Compatible with Keurig® coffee brewers and other single serve coffee makers
Serving size: 1 Pod
Made in the USA. Includes imported materials.
Breakfast Blend
Contains 6 boxes of 18 Single Serve K-Cups
18 - 0.35oz (10 g)/Net Weight 6.3oz (180 g)
Ingredients: Aranica Coffee
Best Use By: 09/05/2021
Fill up your cup with the distinct flavor and aroma of refreshing breakfast blend coffee
Enjoy the depth and complexity that only the finest quality, perfectly roasted coffee can deliver
Caramel Pecan
18-Count - 0.35oz (10 g)/Net Weight 6.3oz (180 g)
Ingredients: 100% Arabica beans
Best Use By: 10/29/2021
This is a medium roast coffee
Cherry Decadence
18-Count - 0.35oz (10 g)/Net Weight 6.3oz (180 g)
Ingredients: 100% Arabica Coffee, Natural and Artificial Flavor
Best Use By: 09/06/2021
Let the aromas of decadent chocolate-cherry coffee start your day
Cherry nuances added to this chocolate coffee make this morning indulgence the perfect coffee gift to share with someone special
Dark Roast
18-Count - 0.35oz (10 g)/Net Weight 6.3oz (180 g)
Ingredients: Aranica Coffee
Best Use By: 09/06/2021
Fill up your cup with the distinct flavor and aroma of the Harry & David Dark Roast Coffee
Dark Roast is a wonderfully smooth, rich dark blend, featuring full body and acidity
This delicious dark roast delivers intense notes you will enjoy sip after sip
Northwest Blend
18-Count - 0.35oz (10 g)/Net Weight 6.3oz (180 g)
Ingredients: 100% Arabica Coffee, Natural and Artificial Flavor
Best Use By: 09/05/2021
Featuring smooth notes of hazelnut, praline, and cinnamon, our Northwest Blend coffee is satisfying sip after sip
Start each morning off deliciously or perk up any time of day with this exceptional flavor
Pumpkin Spice
18-Count - 0.35oz (10 g)/Net Weight 6.3oz (180 g)
Ingredients: Arabica Coffee, Natural and Artificial Flavor
Best Use By: 09/06/2021
This is a medium roast coffee that is perfect for fall
Featuring a sumptuous combination of creamy pumpkin with a touch of zesty spices
If the aroma isn’t enough, wait till you taste the delicious flavors of this pumpkin spice coffee
Start each morning off deliciously or perk up any time of day with this exceptional flavor
The invigorating essence of fresh-brewed coffee filling the room with its unmistakable aroma is a sensational experience contained inside a single cup you can hold in your hand.
Enjoy the depth and complexity that only the finest quality, perfectly roasted coffee can deliver
Arabica coffee beans, grown and harvested by hand on small estates from around the world. The beans are expertly roasted, then quickly air-cooled to maintain optimal flavor without imparting bitterness and promptly packed to ensure that you enjoy it at its peak of quality.
Directions: Load a single-serve cup with lid into the machine. Position mug below beverage outlet and press start. Single Serve Cup will be hot after the beverage is dispensed. Allow cooling before handling. Store the single-serve cups at room temperature.
Caution: When finished, the single-serve cups are hot and may drip. Help avoid dripping by tilting the single-serve cup during removal from the coffee maker.
What’s in the Box?
18x Single serve Coffee Caramel Pecan
18x Single serve Coffee Chocolate Cherry Decadence
@bugger, yeah, but Costco only has 100℅ Arabica Beans, where-ass, Meh has 100℅ Ananica Beans!! You do Can’t Beat That With A Coffee Mug, OR A Stick!! NOTE: I know it’s just a type-o, I just like to fn rub the shit in whenever I can!!
@elpepe@mehvid1 maybe depends on the coffee machine? We have fancy k-cup coffee machines at work. The coffee still always comes out tasting watered down to me.
@jmoor783 I have heard that and I trust the source. If I did get a machine, that’s almost definitely what I’d buy. But I don’t really want to contribute to the convenience coffee industry.
