@sjk3 OR perhaps: Will using a woman’s bic pen help my calligraphy be better compared to using a men’s bic pen? Is it easier to write a 1M check using a men or woman’s bic pen?
Uhhhh, I just ordered these for me & the girls, HOWEVER, I just realized these DO NOT look ANYTHING like the ones on Amazon, and the ones here do not appear to have a “Shick” brand anywhere on them, only “Hydro”. Are these authentic Shick?!?!?
@Achromatter Good point but if Meh says and shows a pic of Shick it’s a Shick …If not they have a lot of splainin to do Lucy !! Don’t think Meh is a bait and switch company…
@Achromatter@Rowsdower I’ve been using the schick hydro razors for several years and can confirm that the “disposable” and “refillable” parts are interchangeable.
Usually at the store (at least after coupons and deals) whole disposables are cheaper than refillable cartridges, so I’d buy the cheaper disposable packs and swap the heads back onto the heftier handle.
@Achromatter Meh does not have an image of the packaging. If you look at the Schick website for Hydro 5 Disposables, you get an image of a 3 pack with a device that looks exactly the same as the Meh photos (for mens). Notice even the ones offered directly from Schick don’t say the company name on the razor either – it’s just on the package.
@Rowsdower Having owned both the disposable and the refillable, this does appear to be 2 disposable handles with 8 refills for a refillable handle (there no little eject button on the handles shown here). In for two because I have handles and am up far too late to be risk averse. It’ll be interesting to see what shows up.
@ramaiv thanks for that! That doesn’t look too bad. I was a little worried when it was pointed out that the handle is the disposable instead of the refillable. I’ll probably miss the eject button of my other razors, but I think I can survive.
@RiotDemon I like Harry’s, and so does my husband. Gave a gift pack to my dad for Father’s day last year. I bring him extra refills of the Shave gel & blades when I visit rather than him getting them directly. He’s a snow bird, so it would be just one more thing he’d have to worry about changing the delivery address. He REALLY likes Harry’s.
I actually have a 7 blade and still love the Good News blades however i gave these a try after doing some research they are worth at least a dollar, i already have approx 30 unused razores or more so i’m a sucker for a deep discount regardless so Meh has me hook ,line and sinker.
I’m one of the few people that was actually able to use the King of Shaves razor, and got a ton of them when Woot was dumping them. However, I’m finally almost out of blades, so I think I’m jumping on this.
Wife and daughter have been bleeding me dry, in for 3, thanks Meh!
From http://www.wnd.com/2005/11/33595/
“In the mid-1970s, NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” made fun of the twin-blade shaver, the Gillette Trac II, by creating a spoof commercial for a then-non-existent Gillette Trac III, with the tagline: “The Trac III, because you will believe anything.””
A couple of years ago I tried Harry’s and Dollar Shave Club (the four-bladed one) and ended up going back to the Gillette Fusion Pro Glide.
I suspect that if I’d gotten the six bladed Dollar Shave Club razor instead I would have liked it, because later I bought the unfortunately named [Dorco Pace 6][1] Plus on Amazon on sale, just for fun, and I like it.
Apparently Dollar Shave Club is a reseller of Dorco blades. They sure look the same, and people all over the webz have compared them and say they are the same.
Maybe the blades aren’t quite as sharp as the Gillette, and maybe they don’t last quite as long, but they are good. No tugging, no slippery handle.
The Dorco six-bladed razor has six blades. They’ve got a Plus model with the trimmer on the back and a regular one without.
They also sell a seven-bladed razor, but the blades are closer together, and I prefer the six.
I am going to buy these, because the price is right, but I like the South Korean Dorco blades.
[1]: http://www.dorcousa.com/
@craigthom everyone raves about DSC. I gave up on them. I got the six blade with the trimmer on the back. They cut up my legs or they wouldn’t shave close. It seemed like a mixed bag. One blade would last a couple of shaves and then another would last weeks.
None of them seemed to shave as close as the Gillette fusion. Or I’d get ingrown hairs on my legs. Annoying.
We’ve all got different hairs and different skin and different needs. My hair is pretty fine, and I don’t get ingrown hairs. I’ve let Gillette blades go far too long without realizing it until I put a new one in.
I think the Gillette Fusion is better than anything else I’ve ever used, and the Pro Glide is better than the regular. The Dorco works well enough for me (no tugging, cuts on the first pass, etc.), but I can only report my own experience.
