1 mehmber served two months as she changed her username.
2 goats were related as father and daughter.
3 non-hooman goats – a bird, a dog, and a bot. For two of them, their owners were goated before too.
Count of {strange or work-intensive tech stuff and tech setups} that @snapster installed at his house, and then later discarded, or removed/tore out, or quit using.
What is the most expensive IRK you’ve sold? And how many people bought one at that price? I know you experimented with some crazy prices over the last few years.
@OnionSoup We sold 20 IRKs at $200 each back on June 22, 2022. Those customers each received the exact same $5 IRK we were also selling that day, but also received 40 coupons for $5 each (to be used on whatever they wanted before the end of 2022), plus a free t-shirt coupon, and a $5 coupon they could give away to anyone else.
IRK sales that day started at $5 and went up by $5 every 10 minutes or so, with each IRK including $5 coupons to match the price you spent. That was a pretty wild event and I was certain people would stop buying when the price hit $50, but I was very wrong.
@ExtraMedium@OnionSoup On the other hand, when the price went over $50 the time for them to sell out kept getting noticeably longer. By sometime around $80, it was a few minutes.
@ExtraMedium@narfcake@OnionSoup Woot recently did that experiment with a box of crap valued at “over $2000” except with the price dropping over time. The lowest one went for I think $1800, the highest was over $3000. People are strange.
@sammydog01 Yeah, I was going to mention this. To be fair, I kind of sabotaged the whole thing for the buyers by saying I’ll buy all of them once they hit $2k, and like 2 minutes later they were all sold out. I guess I made Woot a few extra grand that day.
Who has created the most number of threads, done the most number of replies, has the most self stars, has starred others the most? And who has the most meh clicks and who still has a perfect meh click record? I’d be scared to ask who bought the most number of items.
@f00l@narfcake Oh no! Just checked mine and my self likes have now gone up to 5! Ew!
Wish I knew how it went up… I had managed to keep it at 4 for the last few years… I’m guessing I accidentally hit one while scrolling on my phone… wish there was a way to identify so I could undo.
@f00l@narfcake If you want your altruism ratio to go up then star and don’t post. Hmm that has got to be against community “rules” since it would keep us from having a community.
To elaborate on the lowest selling item, the HP desktop, it was a year old refurb at the time with an A8-6500 and had a 1TB hard drive. The drive was par for course, but the CPU was during AMD’s ‘Bulldozer’ era – marketed as if was an upper-midrange quad-core CPU but was actually outperformed by a dual core Intel i3.
Acknowledging that nothing could top the quip toothbrush saga (there’s an Aaron Sorkin fast walk-and-talk script in there somewhere), it would be fun to have a description of a product or two that meh lost the most money on and/or was the biggest headache.
Umm, what are the correct numbers on that “most items sold” stat?
If it’s the https://meh.com/deals/95-piece-art-set-includes-craft-paint-canvas-panels-and-brushes-9 deal that I joined for, it says 644 sold.
And 644×95 = 61,180 which is a lot higher than the 38.7k stated above.
Personally, I think it’s a little cheap to count each of the 95 items in the set individually, but it’s not like these stats actually “matter” anyway.
(I just read through things again and the Trackrs already got an entry for the most units sold, so this “most items” one is a bonus stat. I fully approve.)
Those bundles of whatever random stuff was sitting around from past deals, organized and resold a theme, were hilarious even if they didn’t sell particularly well as shown here.
@SillyScootScoot With shipping costs (and everything else) jumping up in the last couple years, it’s actually quite impressive that mehmbership hasn’t risen.
@SillyScootScoot@xobzoo Of course the other way to deal with increased postage is to increase the cost of the item you have to ship to cover the difference.
@SillyScootScoot VMP hasn’t gone up… But those of us who do the joining and leaving periodically it DID go up… But just $1. A lot less than many other things.
Wondering how many goats have repeated?
Has anyone three-peated?
@f00l AFAIK, we’ve yet to have a repeat goat? I might be wrong, though.
I thought someone who has been goated changed their Meh uid and then got goated again?
@f00l @Thumperchick Yes that took place (one person two user names both goated)… and depending on how you count goating someone’s pet.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @Thumperchick
1 mehmber served two months as she changed her username.
2 goats were related as father and daughter.
3 non-hooman goats – a bird, a dog, and a bot. For two of them, their owners were goated before too.
@f00l @Kidsandliz @narfcake @Thumperchick The “owner” of the bot once again escaped being goated, last month. His day will come, oh yes.
Most $ spent by a single account.
Average spent by account.
Least spent by an account. >0
Most items bought by a single account.
Avg items bought.
Least items bought. >0
Number of one wheels snapster personally owns.
Count of {strange or work-intensive tech stuff and tech setups} that @snapster installed at his house, and then later discarded, or removed/tore out, or quit using.
What is the most expensive IRK you’ve sold? And how many people bought one at that price? I know you experimented with some crazy prices over the last few years.
@OnionSoup We sold 20 IRKs at $200 each back on June 22, 2022. Those customers each received the exact same $5 IRK we were also selling that day, but also received 40 coupons for $5 each (to be used on whatever they wanted before the end of 2022), plus a free t-shirt coupon, and a $5 coupon they could give away to anyone else.