Hope hope hope my letter carrier doesn’t abscond with this order. They swore six ways from Sunday they delivered these pods when they were offered couple months ago. Never showed up, but Meh CS was phenomenal. Keeping fingers crossed I get this batch.
I use them in a K-cup french press - keeps my coffee addiction in check.
Some of these look good. Too bad I can get better deals and better flavors elsewhere. Meh, stick to Bluerooth speakers, bamboo sheets, “certified” costume jewelry, and poo spray.
@hchavers When did 100 for $34.95 become a better deal than 108 for $32? Also, Harry and David is a premier brand that people frequently give as gifts and Crave from Amazon is an unknown company.
@hchavers I’ve purchased a lot of flavored coffee from Amazon and I even posted a photo of one I bought the last time this brand was offered on Meh. Here it is so you don’t need to dig deep into the forums to find it.
I picked the one listed above instead of the Crave variety because you get 40 different flavors, not just 8 flavors with duplicates of each flavor like the example you linked.
@cengland0@hchavers I’ve tried Crave assortments purchased from Amazon and Groupon. I found they were heavy on the quantity of flavors I didnt like, and were too “flavored”, to the point of tasting perfumey.
My frugal self hated the waste, but I always ended up throwing away 20-25% of the pods.
Brooklyn Beans Roasters have much better flavors than Crave imo, and I do buy their assortments when a good deal is to be had
@ShotgunX They originally sold three flavors and you could pick which one you wanted on meh a couple of months ago and I picked Northwest Blend which was great. Then it sold on Morningsave where the only flavor left was Pumpkin Spice (Ugh)
@ShotgunX Funny you should mention this because the first time this was sold, you had to buy 6 boxes of a single flavor and people asked why they couldn’t buy a variety pack.
@ShotgunX Bought these even though I bought one flavor before when they had this deal before. Next day went to Morningsave and was able to buy the one flavor I wanted (Northwest Blend) for a little more 108 k-cups for 44.20.
I’ve been enjoying the Northwest Blend cups from the last go-around. Not typically a fan of flavored coffee, but it’s really good. Breakfast blend is decent, too.
I’d have picked up more if it was by flavor like last time. I have no interest in the other flavors, so it’s a pass for me this round.
Hmm. 6 boxes. 180g of coffee in each box. 6×180 = 1080g = 2.381 pounds. $32 for 2.381 pounds of coffee.
Hard Pass. $13.44 per pound for coffee is not a good deal. Plus all of the single-use plastic that goes to the landfill.
Buy the coffee you like and some reusable K-cups. For less than $32. A 4-pack is $7, leaving $25 for coffee.
/image reusable k-cup
@elpepe Convenience is why earth has a human waste problem. Every plastic item ever created has to go somewhere and never becomes something else all by itself.
These are excellent - I’ve bought them twice on here. And the price is good too, equals $3.55 per dozen pods. But I’m not buying these anymore if I can’t choose my own flavor. For my tastes this lot has too many flavored ones, and not enough plain ones.
“All too often, people who call themselves progressive liberals are at the forefront of movements to shut down debates on college campuses and to restrict freedom of speech. They are eager to cut corners, bend the Constitution, make up laws through questionable court rulings, and generally abuse the rules and the Constitution in order to get their way.”
Not my words but they do describe my feelings pretty well. Why not actually try tolerance instead of hate.
@Trinityscrew No tolerance for the intolerant. There’s no reason to be tolerant of beliefs that are exclusionary or harmful to others, especially under the guise of free speech. Consider the paradox of tolerance - The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly paradoxical idea that “In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” Popper expands upon this, writing, “I do not imply for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force…”
@jmoor783 ““I do not imply for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force…””
Interesting. Sounds exactly like something Hitler or a racist might say.
@Trinityscrew “Interesting. Sounds exactly like something Hitler or a racist might say.” You think that because you are dumb. Hitler was extremely intolerant, racists are intolerant, and many countries have laws against hate speech. Hitler’s speech led to the deaths of millions and has no redeeming qualities, which is why hate speech is banned in many countries. There should not be tolerance for the intolerant - because those intolerant people will harm others. That’s the point.