In all honesty one blade gets the job done if you prepare your face before you start your shave once a day . i shave in the morning and when i get home i use the 5 star Wahls electric razor, and repeat until my days off when i give my face a rest …
Want a great deal on excellent razors? Get thee to Dorco - watch for the several times a year stock up sales. Don’t pay too much because of brand name advertising …
@Cooky Always seems to be love them or hate them for Dorco. Personally, I love them. Used them for years and I have pretty tough stubble. Occasional deals for the Pace 6+ make them cheaper than these.
The first spoof commercial that SNL did on their first episode was for a three blade razor, and the tag line was something like, 3 blades, because you idiots will buy anything.
sigh. the thing about using a two blade razor is the cartidges get harder and harder to find. i use the gillette trac ii with the strip and a pack of blades can easily go for $30 if i can even find them in a store. i usually stalk ebay for new sealed pacs from reputable sellers before i run out and have been pretty lucky, i try to pay around $12. my partner uses the gillette turbo and the pricing is actually even worse for his. we were going to try a shave club but of course they have 2 or 4 blades and he likes 3. i’ve also tried generic and they were horrible.
i always say i wish i had gotten in on the razor racket on the ground floor. it’s just really the craziest phenomenon pricing-wise.
@craigthom yes, i know because that’s what i buy for him. apologies if my initial comment was unclear. that’s how i know the prices around here are outrageous at least with the mach 3 turbos we can get them on amazon and it’s not as bad, but still silly for what they are.
@frankiesales for twice the price.
If you’re looking for the metal handle, you should spend the $$ on it, for sure.
If you have the handle you want and really just need refills - buying today’s deal is a great price, with a couple of bonus handles you can use for travel.
@frankiesales Yes, that’s twice the price. I don’t think that’s a better deal.
I got a handle just like the one in the Amazon free wrapped in a two-pack of Edge not long ago. It’s got nice heft, but I don’t think it’s worth the extra ten dollars.
@frankiesales If you have Prime. (or don’t have Prime. It’s just free shipping, and I misspoke.) Which, granted, most people who shop on Amazon have. My break down still stands, really.
@Thumperchick not particularly invested in this but i’m not sure why you bring up prime, although perhaps bits of this convo have been edited. the amazon deal is 9 blades + 1 metal handle for $20 with free shipping - it is not prime eligible ergo it doesn’t matter if you have prime or not.
@frankiesales I am not paying fifteen dollars. Don’t you see my V?
I don’t buy stuff on Amazon from third parties that aren’t fulfilled by Amazon. No easy returns. Especially a company rocking 6% recent negative feedback.
And, even then, it’s five dollars more for one fewer blade and a different handle. I still don’t see that as a better deal.
@frankiesales In addition, I’ve got the handle, and it doesn’t seem to be made of metal. There’s soft plastic and hard plastic, but I don’t see any metal.
The part where the blade attaches could be metal coated with black plastic, but it looks plastic to me.
@craigthom Amazon is an effin joke of late i order about 150 items a year the last 4 of the 5 prime items with 2 day delivery i ordered last week well 4 of them came late and one took 6 days they gave me a complete refund for the package and told me to keep it one other late item they added 1 month of prime to my membership so i made out but i have Prime for 2 day delivery not to get refunds or wait for delivery…their slipping in a big way i’m betting their stock starts to dip because i’m considering canceling my renewal and i’m sure many others are thinking along those lines … with Meh they are honest about delivery times and i buy and forget about it most times i’m saying what the eff is in this box lol when it comes to the doorstep … Meh is like family the most honest site on the market…
@RiotDemon Funny… I’m a guy that sometimes steals the wife’s lady razor (well, one of her new ones) because they seem to cut through a few days’ scruff better than the men’s. But then finish with the men’s because they do seem to leave a smoother finish. Bought a set of each this time so i can give her some back for a change.
why am i getting a new email notification every time someone posts a new comment? (these are not replies to my comments or comments including mentions of my username.) i checked to see if this was a new ‘feature’ that had been added, but there is no such preference to check or un-check.
@jerk_nugget you may have accidentally clicked the envelope icon at the top of the the thread. Click it again to unsubscribe from the thread.
You will still get @ notifications.
Hey everymehdy!
There were some questions about what we sold and if the pieces were all compatible. We (well, @lincoln) checked before we sold them, then again today to make sure. The cartridges and handles are compatible.
There’s even a handy gif courtesy of @ramaiv, to show you how it’s done:
If you bought the Men’s set, you’ll be getting this:
If you purchased the Women’s set, this is what you’re getting:
If you have any more questions about this product, put them here and we’ll do our best to answer them for you.
Poorly made knockoffs. I have REAL HYDRO handles, and blades, and these are NOTHING like real one’s. Poorly made knockoffs. But what do you want for $10?