IRK sales that day started at $5 and went up by $5 every 10 minutes or so, with each IRK including $5 coupons to match the price you spent. That was a pretty wild event and I was certain people would stop buying when the price hit $50, but I was very wrong.
@ExtraMedium wow. That’s pretty wild they spent that much. I wonder how much regret was had.
@ExtraMedium @OnionSoup Yes.
@ExtraMedium @OnionSoup On the other hand, when the price went over $50 the time for them to sell out kept getting noticeably longer. By sometime around $80, it was a few minutes.
And yes, they wetye very meh, much iRk, wow.
@ExtraMedium @narfcake @OnionSoup Woot recently did that experiment with a box of crap valued at “over $2000” except with the price dropping over time. The lowest one went for I think $1800, the highest was over $3000. People are strange.
@sammydog01 Yeah, I was going to mention this. To be fair, I kind of sabotaged the whole thing for the buyers by saying I’ll buy all of them once they hit $2k, and like 2 minutes later they were all sold out. I guess I made Woot a few extra grand that day.
Number of birds trapped in the warehouse right now.
@medz you mean government spy drones?
@medz They’re not trapped, they’re recharging.
Count or list of plastic toy-things and various plush items placed around Meh/Mercatalyst offices for decoration and whimsy.
I can’t remember who it was… But someone begged for pop sockets every day for years without stop.
Anyone know how many days in a row he kept that up, that has to be a meh record.
Was it @ Mike808?
@f00l @OnionSoup
Well @deathbynoodlez was goated for pop sockets … so probably that.
What state has the most sales? What state has the most mehmbers
@mbersiam per capita
Who has created the most number of threads, done the most number of replies, has the most self stars, has starred others the most? And who has the most meh clicks and who still has a perfect meh click record? I’d be scared to ask who bought the most number of items.
Well I’m at 165,802 (and counting) … so if anyone else can beat that.
@raider has a perfect streak since day 0, @atannir since day 1.
Starred more than 350K. But I suspect I’m not top of that list.
Quite sure I don’t have the top altruism ratio.
@f00l @narfcake Oh no! Just checked mine and my self likes have now gone up to 5! Ew!
Wish I knew how it went up… I had managed to keep it at 4 for the last few years… I’m guessing I accidentally hit one while scrolling on my phone… wish there was a way to identify so I could undo.
@f00l @narfcake If you want your altruism ratio to go up then star and don’t post. Hmm that has got to be against community “rules” since it would keep us from having a community.
lol here’s my stats on Meh clicks.
@funsyd impressive
@funsyd I had considered stopping at 42. Oops.
@funsyd nice
Weren’t there items that sold less than 10? (Aside from the @koolhandjoe creations which had 1 each.)
@FreePasta Only in cases where we offered less than 10.
To elaborate on the lowest selling item, the HP desktop, it was a year old refurb at the time with an A8-6500 and had a 1TB hard drive. The drive was par for course, but the CPU was during AMD’s ‘Bulldozer’ era – marketed as if was an upper-midrange quad-core CPU but was actually outperformed by a dual core Intel i3.
So yes, it was meh.
So what was the longest streak of daily items sold out? Did it ever make it to a week?
Are Trkrs the item that’s been offered for sale the most times? If not, what is?
(Specific item, not categories.)
@Kyeh Not sure if shirts are considered an item or category since there are multiple colors, but I’d guess they’ve been offered the most.
@cinoclav Oh, probably.
@Kyeh Who knows but I am pretty sure trackrs are what they have/had the most left over of.
Would love statistics on some other items…
Pounds of Candy corn (or pieces of candy corn)
Acknowledging that nothing could top the quip toothbrush saga (there’s an Aaron Sorkin fast walk-and-talk script in there somewhere), it would be fun to have a description of a product or two that meh lost the most money on and/or was the biggest headache.
Umm, what are the correct numbers on that “most items sold” stat?
If it’s the
deal that I joined for, it says 644 sold.And 644×95 = 61,180 which is a lot higher than the 38.7k stated above.
Personally, I think it’s a little cheap to count each of the 95 items in the set individually, but it’s not like these stats actually “matter” anyway.
(I just read through things again and the Trackrs already got an entry for the most units sold, so this “most items” one is a bonus stat. I fully approve.)
Those bundles of whatever random stuff was sitting around from past deals, organized and resold a theme, were hilarious even if they didn’t sell particularly well as shown here.
Gotta say, Thank you Meh for not increasing the price of the membership in 10 years! Heres to another 10 years the same price please!
@SillyScootScoot With shipping costs (and everything else) jumping up in the last couple years, it’s actually quite impressive that mehmbership hasn’t risen.
@SillyScootScoot @xobzoo Of course the other way to deal with increased postage is to increase the cost of the item you have to ship to cover the difference.
@SillyScootScoot VMP hasn’t gone up… But those of us who do the joining and leaving periodically it DID go up… But just $1. A lot less than many other things.
Couple of questions
What was the most number of items you had to sell of-ie figit spinners, bags or candy corn, trackers etc?
What do you consider to be the most unusual and or ridiculous item or items you ever put in an IRK?
What do you consider to be the best thing or things you ever put in an IRK? Interested to see if what I got made that list?