I am absolutely appalled and horrified that you would align yourself in any way with the hateful, transphobic, literal troll that is JKR. I normally look forward to the light hearted write-ups and shenanigans around here but I now have to question if those running this site share the same vitriolic and venomous bigotry as the author they are so blasé about invoking in order to summon the almighty dollar. I would suggest whoever is running your promotions takes a step back and really considers what kind of message you’re sending by supporting and even promoting the work of someone who just this year released a rambling manifesto of hate against marginalized communities. This is disgusting. Do better.
@valkyriered JKR indeed sucks and is a terrible person, and my silly parody to a well-known scene from the 2004 film based on her 1999 privileged-ass wizard-child book that has unfortunately become ingrained in the collective consciousness and pop culture is in no way intended an endorsement of or alignment with her.
I understand your disgust, however, and apologize for making the reference to her past work so lightly given everything surrounding her presently.
@ThomasF unfortunately even if someone apologized to me for having dinner with a Nazi they’d still be an asshole who breaks bread with Nazis. Sorry. You can attempt to justify it however you want but with nothing more than empty words and no change made to the promotion your privilege of not being directly affected by the ghoul you’re (supposedly inadvertantly) promoting is showing.
“All too often, people who call themselves progressive liberals are at the forefront of movements to shut down debates on college campuses and to restrict freedom of speech. They are eager to cut corners, bend the Constitution, make up laws through questionable court rulings, and generally abuse the rules and the Constitution in order to get their way.”
Not my words but they do describe my feelings pretty well. Why not actually try tolerance instead of hate.
@Trinityscrew Why should we be tolerant of transphobes when we are not tolerant of racists and Nazis? Just because you are free to say something doesn’t mean that there won’t be consequences for those actions. There aren’t legal consequences, as speech is protected by the first amendment, but that doesn’t mean the person won’t face personal or professional consequences.
@ThomasF@Trinityscrew@valkyriered I don’t call myself a progressive liberal; if you insist on a label maybe centrist liberal comes close. It seems you’re the one who is attempting to shut down debate by immediately going on the attack. My adherence to the liberal party line stops short of believing, for example, that there is no difference between being born a woman and choosing to become a woman. It stops short of accepting statements such as “men can menstruate.” I suppose to you that is hate.
@Citymars@ThomasF@valkyriered I’m going on the attack? I suggested that tolerance works in all directions and pointed out that hate speech isn’t defined as "speech you don’t like or agree with.
You have no more right to force your views on me than I have to force my views on you.
@Seeds@Trinityscrew J.K. Rowling is not a Nazi and it’s absurd to attack the writer for referencing Harry Potter. Why don’t you focus on Barr, Pompeo and the other real authoritarians? It’s okay that you told me to fuck off – we’re all a little tense these days.
The description lists 5 favors and “you get 18 of each.” 5x18 = 90, not 108. I think, based on the pictures, Breakfast Blend was omitted from the list of flavors. (in any case, I bought some. Thank you)
I could say the same thing about it being an abomination to put cream or milk in the coffee but I don’t complain when other people decide to do that. Everyone has their own tastes and there’s a market for people who prefer flavored coffee as evidenced by the amount sold.
If everyone thought like you did, then the world would be a boring place to live with everyone wanting the same make and model and color car, want the same style house and decorations, and all wear the same clothes.
So I got these yesterday. Meh, you have f~cked me for the last time.
I set everything up, put my creamer into the cup, put the water in the machine, put one of these ****ers into the slot, pulled down the top and it didn’t want to close. After a minute of wondering why this is happening I forced it closed (probably not the best idea but I wanted my ****ing coffee) and it started.
I went to do my business, came back and the machine sounded like someone strangling a bass hound. I stopped it, looked and the bottom of the cup was just bent, it was not pierced. Shits and giggles I grabbed another one of these wonderful cups and tried again. Same result. I grabbed one my cheap no name ones, it closed easily, pierced and the coffee was starting to get made.
Looking at the cups, they don’t seem any different. Overly annoyed I mix my coffee and then take a sip. ACK! It tasted horrible. I wasnt paying attention and half the water that was supposed to go in, didn’t.
