’t worry about Meh’s future. I see the date is wrong in that letter, and even though food is still valid after its “best by” date, legal documents are not. So there’s nothing to worry about.
Although that packaging certainly does remind me of an old jingle…
transcribed from this:
Maybe those old radio peoples should worry about a sternly-worded letter from Jackie Chiles.
@hap46st @xobzoo (Esq.)
Got these last time. They are actually pretty good, though I still have a bunch of them. Even eating a couple a day, they last forever.
These things must be pretty energetic indeed. Ordered them on Tuesday and they were delivered TODAY (barely two days later).
Now, if they can only get me moving that fast, and I don’t mean to the crapper.
These were delivered very quick. I like how they say exactly what concentrates are involved and are actually the related flavor. It reduces allergen risk a lot!
I tried strawberry today. Good texture, size, and flavor. Not sure if it made a huge difference in my energy but it couldn’t have hurt
I’m very disappointed these all expire 03/23! A waste of money to only have one box usable!
@katiholt Yes, that’s why it’s at meh for a discount. The very first point in the specs noted that.
@katiholt So you think they become instantly unusable on that date? Seriously?