@RiotDemon Blue frame of the blade itself is softer, and made of cheaper molded plastic resin. I’ve only used one blade for the last 5 days so, I don’t have a long term answer as to a “head to head” comparison.
@dsaumkc 5 days? I just got mine and haven’t even been able to look at them yet.
All razor heads are disposable, the handles with these sets are the ones that come in the bags that are meant to be thrown away instead of replacing the head.
I figured that out the first time when RiotDemon brought that to my attention… no need for visuals. I just was not prepared for the toss away versions. I’ve only used the refillable one’s for years. I never even knew the disposable one’s existed, which is why they looked so strange to me.
@Thumperchick yes, they’re technically compatible… but they’re also not the lady blades we were expecting based on the product description and the prominent photos of the handles with correct blades.
I got my poly bag full of loose blades and disposable razors, all sketchy and caddywhompus. Could not believe they were unpackaged, with the guard off of one of the disposables and the cover off of one of the cartridges. Bare blades! What a kick! Glad I didn’t reach in to pull them out, or I would have been laughing and bleeding instead of just laughing. Overt-eclectic-lift indeed!
@kabijj yep. I’m glad I dumped my bag out. One of the replacement blade lids was off and three of the blade guards were off. Mine also have a suspicious white powder all over the rubber strip.
@RiotDemon I’ve used Hydro blades for some time, and I’ve noticed the white residue in commercial packaging. I think it is some of the dry lubrication strip material flaking off in transit.
One thing I haven’t noticed with commercially packaged blades is dirt - some of my meh blades in the cartridges are visibly dirty on the cutting surfaces. I believe this is due to handling outside the commercial packaging: the cartridges have openings between each blade that can allow dirt and debris in, and some wedged in the blades. I’ll be cleaning (refurbishing?) them before use.
@kabijj Yeah how mine were packed could have used some attention. At first I didn’t even realize what those big flat pieces of plastic that were loose in there were for.
@kabijj thanks. I can confirm it’s the dry strip. I washed a razor earlier today and touched the strip. When I looked at the razor this afternoon, there was a bit of dry powder where I had touched the strip.
I use Schick Hydro so jumped on this, and my current handle is way more robust than this. I will likely use the new one, then throw it away in favor of my current handle. The replacement blades are definitely different than what I have today. Can’t say they’re worse, but definitely different.
So after the suspicion that these weren’t real Schick blades, I went on the website to compare the blades.
These look like an updated version compared to the one @AcraigL posted. The new ones have 7 “gel pools” and I found out they did this:
@RiotDemon I’ve been using the schick hydro 5 for some time, and that flip-top is one of the best features. Lets you trim the tight spots like under the nose without the lube strip getting in the way, and without resorting to a single renegade blade on the back side of the cartridge like gilette chose to do.
@Turken I don’t shave my face, so I don’t really have any use for it. Just thought it was interesting. I’m actually glad they don’t have the back blade because I’ve accidentally cut myself with it when I slipped a little bit in the shower. I moved the blades away to not cut myself, forgetting that there was a blade on the back.
So, got my razor pack in the mail today… not happy. I’m all cool with the disposable handles and can put up with the loose packaging (my order didn’t have any obvious dirt). But I am rather peeved that I ordered one set of men’s razors and one set of women’s razors only to find that the “women’s” cartridge 4-packs are NOT Schick’s women’s cartridges. They’re just alternate colored men’s cartridges!
Shick’s women’s razors have two lube strips, one on either side of the blade set, and no flip-top strip. The two women’s disposables do have the correct heads. I suppose in meh’s defense, upon reviewing the product images they did picture exactly what they sent, so shame on me for not catching the mistake before purchasing… but a bigger shame on meh for passing off one style of razor as the other in the first place!!
addendum: did a quick google image search and it looks like the cartridges with the green lube strip are in fact Schick’s Hydro 5 sensitive blades. For men. Because Schick has never made a Hydro5 for women. The women’s line goes by Hydro Silk.
I nearly always forget to pack my razor when I go on vacation. I do my last shave in the shower before catching the plane (girl gotta arrive silky-smooth), but I always forget to dry the thing off to pack it in my travel bag. I resort to the ultra-flimsy cheap disposable razors that claw at my skin and go dull after one swipe up my calf. Sometimes I say “Eff-It” and watch the leg hairs grow longer and faster in the tropical climate. By the end of the week, I’ll only know whether I got any sun when I get home to the shave.
When I got my Shick’s women’s razors in the mail this week, one set went immediately into my travel bag. I’m ready to go. No more “Sasquatch at the beach” in my future. Unless, of course, Sasquatch is taking a vacation. He can get his own razors.