I washed out my machine, ran a cleaning cycle, then poked a hole into one of the new cups. Lined it up with the stabby thing inside, and it closed fine. Made my coffee with “dark roast.”
Nothing dark about it. Not a horrible cup of coffee, but nothing to write home about; mind you after 30+ minutes of screwing around.
The majority of stuff I get from MEH has gone into the garbage. I don’t know why I continue to frequent this site, maybe in hopes one day I might find something worth a shit. There is no one truly to blame but myself… but dammit, I want to blame this ghetto product selling website!!!
@jkrlvgn It works pretty good once you poke a hole in the bottom. The fact I have to do that is ridiculous. Dark roast is bland. The pecan one & Hazelnut one is actually really good. I am just trying breakfast blend and I guess thats good… not to throw this pun out there but it’s “MEH” tasting.
@Beruud I don’t have to do all that – I just stick it in the machine and go. My cat sometimes hits the keurig, though, so maybe it’s just scared to underperform.
Horrible! Horrible taste or lack thereof. Horrible Kcup - my Kureg can’t put the hole in the bottom. Horrible - keeps clogging my machine. Tossing all these into trash. Feeling HORRIBLY guilty for putting non compostible white cups into landfill!
Breakfast Blend
Caramel Pecan
Cherry Decadence
Dark Roast
Northwest Blend
Pumpkin Spice
What’s in the Box?
Price Comparison
$67.56 at Amazon for 108 Count I Caramel Pecan, Chocolate Cherry Decadence, Dark Roast, Northwest Blend, Breakfast Blend I Pumpkin Spice
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Friday, Sep 17 - Tuesday, Sep 21
I thoroughly enjoyed today’s writeup, and not just because it reminded me that I still need to read the last book!
Save $6 and buy it at Costco
@bugger Nope
@bugger I don’t see that they carry it.
@bugger, yeah, but Costco only has 100℅ Arabica Beans, where-ass, Meh has 100℅ Ananica Beans!! You do Can’t Beat That With A Coffee Mug, OR A Stick!! NOTE: I know it’s just a type-o, I just like to fn rub the
shit in whenever I can!!
@bugger @decoratedwarvet exhausting
I like coffee a good deal — which may be why I haven’t been dragged down into the K-cup, etc., chasm of caffeinated mediocrity. At least not yet.
@mehvid1 k-cup coffee isn’t that bad, actually.
@elpepe @mehvid1 maybe depends on the coffee machine? We have fancy k-cup coffee machines at work. The coffee still always comes out tasting watered down to me.
@elpepe It’s pretty bad (i.e., very bad.) (And if it matters to you, it’s bad for the environment, too.)
@mehvid1 try a nespresso machine, those are actually really good
@jmoor783 I have heard that and I trust the source. If I did get a machine, that’s almost definitely what I’d buy. But I don’t really want to contribute to the convenience coffee industry.
@elpepe @mehvid1 @notrobocop I use the refillable eco pods and ground mine down to a fine espresso grind. Cheaper and tastes much better than the pods.
Hope hope hope my letter carrier doesn’t abscond with this order. They swore six ways from Sunday they delivered these pods when they were offered couple months ago. Never showed up, but Meh CS was phenomenal. Keeping fingers crossed I get this batch.
I use them in a K-cup french press - keeps my coffee addiction in check.
@Faffs Huzzah and exultations! This time it came by FedEx.
Some of these look good. Too bad I can get better deals and better flavors elsewhere. Meh, stick to Bluerooth speakers, bamboo sheets, “certified” costume jewelry, and poo spray.
@hchavers Links?
@hchavers where?
@elpepe @katbyter
@hchavers When did 100 for $34.95 become a better deal than 108 for $32? Also, Harry and David is a premier brand that people frequently give as gifts and Crave from Amazon is an unknown company.
@cengland0 Don’t knock it until you try it.
@hchavers I’ve purchased a lot of flavored coffee from Amazon and I even posted a photo of one I bought the last time this brand was offered on Meh. Here it is so you don’t need to dig deep into the forums to find it.
