@Pavlov I see that, in my gif result. It bugged me, but I didn’t want to change it. Now my shame will live forever, highlighted by your mockery of my lack of knowledge.
/giphy shame
@WTFsunshine well from what i can tell its the #1 misquoted line from star wars…he never says ‘Luke’ at all, instead it’s a rebuttal. “no. I am your father.” that’s from what i remember anyway.
@NAFderwin You’re right, but if you went 'round just saying “No, I am your father.” people would be all “wtf?” The addition of “Luke” gives it some context.
@medz i agree with you on that for sure. i mean saying “I am your father” in a deep dramatic voice might get the message across, but my main reason for pointing it out is how amazing it is that society can sort of take something and run with it.
@somf69 My display cards were in good condition from the last sale. I think one might have had some curve in it from resting in the box, but about the same condition as if they were bought at retail.
I’m not anal about these things, though, and some will come out to play on my desk.
@KDemo Yeah… and to prove my nerdiness… the “chick” that the “elf” is giving them rad die cast collectibles to isn’t just “some chick”. She’s Diana Muldaur who will eventually play the Next Generation regular, Dr. Pulaski.
You win this round, Meh. But remember, “The Dark Side of the Force is the pathway to many abilities some consider to be… Unnatural.”
In case you haven’t seen this yet, here’s a funny video of William Shatner honoring Lucas at the at the 2005 American Film Institute for the Life Achievement Award.
@unixrab Speaking of which, shouldn’t we have found out about the changes to VMP by now? I’m talking as someone who has been one since the beginning. Granted I have been using my VMP a heck of a lot more in the last month than in the last six months.
There’s a popular table-top game called X-wing that uses models very similar to these, which might account for a percentage of these sales. (Also, for the not-so-well-known Mandalorian fighter being amazon’s top seller.)
Actually not that bad of a deal…if you want two extra X-wing fighters. The prices have not changed from the last comparison with Amazon and the fighters are selling for $8.99 a piece so for $4.00 more you gain the cost of $16.98. But, I already got them last time and don’t need an extra set just for two more fighters. I was confused when I first came to the site because at 12:08 the map showed this:
i really wanted them last time to hang from the ceiling. but $30…ehhhh i just don’t know. too many other things i should be spending $30 on right now. hrm. a strong mehbe.
@cengland0 I had hoped to talk myself out of the impulse buy. I did end up buying from the page.
I miss my VMP, but there were months I bought nothing.
First meh purchase here, too! Star Wars really is my impulse buy trigger. (Plus, a buddy of mine collects these and I thought they’d be an awesome addition to my office desk).
/image retro wishful tortellini
What’s in the Box?
12x Hot Wheels Star Wars Ships
Some of 'em
Some more
The bad guys
An elf gives toys to some chick
Price Comparison
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Monday, July 20th
Hot Wheels? I’m not 10, and I don’t know anyone who is. Meh!
@mdszy Oh you really don’t understand how Hot Wheels aren’t for kids anymore do you? It’s like how Legos stopped being a kids thing.
Finn: The box for this one said ages 8-14.
The Man Upstairs: That’s a suggestion. They have to put that on there.
Great face today:

/giphy a long long time ago in a galaxy far far away

@Thumperchick IIRC there is just one long . . .
A long long time ago is from Rocky Horror (from the audience callback).
“A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away, God said let there be lips, and there were, and they were good…”
@Pavlov I see that, in my gif result. It bugged me, but I didn’t want to change it. Now my shame will live forever, highlighted by your mockery of my lack of knowledge.

/giphy shame
@Pavlov “Long Long Time Ago” is also referenced in the song “American Pie”, covered by Weird Al as “The Saga Begins”, which may cause confusion:
@lichme Nah, I just suck at movie quotes - even easy ones.
@Thumperchick I’m no good at movie quotes also.

@Pavlov as long as nobody says “Luke i am your father”.
@NAFderwin If you didn’t want it said then why did you say it?