Don’t know what everyone is bitchin about great first shave never ever gonna get a deal like this for 1 dollar a blade shipped … great deal in my humble opinion …
I received these in the mail. I purchased two (so 20 in total). I was kinda bummed that two of the four handled razors were without a plastic cover. Isn’t that … like… unsanitary and crap? Especially depending on what people need to shave … Also, kinda, kinda unsafe? Anyone else experience this?
(I feel a little apprehensive about ordering from Meh again.) Trust Betrayed!
What’s in the Box?
2x Handles
10x Blade cartridges
Shitloads of razors
Price Comparison
$19.38 for 2 handles and 2 blade cartridges at Amazon
$21.19 for 8 blade cartridges at Amazon
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Meh blade runner- my that was a close shave
SNL did a joke ad about three bladed razors when the twin bladed ones came out. That’s how old I am.
@sammydog01 That was MadTV, and it’s a classic: Link
@kyriel I beg to differ you whippersnapper.
@sammydog01 Apologies, I had no idea they did that!
@kyriel It was probably before you were born.
@sammydog01 And the third blade ties the whiskers in a bundle
@sammydog01 I remember this classic…
@sammydog01 Al Jaffee did it in 1979 with the Trac LXXVI Razor.
@alanh Nice! SNL did theirs in 1975.
@sammydog01 I sure do miss
gilda! She was my fav.
@sammydog01 “The Triple-Trac, because you’ll believe anything.” enter link description here
@Tadlem43 may she Rest In Peace.Gilda was not only an excellent comedian, she was an Earth Angel with Beauty added to the mix.
@decoratedwarvet Indeed!
Instead of 2 men’s or or 2 women’s, it’d be nice to be able to order 1 of each.
@rtjhnstn I sorta agree but simply bought the women’s bundle for the Lady. She’s happy with it.
@EvilTuna31x Maybe she’ll make you happy with it.
@EvilTuna31x doesn’t it suck that women’s razors refuse to shave men? Oh wait… I’m alright with using a pink razor. As long as it does the job.
@larrygrochal At least it wasn’t as dumb as BIC pens for women.
The questions and reviews are clasic!
@rtjhnstn tl;dr. Are the questions along the lines of “How is a BIC pen supposed to help me make sandwiches?” and other bad jokes?
@sjk3 OR perhaps: Will using a woman’s bic pen help my calligraphy be better compared to using a men’s bic pen? Is it easier to write a 1M check using a men or woman’s bic pen?
How’d you know what razor I use? Is my Ike shirt spying on me or something?
Sharp deal? Meh.
I grabbed a pack… That should last me at least a year or two.
Ooh, 50 little knives!
I just bought some refills for my razor, but I bought these anyway! Couldn’t say no for that price.
@caalsio You’re going to fit in well around here…
Another great deal…that I have no use for.
So you have no hair… On your entire body…
@bjkman Almost none. Leg hair disappeared years ago. May get one or two armpit hairs a year. Those I just pluck. Another benefit to being old.
@bjkman or you use a different type of razor…
Uhhhh, I just ordered these for me & the girls, HOWEVER, I just realized these DO NOT look ANYTHING like the ones on Amazon, and the ones here do not appear to have a “Shick” brand anywhere on them, only “Hydro”. Are these authentic Shick?!?!?
@Achromatter Oh, Shick.
@Achromatter Good point but if Meh says and shows a pic of Shick it’s a Shick …If not they have a lot of splainin to do Lucy !! Don’t think Meh is a bait and switch company…
Oddly, it looks like the disposable version.
Is Meh selling a pair of disposable razors and eight blades with no compatible handle?
@Rowsdower - great question, MEH?
@mehcuda67 No Schick, Sherlock.
@Rowsdower - Maybe the “disposable” handle can be refilled???
@Achromatter @Rowsdower I’ve been using the schick hydro razors for several years and can confirm that the “disposable” and “refillable” parts are interchangeable.
Usually at the store (at least after coupons and deals) whole disposables are cheaper than refillable cartridges, so I’d buy the cheaper disposable packs and swap the heads back onto the heftier handle.
@Turken - Thanks so much, great information. You’d think it would made this clear by someone selling the products…
@Achromatter Meh does not have an image of the packaging. If you look at the Schick website for Hydro 5 Disposables, you get an image of a 3 pack with a device that looks exactly the same as the Meh photos (for mens). Notice even the ones offered directly from Schick don’t say the company name on the razor either – it’s just on the package.
@cengland0 - Thanks you.