I picked the one listed above instead of the Crave variety because you get 40 different flavors, not just 8 flavors with duplicates of each flavor like the example you linked.
@cengland0 @hchavers I’ve tried Crave assortments purchased from Amazon and Groupon. I found they were heavy on the quantity of flavors I didnt like, and were too “flavored”, to the point of tasting perfumey.
My frugal self hated the waste, but I always ended up throwing away 20-25% of the pods.
Brooklyn Beans Roasters have much better flavors than Crave imo, and I do buy their assortments when a good deal is to be had
Wish they would have sold indiv flavors like before rather than mix the flavors up. The Northwest blend is great.
These “individual coffee cups” look like they would be pretty inconvenient to drink from…
Seriously, you are selling 6 boxes at a time, and you have 6 flavors, and you couldn’t offer an option that lets us choose one flavor in particular?
@ShotgunX Only if they want to be stuck with a bunch of the crappy flavors no one will buy. Chocolate cherry coffee? Yuck.
@ShotgunX They originally sold three flavors and you could pick which one you wanted on meh a couple of months ago and I picked Northwest Blend which was great. Then it sold on Morningsave where the only flavor left was Pumpkin Spice (Ugh)
@ShotgunX Funny you should mention this because the first time this was sold, you had to buy 6 boxes of a single flavor and people asked why they couldn’t buy a variety pack.
“Seriously, you are selling 6 boxes at a time, and you have 6 flavors, and you couldn’t offer a sampler pack with one of each in it?”
@cengland0 @ShotgunX Nice catch! That is f***ing funny lol

@alternatetheory @cengland0
I was waiting months to make it, and no one even gets it. I even directly linked to my post from the prior sale…
@ShotgunX Bought these even though I bought one flavor before when they had this deal before. Next day went to Morningsave and was able to buy the one flavor I wanted (Northwest Blend) for a little more 108 k-cups for 44.20.
do not fill your single serve machine’s reservoir with bourbon and try to make coffee with it.
it voids the warranty.
@alacrity Only if you send it in before sucking all of the bourbon out of the tubes inside of it.
@alacrity thin it out to 4 to 1 water and you’ll be fine.
Pumpkin Spice.
Came here to say just that!
I’ve been enjoying the Northwest Blend cups from the last go-around. Not typically a fan of flavored coffee, but it’s really good. Breakfast blend is decent, too.
I’d have picked up more if it was by flavor like last time. I have no interest in the other flavors, so it’s a pass for me this round.
So so so tempted…
Can we choose our own flavor for Christ sake???
Also wtf is “aranica coffee”? Is that like malk from the Simpsons?
@elpepe Or miak from Ernest Scared Stupid?
Hmm. 6 boxes. 180g of coffee in each box. 6×180 = 1080g = 2.381 pounds. $32 for 2.381 pounds of coffee.
Hard Pass. $13.44 per pound for coffee is not a good deal. Plus all of the single-use plastic that goes to the landfill.
Buy the coffee you like and some reusable K-cups. For less than $32. A 4-pack is $7, leaving $25 for coffee.

/image reusable k-cup
@mike808 reusable k-cups are annoying. the whole point is convenience.
@mike808 uh…global warming, climate change… it’s all ok as long as we don’t get annoyed. WTF?
@elpepe Convenience is why earth has a human waste problem. Every plastic item ever created has to go somewhere and never becomes something else all by itself.

And yet people still have children.
Got the Dark Roast and the Chocolate Cherry last time. Both very good. I’m in for more and will try the others.
Gross. Even if there is some coffee in there as well. The rest is gross.
If it didn’t come in K-cups, I might consider it. I love coffee!
@relm256 It worked! Your order number is: grueling-steep-digestion
/image grueling steep digestion

Mostly, it’s coffee for people who don’t like coffee.
K-cups suck ass…arguably the most devolutionary product in a generation. if you use k-cups you suck ass too.
Tell us how you REALLY feel…
@chienfou @SCHORERT

/image I dont know, Rick meme
These are excellent - I’ve bought them twice on here. And the price is good too, equals $3.55 per dozen pods. But I’m not buying these anymore if I can’t choose my own flavor. For my tastes this lot has too many flavored ones, and not enough plain ones.