/image “Luke I am your Father”
@WTFsunshine well from what i can tell its the #1 misquoted line from star wars…he never says ‘Luke’ at all, instead it’s a rebuttal. “no. I am your father.” that’s from what i remember anyway.
@NAFderwin You are probably right. I haven’t watched them since the originals became add ons.
@NAFderwin You’re right, but if you went 'round just saying “No, I am your father.” people would be all “wtf?” The addition of “Luke” gives it some context.
@medz i agree with you on that for sure. i mean saying “I am your father” in a deep dramatic voice might get the message across, but my main reason for pointing it out is how amazing it is that society can sort of take something and run with it.
@medz solution: always carry a large fan to speak into when using that line.
@NAFderwin It’s “play it again, Sam” all over again.
@aetris i had to look that up. also reminds me of “do you feel lucky Punk?” similar style non-verbatim quote
Here is an illustration of my feelings on referential accuracy in the Star Wars universe:
@chrisquinn13 ??? What did I do this time?
I expect these will ship in lightspeed
@lichme you expect too much.
@Thumperchick Come on, it’s a pun! Ship… lightspeed… star wars…
I have nothing but the lowest of standards for the actual shipping time.
@lichme That’s the thing about puns, you can’t force them.
@Thumperchick Whatever you say, yo’ da boss!
Your expectations, you must lower @lichme
@lichme These puns are only luke warm.
@gyozilla What has two thumbs and is the butt of bad star wars puns?

I beg to differ. Awww, sad trombone.
@gyozilla Hey! Leia off him. He’s trying.
@Thumperchick Give me a bit Anikan probably come up with something
@Thumperchick I find your lack of faith disturbing.
@gyozilla for star gazers
/giphy y wing is a bomber

@medz Going after @skemmehs again?
Unfortunately, I’m not really into Star Trek.
@cengland0 lol

Where are the wheels?
@RedOak They got too hot and melted
@RedOak In space, no one can hear you spin brodies.
@RedOak “Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need roads”
Or maybe I bought them last time and I don’t want a second set? Sheep, indeed.
Die cast…umm shouldn’t use those words as some have.
Does the “Partisan X-Wing Fighter” often leave angry comments on Facebook?
You forgot to put “willfully ignorant” before angry, @awk
Again so soon
My question is how bad will the condition of the display cards be …
@somf69 My display cards were in good condition from the last sale. I think one might have had some curve in it from resting in the box, but about the same condition as if they were bought at retail.
I’m not anal about these things, though, and some will come out to play on my desk.
/giphy it’s a trap


/giphy it’s a trap
@jml326 Nope-A.


From here
Spock really knows how to please a woman.
I guess it makes twisted sense that he’s a Star Wars fan.
@KDemo Yeah… and to prove my nerdiness… the “chick” that the “elf” is giving them rad die cast collectibles to isn’t just “some chick”. She’s Diana Muldaur who will eventually play the Next Generation regular, Dr. Pulaski.
I totally don’t need these.

/image mammoth radiant rainstorm
Aint nobody got time for this garbage
@stoopkid I’m pretty sure that had just enough time for this garbage:
@lichme I question the magnitude of the number of people who have time for this garbage.
/giphy Han good luck

I probably already have all of these already, but buying anyway. As I’ve posted here before, they really are good quality.
Waitwaitwait… I mean my SON already has all of these
@haydesigner The quality varies. The X-Wing laser cannons are horrible misshapen blobs. But the Falcon and Vader’s TIE are quite good.
Another non-fan of Star Wars. Sorry.
You win this round, Meh. But remember, “The Dark Side of the Force is the pathway to many abilities some consider to be… Unnatural.”
That is so deliciously disturbing.
@JustKen No bluetooth. Pass.
@haydesigner Not quite.

Modelo negro > modelo > carona

/image “Modelo Negro”
/image “Modelo Negra”
Espolon reposado > suaza gold > Modelo negro > modelo > carona
In case you haven’t seen this yet, here’s a funny video of William Shatner honoring Lucas at the at the 2005 American Film Institute for the Life Achievement Award.
I LOL’d when watching it again. “Live long and prosper, George. Well, live long. You’ve already prospered enough.”
/buy -q 2
@AccusingEwe It worked! Your order number is: young-glittery-cough
/image young glittery cough