@Rowsdower Having owned both the disposable and the refillable, this does appear to be 2 disposable handles with 8 refills for a refillable handle (there no little eject button on the handles shown here). In for two because I have handles and am up far too late to be risk averse. It’ll be interesting to see what shows up.
@ramaiv how hard is it to remove the heads from the disposable handle?
@RiotDemon really easy… just drop it from any height while standing in the shower.
@RiotDemon Not terribly hard. I made a thing (that is meh) to show this:
A new head would attach similarly, though the disposable handle isn’t as springy as the non-disposable (on the left).
@ramaiv thanks for that! That doesn’t look too bad. I was a little worried when it was pointed out that the handle is the disposable instead of the refillable. I’ll probably miss the eject button of my other razors, but I think I can survive.
@Achromatter these are definitely Schick Hydro razors and cartridges. (I may or may not have harassed people on a holiday to make sure. )
@Rowsdower I think disp. would not be able to load new cartridges?
Good deal, but I’m on Team Gillette.
@JT954 , I’m team Nikon
@JT954 I’m on Team Teller
@JT954 Team Harry’s. Love their shave gel. (But mostly just use an EpiLady since the hair removal lasts longer.)
Anyone have comparisons versus the Gillette fusion?
I just ordered a trial from Harry’s yesterday. Dollar Shave Club tore up my legs.
@RiotDemon I like Harry’s, and so does my husband. Gave a gift pack to my dad for Father’s day last year. I bring him extra refills of the Shave gel & blades when I visit rather than him getting them directly. He’s a snow bird, so it would be just one more thing he’d have to worry about changing the delivery address. He REALLY likes Harry’s.
@RiotDemon Dollar Shave club and I had a similar experience.
I actually have a 7 blade and still love the Good News blades however i gave these a try after doing some research they are worth at least a dollar, i already have approx 30 unused razores or more so i’m a sucker for a deep discount regardless so Meh has me hook ,line and sinker.
Where does the Bluetooth plug in?
Wife and daughter have been bleeding me dry, in for 3, thanks Meh!
/image extravagant-unobtrusive-throat
I’m one of the few people that was actually able to use the King of Shaves razor, and got a ton of them when Woot was dumping them. However, I’m finally almost out of blades, so I think I’m jumping on this.
/giphy deprived-fatal-barbarian
@alanh Get over here!
Wife and daughter have been bleeding me dry, in for 3, thanks Meh!
From http://www.wnd.com/2005/11/33595/
“In the mid-1970s, NBC’s “Saturday Night Live” made fun of the twin-blade shaver, the Gillette Trac II, by creating a spoof commercial for a then-non-existent Gillette Trac III, with the tagline: “The Trac III, because you will believe anything.””
A couple of years ago I tried Harry’s and Dollar Shave Club (the four-bladed one) and ended up going back to the Gillette Fusion Pro Glide.
I suspect that if I’d gotten the six bladed Dollar Shave Club razor instead I would have liked it, because later I bought the unfortunately named [Dorco Pace 6][1] Plus on Amazon on sale, just for fun, and I like it.
Apparently Dollar Shave Club is a reseller of Dorco blades. They sure look the same, and people all over the webz have compared them and say they are the same.
Maybe the blades aren’t quite as sharp as the Gillette, and maybe they don’t last quite as long, but they are good. No tugging, no slippery handle.
The Dorco six-bladed razor has six blades. They’ve got a Plus model with the trimmer on the back and a regular one without.
They also sell a seven-bladed razor, but the blades are closer together, and I prefer the six.
I am going to buy these, because the price is right, but I like the South Korean Dorco blades.
[1]: http://www.dorcousa.com/
@craigthom everyone raves about DSC. I gave up on them. I got the six blade with the trimmer on the back. They cut up my legs or they wouldn’t shave close. It seemed like a mixed bag. One blade would last a couple of shaves and then another would last weeks.
None of them seemed to shave as close as the Gillette fusion. Or I’d get ingrown hairs on my legs. Annoying.
@craigthom I have the 6 and 7 blade Dorco and your rite the 6 blade shaves smoother and the 7 grabs a lil
@RiotDemon I’ve never tried shaving my legs.
We’ve all got different hairs and different skin and different needs. My hair is pretty fine, and I don’t get ingrown hairs. I’ve let Gillette blades go far too long without realizing it until I put a new one in.
I think the Gillette Fusion is better than anything else I’ve ever used, and the Pro Glide is better than the regular. The Dorco works well enough for me (no tugging, cuts on the first pass, etc.), but I can only report my own experience.
Never again. I went to a double edged a couple years ago and never looked back. Under $20 for a pack of 100 blades.