Fuck jk rowling and everything refencing her transphobic ass
@Seeds Wow. You’re really intolerant.
“All too often, people who call themselves progressive liberals are at the forefront of movements to shut down debates on college campuses and to restrict freedom of speech. They are eager to cut corners, bend the Constitution, make up laws through questionable court rulings, and generally abuse the rules and the Constitution in order to get their way.”
Not my words but they do describe my feelings pretty well. Why not actually try tolerance instead of hate.
@Trinityscrew No tolerance for the intolerant. There’s no reason to be tolerant of beliefs that are exclusionary or harmful to others, especially under the guise of free speech. Consider the paradox of tolerance - The paradox of tolerance states that if a society is tolerant without limit, its ability to be tolerant is eventually seized or destroyed by the intolerant. Karl Popper described it as the seemingly paradoxical idea that “In order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must be intolerant of intolerance.” Popper expands upon this, writing, “I do not imply for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force…”
@Trinityscrew Also source your quotes
@jmoor783 ““I do not imply for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would be most unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force…””
Interesting. Sounds exactly like something Hitler or a racist might say.
@Trinityscrew “Interesting. Sounds exactly like something Hitler or a racist might say.” You think that because you are dumb. Hitler was extremely intolerant, racists are intolerant, and many countries have laws against hate speech. Hitler’s speech led to the deaths of millions and has no redeeming qualities, which is why hate speech is banned in many countries. There should not be tolerance for the intolerant - because those intolerant people will harm others. That’s the point.
Mmmmmmm… individual cups of mummy dust.
I am absolutely appalled and horrified that you would align yourself in any way with the hateful, transphobic, literal troll that is JKR. I normally look forward to the light hearted write-ups and shenanigans around here but I now have to question if those running this site share the same vitriolic and venomous bigotry as the author they are so blasé about invoking in order to summon the almighty dollar. I would suggest whoever is running your promotions takes a step back and really considers what kind of message you’re sending by supporting and even promoting the work of someone who just this year released a rambling manifesto of hate against marginalized communities. This is disgusting. Do better.
@valkyriered JKR indeed sucks and is a terrible person, and my silly parody to a well-known scene from the 2004 film based on her 1999 privileged-ass wizard-child book that has unfortunately become ingrained in the collective consciousness and pop culture is in no way intended an endorsement of or alignment with her.
I understand your disgust, however, and apologize for making the reference to her past work so lightly given everything surrounding her presently.
@ThomasF unfortunately even if someone apologized to me for having dinner with a Nazi they’d still be an asshole who breaks bread with Nazis. Sorry. You can attempt to justify it however you want but with nothing more than empty words and no change made to the promotion your privilege of not being directly affected by the ghoul you’re (supposedly inadvertantly) promoting is showing.
@ThomasF @valkyriered That was nice of you to apologize, but imo you didn’t need to. I’ll spare you the reasons why.
@Citymars @ThomasF @valkyriered I’ll post this again, at the bottom of these hate-filled diatribes.
Wow. You’re really intolerant.
“All too often, people who call themselves progressive liberals are at the forefront of movements to shut down debates on college campuses and to restrict freedom of speech. They are eager to cut corners, bend the Constitution, make up laws through questionable court rulings, and generally abuse the rules and the Constitution in order to get their way.”
Not my words but they do describe my feelings pretty well. Why not actually try tolerance instead of hate.
@valkyriered Oh, and the gist of Rowling’s tweets is, a man can’t biologically become a woman and vice versa.
Here’s a little bit more…
Lynch her!!
@Trinityscrew Why should we be tolerant of transphobes when we are not tolerant of racists and Nazis? Just because you are free to say something doesn’t mean that there won’t be consequences for those actions. There aren’t legal consequences, as speech is protected by the first amendment, but that doesn’t mean the person won’t face personal or professional consequences.
@ThomasF @Trinityscrew @valkyriered I don’t call myself a progressive liberal; if you insist on a label maybe centrist liberal comes close. It seems you’re the one who is attempting to shut down debate by immediately going on the attack. My adherence to the liberal party line stops short of believing, for example, that there is no difference between being born a woman and choosing to become a woman. It stops short of accepting statements such as “men can menstruate.” I suppose to you that is hate.