I approve of today’s silly product pic
There’s a disappointing lack of frogs today.
@PlacidPenguin Here you go.
“frog” != “toad”.
@PlacidPenguin all toads are frogs.
WTF 2 In 1 month………maybe there’s VMP in my future???
… wait
@unixrab You’ve been banned from getting VMP. Try signing up, you’ll see.
…you’re not getting the whole “wait” thing… Study up and get back to me
@unixrab Speaking of which, shouldn’t we have found out about the changes to VMP by now? I’m talking as someone who has been one since the beginning. Granted I have been using my VMP a heck of a lot more in the last month than in the last six months.
“They’re small; the Millennium Falcon is the largest and measures 2” x 4" x 5" "
Hmmm… I’m currently holding the Millennium Falcon from the last time and I am not understanding how you got these measurements.
@Lrok maybe cm?
@Lrok It’s measured in parsecs.
@Fodder650 Everyone knows in the star wars universe a parsec is a unit of time, right?
UGH! So tempting. My son has a half-masticated collection thanks to this hideous creature.
Will this be the offer to break my Meh cherry?

/giphy just do it
There’s a popular table-top game called X-wing that uses models very similar to these, which might account for a percentage of these sales. (Also, for the not-so-well-known Mandalorian fighter being amazon’s top seller.)
Consider yourself nerdinformed.
Btw, where the hell are my Anolon skillets?!
Actually not that bad of a deal…if you want two extra X-wing fighters. The prices have not changed from the last comparison with Amazon and the fighters are selling for $8.99 a piece so for $4.00 more you gain the cost of $16.98. But, I already got them last time and don’t need an extra set just for two more fighters. I was confused when I first came to the site because at 12:08 the map showed this:

Oh hell.
@rprussell It worked! Your order number is: ruddy-prosperous-aftermath
/image ruddy prosperous aftermath

@rprussell I hear ya, Bro.
@Thumperchick /buy doesn’t work in replies. Oh well.
@mike808 Yup. It’s main comment only - and like the other /commands, needs it’s own line.
/image shivering menacing anteater

I only collect toy sets when they are on the same scale. That Millennial Twitter should be much larger compared to the Gen-X Wing.
@jagipson You talkin’ 'bout my generation?
Can’t let VMP go to waste.
@mike808 It worked! Your order number is: bitty-technical-brush
/image bitty technical brush

/giphy opportune melted grape

@musicman I hate nature. Mrs. cengland0 likes to watch those shows but I cannot even be in the same room when she does.
/image opportune melted grape

i really wanted them last time to hang from the ceiling. but $30…ehhhh i just don’t know. too many other things i should be spending $30 on right now. hrm. a strong mehbe.
@jerk_nugget I didn’t notice the price went up from last time. Maybe I’ll hang mine from the ceiling and send you a photo.
@sammydog01 There are two extra ships this time around.
@sammydog01 i find this acceptable.
@djslack Yeah, but aren’t three of them the same? Which works if you are playing battle on your coffee break but not so much for display.
@sammydog01 you know, i didn’t even notice that. I just looked at 12 vs 10.
Spares for battle damage for $4, then
/image obsolete harmful hammer

oh, best order ID yet:

/image husky generic dragon
I am tempted, but 3 of the same X-Wing…I would love to replace those with a Y-Wing, A-Wing, TIE Interceptor, or Tie Bomber.
@drewesque Sorry, the
command is currently only available to VMP members.@mediocrebot well, that saved me some money.
@drewesque So just order from the main home page then. Problem solved and money gone.
@cengland0 I had hoped to talk myself out of the impulse buy. I did end up buying from the page.
I miss my VMP, but there were months I bought nothing.
First meh purchase. Alls fair in love, Star Wars, and eCommerce.
First meh purchase here, too! Star Wars really is my impulse buy trigger. (Plus, a buddy of mine collects these and I thought they’d be an awesome addition to my office desk).

/image retro wishful tortellini
I clicked the meh button then came back and bought it anyway. I’m so embarrassed.
@kevlar51 We don’t judge. I bought and clicked meh anyway.
Dammit. I had to buy.
/giphy gnarly labored structure

/image crude mystical poison

/giphy crude mystical poison

@mistamoose It worked! Your order number is: mild-okay-wish
/image mild okay wish

/image obsolete harmful hammer