@frozenshades Closest shave ever!
Given how little I shave, 30 of these should last me at least 4-5 years.
/image misguided-pulpy-aftermath
In all honesty one blade gets the job done if you prepare your face before you start your shave once a day . i shave in the morning and when i get home i use the 5 star Wahls electric razor, and repeat until my days off when i give my face a rest …
That’s a lot of Schick you got there, Meh.
Restorative-bloody-patch. Need I say more? In for 2.
@drstephemi Is that before or after shaving with these?
schick happens . . .
Meh has now sold over 1000 units in under 40 mins is that a record if not what item was?
I remember getting mach 3 turbos to shave off the scraggly barely-more-than peach fuzz hair from my face. I turn 30 this year. It’s weird.
@Pantheist You’re still just a young pup!
/buy -mens
@haydesigner Sorry, this deal contains 2 unique items and I’m not sure which one you want. Try ordering from the checkout page.
@haydesigner try -style Mens
This is precisely the kind of item that makes the VMP membership worthwhile.
/image shorn scrot
I just bought a a lot of schick
/giphy occasional-ancient-knight
In for one despite the fact that anything over 3 blades clogs up way too much when I shave my head.
/giphy creepy-crooked-eye
@Oneroundrobb there is a solution you know… do not shave your head.
Shave or not to shave is a question…
These blades aren’t refurbished. I expected this out of a mediocre company.
@cengland0 I mean, we can refurbish some for you, if you really want us to?
Want a great deal on excellent razors? Get thee to Dorco - watch for the several times a year stock up sales. Don’t pay too much because of brand name advertising …
@Cooky Always seems to be love them or hate them for Dorco. Personally, I love them. Used them for years and I have pretty tough stubble. Occasional deals for the Pace 6+ make them cheaper than these.
I do I do my manscaping with my buck knife
My wife uses mine but I don’t use her because she doesn’t have any. She has some on the way.
/image bald perfunctory mosquito
/giphy bald perfunctory mosquito
The first spoof commercial that SNL did on their first episode was for a three blade razor, and the tag line was something like, 3 blades, because you idiots will buy anything.
sigh. the thing about using a two blade razor is the cartidges get harder and harder to find. i use the gillette trac ii with the strip and a pack of blades can easily go for $30 if i can even find them in a store. i usually stalk ebay for new sealed pacs from reputable sellers before i run out and have been pretty lucky, i try to pay around $12. my partner uses the gillette turbo and the pricing is actually even worse for his. we were going to try a shave club but of course they have 2 or 4 blades and he likes 3. i’ve also tried generic and they were horrible.
i always say i wish i had gotten in on the razor racket on the ground floor. it’s just really the craziest phenomenon pricing-wise.
@jerk_nugget Gillette still makes the Mach 3. I’ve even seen ads for it recently.
@craigthom yes, i know because that’s what i buy for him. apologies if my initial comment was unclear. that’s how i know the prices around here are outrageous at least with the mach 3 turbos we can get them on amazon and it’s not as bad, but still silly for what they are.
better deal on amazon imo
1 less blade for the nice metal handle.
(removed referral link)
@frankiesales for twice the price.
If you’re looking for the metal handle, you should spend the $$ on it, for sure.
If you have the handle you want and really just need refills - buying today’s deal is a great price, with a couple of bonus handles you can use for travel.
@frankiesales Yes, that’s twice the price. I don’t think that’s a better deal.
I got a handle just like the one in the Amazon free wrapped in a two-pack of Edge not long ago. It’s got nice heft, but I don’t think it’s worth the extra ten dollars.
@Thumperchick free shipping vs $5 here
@craigthom you are actually paying 15 with shipping
@frankiesales If you have Prime. (or don’t have Prime. It’s just free shipping, and I misspoke.) Which, granted, most people who shop on Amazon have. My break down still stands, really.
@Thumperchick not particularly invested in this but i’m not sure why you bring up prime, although perhaps bits of this convo have been edited. the amazon deal is 9 blades + 1 metal handle for $20 with free shipping - it is not prime eligible ergo it doesn’t matter if you have prime or not.
@jerk_nugget because I’m a doofus. Thanks for the head’s up.
@Thumperchick haha! not to worry
@frankiesales I am not paying fifteen dollars. Don’t you see my V?
I don’t buy stuff on Amazon from third parties that aren’t fulfilled by Amazon. No easy returns. Especially a company rocking 6% recent negative feedback.
And, even then, it’s five dollars more for one fewer blade and a different handle. I still don’t see that as a better deal.