@Citymars @ThomasF @valkyriered I’m going on the attack? I suggested that tolerance works in all directions and pointed out that hate speech isn’t defined as "speech you don’t like or agree with.
You have no more right to force your views on me than I have to force my views on you.
@Trinityscrew fuck off.
I wrote more originally, but you’re not worth engaging.
@ThomasF @Trinityscrew @valkyriered You began by saying “Wow. You’re really intolerant.”
@Seeds @Trinityscrew J.K. Rowling is not a Nazi and it’s absurd to attack the writer for referencing Harry Potter. Why don’t you focus on Barr, Pompeo and the other real authoritarians? It’s okay that you told me to fuck off – we’re all a little tense these days.
The description lists 5 favors and “you get 18 of each.” 5x18 = 90, not 108. I think, based on the pictures, Breakfast Blend was omitted from the list of flavors. (in any case, I bought some. Thank you)
@jeffrlamb Maybe my counting skills need polishing but I do count 6 in both descriptions.
@cengland0 @jeffrlamb I added Breakfast after seeing the comment
Flavored coffee is an abomination.
@Citymars To each his own.
I could say the same thing about it being an abomination to put cream or milk in the coffee but I don’t complain when other people decide to do that. Everyone has their own tastes and there’s a market for people who prefer flavored coffee as evidenced by the amount sold.
If everyone thought like you did, then the world would be a boring place to live with everyone wanting the same make and model and color car, want the same style house and decorations, and all wear the same clothes.
@cengland0 @Citymars I for one would like the same make and model of car that everyone else has.
How many cars would that give me?
Never mind — don’t think I could afford the insurance on more than just a couple.
(/chipper-traumatic-jelly) What the hell, I’m in for some…
So I got these yesterday. Meh, you have f~cked me for the last time.
I set everything up, put my creamer into the cup, put the water in the machine, put one of these ****ers into the slot, pulled down the top and it didn’t want to close. After a minute of wondering why this is happening I forced it closed (probably not the best idea but I wanted my ****ing coffee) and it started.
I went to do my business, came back and the machine sounded like someone strangling a bass hound. I stopped it, looked and the bottom of the cup was just bent, it was not pierced. Shits and giggles I grabbed another one of these wonderful cups and tried again. Same result. I grabbed one my cheap no name ones, it closed easily, pierced and the coffee was starting to get made.
Looking at the cups, they don’t seem any different. Overly annoyed I mix my coffee and then take a sip. ACK! It tasted horrible. I wasnt paying attention and half the water that was supposed to go in, didn’t.
I washed out my machine, ran a cleaning cycle, then poked a hole into one of the new cups. Lined it up with the stabby thing inside, and it closed fine. Made my coffee with “dark roast.”
Nothing dark about it. Not a horrible cup of coffee, but nothing to write home about; mind you after 30+ minutes of screwing around.
The majority of stuff I get from MEH has gone into the garbage. I don’t know why I continue to frequent this site, maybe in hopes one day I might find something worth a shit. There is no one truly to blame but myself… but dammit, I want to blame this ghetto product selling website!!!
Thanks for listening, or reading, or whatever.
@Beruud mine worked fine, but so far the coffee just tastes burnt and then has an aftertaste to it. Worked fine in my old as fuck single serve.
@jkrlvgn It works pretty good once you poke a hole in the bottom. The fact I have to do that is ridiculous. Dark roast is bland. The pecan one & Hazelnut one is actually really good. I am just trying breakfast blend and I guess thats good… not to throw this pun out there but it’s “MEH” tasting.
@Beruud I don’t have to do all that – I just stick it in the machine and go. My cat sometimes hits the keurig, though, so maybe it’s just scared to underperform.
Horrible! Horrible taste or lack thereof. Horrible Kcup - my Kureg can’t put the hole in the bottom. Horrible - keeps clogging my machine. Tossing all these into trash. Feeling HORRIBLY guilty for putting non compostible white cups into landfill!