@frankiesales In addition, I’ve got the handle, and it doesn’t seem to be made of metal. There’s soft plastic and hard plastic, but I don’t see any metal.
The part where the blade attaches could be metal coated with black plastic, but it looks plastic to me.
@craigthom Amazon is an effin joke of late i order about 150 items a year the last 4 of the 5 prime items with 2 day delivery i ordered last week well 4 of them came late and one took 6 days they gave me a complete refund for the package and told me to keep it one other late item they added 1 month of prime to my membership so i made out but i have Prime for 2 day delivery not to get refunds or wait for delivery…their slipping in a big way i’m betting their stock starts to dip because i’m considering canceling my renewal and i’m sure many others are thinking along those lines … with Meh they are honest about delivery times and i buy and forget about it most times i’m saying what the eff is in this box lol when it comes to the doorstep … Meh is like family the most honest site on the market…
@craigthom no you dont have it because It is metal not plastic I have one from that same seller
I bought men’s even though I’m a lady! FIGHT THE PATRIARCHY or something
/image obnoxious-acute-pollution
@trudymae I always buy men’s razors. They seem to shave better.
@RiotDemon Funny… I’m a guy that sometimes steals the wife’s lady razor (well, one of her new ones) because they seem to cut through a few days’ scruff better than the men’s. But then finish with the men’s because they do seem to leave a smoother finish. Bought a set of each this time so i can give her some back for a change.
What’s up with not releasing some additional women’s kits at 3pm central for VMPs? Told the wifey… bah!
@jmiller2523 did you know that the razors don’t know your gender?
~ a lady who uses the dude version of this razor.
@Thumperchick yep. Been using men’s razors for a long, long time.
why am i getting a new email notification every time someone posts a new comment? (these are not replies to my comments or comments including mentions of my username.) i checked to see if this was a new ‘feature’ that had been added, but there is no such preference to check or un-check.
something has gone awry today. can this be fixed?
@jerk_nugget you may have accidentally clicked the envelope icon at the top of the the thread. Click it again to unsubscribe from the thread.
You will still get @ notifications.
@jerk_nugget at the top, right below the picture is a little envelope icon. You probably clicked it by mistake. I’ve done that before.
@Thumperchick beat me to it by a second or two.
@RiotDemon @Thumperchick thank you both! in a meh twist of irony, i continued to get posts to this thread…except for these replies.
Hey everymehdy!
There were some questions about what we sold and if the pieces were all compatible. We (well, @lincoln) checked before we sold them, then again today to make sure. The cartridges and handles are compatible.
There’s even a handy gif courtesy of @ramaiv, to show you how it’s done:
If you bought the Men’s set, you’ll be getting this:
If you purchased the Women’s set, this is what you’re getting:
If you have any more questions about this product, put them here and we’ll do our best to answer them for you.
I didn’t receive the correct amount of razors I’m missing a women’s sleeve and two men’s razors.
@Radsaph1 Contact meh.com/support
My initial impression, they look and feel cheap and are angled weird to shave I will try one of the razors I did receive tomorrow.
Poorly made knockoffs. I have REAL HYDRO handles, and blades, and these are NOTHING like real one’s. Poorly made knockoffs. But what do you want for $10?
@dsaumkc the handles are the disposable ones instead of the refillable. How are the blades different?
@RiotDemon Blue frame of the blade itself is softer, and made of cheaper molded plastic resin. I’ve only used one blade for the last 5 days so, I don’t have a long term answer as to a “head to head” comparison.
@dsaumkc These are genuine Schick products, just not in retail packaging.
@Thumperchick I never knew they made a “disposable” version. Aren’t ALL razors “disposable”? Just a thought…
@dsaumkc 5 days? I just got mine and haven’t even been able to look at them yet.
All razor heads are disposable, the handles with these sets are the ones that come in the bags that are meant to be thrown away instead of replacing the head.
@dsaumkc for example, this set you get six handles with the blades already attached.
Versus refillable:
I figured that out the first time when RiotDemon brought that to my attention… no need for visuals. I just was not prepared for the toss away versions. I’ve only used the refillable one’s for years. I never even knew the disposable one’s existed, which is why they looked so strange to me.
The lady replacement blades are not the same as the lady blades attached to the handle!!!???
@RascalMJ They are the blades in the photos and are compatible with the handles.
@Thumperchick …while true, it’s not what i was talking about
@Thumperchick yes, they’re technically compatible… but they’re also not the lady blades we were expecting based on the product description and the prominent photos of the handles with correct blades.
I got my poly bag full of loose blades and disposable razors, all sketchy and caddywhompus. Could not believe they were unpackaged, with the guard off of one of the disposables and the cover off of one of the cartridges. Bare blades! What a kick! Glad I didn’t reach in to pull them out, or I would have been laughing and bleeding instead of just laughing. Overt-eclectic-lift indeed!
/image overt eclectic lift
@kabijj yep. I’m glad I dumped my bag out. One of the replacement blade lids was off and three of the blade guards were off. Mine also have a suspicious white powder all over the rubber strip.
@RiotDemon I’ve used Hydro blades for some time, and I’ve noticed the white residue in commercial packaging. I think it is some of the dry lubrication strip material flaking off in transit.
One thing I haven’t noticed with commercially packaged blades is dirt - some of my meh blades in the cartridges are visibly dirty on the cutting surfaces. I believe this is due to handling outside the commercial packaging: the cartridges have openings between each blade that can allow dirt and debris in, and some wedged in the blades. I’ll be cleaning (refurbishing?) them before use.
@kabijj Yeah how mine were packed could have used some attention. At first I didn’t even realize what those big flat pieces of plastic that were loose in there were for.
@kabijj thanks. I can confirm it’s the dry strip. I washed a razor earlier today and touched the strip. When I looked at the razor this afternoon, there was a bit of dry powder where I had touched the strip.
@kabijj Ok so it did happen to other person/people… I just don’t want to shave any “fun” areas with a blade that’s not even covered…
I use Schick Hydro so jumped on this, and my current handle is way more robust than this. I will likely use the new one, then throw it away in favor of my current handle. The replacement blades are definitely different than what I have today. Can’t say they’re worse, but definitely different.
So after the suspicion that these weren’t real Schick blades, I went on the website to compare the blades.
These look like an updated version compared to the one @AcraigL posted. The new ones have 7 “gel pools” and I found out they did this:
@RiotDemon I’ve been using the schick hydro 5 for some time, and that flip-top is one of the best features. Lets you trim the tight spots like under the nose without the lube strip getting in the way, and without resorting to a single renegade blade on the back side of the cartridge like gilette chose to do.
@Turken I don’t shave my face, so I don’t really have any use for it. Just thought it was interesting. I’m actually glad they don’t have the back blade because I’ve accidentally cut myself with it when I slipped a little bit in the shower. I moved the blades away to not cut myself, forgetting that there was a blade on the back.
So, got my razor pack in the mail today… not happy. I’m all cool with the disposable handles and can put up with the loose packaging (my order didn’t have any obvious dirt). But I am rather peeved that I ordered one set of men’s razors and one set of women’s razors only to find that the “women’s” cartridge 4-packs are NOT Schick’s women’s cartridges. They’re just alternate colored men’s cartridges!
Shick’s women’s razors have two lube strips, one on either side of the blade set, and no flip-top strip. The two women’s disposables do have the correct heads. I suppose in meh’s defense, upon reviewing the product images they did picture exactly what they sent, so shame on me for not catching the mistake before purchasing… but a bigger shame on meh for passing off one style of razor as the other in the first place!!
@Turken …exactly
addendum: did a quick google image search and it looks like the cartridges with the green lube strip are in fact Schick’s Hydro 5 sensitive blades. For men. Because Schick has never made a Hydro5 for women. The women’s line goes by Hydro Silk.
@Turken Yeah the loose packaging was tolerable but not favorable…but two were without any plastic cover over the blades…no bueno
I nearly always forget to pack my razor when I go on vacation. I do my last shave in the shower before catching the plane (girl gotta arrive silky-smooth), but I always forget to dry the thing off to pack it in my travel bag. I resort to the ultra-flimsy cheap disposable razors that claw at my skin and go dull after one swipe up my calf. Sometimes I say “Eff-It” and watch the leg hairs grow longer and faster in the tropical climate. By the end of the week, I’ll only know whether I got any sun when I get home to the shave.
When I got my Shick’s women’s razors in the mail this week, one set went immediately into my travel bag. I’m ready to go. No more “Sasquatch at the beach” in my future. Unless, of course, Sasquatch is taking a vacation. He can get his own razors.
Don’t know what everyone is bitchin about great first shave never ever gonna get a deal like this for 1 dollar a blade shipped … great deal in my humble opinion …
So far, really pleased with these. Hopefully you’ll be able to bring the deal back in a few months.
I received these in the mail. I purchased two (so 20 in total). I was kinda bummed that two of the four handled razors were without a plastic cover. Isn’t that … like… unsanitary and crap? Especially depending on what people need to shave … Also, kinda, kinda unsafe? Anyone else experience this?
(I feel a little apprehensive about ordering from Meh again.) Trust Betrayed!